Korelasi Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Respon Cemas Anak Saat Pemasangan Infus

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 467
Diah Merdekawati ◽  
Dasuki Dasuki

<p><em>Pre-school age is particularly vulnerable to the effects of stress and fear during hospitalization. Children under the age of 6 are less able to think about an event as a whole, have not been able to determine behavior that can overcome the fear based on experience ever experienced and coping strategies ever done. The aims of this research to know correlation family support with child anxious response during infusion. This study was a quantitative with correlation study using cross sectional method. There were 51 respondents participated in this research. Data were collected through observation with purposive sampling technique. Then, data were analysed through univariate and bivariate. The result of univariate statistic test revealed that as much as 64.7% had good family support and 56.9% experienced an anxious response during infusion. The result of  bivariate statistic test showed that there was a positive correlation with moderate strength between family support and child's anxious response during infusion. This riset showed that families should provide support when children experience fear, anxiety and pain during infusion.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p>Usia pra sekolah sangat rentan terhadap efek stress dan ketakutan selama rawat inap. Anak- anak dibawah usia 6 tahun kurang mampu berpikir tentang suatu peristiwa secara keseluruhan, belum bisa menentukan perilaku yang dapat mengatasi ketakutan berdasarkan pengalaman yang pernah dialami dan strategi koping yang pernah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi dukungan keluarga dengan respon cemas anak saat pemasangan infus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif studi korelatif dengan metode <em>cross secsional</em>. Sebanyak 51 responden terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara <em>purposive sampling. </em>Analisis data dilakukan secara <em>univariat </em>dan<em> bivariat. </em>Dari hasil uji statistik univariat diketahui sebanyak 64,7% memiliki dukungan keluarga baik dan 56,9% mengalami respon cemas saat pemasangan infus. Hasil uji statistik bivariat menunjukkan ada korelasi positif dengan kekuatan sedang antara dukungan keluarga dengan respon cemas anak saat pemasangan infus. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keluarga sebaiknya memberikan dukungannya pada saat anak mengalami ketakutan, kecemasan dan rasa nyeri pada saat pemasangan infus.</p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-24
Riswan Riswan ◽  
Eva Yunitasari

Parenting is very important in the child’s psychological growth and development, the child’s ability to socialize, children’s independence, and difficult eating behavior in children. Because of the phenomenon that often arises is the child has difficult eating which is influenced by parenting parents. This research objective was to determine the correlation between parenting parents with difficult eating behavior on children’s pre-school age at the Sindang Garut village of Way Lima sub-district in Pesawaran Regency. This research was quantitative type with cross sectional approach to the sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The sample were 30 respondents. Data collection used questionnaire sheets and it used gamma statistical tests. The results showed that parenting parents applied were democratic parenting (56.7 percent), and difficult eating behavior in children’s pre-school age at the Sindang Garut village with low intensity (73.3 percent) with p value of 0.006 less than 0.05, which means there is a correlation between parenting parents with difficult eating behavior in children’s pre-school age at the Sindang Garut village of Way Lima sub-district in Pesawaran Regency. So this research is expected to be a source of reference and information for parents about the importance of parenting because it can influence the behavior of eating difficulties on children. Abstrak: Pola asuh orang tua sangat penting dalam tumbuh kembang anak dalam psikologis anak, kemampuan bersosialisasi anak, kemandirian anak, serta perilaku sulit makan pada anak. Karna fenomema yang sering muncul adalah anak mengalami sulit makan yang dipengaruhi oleh pola asuh orang tua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan perilaku sulit makan pada anak usia prasekolah di desa sindang garut kecamatan way lima kabupaten pesawaran. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis peneltian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. dengan jumlah sampel 30 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar kuesioner dan uji statistik gamma. Hasil penelitian menunjukan mayoritas pola asuh yang diterapkan adalah pola asuh demokratis (56,7 persen), dan perilaku sulit makan pada anak di desa sindang garut dengan intensitas rendah (46,7 persen) dengan nilai p value 0,006 kurang dari 0,05, yang artinya ada hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan perilaku sulit makan pada anak usia prasekolah di desa sindang garut kecamatan way lima kabupaten pesawaran. Maka penelitian ini diharapkan bagi orang tua agar dapat menerapkan pola asuh demokratis sehingga dapat mengurangi kejadian sulit makan pada anak usia prasekolah.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 51-55
B Bhattarai ◽  
S Maskey ◽  
M Lopchan

