scholarly journals Tobacco-Smoking, Alcohol-Drinking, and Betel-Quid-Chewing Behaviors: Development and Use of a Web-Based Survey System (Preprint)

2018 ◽  
Kuo-Yao Hsu ◽  
Yun-Fang Tsai ◽  
Chu-Ching Huang ◽  
Wen-Ling Yeh ◽  
Kai-Ping Chang ◽  

BACKGROUND Smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and chewing betel quid are health-risk behaviors for several diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, with severe impacts on health. However, health care providers often have limited time to assess clients’ behaviors regarding smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and chewing betel quid and intervene, if needed. OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to develop a Web-based survey system; determine the rates of tobacco-smoking, alcohol-drinking, and betel-quid-chewing behaviors; and estimate the efficiency of the system (time to complete the survey). METHODS Patients and their family members or friends were recruited from gastrointestinal medical–surgical, otolaryngology, orthopedics, and rehabilitation clinics or wards at a medical center in northern Taiwan. Data for this descriptive, cross-sectional study were extracted from a large series of research studies. A Web-based survey system was developed using a Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP stack solution. The Web survey was set up to include four questionnaires: the Chinese-version Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire, the Chinese-version Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, the Betel Nut Dependency Scale, and a sociodemographic form with several chronic diseases. After the participants completed the survey, the system automatically calculated their score, categorized their risk level for each behavior, and immediately presented and explained their results. The system also recorded the time each participant took to complete the survey. RESULTS Of 782 patient participants, 29.6% were addicted to nicotine, 13.3% were hazardous, harmful, or dependent alcohol drinkers, and 1.5% were dependent on chewing betel quid. Of 425 family or friend participants, 19.8% were addicted to nicotine, 5.6% were hazardous, harmful, or dependent alcohol drinkers, and 0.9% were dependent on chewing betel quid. Regarding the mean time to complete the survey, patients took 7.9 minutes (SD 3.0; range 3-20) and family members or friends took 7.7 minutes (SD 2.8; range 3-18). Most of the participants completed the survey within 5-10 minutes. CONCLUSIONS The Web-based survey was easy to self-administer. Health care providers can use this Web-based survey system to save time in assessing these risk behaviors in clinical settings. All smokers had mild-to-severe nicotine addiction, and 5.6%-12.3% of patients and their family members or friends were at risk of alcohol dependence. Considering that these three behaviors, particularly in combination, dramatically increase the risk of esophageal cancer, appropriate and convenient interventions are necessary for preserving public health in Taiwan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. e142 ◽  
Kuo-Yao Hsu ◽  
Yun-Fang Tsai ◽  
Chu-Ching Huang ◽  
Wen-Ling Yeh ◽  
Kai-Ping Chang ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-181 ◽  
Kuei-Man Lin ◽  
Jeng-Yuan Chiou ◽  
Hsen-Wen Kuo ◽  
Jung-Ying Tan ◽  
Shu-Hua Ko ◽  

Objective: Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, betel-quid chewing, insufficient exercise, and inadequate sleep are significantly correlated with metabolic syndrome (MetS). To further understand this relationship, this study examined the main effect of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and their interaction on MetS by gender in young adults. Method: A cross-sectional study involving 694 young adults from a national survey was performed in which demographic characteristics, unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, anthropometric measurements, and blood chemistry panels were collected during face-to-face interviews. Results: The prevalence of MetS among young adults was 17.4% and was greater in males than females (19.0% vs. 7.8%). The unhealthy lifestyle-behavior risk factors associated with MetS included smoking (odds ratio [ OR] = 4.53) and physical activity ( OR = 0.51) among males and betel-quid chewing ( OR = 8.90) and less sleep ( OR = 0.08) among females. Significant interaction effects were observed between the abovementioned behaviors and gender for the risk of developing MetS. Conclusion: These results can guide health-care providers in reducing MetS risk by encouraging young adult males to reduce or quit cigarette smoking and maintain optimum levels of physical activity and young adult females to quit chewing betel quid and obtain appropriate amounts of sleep.

