scholarly journals TERRAS E TRADIÇÕES REVOLVIDAS: impactos da construção da UHE de Irapé, nas tradições religiosas, culturais e relações de parentesco dos povos compulsoriamente deslocados para Araras

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (02) ◽  
pp. 240-259
Celia Lopes Azevedo ◽  
Ana Paula Glinfskoi Thé ◽  
Renilson Soares dos Santos ◽  
Rony Enderson de Oliveira

O presente artigo objetiva analisar e discutir algumas repercussões socioculturais, especificamente no que diz respeito às tradições religiosas, culturais, laços de parentesco e identidade coletiva das pessoas realocadas para o assentamento Araras, município de Francisco Sá - MG, decorrentes da construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Irapé, no Rio Jequitinhonha, entre os municípios de Berilo e Grão Mogol, no Norte de Minas Gerais. O trabalho valeu-se de pesquisas: bibliográfica, exploratória e estudo de caso, com trabalho de campo viabilizado por entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados evidenciaram que no novo lugar, as pessoas experimentaram prejuízo à continuidade de práticas religiosas e comprometimento das tradições culturais e laços de parentesco, além da quebra da identidade coletiva. Palavras-chave: Irapé. Identidade. Parentesco. Assentamento.   REVOLVED LAND AND TRADITIONS: impacts of the construction of the UHE Irapé, in the religious traditions, cultural and kinship relations of peoples compulsorily moved to Araras ABSTRACT This article aims to analyze and discuss some sociocultural implications, specifically with regard to the religious traditions, cultural ties of kinship and collective identity of persons relocated for nesting Araras, municipality of Francisco Sá - MG, resulting from the construction of the Irapé hydroelectric plant, in the Jequitinhonha River, between the municipalities of Berilo and Grão Mogol, in the North of Minas Gerais. The job cost is searches: literature, exploratory and case study, with field work made possible by semi-structured interviews. The results showed that in the new place, people have experienced prejudice to the continuity of religious practices and commitment of cultural traditions and ties of kinship, in addition to the breakdown of the collective identity. Keywords: Irapé. Identity. Kinship. Settlement   TERRAS Y TRADICIONES REVOLVIDAS: impactos de la construcción de la UHE de Irapé, en las tradiciones religiosas, culturales y relaciones de parentesco de los pueblos obligadamente desplazados hacia Araras RESUMEN El presente artículo objetiva analizar y discutir algunas repercusiones socioculturales, específicamente en lo que se refiere a las tradiciones religiosas, culturales, lazos de parentesco e identidad colectiva de las personas reubicadas para el asentamiento Araras, municipio de Francisco Sá - MG, resultantes de la construcción de la Usina Hidroeléctrica Irapé, en el Río Jequitinhonha, entre los municipios de Berilo y Gran Mogol, en el Norte de Minas Gerais. El trabajo se valió de investigaciones: bibliográfica, exploratoria y estudio de caso, con trabajo de campo viabilizado por entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los resultados evidenciaron que, en el nuevo lugar, las personas experimentaron perjuicio a la continuidad de prácticas religiosas y comprometimiento de las tradiciones culturales y lazos de parentesco, además de la quiebra de la identidad colectiva. Palabras-clave: Irapé. Identidad. Parentesco. Asentamiento.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 291-316
Rachel Inêz Castro Oliveira

