2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 123-129 ◽  
Yu. V. Vertakova ◽  
A. S. Nekipelova

In world economy the next surge in processes of transformation is observed. Globalization of commercial ties can be considered as interaction of the countries at the level of regional blocs. The international community reveals the prospects of forming of regional spaces which state members can be integrated among themselves stronger, than with the third countries, and the system of bilateral and multilateral ties and arrangements will be built not only between the countries, but also between economic blocks. As a result of a cooperation each country shall gain additional economic effect for the realization account of integration potential of consolidation and competitive advantages of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). The additional effect for state members of EEU will be expressed in acceleration of achievement of national strategic objectives and also receipt of an increment of national economic results due to implementation of integration measures and projects. The majority of economically developed countries of the world recognized need not only forecasting of the future for identification of the directions of a joint cooperation in case of achievement of strategic objectives, but also its active forming by means of such tool as forsayt-designing. In a research theoretical and empirical methods are used, in particular: overview of literature, logical and system analysis, methods of collection of empirical data, descriptions, forecast and handling of results of a research, forsayt-designing. The main objective of a research consists in a research of features of implementation of competitive advantages of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of forsayt-designing. In article influence of processes of rapprochement of Russia and China on integration of the last into EEU is considered. The prospects of interaction of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on the basis of development of dynamically developing border areas, potential kernels of economic development are considered. On the basis of expert poll road mapping of cross-border interaction of Russia and China on key parameters is made: foreign trade, possible programs of a cooperation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 164 ◽  
pp. 11017 ◽  
Arthur Gibadullin ◽  
Valentina Pulyaeva ◽  
Tufa Usmanova ◽  
Irina Ivanova ◽  
Larisa Vlasenko

The purpose of the article is the analysis and development of scientific and technological potential in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. In the presented material, based on the use of the system analysis method, the scientific and technical potential of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union was investigated. Then, using the logical method, it was revealed that the number of research centres was reduced, the volume of internal costs for research and development was reduced, and the number of personnel employed in the scientific and technical field was reduced. In the study, using statistical and comparative methods, it was found that up to 90% of the scientific and technical potential is concentrated in the Russian Federation. The paper analyzed the digital transformation of national economies, which established that states have digital potential, created conditions for its development, but there is an uneven distribution of innovative and digital infrastructure in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, which complicates the development of scientific and technological potential. In the study, using factor analysis, a conceptual model for the development of scientific and technological potential was proposed, which will ensure a rational and effective policy in the field of innovative and digital development of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. In the ending of the study the main conclusions and results of the work are presented.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 1259
Yuliya Evgenievna GUPANOVA ◽  
Gulzida Iksanovna NEMIROVA ◽  
Alexander Evgenievich SUGLOBOV

One of the most important directions of customs authorities development at the present time is improvement of the customs services sphere that will allow to influence on trade expenses decreasing for business, ensuring economic security, increasing of the country attractiveness in the investment side. The matters gain the special importance in the conditions of integration development within the Eurasian Economic Union as they demand coordination of legislative, methodological, methodical and a number of practical aspects of providing customs services in the united customs territory. The purpose of article is researching of customs services providing practice in conditions of the Eurasian Economic Union existence, identification of problems in this sphere and searching ways of their decision. Methods of the comparative, retrospective and system analysis, analogy, generalization and grouping were applied during article creating that has allowed to reveal key discrepancies in customs services providing in the countries of EEU and to designate the possible directions of their improvement. The results received in article cover the specified conceptual framework in the explored sphere, the designated methodological approaches to improvement of customs procedures. These approaches take into account interests of the main consumers of customs services – participants of foreign economic activity.

