Social Hypocrisies in Vijay Tendulkar’s The Vultures

Dr. Ashok Dayal

Abstract: Early plays in India were written in Bengali by Bengali writers which were mostly translated into English from Bengali in the 19th century. But drama in English failed to serve a local theatrical habitation, in sharp contrast to plays in the mother tongue (both original and in the form of adaptations from foreign languages); and the appetite for plays in English could more conveniently be fed on performances of established dramatic successes in English by foreign authors. Owing to the lack of a firm dramatic tradition nourished on actual performance in a live theatre, early Indian English drama in Bengal as elsewhere in India grew sporadically as mostly closet drama; and even later, only Sri Aurobindo, Ravindranath Tagore and Harindranath Chattopadhyaya produced a substantial corpus of dramatic writing. Between 1891 and 1916 Sri Aurobindo wrote five complete and six incomplete verse plays. Keywords: exploitation, sexual violence, homosexual, individuall degradation, consciousness, hypocrisies

2020 ◽  
pp. 93-101

Zygmunt Krasiński devoted much if his attention to the “philosophical” essence of the language and the origins of various tongues. His conjectures, based on speculative and mystic philosophy, are of no scientific importance; rather, they reflect the author’s strong attachment to religion. While not original, his views on the role of a mother tongue in preserving national identity are correct. The writer was interested in spelling and correct grammatical usage of the Polish language. He also focused on assessing the style of texts written in Polish and French. His views were hardly innovative, offering some value in comparison with the 19th century theory of style. Other language-related mentions: the sophistication of Juliusz Słowacki’s language and proposals of baby names based on “inspired” etymological ideas, are inconsequential.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 247-259
Luca Palmarini

On some methods applied to Italian grammars for Poles between the 19th and 20th centuries The article aims to compare and analyse Italian grammars and manuals for Polish users published between the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The purpose is to observe the general trends on the methods proposed, the changes taking place and the possible influences on teaching of Western languages as foreign languages in a historical moment when after the Third Partition Poland had ceased to exist as a sovereign state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-139
Barna Ábrahám

As a starting point, the study underlines that one cannot speak about a homogenous Slovak nation and politics in the middle of the 19th century; therefore, it gives an overview of the plebeian-middle-class movement, of its system of values, programme, and documents in 1848—1849, 1861, and in the period of the Compromise negotiations. Afterwards, it presents the nobility of Upper Hungary, with a Slovak mother tongue and ethnic feeling, who, according to its identity in the framework of the states, has belonged to the feudal Natio Hungarica. As the narrower focus of the study, the author takes the Slovak perspective and summarizes the ethnic dimensions of the activity of parliaments in 1861 and from 1865 on. The Slovak national movement could not send its own deputy, the interests of the Slavs of northern Hungary thus being represented by Adolf Dobriansky, born as a Ruthenian; however, the Nationalities Law, Art. 1868: XLIV. could be codified rather due to the mentioned Slovak-speaking nobility, standing behind the party of Ferenc Deák. Finally, we are provided a picture of the rival programmes of different newspapers that divided the Slovak public opinion, and in connection with the law we can read about their first reactions and experiences.

Vitālijs Šalda ◽  

The issue of school education in the mother tongue, which is part of a wider issue of the rights of national minorities in a civilized society, is still topical in Latvia nowadays. In this respect, the attitude of Latvian publicists towards the education in native language in the second half of the 19th century may be of interest, as they largely articulated the wishes and demands of the people to the ruling regime, when Latvians were struggling to obtain education for their children in their mother tongue opposed to the offi-cial language of the state. Based on the study of Latvian periodicals of the second half of the 19th century, the author con-cludes, that speaking about the use of the mother tongue in schools, Latvian publicists defended both na-tional and classical liberal values. It was found that their arguments about the need for a consistent use of the mother tongue in the education system were still incomplete, but they cannot be scientifically denied even today.

К.У. Чомокеева

Аннотация: Бул макалада билим алуудагы приоритеттүү багыттардын бири - чет тилин үйрөнүү. Көптөгөн мектепке чейинки билим берүү мекемелери жана ар кандай борборлор баланын алгачкы өнүгүү этабында чет тилдерди үйрөтүү программасын иштеп чыгууда. Чет тилин эрте окутуу ыкмасы 19-кылымда илимий методикалык бутак сыяктуу жаралган. Бүгүнкү күндө азыркы коомдо чет мамлекеттер менен болгон ар түрдүү мамиле күч алып, тил коомдо талапка ылайык болуп калды. Макалада чет тилин эрте окутуу маселеси каралган. Окутуудагы ыкма жана технология сунушталган. Макала балдардын психологиялык өзгөчөлөгүн козгоп өтөт. Түйүндүү сөздөр: Лингвистика, эрте окуу, мектепке чейинки мекеме. Аннотация: Одним из самых приоритетных направлений в образовании стало изучение иностранного языка. Многие дошкольные образовательные учреждения и различные центры разрабатывают программы обучения иностранным языкам на ранних этапах развития ребенка. Интегративные занятия применяются для разностороннего воспитания дошкольника, для развития его языковых и общих способностей. Методика раннего обучения иностранным языкам начала зарождаться ещё в 19 веке как отрасль методической науки. В статье рассмотрена проблема раннего обучения иностранного языка. Предложены методы и технологии обучения. Также рассмотрено психологическое состояние детей. Ключевые слова: Лингвистика, раннее обучение, дошкольное учреждение. Annotation: One of the top priorities in education has been the study of a foreign language. Many pre-school educational institutions and various centers develop programs for teaching foreign languages in the early stages of child development. Integrative classes are used for the versatile upbringing of a preschooler, for the development of his language and general abilities. The method of early learning of foreign languages began to emerge as early as the 19th century as a branch of methodological science. The article deals with the problem of early learning of a foreign language. Methods and technologies of training are proposed. Also considered the psychological state of children. Keywords: Linguistics, early learning, preschool institution