Este artigo contempla o aproveitamento dos elementos geológicos, geomorfológicos, espeleológicos, pedológicos e hidrográficos que compõem a geodiversidade como recurso educativo, turístico e interpretativo, em uma das principais nascentes do Rio Vieira e entorno, no município de Montes Claros, Norte de Minas Gerais. Considerando a especificidade desse campo da geodiversidade, o objetivo foi investigar as potencialidades da nascente do Rio Vieira e entorno, por meio do inventário dos elementos representativos da geodiversidade. A abordagem metodológica consistiu em fases concomitantes: levantamento bibliográfico, trabalhos de campo e elaboração de mapas. A área de estudo foi inventariada, caracterizando a geodiversidade local. As inferências e constatações produzidas possibilitaram compreender que existe potencial da nascente do Rio Vieira e entorno para a interpretação da geodiversidade. Espera-se que este estudo contribua fornecendo subsídios para que mais pesquisas sejam realizadas na área. Palavras-chave: Geodiversidade; Montes Claros; Rio Vieira.   POTENTIAL FOR THE WATER SPRING OF RIO VIEIRA AND ITS SURROUNDINGS: an interpretation of Geodiversity Abstract This paper considers the use of surveys in the fields of geology,geomorphology, speleology, pedology and hydrography, which make up geodiversity, as educational, touristic and interpretive resources in one of the main sources of Rio Vieira – which is located in the municipality of Montes Claros, in the north of the State of Minas Gerais - and its surroundings. Considering the specificity of this field of geodiversity, the objective of this study is to investigate the potentialities of the water springs of Rio Vieira and its surrounding areas through the inventory of geodiversity representative elements. The methodological approach consisted of concomitant phases: bibliographic survey, field work and mapping. The chosen area was inventoried, and local geodiversity was characterized.The inferences that have been drawn as well as the researcher´s findings made it possible to conclude that there is potential for the water spring of Rio Vieira and its surroundings to be perceived as geodiversity elements. It is expected that this work can contribute to other studies by providing them with subsidies and that a number of future research may be carried out in the area. Keywords: Geodiversity; Montes Claros; Rio Vieira.   POTENCIAL DE LA NASCENTE DEL RIO VIEIRA Y ENTORNO: una interpretación de la Geodiversidad Resumen Este artículo contempla el aprovechamiento de los elementos geológicos, geomorfológicos, espeleológicos, pedregales e hidrográficos que componen la geodiversidad como recurso educativo, turístico e interpretativo, en una de las principales nacientes del río Vieira y entorno, en el municipio de Montes Claros, Norte de Minas Gerais. Considerando la especificidad de ese campo de la geodiversidad, el objetivo fue investigar las potencialidades de la naciente del río Vieira y entorno, a través del inventario de los elementos representativos de la geodiversidad. El enfoque metodológico consistió en fases concomitantes: levantamiento bibliográfico, trabajos de campo y elaboración de mapas. El área de estudio fue inventariada, caracterizando la geodiversidad local. Las inferencias y constataciones producidas posibilitaron comprender que existe potencial de la naciente del Río Vieira y entorno para la interpretación de la geodiversidad. Se espera que este estudio contribuya proporcionando subsidios para que más investigaciones se realicen en el área. Palabras clave: Geodiversidad; Montes Claros; Río Vieira.

1996 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 196-207
Jane Moss

The French colonists (‘habitants’) who began settling Canada in the early seventeenth century brought with them the French language, the Catholic religion, and French cultural traditions. These basic elements of ‘le patrimoine’ continued to evolve in the North American context after France abandoned the colony in 1760. Under the influence of a conservative political establishment and the Catholic Church for two centuries, French Canadians perceived themselves as an isolated minority whose duty was to preserve their language, religion, culture, and agrarian traditions. A collective identity crisis during the 1960s led to the conclusion that the old social, educational, and religious institutions had failed to keep up with the forces of modernization, industrialization, and urbanization which had transformed the province. During the period known as the ‘Révolution tranquille’, political reforms gave Quebec greater autonomy within the Canadian confederation, economic reforms improved material conditions, and educational reforms began preparing future generations for productive careers. Rejecting the term ‘Canadien français’ because it connoted colonial status, Quebec intellectuals adopted the term ‘Québécois’ and called for the creation of a national literature, independent from its French roots and its Anglo-American connections. This distinctive Québécois literature would reflect the reality of their lives and speak to them in the language of Quebec.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (29) ◽  
pp. 138-158