2017 ◽  
UG Buchner ◽  
A Koytek ◽  
N Wodarz ◽  
J Wolstein

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-56
Gustavo Ferrer ◽  
Chi Chan Lee ◽  
Monica Egozcue ◽  
Hector Vazquez ◽  
Melissa Elizee ◽  

Background: During the process of transition of care from the intensive care setting, clarity, and understanding are vital to a patient's outcome. A successful transition of care requires collaboration between health-care providers and the patient's family. The objective of this project was to assess the quality of continuity of care with regard to family perceptions, education provided, and psychological stress during the process. Methods: A prospective study conducted in a long-term acute care (LTAC) facility. On admission, family members of individuals admitted to the LTAC were asked to fill out a 15-item questionnaire with regard to their experiences from preceding intensive care unit (ICU) hospitalization. The setting was an LTAC facility. Patients were admitted to an LTAC after ICU admission. Results: Seventy-six participants completed the questionnaire: 38% expected a complete recovery, 61% expected improvement with disabilities, and 1.3% expected no recovery. With regard to the length of stay in the LTAC, 11% expected < 1 week, 26% expected 1 to 2 weeks, 21% expected 3 to 4 weeks, and 42% were not sure. Before ICU discharge, 33% of the participants expected the transfer to the LTAC. Also, 72% did not report a satisfactory level of knowledge regarding their family's clinical condition or medical services required; 21% did not receive help from family members; and 50% reported anxiety, 20% reported depression, and 29% reported insomnia. Conclusion: Families' perception of patients' prognosis and disposition can be different from what was communicated by the physician. Families' anxiety and emotional stress may precipitate this discrepancy. The establishment of optimal projects to eliminate communication barriers and educate family members will undoubtedly improve the quality of transition of care from the ICU.

Marianne Hatfield ◽  
Rebecca Ciaburri ◽  
Henna Shaikh ◽  
Kirsten M. Wilkins ◽  
Kurt Bjorkman ◽  

OBJECTIVE: Mistreatment of health care providers (HCPs) is associated with burnout and lower-quality patient care, but mistreatment by patients and family members is underreported. We hypothesized that an organizational strategy that includes training, safety incident reporting, and a response protocol would increase HCP knowledge, self-efficacy, and reporting of mistreatment. METHODS: In this single-center, serial, cross-sectional study, we sent an anonymous survey to HCPs before and after the intervention at a 213-bed tertiary care university children’s hospital between 2018 and 2019. We used multivariable logistic regression to examine the effect of training on the outcomes of interest and whether this association was moderated by staff role. RESULTS: We received 309 baseline surveys from 72 faculty, 191 nurses, and 46 residents, representing 39.1%, 27.1%, and 59.7%, respectively, of eligible HCPs. Verbal threats from patients or family members were reported by 214 (69.5%) HCPs. Offensive behavior was most commonly based on provider age (85, 28.5%), gender (85, 28.5%), ethnicity or race (55, 18.5%), and appearance (43, 14.6%) but varied by role. HCPs who received training had a higher odds of reporting knowledge, self-efficacy, and experiencing offensive behavior. Incident reporting of mistreatment increased threefold after the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: We report an effective organizational approach to address mistreatment of HCPs by patients and family members. Our approach capitalizes on existing patient safety culture and systems that can be adopted by other institutions to address all forms of mistreatment, including those committed by other HCPs.