Matthew Graves ◽  
Elizabeth Rechniewski

The ambition of this issue of Portal is to reach across the methodological boundaries of history, politics, literature and geography to apply their complementary perspectives to the study of identity and its relation to space and place, an aim that involves attempting to identify the many different ways the notoriously slippery concepts of identity and geography may intersect.For this issue we have selected articles that cast a fresh perspective on two areas where identity and geography intersect: the construction of identity through the imaginative recreation of place in literature: Mapping Literary Spaces; and the study of the shifting relationships of centre and periphery, exclusion and inclusion in urban settings and geopolitical confrontations: Social and Political Peripheries.Gerard Toal has written that geography is not a noun but a verb: it does not describe what space is but studies what we do with space, imaginatively and politically. The articles in this issue illustrate the exercise of the literary and political imagination and the role of materiality and memory in the creation of geographic representation. They show too a new awareness of the centrality of space in the constitution of identities, and the need for a new geocritical reading of its discourse, as the interrelations of place and community are played out on the many scales of social and political life, from the local to the global. The special issue is organised thus:IntroductionMatthew Graves (Aix-Marseille University) & Liz Rechniewski (Sydney University): “Imagining Geographies, Mapping Identities.”I. Mapping Literary Spaces- Isabelle Avila (University of Paris XIII), "Les Cartes de l'Afrique au XIXe siècle et Joseph Conrad : Perceptions d'une Révolution Cartographique."- Daniela Rogobete (University of Craiova), "Global vs Glocal: Dimensions of the post-1981 Indian English Novel."II. Social and Political Peripheries- Elizabeth Rechniewski (Sydney University), “The Perils of Proximity: The Geopolitical Underpinnings of Australian views of New Caledonia in the 19th Century."- Annie Ousset-Krief (Paris III), "Le Yiddishland newyorkais."- Carolyn Stott (Sydney University), "Belleville: Space, Place and Identity."- Esme Cleall (University of Sheffield), "Silencing Deafness: Marginalising Disability in the 19th century." 

Natalya S. Furazheva

During the golden age of Russian nobility`s culture (second half of the 18th century – first half of the 19th century) there were significant changes in the system of upbringing and education of the gentlefolk. In the pre-Petrine period education of the Russian nobility was aimed primarily at a spiritual improvement and housekeeping. As a result of the Western Europe`s cultural influence the Russian nobility gains new educational and pedagogical guidelines based on the ideals of Enlightenment. Main focus of the education came to be the training for public service and proficiency in good manners. At that time moral literature acquired a great importance. Western-type boarding schools for men and women appeared. The teaching of foreign languages, especially French, becomes widespread. Foreign teachers and governesses are invited to teach the children of the nobility at home. The combination of the old and new ideals of upbringing and education, which bring together the best domestic and European traditions among the Russian nobility, leads to a gradual building-up of unified educational principles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 555-572
Enver Ujkanovic

Legitimacy of the Qur?an translation to non-Arabic languages has never been disputable nor religiously forbidden act during the initial period of Islam for a great number of researchers. Initiators of the debate about the Qur?an translation and the legitimacy of that act were ?non- Arabs? -?a?am, who believed that they can only relatively apprehend the divine holy discourse - Qur?an, as they were limited by their own mother tongue. According to historical sources, there were no initiatives to translate Qur?an in our speaking area before the 19th century. The process of the Qur?an translation, however, has started in 1895 with Mico Ljubibratic. In this paper the motifs of Ljibibratic?s work are analysed, as well as the absence of early translations among the adherents of Islam. The paper then reflects on the response to the Ljubibratic?s translation and the influence of his work upon the translation activity among the adherents of Islam. The other part of the paper is based on a contrastive lexical semantic analysis of the translation of Qur?an lexis excerpted from Quranic passages (Surah and Ayahs). The comparison between the Ljubibratic?s translation and the later translations of the Qur?an, as for example the translation from Arabic by Besim Korkut, shows differences on the semantic level, and allow us to observe the development and evolution of the experience in translating the Qur?an in our speaking area.

1969 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-147
James H. Butler

One of the highpoints of theatrical management in London during the early part of the 19th century was achieved by Madame Vestris in the nine seasons she operated the Olympic Theatre from January 3, 1831 to May 31, 1839. Important contributions in management, acting and scenic decor were made and have been commented upon. The free list was suspended; the practice of “puffing” (praising a work in advance of actual performance) was abandoned; the final curtain was rung down each night at 11 P.M. instead of the usual hour of midnight; actors' benefit performances were abolished; failures were withdrawn as quickly as possible from further performances; and by allowing no one behind the scenes to visit with actors and actresses the general atmosphere backstage was improved.

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