scholarly journals Царицынская сторожевая линия и военно-политические изменения на юго-восточных границах России в 1720-х гг.

Alexander L. Kleitman ◽  

Introduction. The Tsaritsyn defense line has attracted the attention of historians since the 18th century, but so far, no special study of the history of the Tsaritsyn line in the 1720s has been undertaken. The period is of interest for its policy of strengthening the military-political influence of Russia in the Caspian region, with the Persian campaign undertaken and control over the movements of the Kalmyks increasing. The article aims to show the role of the Tsaritsyn defense line in these events. Materials and methods. The study intends to systematize and reconsider the information about the Tsaritsyn line presented in the historiography of the Persian campaign, in the history of the Kalmyks, and in the history of the regiments of the Russian imperial army, supplementing them with data of legislative acts and office documentation. Results. Tsaritsyn and the Tsaritsyn line were staging points on the path of the formation and movement of the Nizovoi (Lower), or Persian, Corps; practically all military units involved in the Persian campaign passed through the Tsaritsyn line, which was used for rear functions by the Corps as long as it existed. Tsaritsyn, the fortresses on the line, and the villages of the Don Cossacks closest to the line served as winter quarters for the Corps cavalry: here the dragoon regiments were re-equipped, and individual units were sent on missions along the southern borders of Russia. The Tsaritsyn line introduced serious changes in the life of the nomadic population of the Lower Volga region; passages through the line acquiring great military and political importance. Groups of Kalmyks who passed ‘inside’ turned out to be cut off from the Kuban and Crimeans and from other groups of Kalmyks. There was a symbolic meaning to the crossing of the Tsaritsyn line for Kalmyks who feared that their uluses would be taken away from them or they would be converted to Orthodoxy against their will. The study clarifies the data on the number of troops that served on the Tsaritsyn line in the 1720s. Constant was the presence of at least 500 Cossacks, sent on their mission by the Don army, as well as of several dragoon regiments. In the 1720s, units of the Kronshlots, Olonets, Vologda, Tobolsk, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Dmitrov, and Saratov dragoon regiments served on the Tsaritsyn line from several months to several years. Conclusions. From the very first years of its construction, the Tsaritsyn line not only protected the southern borders of the Russian Empire, but also became an instrument of the imperial diplomatic and military-political influence on neighboring peoples and states.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1189-1201
M. D. Bukharin

The territorial expansion of the Russian Empire in the 18th–19th cent. resulted in urgent need to study both the peoples of the newly acquired Eastern territories, which becameRussiaas well as and their neighbours. A special role in this process was played by the military servicemen who stationed on the borders. Since the second half of the 18th century in the Russian military schools was developed a system of teaching Oriental languages. In his recent monograph “The History of the Study of Oriental Languages in the Russian Imperial Army” (St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria; 2018) the author M. K. Baskhanov provides a detailed description of the history and teaching process in 24 Russian military schools where the cadettes were taught Oriental languages. M. K. Baskhanov outlines strengths and weaknesses of the teaching curricula, as well as the results gained by the Russian servicemen subject to this training. The author pays special attention to prospected plans in Orientalist training, which have never been implemented. The summary of M. K. Baskhanov’s research is that in spite of significant intellectual potential of the military specialists in Eastern countries their knowledge and experience were not used in full ‒ either in Imperial Russia or during the Soviet time. The monograph by M. K. Baskhanov is a remarkable piece of modern historical studies, which will be a reference book for many years to come for those who studyRussia’s foreign policy in 18th–20th cent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 1027-1036
Igor L. Tikhonov ◽  

The article is a review of the textbook on the history of Russian archaeology prepared by A. S. Skripkin, professor of Volgograd State University, a well-known archaeologist specializing in the study of the Sarmatian tribes. The textbook was issued by the “Urait” publishing company in 2017. The first part, dominating in amount, is devoted to the history of the development of the Russian archaeology from the 18th century until the last quarter of the 20th century. The second part briefly outlines the topic well-known to the author — the history of archaeological research in the Lower Volga region in the same chronological period. However, the main problem of the reviewed publication is the author’s failure to use a considerable number of works published on this subject over the last 25 years. Almost all the information contained in the first section of the textbook was borrowed from the books by A. A. Formozov, G. S. Lebedev, V. F. Gening, A. D. Pryakhin published in the 1980s and early 1990s. However, in the years passed since then, a whole direction connected with the study of various aspects of its history has been formed in the Russian archaeology. A significant range of monographic publications, collections of articles and conference materials have been published; more than fifty candidate and doctoral dissertations have been defended. Unfortunately, all this remained beyond the scope of A. S. Skripkin. Therefore, there are numerous out-of-date ideas concerning various subjects connected with the formation and development of the Russian archaeology. Furthermore, the text contains a considerable number of factual errors, inaccuracies, misprints.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Vladimir N. Benda