10.2196/10193 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. e10193 ◽  
Maria MT Vreugdenhil ◽  
Rudolf B Kool ◽  
Kees van Boven ◽  
Willem JJ Assendelft ◽  
Jan AM Kremer

Background In the Dutch health care system, general practitioners hold a central position. They store information from all health care providers who are involved with their patients in their electronic health records. Web-based access to the summary record in general practice through a personal health record (PHR) may increase patients’ insight into their medical conditions and help them to be involved in their care. Objective We describe the protocol that we will use to investigate the utilization of patients’ digital access to the summary of their medical records in general practice through a PHR and its effects on the involvement of patients in their care. Methods We will conduct a multilevel mixed-methods study in which the PHR and Web-based access to the summary record will be offered for 6 months to a random sample of 500 polypharmacy patients, 500 parents of children aged <4 years, and 500 adults who do not belong to the former two groups. At the patient level, a controlled before-after study will be conducted using surveys, and concurrently, qualitative data will be collected from focus group discussions, think-aloud observations, and semistructured interviews. At the general practice staff (GP staff) level, focus group discussions will be conducted at baseline and Q-methodology inquiries at the end of the study period. The primary outcomes at the patient level are barriers and facilitators for using the PHR and summary records and changes in taking an active role in decision making and care management and medication adherence. Outcomes at the GP staff level are attitudes before and opinions after the implementation of the intervention. Patient characteristics and changes in outcomes related to patient involvement during the study period will be compared between the users and nonusers of the intervention using chi-square tests and t tests. A thematic content analysis of the qualitative data will be performed, and the results will be used to interpret quantitative findings. Results Enrollment was completed in May 2017 and the possibility to view GP records through the PHR was implemented in December 2017. Data analysis is currently underway and the first results are expected to be submitted for publication in autumn 2019. Conclusions We expect that the findings of this study will be useful to health care providers and health care organizations that consider introducing the use of PHR and Web-based access to records and to those who have recently started using these. Trial Registration Netherlands Trial Registry NTR6395; (Archived by WebCite at Registered Report Identifier RR1-10.2196/10193

2019 ◽  
Robert Sumaguingsing ◽  
Rudolf Cymorr Kirby Palogan Martinez

Among cultures which place emphasis on the centrality of family in ones lives, the care for the dying patient is more often than not delegated on family members. Given this context, it is interesting to note that few research have been done on the experiences of these individuals who provide care to their dying relatives. This research aims to understand the lives of these informal carers as they provide care to their dying relatives. After securing clearance from an IRB, seven (5) informants, deemed as coresearchers, were recruited and agreed to participate in this study. The co-researchers where selected based on a pre-set criteria and the number were reached based on theoretical saturation. Multiple individual in-depth face-to-face interviews were done to create the individual narratives which was later reflectively analysed. Interpretive phenomenology as espoused by van Manen served as the philosophical underpinning of the study. Consequently, the proposed analytic technique of van Manen was utilized as the process of reflective analysis. After the process of reflective analysis, three (3) themes were gathered, namely: Ambivalence in anticipation, Courage in uncertainty, Meaning in suffering. These themes represent for the co-researchers their lives as they care for their dying relatives. Further, these themes reflects for the co-researchers a phenomenon of living moment-to-moment, unsure of what tomorrow will bring, patiently waiting for their relative to cross over. For them, there seems to be a constant struggle of finding a reason for being and a sense of what has happened, what is happening and what could happen to their dying relative and their family after their death. This essence can be symbolically represented by a swinging pendulum, constantly in motion trying to situate ambivalence in their anticipation, looking for courage amidst uncertainty and finding formeaning in their experience of suffering. The insights suggest that there is a need for constant dialogue among family members and health care providers as they assumed the role of primary caregivers. Further continued emotional, moral and spiritual support is implied during this transition as well as follow-ups when the families are at the home setting.

2020 ◽  
Immaculada Grau-Corral ◽  
Percy Efran Pantoja ◽  
Francisco J. Grajales III ◽  
Belchin Kostov ◽  
Valentí Aragunde ◽  