O artigo objetiva problematizar modelos hegemônicos de feminilidade a partir da história de vida de duas mulheres que experienciaram o sertão às margens do rio São Francisco (MG), habitando o município homônimo ao rio. Busca ainda entender como elas representam a si mesmas e a outras mulheres; como foram construídas as relações de gênero e os sentidos que constituem o feminino no sertão norte-mineiro na primeira metade do século XX. Partimos da compreensão de que as relações de gênero não são estáticas e permanentes e que as representações acerca do feminino são históricas, ou seja, não é possível generalizar um modelo de feminilidade para todos os estratos sociais e para todos os contextos geo-históricos. Palavras-chave: Gênero. Mulheres. Sertão. MARIA, MARIA: life histories of women in the backwoods of the São Francisco (MG) Abstract: The article aims to problematize hegemonic models of femininity from the life history of two women who experienced the backwoods on the banks of the São Francisco river (MG), inhabiting the homonymous municipality to the river. Also, it seeks to understand how they represent themselves and other women; how the gender relations were built and the meanings that constitute the feminine in the north of Minas Gerais backwoods, in the first half of the twentieth century. We start from the understanding that gender relations are not static and permanent and that the representations about the feminine are historical, that is, it is not possible to generalize a model of femininity for all social strata and for all geohistorical contexts. Keywords: Gender. Women. Backwoods. MARIA, MARIA:historias de vida de mujeres en el interior de São Francisco (MG) Resumen: El artículo tiene como objetivo problematizar los modelos hegemónicos de feminidad a partir de la historia de vida de dos mujeres que vivieron en el interior a las orillas del río São Francisco (MG), que habitan en el municipio homónimo del río. También busca comprender cómo ellas representan a sí mismas y a otras mujeres; cómo se construyeronlas relaciones de género y los significados que constituyen el femenino en el norte de Minas Gerais en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Partimos de la comprensión de que las relaciones de género no son estáticas y permanentes y que las representaciones sobre el femenino son históricas, es decir, no es posible generalizar un modelo de feminidad para todos los estratos sociales y para todos los contextos geo-históricos. Palabras clave: Género. Mujeres. Interior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 99-107
Gunapalasingam V

The People who have not only multi ethnic, multi -religious and multi -languages in Sri Lanka but also, they follow different beliefs and cultural traditions as well.  Hindu and Buddhist religious and cultural traditions are very prominent in Sri Lanka. Even though India is the root cause for the prevailing Hindu and Buddhist traditions in Sri Lanka, both the traditions and its worships and beliefs have unique and independent characteristics different from India. Small deity worship comprises of unique and independent characteristics in Sri Lanka. Small Deity worship in Hindu tradition: Kazhippu ritual, temple ritual, Kumara Deiva worship, Vairava worship, Pathini Amman worship, tree worship, Naga thampiran worship and small deity worship in Buddhist tradition: Thovil, Magapirith, katharagama deio, Bahirava, Pathini Deio, Bothi tree, Maga Naga are compared and identified unique and innovative characteristics among them.  In this research, historical method, comparative method and descriptive method have been used. Data gathered from field work are considered as primary sources and data gathered from literature, research articles, manuscripts, etc. considered as secondary sources.  Knowing origin and background of Hindu and Buddhist religion, identifying characteristics of small deity worship in Hindu and Buddhist tradition in Sri Lanka, discovering unique and innovative characteristics of small deity worship of Hindu and Buddhist traditions and evaluating values revealed by the two traditions are objectives of the research. Research area for this study is Magoya Divisional Secretary and Eravur Pattu Divisional Secretary.  The conclusion of the research is that the small deity worships of the above two traditions fulfills psychological needs of the concerned people and small deity worship beliefs and traditions of Hindu and Buddhist religions will continue for long time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 329-343
Narciso Ferreira Santos Neto ◽  
Rodrigo Marques do Nascimento ◽  
José Luiz Lopes Teixeira Filho