The purpose of the research is to analyse the experience of organising the educational process and daily life of the Land Gentry Cadet Corps of the Russian Empire. The article deals with the issues related to the definition of the role of Land Gentry Cadet Corps, which it played in the training of command personnel (officers and non-commissioned officers) for the Russian army and in the development of the military school of the Russian state during this period. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the approach to the study of the educational process in the cadet corps from the point of view of accounting and use of their experience to being in connection with the revival and development of specialised aircraft, artillery and other military schools in modern Russia. Based on the studied archival and other sources, the author focuses on the role of heads of military educational institutions in instilling high moral qualities and professional knowledge in cadets. Some previously unpublished archival sources are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

Vladimir N. Benda

Which are of considerable interest or the 18th century history of the creation and development of the Russian system of military schools of the Russian Empire conducting courses for military personnel for land and special forces of the Russian army, are the schools that were created in the last quarter of the 18th century. The author traces the history of the creation and development of Shklow noble school and the Orphanage, later renamed the Imperial Military orphanage. The author comes to the conclusion that Shklow noble school was a multinational and multi-confessional educational institution. The establishment of the Military orphanage was one of the means for the formation of the newly formed estate of soldiers' children. The article summarises the new material on the topic under study, previously unpublished sources and literature are introduced into scientific circulation.

Зоя Дмитриева ◽  
Zoya Dmitrieva ◽  
Сергей Козлов ◽  
Sergey Kozlov

The research studies and identifies the influence of geopolitical factors on the changes in tax forms and fiscal priorities of Russia, the evolution of tax types and taxable items, and the role of the community in the system formation. It shows the changes in the severity of the tax burden during the Russo-Polish War of 1654–1667, army replacements with adequate conscripts from peasants, the participation of monastery servants in military missions, tax and financial aspects of the Russo-Turkish wars and the annexation of the Crimean Khanate to the Russian Empire (1783). The authors identify the general and special features of the taxation system, itemized payments and duties, the share of military spending in the national budget of Russia and European countries. The paper explores the taxation system of Russia through the lens of the military-fiscal state concept of the early modern period.

Timur Gimadeev

The article deals with the history of celebrating the Liberation Day in Czechoslovakia organised by the state. Various aspects of the history of the holiday have been considered with the extensive use of audiovisual documents (materials from Czechoslovak newsreels and TV archives), which allowed for a detailed analysis of the propaganda representation of the holiday. As a result, it has been possible to identify the main stages of the historical evolution of the celebrations of Liberation Day, to discover the close interdependence between these stages and the country’s political development. The establishment of the holiday itself — its concept and the military parade as the main ritual — took place in the first post-war years, simultaneously with the consolidation of the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia. Later, until the end of the 1960s, the celebrations gradually evolved along the political regime, acquiring new ritual forms (ceremonial meetings, and “guards of memory”). In 1968, at the same time as there was an attempt to rethink the entire socialist regime and the historical experience connected with it, an attempt was made to reconstruct Liberation Day. However, political “normalisation” led to the normalisation of the celebration itself, which played an important role in legitimising the Soviet presence in the country. At this stage, the role of ceremonial meetings and “guards of memory” increased, while inventions released in time for 9 May appeared and “May TV” was specially produced. The fall of the Communist regime in 1989 led to the fall of the concept of Liberation Day on 9 May, resulting in changes of the title, date and paradigm of the holiday, which became Victory Day and has been since celebrated on 8 May.

