doctoral dissertations
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 403-418
Beytullah Karagöz ◽  
İzzet Şeref

The aim of present study is to examine the intellectual structure of the reference lists of postgraduate theses on mobile learning in Turkey. In this research, 88 postgraduate theses indexed in the National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education were examined. According to the obtained findings, it was determined that the most theses were conducted in 2019. The average number of pages and citations of doctoral theses is higher than that of master’s theses. The supervisors of the master’s theses are mostly Assistant professors while the advisors of doctoral theses are mostly Associate professors and Professors. In both master’s and doctoral theses, citations to journal articles are more common. The most cited journals in master’s theses were Computers and Education, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, British Journal of Educational Technology. The most cited journals in doctoral theses were Computers and Education and British Journal of Educational Technology. Agnes Kukulska-Hulme and John Traxler’s book Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Educators and Trainers is the most cited book in master's theses. Mohamed Ally’s book Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training comes first in doctoral dissertations. Mike Sharples has been the most cited author in both types of postgraduate theses.

Hülya Baysal ◽  
Nilay T. Bümen

Despite studies on the lesson study experiences of English teachers have increased in Turkey in recent years, there is a need for further studies on how to integrate the model into the context. In this study, the qualitative research on the lesson study conducted with English teachers in Turkey was examined, and it was aimed to reach a synthesis to ensure the proliferation of the model. The common databases were searched with keywords, and specific inclusion criteria were used. Selected studies were scored with a checklist to be evaluated in terms of quality, and eight studies (six articles and two doctoral dissertations) that received the required score were included in the research. In the analysis, the steps of developing the first and second-order themes, interpreting, and synthesizing were followed. The common findings in the studies show that the lesson study provides significant contributions to English teachers despite the difficulties in the process. The synthesis includes the initiatives at the individual and institutional dimensions. It is concluded that the pedagogical design capacity and collaboration skills of English teachers should be strengthened at the individual dimension while administrator, mentor / facilitator support should be provided, and policy changes should be made in teacher education at the institutional dimension. We also recommended examining how the model can be adapted to Turkey's cultural-educational context, teacher autonomy, and identity.

Olga V. Zakharchenko

Preparation of undergraduates and privat-docents for professorship in the late XIX – early XX century is considered on the example of Moscow University through the prism of the biography of a historian and a jurist Sergei Andreevich Kotlyarevsky. The uniqueness of his example lies in the fact that he defended four dissertations: master’s and doctoral dissertations on foreign history and master’s and doctoral dissertations on public law. This demonstrates some individualism of the trajectory showing his professional development and formation as a scientist and a teacher. The research perspective includes the process of young scientists’ formation from the moment of continuing working at the university’s profile department to prepare a dissertation up to obtaining the degree. Attention is paid to socio-political circumstances and conditions affecting the possibility of becoming a professional scientist and teacher. Both formal and special features of the training scientific and teaching staff inherent in a particular scientific community are noted. The professional development of future scientists and teachers of higher education was associated with active preparation for the defense of the master’s exam, the first teaching experience, scientific and research work. The best graduates were left at the departments with the support of leading university professors who saw new forces and future professionals in them. However, the personal contribution of the applicants themselves was important, since they were required to reveal their intellectual potential, pedagogical and research skills. At this, an important aspect was the opportunity to go on foreign business trips, in which not only the material of scientific research was collected, but knowledge was enriched as well, including getting to know the peculiarities of teaching in European countries and their socio-political life. The preparation process was completed with the public defense of the master’s dissertation and awarding a master’s degree. At the same time, the path to the teaching environment began, which required further disclosure of scientific potential and the defense of a doctoral dissertation in order to obtain a professorship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
Delyan Penchev ◽  

The increasing role of statistical methods in social sciеnces and particularly in pedagogy cannot be argued. Especially in quantitative research, these methods provide a high degree of objectiveness and precision that cannot be achieved with other methods or procedures. That is why educationalists have to acquire deeper knowledge of the specifics of statistical methods and the features of their application. In the analysis of these aspects of pedagogical research in this article, the most commonly used statistical methods in them are outlined. For this purpose, the author has explored 96 doctoral dissertations with regard to the application of different statistical methods for data processing.

Virittäjä ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 125 (4) ◽  
Terhi Ainiala ◽  
Paula Sjöblom