As cidades médias se destacam pelo seu caráter dinâmico, centralizador, atrativo de mercadoria, serviços e pessoas. A cidade de Montes Claros, localizada no norte de Minas Gerais, tem demonstrado tais características através do intenso fluxo de viagens demandado pela população aos Polos Geradores de Tráfego. Nesse cenário, necessita-se de um modo capaz de suprir a carência de transporte das pessoas, de maneira segura, econômica, sustentável e racionalizando. O ônibus, gerido por meio de diretrizes do Estado, se apresenta como melhor opção em relação aos automóveis particulares, uma vez que reduzem congestionamento e exercem papel social. Nessa perspectiva, o presente trabalho analisa a acessibilidade por transporte público coletivo ao polo gerador de tráfego (Escola Estadual Professor Plínio Ribeiro), localizado na Avenida Mestra Fininha, número 1225, bairro Jardim São Luiz, em Montes Claros – MG. Essa análise leva em conta o tempo de viagem (tempo de espera e tempo de percurso) por transporte público com ligação direta a escola e utiliza Sistemas de Informações Geográficas para armazenamento, processamento e espacialização dos dados coletados. A partir daí, sugere-se o nível de acessibilidade dos moradores da cidade de Montes Claros à escola Estadual Professor Plínio Ribeiro, o qual se mostrou com melhores resultados na área central e, quase sempre, reduziu-se à medida que se aproximava das regiões periféricas. Palavras-chave: Cidades Médias. Transporte Público Coletivo. Acessibilidade. Montes Claros.   ANALYSIS OF THE ACCESSIBILITY OF THE CITY POPULATION OF MONTES CLAROS / MG TO A PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR COLLECTIVE TRANSPORTATION ABSTRACT Medium cities stand out for their dynamic character, centralizer, attractive merchandise, services and people. The average city of Montes Claros, located in the north of Minas Gerais, has shown such feature by intense displacement flow demanded by the population Polos traffic generators. In this scenario, you need is a modal capable of filling the transport of persons, safe, economical, sustainable and rational manner. The bus, operated by state guidelines, is presented as the best option in relation to private cars, since they do not cause congestion and exert social role. In this perspective, this paper analyzes the service by public transportation to the pole traffic generator (State School Professor Plinio Ribeiro), located on the promenade Master Slim, number 1225, São Luiz Jardim, in Montes Claros - MG. This analysis takes into account the travel time (waiting time and travel time) by public transportation with direct connection to school and uses Geographic Information Systems for storage, processing and spatial distribution of the data collected. From there, it is suggested that the level of accessibility of the residents of the city of Montes Claros State Teacher Plinio Ribeiro school.  Keywords: Medium Cities. Collective Public Transport. Accessibility. Montes Claros.    ANÁLISIS DE LA ACCESIBILIDAD DE LA POBLACIÓN DE LA CIUDAD DE MONTES CLAROS / MG A UNA ESCUELA PÚBLICA POR TRANSPORTE COLECTIVO RESUMEN Las ciudades medias se destacan por su carácter dinámico, centralizador, atractivo de mercancía, servicios y personas. La ciudad de Montes Claros, ubicada en el norte de Minas Gerais, ha demostrado tales características a través del intenso flujo de viajes demandado por la población a los Polos Generadores de Tráfico. En este escenario, se necesita de un modo capaz de suplir la carencia de transporte de las personas, de manera segura, económica, sostenible y racional. El autobús, gestionado por medio de directrices del Estado, se presenta como mejor opción en relación a los automóviles privados, ya que reducen congestión y ejercen papel social. En esta perspectiva, el presente trabajo analiza la accesibilidad por transporte público colectivo al polo generador de tráfico (Escuela Estadual Profesor Plínio Ribeiro), ubicado en la Avenida Maestra Fininha, número 1225, barrio Jardim São Luiz, en Montes Claros - MG. Este análisis tiene en cuenta el tiempo de viaje (tiempo de espera y tiempo de recorrido) por transporte público con conexión directa a la escuela y utiliza Sistemas de Información Geográfica para almacenamiento, procesamiento y espacialización de los datos recolectados. A partir de ahí, se sugiere el nivel de accesibilidad de los habitantes de la ciudad de Montes Claros a la escuela estatal, el profesor Plínio Ribeiro, el cual se mostró con mejores resultados en el área central y casi siempre se redujo a medida que se acercaba a las regiones Periféricos. Palabras clave : Ciudades Medias. Transporte Público Colectivo. Accesibilidad. Montes Claros.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 130-158
Matheus Simões Santos ◽  
Hernando Baggio Filho ◽  
Amanda Dias Araújo ◽  
Mariana de Oliveira Freitas ◽  
Thiago Martins da Costa ◽  