Saulesh Kalenova ◽  
Rahman Alshanov ◽  
Ali Abishev ◽  
Valentina Gerasimenko

Against the background of international openness and globalization of the world economy, it is very difficult to achieve higher competitiveness in the state without the support of friendly neighbors. In this age of competition of constructive ideas, high technologies, knowledge-intensive the problem of innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the Eurasian Economic Union became central dominant of understanding the goals and methods of reforming the modern state economy. The main ambitious goal is a breakthrough of Kazakhstan in the 30 most competitive countries of the world. This goal promotes the development of a coherent policy of modern developments management and the formation of a national innovation system with effective mechanisms of interaction between government, business and science in the context of the EEU. Kazakhstan tries to integrate experience of developed countries into this process. These countries began their journey to progress from the unification into regional economic alliances. The article analyzes the integration processes and actions of economic activity of participating countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the new environment. It also examines contemporary processes of globalization and the necessity of creating an economic union, particular features of the regional economic communities. The article includes materials of the Eurasian Economic Union historical background. There was conducted analysis of integration processes development in the economic environment on the example of post-Soviet states joined in the Eurasian Economic Union.

2020 ◽  
pp. 6-10

The article explores the conceptual basis of ways to realize Ukraine's economic potential in the face of globalization. The main advantages and disadvantages of the current state of Ukraine's national economy have been identified. The main ways of optimizing the fiscal and monetary policy of the state are presented. The concept of digitalization of the national economy of Ukraine as the main factor of realizing economic potential in its most promising industries: agro-industry, energy industry, logistics has been proposed. The main goals of the introduction of the economic education system in Ukraine are presented. The subject is relevant because the national economy of Ukraine today is characterized by a low level of development compared with developed countries of the world, but has considerable untapped economic potential, which is caused by with a number of absolute and relative competitive advantages. The lack of unified doctrine for the implementation of economic potential in the most promising sectors of the national economy of Ukraine is the main unsolved problem of scientists. Generally economic potential is available resources that can be used further in order to achieve a positive economic effect. Thus, the concept of economic potential of the national economy provides for effective use of existing resources in the country, based on the principles of absolute and relative competitive advantages, in order to achieve economic growth and Economic development. The ultimate long-term goal of implementing country's economic potential from a macroeconomic point of view is to increase GDP to a potential level. The implementation of Ukraine's economic potential should be carried out by: reforming the state's monetary and fiscal policy; Digitalization of the national economy, first of all, in the most promising areas such as agro-industry, energy industry and logistics; the introduction of a system of economic education of the population. Innovative development is the main method of realizing economic potential in all promising spheres of national economy of Ukraine. Active implementation of innovations in various sectors involves digitalization economy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 73-85
Artur A. Gibadullin ◽  
Valentina V. Pulyaeva ◽  
Yuriy V. Erygin

Over the recent years the Russian Federation has been actively promoting the idea of establishing supranational economic unions such as the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The paper presents the short review of the Union formation, the prospects of development and studies the possibility to converge national types of economic activity into a general mechanism. The aim of the research is to analyze operating conditions of national electric power complexes and to reveal the factors interfering the formation of common power market of the Eurasian Economic Union. The research was carried out on the basis of historical, economic, statistical, comparative, logical, factorial, and system analysis methods, which has made it possible to reveal the main obstacles impacted on the formation of the common market. As a result of the analysis, the potential of national economies, the volumes of development and consumption of electric energy, the structure of generating capacities, the cost of electric power of the states and the principles of functioning of the national power markets were presented. In course of the research it has been established that the formation of common electric power market will face the following challenges: the scale of separate national industries in relation to other national electric power complexes; divergent national industry structures influencing the final cost of electric energy tariffs; lack of technical capacity to converge national electric power complexes into a common electric power market, etc. The paper presents the mechanisms for the solution of the specified problems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.14) ◽  
pp. 386
Olga Yurievna Myasnikova ◽  
Irina Ivanovna Shatalova ◽  
Elena Vyacheslavovna Zenkina ◽  
Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Bogacheva ◽  
Nikita Igorevich Illeritsky ◽  