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan Virittäjässä vuosina 1897–2019 julkaistuja erisnimiä käsitteleviä kirjoituksia ennen kaikkea metodisesta näkökulmasta. Virittäjässä on tarkastelu­ajanjaksona ilmestynyt liki 500 nimistöaiheista kirjoitusta, joista liki puolet, 232, on artikkeleita, katsauksia ja väitöslektioita. Nämä niin sanotut alkuperäistutkimukset on jaettu käytetyn metodin perusteella seitsemään ryhmään. Luokittelu on väistämättä karkea, ja luokkien välillä on päällekkäisyyttä. Kirja-arviot ja konferenssikatsaukset ovat mukana tarkastelussa mutta eivät laskelmissa. Etymologinen suuntaus on ollut voimissaan koko tarkastelujakson ajan, ja kaikista nimistökirjoituksista yli puolet kuuluu tähän ryhmään. Nimitypologinen analyysi, sosio-onomastiikka ja kontaktionomastiikka ovat seuraavaksi suosituimpia metodeja, joiden kunkin osuus alkuperäistutkimuksista on noin 10 prosenttia. Funktionaalis-semanttinen analyysi ja korpusanalyysi ovat melko harvinaisia; vain kolmesta neljään prosenttia kirjoituksista noudattaa jompaakumpaa metodia. Kymmenisen prosenttia kirjoituksista on luokiteltu monitieteistä analyysia hyödyntäviksi, eli niissä onomastisen metodin ohessa käytetään jotain ei-lingvististä metodia.  Virittäjän kirjoituksissa kuvastuu suomalaisen onomastiikan metodinen kehitys, joka on ollut paljolti aiempien metodien pohjalle rakentamista: esimerkiksi typologisen ajattelun piirteitä alettiin tuoda esiin etymologissa kirjoituksissa, ja sosio-onomastinen suuntaus taas sai virtaa typologisesta. Nimien merkityspiirteiden ja funktioiden analyysi on ollut luonteva seuraus erilaisten nimistöjen typologiaa selvitettäessä. Korpusanalyysi taas on luonnollista kehitystä aiemmista suuntauksista ja lingvistiikassa ylipäänsä käyttöön tulleista suurten aineistojen analyysityökaluista. Research methods in the field of onomastics in Virittäjä The article examines onomastic writings, published in Virittäjä between 1897–2019, from a primarily methodological perspective. During this period, Virittäjä published nearly 500 onomastic writings, of which almost half, 232, are articles, review articles and lectures given at the public defences of doctoral dissertations. Here, these research papers are classified by their methods into seven groups. The classification is rough, and there is some overlap between the categories. Book reviews and congress reports have been taken into account, but they are not included in the calculations. Etymological research was prevalent throughout the period: over half of all onomastic papers published in the journal fall into this category. The next most popular methods are name typological analysis, socio-onomastic analysis and contact onomastics, each accounting for ca. 10% of all papers. Functional-semantic analysis and quantitative corpus analysis are rarer occurrences; only 3–4% of all papers follow either of these methods. About 10% have been classified as multidisciplinary papers because they exploit non-linguistic methods in addition to onomastic methods. The writings in Virittäjä reflect the methodical development of Finnish onomastics. New methods always build on what has gone before: for instance, typological thinking can already be observed in the early etymological papers, and socio-onomastic research arose from typological analysis. This being said, semantic and functional analysis was a natural consequence of the typological studies of different nomenclatures, whereas corpus analysis evolved out of previous methods, particularly since the advent of new technological tools for analysing large quantities of data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 1467-1495

The list below specifies doctoral degrees conferred by U.S. and Canadian universities during academic year July 2020 to June 2021. Lists of degree recipients and subject classifications are provided by the university. Note: Dissertations without classifications may be found under “Y Miscellaneous Categories.”

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
Jacek Lorkowski ◽  
Elżbieta Szczygieł

On June 30, 2021, 23 years after its establishment, the activity of "Zdrowie" [Eng. Health] Rehabilitation Centre in Kraków came to an end. At the “Zdrowie” Rehabilitation Centre, this was done through appropriate personalised treatment, mainly rehabilitation, and since its inception, the centre had promoted not only the treatment of diseases, the consequences of traumatic injuries and the resulting disability, but most of all, their prevention. In 1998, as one of the first centres in Poland, the “Zdrowie” Rehabilitation Centre began routinely carrying out pedobarographic examinations, to an extent not found in other places at that time. Since 2006, photogrammetric testing has also been performed. What definitely distinguished the Centre, not only in Kraków, but also on the Polish medical market, was, among others, its scientific activity. Based on the Centre's professional and scientific achievements, sixteen M.A. one B.A, three doctoral dissertations, articles published in reputable journals with the Impact Factor (IF) index and scores from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) or the Ministry of Science and Education (MNiE) were prepared.

Кира Владимировна Цеханская

В статье дается краткий обзор исследований Отдела русского народа, посвященных изучению православной культуры, в Институте этнологии и антропологии РАН за последние тридцать лет. Отмечены основополагающие работы в этом направлении М. М. Громыко, которая первой поставила вопрос об этнографическом изучении религиозности русского народа, сформулировала и обозначила подходы и направления. Кроме монографий и статей отмечены кандидатские и докторские диссертации, программы сбора полевых материалов, а также организация издания журнала «Традиции и современность», посвященного православной культуре русского народа. В статье показано, как разработка рассматриваемого научного направления получила развитие и реализацию в академических изданиях на основе документальных источников разного характера. Авторы буквально открыли большой пласт повседневной религиозной жизни народа, устойчивые и многовековые традиции вероисповедной практики, которые раньше, до революции и в советское время, не были предметом изучения. The article provides a brief overview of Research by Department of the Russian People, dedicated to the study of Orthodox culture at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences during the last thirty years. The fundamental works in this direction of M. M. Gromyko, who was the first to raise the question of ethnographic study of the religiosity of the Russian people, formulated and outlined approaches and directions. In addition to monographs and articles, Ph. D. and doctoral dissertations, field collection programs materials, as well as the organization of the publication of the journal «Traditions and Modernity», dedicated to Orthodox culture of the Russian people. The article shows how the development of the considered scientific direction was developed and implemented in academic publications based on documentary sources of a different nature. The authors literally discovered a large layer of everyday religious life of the people, stable and centuries-old traditions of religious practice, which earlier, before revolutions in Soviet times were not a subject of study.

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