O Rio das Velhas é o maior afluente em extensão do Rio São Francisco no Norte do Estado de Minas Gerais. A área de estudo localiza-se integralmente no município de Várzea da Palma, sendo delimitada pelas seguintes coordenadas UTM: 520000E-860200N e 532000E-805200N. Tendo em vista as particularidades naturais e as características antrópicas, o estudo avaliou a concentração e distribuição dos metais pesados na água superficial em 25 amostras coletadas em campo. As análises químicas dos metais cobre (Cu) e Cromo (Cr) nas águas superficiais demonstraram que, apenas o Cu violou a resolução CONAMA 357/2005, nenhuns dos dois elementos violaram a Portaria do Ministério da Saúde nº 518/2004. Em relação aos parâmetros Alumínio (Al), Manganês (Mn) e Ferro (Fe), na área de influencia urbano/industrial, o lançamento de esgoto doméstico, resulta em níveis de contaminação para esses elementos, no restante da área amostrada, indica um enriquecimento natural. Na elaboração cartográfica foi utilizado o software Arc Gis 9.2. Concluiu-se que a bacia do Rio das Velhas se constitui em um ambiente natural frágil. Os vários tipos de interferências antropogênicas, em especial a agricultura comercial, indústrias e urbanização, além de todo o contexto histórico de ocupação desordenada da bacia, contribuíram de forma marcante para a sua degradação hídrica e ambiental. Palavras-chave: Rio das Velhas. Água. Poluição. Metais pesados.   CONCENTRATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF HEAVY METALS ANALYSIS IN WATER OF THE VELHAS RIVER IN THE VÁRZEA DA PALMA TOWN AND THE  BARRA DO  GUAICUÍ DISTRICT -MG ABSTRACT The Velhas River is the largest tributary in the extension of the São Francisco River in the North of the State of Minas Gerais. The study area is fully located in the Várzea da Palma municipality and is delimited by the following UTM coordinates: 520000E-860200N and 532000E-805200N. Considering the natural particularities and the anthropic characteristics, the study evaluated the concentration and distribution of heavy metals in surface water in 25 samples collected in the field. The chemical analysis of Cu and Cr metals in surface waters shows that only Cu violated CONAMA Resolution 357/2005, neither of the two elements violated Ministry of Health Ordinance No. 518/2004. Regarding the parameters Al, Mn and Fe, in the area of urban / industrial influence, the release of domestic sewage results in levels of contamination for these elements, the rest of the sampled area shows natural enrichment. For cartographic elaboration was used software ArcGis 9.2 to obtain the natural scenarios. It was concluded that the Velhas River basin constitutes itself in a fragile natural environment. The various types of anthropogenic interference, especially commercial agriculture, industries and urbanization, beyond all the historical context of disordered occupation of the basin, contributed significantly to hydric and environmental degradation. Keywords: Velhas River. Water. Pollution. Heavy metals.   ANALISIS DE LA CONCENTRACIÓN Y DISTRIBUCIÓN DE METALES PESADOS EN EL AGUA  DEL RÍO DAS VELHAS EN LA CIUDAD DE VÁRZEA DE LA PALMA Y EL DISTRITO DE BARRA DEL GUAICUÍ-MG RESUMEN El Rio das Velhas es el más grande afluente en extensión de la cuenca hidrográfica del Rio São Francisco, ubicado a norte de la Província de Minas Gerais, sureste de Brasil. La zona de estudio comprende al município de Várzea da Palma (520000 E-860200 N; 532000 E-805200 N). Tenendo em cuenta las condiciones naturales y antrópicas, el estudio evaluó la concentración y distribución del cobre (Cu) y cromo (Cr) en agua superficiale de 25 porciones/partes recogitadas del Rio de Velhas. Los datos puntan que las concentraciones del cobre no están de acuerdo con la resolución del CONAMA 357/2005, y que tanto el cobre como el cromo violaron la Portaría del Ministério de Saúde de Brasil nº 518/2004. En relación a los parámetros de metales cómo aluminio (Al), manganeso (Mn) y fierro (Fe), en la zona de influencia urbano/industrial de saneamiento doméstico, resulta niveles de contaminación a partir de esos elementos. Aunque al rededor de la zona estudiada, esos niveles apuntan un enriquecimiento natural por parte de los mismos. En la elaboración cartográfica se utilizó el software Arc Gis 9.2, para la obtención de los mapas com los escenários naturales. El conjunto de datos han indicado que la cuenca del Rio das Velhas resulta em un ambiente natural extremamente frágil a las contaminaciones. Los diversos tipos de interferencias antropogénicas, en particular la agricultura comercial, las industrias y la urbanización, además de todo el contexto histórico de ocupación desordenada de la cuenca, contribuyeron de forma marcada a su degradación hídrica y ambiental. Palabras clave: Rio das Velhas. Agua. Polución. Metales pesados.