Changing emotional and physical status along with increasing social, family and academic pressure adolescents experience stress and their coping abilities determine the outcome. The objective of the study was to find out the level of stress and coping strategies among adolescents studying at Skyrider Higher Secondary English Boarding School, Ratnanagar-12, Chitwan. A descriptive cross-sectional research design was used in which a total of 50 adolescence studying in grade 9 and 10 were selected by using non- probability purposive sampling technique. The study findings revealed that the mean age of respondents was 15.26 ± 0.96, 48% respondents had high level of stress. Statistically, there was significant association between respondents’ level of stress and sex (P= 0.025), type of residence (P=0.049) and father’s education level (P= 0.045). “Investing in close friends” is the most common and “Avoiding” is the least common coping strategy used by adolescents. Overall study concluded that the adolescents has high stress level whereas as they use various coping strategies. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Alber Tanjung ◽  
Novy CD Helena ◽  
Dewi Eka Putri

ABSTRAC National prevalence of severe mental disorder is 1,7 per mil meaning 1-2 person in 1000 resident suffered from severe mental disorder. The highest prevalence is in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and Aceh (0,27%). Prevalence of severe mental disorder in West Sumatera is (0,19%). This study was aimed to get an overview of relationship between family support and medication compliance with clients recurrence in severe mental disorder. Analytical design with cross sectional with the number of respondents 184 clients of severe mental disorder and family in Mental Care Unit A RSJ. Prof. Dr. HB. Saanin Padang. Samples in this study were taken with purposive sampling technique. Data were collected through questionnaires of family support and medication compliance. Research shows that there are significant difference between family support with high recurrence and low recurrence (p <0.05), no significant difference between medication compliance with high recurrence and low recurrence (p <0.05), Results of this study are expected to be contribution for nurses and related institutions in order to advise the family to oversee the client to take medication on a regular basis so that recurrence can be prevented, providing related penkes on taking medication and home settings visite. Keywords: family support, medication compliance, reccurence clients of severe mental disorder   ABSTRAK Prevalensi gangguan jiwa berat secara Nasional 1,7 per mil yang berarti 1-2 orang dalam 1000 penduduk mengalami gangguan jiwa berat. Prevalensi gangguan jiwa berat tertinggi di Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta dan Aceh (0.27 %), sedangkan prevalensi gangguan jiwa berat di Sumatera Barat mencapai (0.19%) . Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mendapatkan  gambaran  tentang hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dan kepatuhan minum obat dengan kekambuhan pada klien gangguan jiwa berat. Desain Analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang (Cross sectional) dengan jumlah responden 184 orang klien gangguan jiwa berat dan keluarga di Unit Pelayanan Jiwa A RSJ. Prof. Dr. HB. Saanin Padang. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner dukungan keluarga dan kepatuhan minum obat. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kekambuhan tinggi dan kekambuhan rendah dengan nilai (p<0,05), ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kepatuhan minum obat dengan kekambuhan tinggi dan kekambuhan rendah dengan nilai (p<0,05). Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi masukkkan bagi perawat dan intansi terkait agar menganjurkan kepada keluarga untuk mengawasi klien untuk minum obat secara teratur agar kekambuhan dapat di cegah,memberikan penkes terkait pengaturan minum obat dan home visite.   Kata kunci        :  dukungan keluarga, kepatuhan minum obat, kekambuhan klien gangguan jiwa berat.    