BACKGROUND The presence of the mobile phone and devices is generating knowledge about the use of applications to support patient care, but there are few recommendations for apps dedicated to healthcare professionals OBJECTIVE To establish a validated scale to assess healthcare mobile applications is the most efficient step for health care providers and systems. The main goal is to create and validate a tool to evaluate health apps destined to be used by health professionals. METHODS A five steps simplified methodology to assess of the scale was followed. The first step consists of building a scale for professionals based on a literature review. Next step would be an expert panel validation by a Delphi method, rating web-based questionnaires to evaluate inclusion and weight of the indicators. It was agreed to carry out, as many iterations as necessary, to reach a consensus of 75%. Finally, a pilot of the score was developed to evaluate the reliability of the scale. For the inter-rater agreement assessment during the pilot, the Cohen Kappa was used. RESULTS After the literature review, a first scale draft was developed. Two rounds of interactions of the local investigation group and the external panel of experts were needed to select final indicators. Seventeen indicators were included in the score. For the pilot test, 280 apps were evaluated and 66 meet the criteria. The interrater agreement was strong (higher than 82% with significant kappa >0.72 per app and item). CONCLUSIONS We have developed, with a reproducible methodology, a tool that allows us to evaluate health applications for clinical, surgical and general medical providers. The ISYScore-PRO scale to be reliable and reproducible. The assessment permitted to consolidate every step of the methodology. We were able to reach consensus on the dimensions and items on the scale with only two rounds. The process of validation included two robust methodologies. The ISYScore-PRO scale is reliable and reproducible.

2018 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 18-26 ◽  
Shawn E. Cody ◽  
Susan Sullivan-Bolyai ◽  
Patricia Reid-Ponte

Background The hospitalization of a family member in an intensive care unit can be stressful for the family. Family bedside rounds is a way for the care team to inform family members, answer questions, and involve them in care decisions. The experiences of family members with intensive care unit bedside rounds have been examined in few studies. Objectives To describe (1) the experiences of family members of patients in the intensive care unit who participated in family bedside rounds (ie, view of the illness, role in future management, and long-term consequences on individual and family functioning) and (2) the experiences of families who chose not to participate in family bedside rounds and their perspectives regarding its value, their illness view, and future involvement in care. Methods A qualitative descriptive study was done, undergirded by the Family Management Style Framework, examining families that participated and those that did not. Results Most families that participated (80%) found the process helpful. One overarching theme, Making a Connection: Comfort and Confidence, emerged from participating families. Two major factors influenced how that connection was made: consistency and preparing families for the future. Three types of consistency were identified: consistency in information being shared, in when rounds were being held, and in informing families of rounding delays. In terms of preparing families for the future, families appeared to feel comfortable with the situation when a connection was present. When any of the factors were missing, families described feelings of anger, frustration, and fear. Family members who did not participate described similar feelings and fear of the unknown because of not having participated. Conclusion What health care providers say to patients’ families matters. Families may need to be included in decision-making with honest, consistent, easy-to-understand information.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 252-261 ◽  
Josje Kok ◽  
Ian Leistikow ◽  
Roland Bal

Objective There is growing recognition among health care providers and policy makers that when things go wrong, the patient or their families should be heard and participate in the incident investigation process. This paper explores how Dutch hospitals organize patient or family engagement in incident investigations, maps out incident investigators’ experiences of involving patients or their families in incident investigations and identifies the challenges encountered. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers and incident investigators in 13 Dutch hospitals. Study participants (n = 18) were asked about the incident investigation routines and their experiences of involving affected patients or family members. Interview transcripts were coded and analysed using thematic content analysis. Results Our findings reveal that patient or family involvement in incident investigations is typically organized as a one-time interview event. Interviews with patients or their families were considered to be valuable and important in their own right and seen as a way to do justice to the individual needs of the patient or their family. Yet, the usefulness and validity of the patient or family perspective for incident investigations was often seen to be limited, with the professional perspective afforded more weight. This was particularly the case when the patient or their family were unable to provide verifiable details of the incident under investigation. Study participants described challenges when involving patients or family members, including in relation to the available timeframe for incident investigations, legal issues, managing trust and working with intense emotions. Conclusions We propose that by placing patient and family criteria of significance at the centre of incident investigations (i.e. an ‘emic’ research approach), hospitals may be able to expand their learning potential and improve patient-centeredness following an incident.

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