2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (suppl 1) ◽  
pp. bjgp18X696929
Jill Mitchell

BackgroundThere is an emerging debate that general practice in its current format is out-dated and there is a requirement to move to a federated model of provision where groups of Practices come together. The emergence of federations has developed over the past 5 years but the factors that influence how federations develop and the impact of this new model is an under researched area.AimThe study explored the rationale around why a group of independent GP practices opted to pursue an alternative business venture and the benefits that this strategy offered.MethodA single organisational case study of a federation in the North of England was conducted between 2011–2016. Mixed methods data collection included individual and group semi-structured interviews and quantitative surveys.ResultsFederations promote collaborative working, relying on strategic coherence of multiple individual GP practices through a shared vision and common purpose. Findings revealed many complexities in implementing a common strategy across multiple independent businesses. The ability of the federation to gain legitimacy was two dimensional – externally and internally. The venture had mixed successes, but their approach to quality improvement proved innovative and demonstrated outcomes on a population basis. The study identified significant pressures that practices were experiencing and the need to seek alternative ways of working but there was no shared vision or inclination to relinquish individual practice autonomy.ConclusionOrganisational development support is critical to reform General Practice. Whether central funding through the GP Five Year Forward View will achieve the scale of change required is yet to be evidenced.

Brian Chadwick ◽  
Adam A. Garde ◽  
John Grocott ◽  
Ken J.W. McCaffrey ◽  
Mike A. Hamilton

NOTE: This article was published in a former series of GEUS Bulletin. Please use the original series name when citing this article, for example: Chadwick, B., Garde, A. A., Grocott, J., McCaffrey, K. J., & Hamilton, M. A. (2000). Ketilidian structure and the rapakivi suite between Lindenow Fjord and Kap Farvel, South-East Greenland. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin, 186, 50-59. _______________ The southern tip of Greenland is underlain by the Palaeoproterozoic Ketilidian orogen (e.g. Chadwick & Garde 1996; Garde et al. 1998a). Field investigations in the summer of 1999 were focused on the structure of migmatites (metatexites) and garnetiferous granites (diatexites) of the Pelite Zone in the coastal region of South-East Greenland between Lindenow Fjord and Kap Farvel (Figs 1, 2). Here, we first address the tectonic evolution in the Pelite Zone in that region and its correlation with that in the Psammite Zone further north. Then, the structure and intrusive relationships of the rapakivi suite in the Pelite Zone are discussed, including particular reference to the interpretation of the controversial outcrop on Qernertoq (Figs 2, 8). Studies of the structure of the north-eastern part of the Julianehåb batholith around Qulleq were continued briefly from 1998 but are not addressed here (Fig. 1; Garde et al. 1999). The field study was keyed to an interpretation of the Ketilidian orogen as a whole, including controls of rates of thermal and tectonic processes in convergent settings. Earlier Survey field work (project SUPRASYD, 1992–1996) had as its principal target an evaluation of the economic potential of the orogen (Nielsen et al. 1993). Ensuing plate-tectonic studies were mainly funded in 1997–1998 by Danish research foundations and in 1999 by the Natural Environment Research Council, UK. The five-week programme in 1999 was seriously disrupted by bad weather, common in this part of Greenland, and our objectives were only just achieved. Telestation Prins Christian Sund was the base for our operations (Fig. 2), which were flown with a small helicopter (Hughes MD-500).