2019 ◽  
pp. 134-197
V.E. . Sergei

The article is dedicated to the history of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps. The author examines the main stages of the museums formation, starting with the foundation of the Arsenal, established in St. Petersburg at the orders of Peter the Great on August 29th 1703 for the safekeeping and preservation of memory, for eternal glory of unique arms and military trophies. In 1756, on the base of the Arsenals collection, the General Inspector of Artillery Count P.I. created the Memorial Hall, set up at the Arsenal, on St. Petersburgs Liteyny Avenue. By the end of the 18th century the collection included over 6,000 exhibits. In 1868 the Memorial Hall was transferred to the New Arsenal, at the Crownwork of the Petropavlovsky Fortress, and renamed the Artillery Museum (since 1903 the Artillery Historical Museum). A large part of the credit for the development and popularization of the collection must be given to the historian N.E. Brandenburg, the man rightly considered the founder of Russias military museums, who was the chief curator from 1872 to 1903. During the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars a significant part of the museums holdings were evacuated to Yaroslavl and Novosibirsk. Thanks to the undying devotion of the museums staff, it not only survived, but increased its collection. In the 1960s over 100,000 exhibits were transferred from the holdings of the Central Historical Museum of Military Engineering and the Military Signal Corps Museum. In 1991 the collection also received the entire Museum of General Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov, transferred from the Polish town of Bolesawjec. The Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Coprs is now one of the largest museums of military history in the world. It holds an invaluable collection of artillery and ammunition, of firearms and cold steel arms, military engineering and signal technology, military banners, uniforms, a rich collection of paintings and graphic works, orders and medals, as well as extensive archives, all dedicated to the history of Russian artillery and the feats of our nations defenders.Статья посвящена истории создания ВоенноИсторического музея артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи. Автор рассматривает основные этапы становления музея, начиная с основания Арсенала, созданного в СанктПетербурге по приказу Петра I 29 августа 1703 года для хранения и сохранения памяти, во имя вечной славы уникального оружия и военных трофеев. В 1756 году на базе коллекции Арсенала генеральный инспектор артиллерии граф П. И. создал мемориальный зал, установленный при Арсенале, на Литейном проспекте СанктПетербурга. К концу 18 века коллекция насчитывала более 6000 экспонатов. В 1868 году Мемориальный зал был перенесен в Новый Арсенал, на венец Петропавловской крепости, и переименован в Артиллерийский музей (с 1903 года Артиллерийский Исторический музей). Большая заслуга в развитии и популяризации коллекции принадлежит историку Н.Е. Бранденбургу, человеку, по праву считавшемуся основателем российских военных музеев, который был главным хранителем с 1872 по 1903 год. В годы Гражданской и Великой Отечественной войн значительная часть фондов музея была эвакуирована в Ярославль и Новосибирск. Благодаря неусыпной преданности сотрудников музея, он не только сохранился, но и пополнил свою коллекцию. В 1960х годах более 100 000 экспонатов были переданы из фондов Центрального исторического военноинженерного музея и Музея войск связи. В 1991 году коллекцию также получил весь музей генералфельдмаршала М. И. Кутузова, переданный из польского города Болеславец. Военноисторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи в настоящее время является одним из крупнейших музеев военной истории в мире. Здесь хранится бесценная коллекция артиллерии и боеприпасов, огнестрельного и холодного оружия, военной техники и сигнальной техники, военных знамен, обмундирования, богатая коллекция живописных и графических работ, орденов и медалей, а также обширные архивы, посвященные истории русской артиллерии и подвигам защитников нашего народа.

Oksana Babenko ◽  

The review presents new publications on the Belarusian and the Polish historiographies of the history of the late Imperial Russia and the Soviet State. Such problems as the number and conditions of detention of foreign prisoners of war in the Belarusian territories of the Russian Empire during the First World War, the influence of the military conflicts of 1914-1921 on the identity of the inhabitants of the Belarusian lands, the initial stage of the formation of academic science in the BSSR, the question of the «invasion» of Poland by the Red Army in September 1939 are highlighted.

2021 ◽  
pp. 24-33
Anastasia G. Coldina ◽  

Issues in the sphere of education are the pressing ones not only today. For historical reasons, any social upheaval in the country has an impact on the public education. The century-old events are not an exception. The system of agrarian education in Soviet Russia encountered great difficulties at the time of the dismantlement of NEP and during the village modernization. In connection with the new tasks facing agriculture, the small network of educational establishments, their disparity, low student take-in capacity, poor financial position and low professional level of graduates could not meet the needs of the People’s Commissariat of Agriculture. Absence of necessary assistance and control from the superior authorities over many educational establishments, particularly over many mid-ranking and low-ranking institutions, adversely affected their activity. The State paid special attention to young peasants and tried to increase the proportion of that social group among the applicants. But the peasants’ financial hardship, shortage of time for studies, weak education proficiency, lack of the scholarship allowances and of accommodation in many educational institutions hampered the implementation of the task. To overcome the situation, it was required to restructure – in cooperation with all those involved – the existing system of agrarian staff training.

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