The paper explores the possibilities of technological cooperation among the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (officially EAEU, but sometimes called EEU or EAU). Based on specific and individual backgrounds of each EAEU country, the promising areas for its expansion are determined within the framework of industries with export potential, high-technological, oriented at national markets for the formation of an economic strategy focused on regional integration with the highest level of encouragement of the national economic interests of the EAPC countries. The most significant sectors of the economy are identified: the space industry, energy, metallurgy, engineering, agriculture, etc. The feasibility of value chain development in the region was highlighted, as well as the development of inter-industry and intra-sector cooperation with partner countries in strategically important sectors of the economy, which includes the opportunity of forming specific sectoral niches through specialization and development of national industrial potential of the member states. This focus will promote development and realization of internal scientific and technical potential of the EAEU countries, commercialization of R&D results, technological improvements and will increase their competitiveness on the global markets.  

Nikita A. Filin ◽  
Vladimir O. Koklikov ◽  
Aleksandr S. Khodunov ◽  

The article considers the development of Iran’s relations with the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the views of Russian and Iranian experts on further prospects for cooperation. It is shown that the economic potential of Iran, despite existing economic difficulties, is comparable to the potential of the most developed countries of the organization. Iranian authorities are in favor of stepping up relations with the Eurasian Economic Union, which the organization itself is committed to. Russian and Iranian experts generally support further intensive development of Iran’s trade and economic relations with that organization, but they note on a number of issues in the way. According to Iranian experts, the Free Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union will allow Iran to overcome the severe American sanctions and revive its economy through a sharp increase in exports. But some experts oppose an active rapprochement between Iran and the Union, seeing that as a danger to weak domestic production or to relations with Western Europe, which occupies a much larger place in Iran’s foreign trade than the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 631
Perizat ORYNBET ◽  
Meirambala Beisembekovna SEISEKENOVA ◽  
Gaukhar SAKHANOVA ◽  
Yelena Ivanovna LADANENKO ◽  
Larisa A. KAPUSTYAN ◽  

This research examines the competitive advantages of the industrial sector of the national economies within the setting of the Eurasian Economic Union. The authors have analyzed a set of indicators of socio-economic development in the member states, including mutual and foreign trade, GDP, and key trends in industrial production. Special attention is devoted to the competitive advantages of Kazakhstan in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The authors have assessed the level of competitiveness of Kazakhstan-made products in the Union’s market place.

Economies ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 118
Elnur Mekhdiev ◽  
Irina Pashkovskaya ◽  
Elena Takmakova ◽  
Olga Smirnova ◽  
Khadiya Sadykova ◽  

The study addresses the problems arising in association with the conjugation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the Belt and Road initiative. The hypothesis is that the conjugation is economically effective, and this is proven by the statistical analysis of trade and investment dynamics and buttressed by empirical observations. Based on this, the recommendations for the EAEU are given. The paper dismantles the problems arising in the sphere of security and peacekeeping and proposes a number of steps for ensuring peace and stable development in the region, implementing the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) mechanism. The article highlights the main plans of the China–EAEU partnership and puts forward alternative cooperation strategies for the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The authors develop the most attractive plan for the EAEU and propose the best strategy for its implementation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 96-108
Natallia Kireyenka ◽  
Aliaksandr Gorbatovski ◽  
Aksana Harbatouskaya ◽  
Liudmila Dounar

The assessment of conditions and factors of external economic environment of functioning of the main livestock breeding sectors in the new conditions of management was made. From the point of view of import intensity and competitiveness of animal production the condition of the branch on separate kinds of its production resources, such as forages, veterinary preparations and breeding cattle is analyzed. The level of production of animal products in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union has been determined and the competitive advantages of the animal husbandry sectors of Belarus under the conditions of the EEU functioning have been assessed by the price of commodity producers, the level of productivity of agricultural animals, profitability of production. Significant external factors determining the modern vector of livestock breeding development in the context of implementing a set of measures to ensure food security, import substitution and export development in conditions of growing competition in the market of EEU member states have been identified.

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