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 80
Rully Andika

ABSTRAKKeluarga adalah komponen penting yang memberikan dampak keberhasilan pada kesembuhan pasien halusinasi, karena dukungan keluarga yang berupa dukungan emosional memiliki peran penting selama pasien dirawat dirumah sakit dalam kemampuan pasien mengontrol halusinasi yang berupa menghardik, bercakap-cakap, melakukan kegiatan terjadwal, dan minum obat tepat waktu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kemampuan pasien mengontrol halusinasi pada penderita Skizofrenia. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain descriptive correlational menggunakan rancangan pengambilan data secara cross sectional. Yang terdiri dari 77 responden keluarga pasien dengan halusinasi dan 77 pasien halusinasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Alat ukur menggunakan kuesioner tertutup dan checklist. Analisis bivariat menggunakan chi square.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keluarga yang tidak memberikan dukungan emosional sebesar 39 orang (50,6%). Pasien yang tidak mampu mengontrol halusinasinya sebanyak 44 orang (57,1%). Terdapat hubungan antara dukungan emosional dengan kemampuan pasien mengontrol halusinasi di RSUD Banyumas, dengan pv = 0,000< 0,05.Kata kunci : Dukungan keluarga, kemampuan pasien mengontrol halusinasi, SkizofreniaFAMILY SUPPORT RELATIONSHIP WITH PATIENT ABILITY CONTROL HALUSINATION ON SKIZOFRENIA PATIENTSABSTRACTThe family is an important component that has an impact on the patient's success in hallucinations, as family support in the form of emotional support plays an important role during hospitalization in patients' ability to control hallucinatory hallucinations, chatting, scheduling and taking medication on time . This study aims to determine the relationship between family support and the ability of patients to control hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia .. Type of quantitative research with descriptive correlational design using the design of data collection cross-sectional. Which consisted of 77 respondents of patient families with hallucinations and 77 patients hallucinations. Sampling technique using purposive sampling. Measuring instruments using closed questionnaires and checklists. Bivariate analysis using chi square. The results showed that families who did not provide emotional support amounted to 39 people (50.6%). Patients who were unable to control their hallucinations were 44 people (57.1%). There is a relationship between emotional support and the patient's ability to control hallucinations at RSUD Banyumas, with pv = 0,000 <0.05.Keywords : Family support, patient's ability to control hallucinations, Schizophrenia

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (s1) ◽  
Miftahul Janah ◽  
Giur Hargiana

Background: Violent behavior is one of the most common symptoms of people who have schizophrenia. Caring for family members who have schizophrenia can be a stressor for other family members. The stressors can be stressful for the caregiver. Family caregivers require coping strategies to overcome the stressors. This study aims to determine the relationship between stress levels and coping strategies of family caregivers who treat schizophrenic patients with a risk of violent behavior.Design and Methods: The research design engaged cross-sectional with the purposive sampling technique by involving 87 caregiver families who who treat schizophrenic patients. The data was collected by using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Ways of Coping (WOC) questionnaires. This study was analyzed by employing the Chi-Square test to determine the relationship between stress levels and coping strategies in the caregiver family.Results: This study shows that stress levels are not significantly associated with coping strategies in family caregivers.Conclusion: Good supports from health and social service professionals are required to help family caregivers cope with their stressors well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Bella Friska ◽  
Usraleli Usraleli ◽  
Idayanti Idayanti ◽  
Magdalena Magdalena ◽  
R Sakhnan

Abstract Progress which occurs in health mainly gives impact on the increase in health quality, especially on the increase of life expectancy among elderly. Family is the main support system for elderly in terms of maintaining their health. The higher the family support, the better the quality of life of the elderly. In addition, quality of life is an indicator to evaluate the success of intervention on prevention and cure. The purpose of this research is to know relationship family support with quality of life of the elderly. Type of study is an analytic observational with cross sectional design. The population of the research is the whole of the elderly in the working area of the Sidomulyo Rawat Jalan Health Center Pekanbaru with a purposive sampling technique. Samples taken were 40 respondents. The independent variable is family support and the dependent variable is the quality of life of the elderly. The research data was taken using a questionnaire. This research was conducted in in the working area of the Sidomulyo Rawat Jalan Health Center Pekanbaru on march 21-25 2019. The result of Fisher’s test obtained p value (0,020) that’s means there is relationship family support with quality of life of the elderly. Therefore, the research can be used as information for the health center in the quality of family support involving elderly cadres to reduce the decline in the quality of life of the elderly.   Abstrak Kemajuan di bidang kesehatan berdampak pada meningkatnya kualitas kesehatan serta meningkatnya umur harapan hidup terutama penduduk lanjut usia. Keluarga merupakan support system utama bagi lansia dalam mempertahankan kesehatannya. Dukungan keluarga yang tinggi akan meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia. Kualitas hidup merupakan indikator untuk menilai keberhasilan intervensi dari segi pencegahan dan pengobatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kualitas hidup lansia. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh lansia yang ada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sidomulyo Rawat Jalan Pekanbaru dengan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 40 responden. Variabel independennya adalah dukungan keluarga dan variabel dependennya adalah kualitas hidup lansia. Data penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sidomulyo Rawat Jalan Pekanbaru pada tanggal 21-25 Maret 2019. Hasil uji Fisher’s didapatkan nilai p value (0,020) artinya terdapat hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kualitas hidup lansia. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi bagi pihak puskesmas dalam kualitas dukungan keluarga yang melibatkan kader lansia untuk mengurangi penurunan kualitas hidup lansia.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 958
Debbie Nomiko ◽  
Yellyanda Yellyanda ◽  
Bettywaty Eliezer ◽  
Ayu Maryastuty