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-58
Fellipe Afonso de Azevedo ◽  
Noé D’jalma Araújo ◽  
Néliton Célio de Novais ◽  
José Vítor da Silva ◽  
Renato Augusto Passos

RESUMOObjetivo: o presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os significados de morte emergentes das equipes de enfermagem que atuam nas unidades de Pronto Socorro e Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) em uma entidade de médio porte situada no Sul de Minas Gerais. Materiais e métodos: estudo de abordagem qualitativa, do tipo descritivo, de campo e transversal. A amostra estudada foi composta de oito enfermeiros, 22 técnicos e quatro auxiliares de enfermagem, totalizando 34 profissionais, sendo utilizado o instrumento de caracterização pessoal e profissional da equipe de enfermagem e o roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada. A amostragem foi proposital. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de entrevista semiestruturada, gravada e transcrita. As diretrizes metodológicas do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo foram utilizadas para a seleção das ideias centrais e expressões-chave correspondentes, a partir das quais foram extraídos os discursos dos sujeitos, no cenário da instituição hospitalar. Resultados e Discussão: ao analisar o tema “significados de morte”, obtiveram-se as seguintes ideias centrais: “passagem”, “diversos significados”, “fim da vida” e “fim e começo de outra vida”. Conclusão: As concepções acerca do tema morte para os profissionais participantes deste trabalho reforça a necessidade de estudos sobre o tema durante a formação acadêmica. Certos de que irão vivenciar este tipo de situação no dia-a-dia profissional, é preciso prepará-los psicologicamente para isso.Palavras-chave: Morte, Equipe de enfermagem, Assistência ao paciente.ABSTRACTObjective: This study aimed to identify the meanings of emerging death of the nursing staff working in the Emergency Units and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a medium-sized entity located in southern Minas Gerais. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional qualitative field research. The sample was composed of 8 nurses, 22 technicians and 4 nursing assistants, totaling 34 professionals. It was used a tool of personal and professional characterization of the nursing team and a semi-structured interview. Sampling was intentional. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews, that were recorded and transcribed. The methodological guidelines of the Collective Subject Speech were used for the selection of the central ideas and corresponding key expressions, from which the speeches of the subjects were taken, in the hospital setting. Results and discussion: to examine the topic "death meanings" yielded the following core ideas: "pass", "different meanings", "end of life" and "end and beginning of another life." Conclusion: The conceptions about the death theme for the professional participants of this study reinforces the need for studies on the subject during their academic training. It is certain that they will experience this type of situation on their daily professional routine, therefore there is a need to prepare them psychologically for this.Keywords: Death, Nursing staff, Patient care.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0887302X2110275
Erin French ◽  
Kelly L. Reddy-Best

Folk costume is traditionally worn to represent and preserve ethnic heritage. Large numbers of Czechs emigrated to America from the 1870s to 1920s, but eventually, a generation was born that had little contact with their immigrant ancestors. The purpose of our research was to examine what role folk costume plays in the negotiation of Czech ethnic identity and how meaning is constructed and communicated through Czech folk costumes for modern-day wearers. We conducted 11 indepth, semi-structured interviews with descendants of Czech immigrants in a previously unexplored Czech population of the Midwest. We identified four major themes: feelings of connectedness; sense of pride and joy; importance of perceived authenticity; and variation, nuance, and meaning of costume construction and style. Through our work, we contribute to the preservation and documentation of modern-day Czech traditions, ongoing discussions surrounding defining cultural traditions, and business practices of retailers.

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