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a group of diseases that arise due to a decrease in acquired immunity. This research is descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional design that aims to describe the relationship between family support and attitudes with coping mechanisms for HIV/AIDS patients at the VCT Poly Hospital Raden Mattaher Jambi in 2018. This study was carried out in April 2019. The population in this study was all 74 HIV/AIDS patients who visited the VCT Polyclinic. The sample in this study was taken as many as 34 people using the purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique that will be carried out is using a questionnaire and the data analysis used in univariate analysis and bivariate chi-square test. The results showed that the majority of respondents had good family support as many as 20 (58.8%), positive attitudes as many as 23 (67.6%) and good coping mechanisms as many as 18 (52.9%), there is a relationship between family support and coping mechanisms of HIV/AIDS patients with p-value 0.001, and there is a relationship between attitudes and coping mechanisms of HIV/AIDS patients with p-value 0.015. It is hoped that the results of this study will contribute to the nursing management of Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital to improve nursing services for HIV AIDS patients at the VCT Polyclinic, especially those related to handling psychological problems (coping mechanisms) of patients and the related aspects in it.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-290 ◽  
Anika Dahal ◽  
Raj Kumar Meheta

Background:  Cancer is considered one of the foremost common causes of death. Fatigue is among the distressing symptoms for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Adequate coping is essential for individual to deal with the effects of cancer related treatment. The objective of the study was to find out the fatigue experience and coping strategies among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional research design was used for the study. The samples was taken from day care and medical oncology ward of BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur. A total of 120 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy of 18 years and above were selected by using non probability consecutive sampling technique. Data was collected by using standard tool, Fatigue Symptom Inventory and Brief Cope. Data analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The study revealed that 82.5% of respondents had experienced fatigue and 50.8% respondents had used adequate coping strategies where “self distraction”(2.76±1.02) was the most used coping strategy by the respondents. Fatigue experience and coping strategies had negative correlation (r=-0.490, p=<0.001).Conclusions: Majority of the respondents had experienced fatigue, and half of the respondents used adequate coping strategies. The different methods of coping strategies for fatigue and chemotherapy related effects should be expanded as per the best available evidence to lower fatigue and other adverse effects.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-290 ◽  
Anika Dahal ◽  
Raj Kumar Meheta

Background: Cancer is considered one of the foremost common causes of death. Fatigue is among the distressing symptoms for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Adequate coping is essential for individual to deal with the effects of cancer related treatment. The objective of the study was to find out the fatigue experience and coping strategies among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional research design was used for the study. The samples was taken from day care and medical oncology ward of BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur. A total of 120 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy of 18 years and above were selected by using non probability consecutive sampling technique. Data was collected by using standard tool, Fatigue Symptom Inventory and Brief Cope. Data analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The study revealed that 82.5% of respondents had experienced fatigue and 50.8% respondents had used adequate coping strategies where “self distraction”(2.76±1.02) was the most used coping strategy by the respondents. Fatigue experience and coping strategies had negative correlation (r=-0.490, p=<0.001).Conclusions: Majority of the respondents had experienced fatigue, and half of the respondents used adequate coping strategies. The different methods of coping strategies for fatigue and chemotherapy related effects should be expanded as per the best available evidence to lower fatigue and other adverse effects.Keywords: Cancer; chemotherapy; coping strategies; fatigue.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Siska Ayu Ningsih

Hospitalization in pediatric patients will cause children to feel anxious and stressed in various conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of family support to anxious responses in school-age children (6-12 years) when an IV was placed in the emergency room at Rafflesia Bengkulu Hospital. This research is a descriptive analytic study with cross sectional approach. A sample of 78 children were placed on an IV line, samples were taken using accidental sampling technique. Data were obtained using a family support questionnaire and anxiety observation sheets. Bivariate analysis uses the Chi Square formula. Univariate analysis results found 57.7% of family support is good while 42.3% of family support is not good, while the level of anxiety of children is 17.9% not worried, 43.6% mild anxiety and 38.5% moderate anxiety. Bivariate analysis found ρ value 0,000, which means there is a relationship between family support and the level of anxiety of children. Conclusion, there is a significant relationship between family support and the level of anxiety of school-age children (6-12 years) when infusion is placed. Keyword: Family Support, Child Anxiety, Hospitalization

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