V.V. Ulyanova ◽  

The article identifies the main trends in the change in internal and inbound tourist flows in Russia and the Amur Region. The role of local history excursions in the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the region is considered. The analysis of the results of an online survey of Russian and Chinese respondents about the preferred types of local history excursions in the region is carried out. A new approach to the classification of excursions based on the methods of scientific-thinking and cognitive activity of excursionists is proposed. The main principles of the scientific basis in the preparation of local history excursions are revealed.

Baltic Region ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-111
Svetlana V. Stepanova

Border regions are expected to benefit from their position when it comes to tourism de­velopment. In this article, I propose a new approach to interpreting the connection between an area’s proximity to the national border and the development of tourism at the municipal level. The aim of this study is to identify the strengths and limitations of borderlands as re­gards the development of tourism in seven municipalities of Karelia. I examine summarised data available from online and other resources, as well as my own observations. Using medi­an values, I rely on the method of content analysis of strategic documents on the development of cross-border municipalities of Karelia. My research focuses on the tourism and recreation potential of borderlands and analyses the development of local tourism infrastructure. I de­scribe the major types of tourism, examine tourist flows, and consider the strategic aspects of tourism at the municipal level. I identify the strengths and limitations of the development of tourism in border areas by comparing the data on border and inland municipalities of Kare­lia and investigate the role of international border crossing points in the development of tou­rism in borderlands.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 192-214
Vitaly V. Naumkin ◽  
Vasily A. Kuznetsov

The latest developments in world politics have invariably shown the growing role of non-state actors (NSAs) in international affairs. Although this factor has drawn increased attention in both academic discourse and applied research, problems related to NSA typology remain unclarified. The present paper analyzes existing approaches to the categorization of various NSAs operating in the global political arena and proves that the available classifications of NSAs fail to represent present-day political realities, particularly in the Middle East. Proceeding from Phillip Taylor’s renowned classification of NSAs, the authors offer a new approach to differentiating NSAs acting in the Middle East, and suggest using such criteria as their relation to the state in terms of functions, state orientation, objectives, and system of management. For reasons of space, the present paper does not discuss the funding of NSAs’ operations and the extent to which they resort to violence in their activities.

2015 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 249-269
Михаил [Mikhail] Лабащук [Labashchuk]

The development of anthropocentric theories in modern linguisticsThe article highlights the unique position of anthropocentric theories within modern linguistics. To exemplify tendencies in the forming of idiolec­tic language theories in their functional aspects, I analyse the gnoseological approach in Alexander Kiklevich's linguistics. Modern linguistics differentiates between anthropocentric and anthropological theories of language. The base category of the latter is sociolect as a supraindividual phenomenon. Anthropo­centric linguistic theories are, in their turn, based on the category of idiolect as the ontologically unique category from which stems the existence of both the individual and society. In the functional approach of anthropocentric theories, sociolect itself is seen as a part of idiolect, whereas sociological theories, on the contrary, consider the idiolect a part of sociolect.The two basic approaches, or sets of criteria, traditionally applied to defin­ing the notion of category have been: (1) logical (adopting the perspective of the rational and logical capacities of consciousness) and (2) empirical (representing the perspective of the sensual experience of the individual). Beginning in the late 19th century, a new approach, or criterion, appeared and has been growing in importance. It might be referred to as: (3) the linguistic approach, which focuses on the exceptionality of how the necessarily unified rational-logical,sensual-imaginary and emotional experiences of the individual are categorised. It is namely that third aspect, or criterion, that is actualised in the studies of the individual's cognitive and mental capacities. Such actualisation is fostered by the researchers' awareness of the focusing role of individual language in regulating the cognitive and communicative manifestations of behaviour.Within the structure of the sign, comprising of the signifying and the signified, the signified is itself a complex structure, essentially describable on three logical and prototypical levels:– the hypernimic (generic, abstract-logical) level,– the base (generic-particular, mental-imaginary) level (whose prototypical structure is the centre-periphery), and– the hyponymic (particular, mixed, syncretic) level.Alexander Kiklevich's theory proposes a classification of scientific paradigms; discusses the pragmatics and functionality of language in communication; emphasises the peculiarity of the conceptualising of information on the basic, supra-basic and sub-basic levels of communication; criticises the content of modern conceptology; finally, it develops and elaborates a distinctive approach to the issues of language polysemy and metaphor. Anthropocentric theories of modern linguistics strengthen the long-stipulated leading position of the discipline among the human sciences. Kształtowanie się teorii antropocentrycznych we współczesnym językoznawstwieArtykuł zwraca uwagę na specyfikę teorii antropocentrycznych we współczesnym językoznawstwie. Jako przykład tendencji rządzących kształtowaniem się funkcjonalnych aspektów idiolektycznych teorii języka analizie poddane zostaje podejście gnozeologiczne w językoznawstwie Aleksandra Kiklewicza. Antropocentryczne teorie lingwistyczne przeciwstawiane są w dzisiejszym językoznawstwie antropologicznym teoriom języka. Podstawową kategorią tych ostatnich jest socjolekt jako zjawisko ponadjednostkowe. Podstawową kategorią teorii antropocentrycznych w językoznawstwie jest z kolei idiolekt jako ontologicznie niepowtarzalna kategoria wyjściowa istnienia jednostki i społeczeństwa. W przypadku podejścia funkcjonalnego w ramach teorii antropocentrycznych sama kategoria socjolektu uznana zostaje za część idio­lektu, nie zaś odwrotnie, jak ma to miejsce w teoriach socjologicznych.Termin kategoria określa się tradycyjnie za pomocą dwóch kryteriów czy też podejść: 1) logicznego (z pespektywy racjonalno-logicznych zdolności, jakimi dysponuje świadomość), 2) empirycznego (z perspektywy zmysłowego doświad­czenia jednostkowej osobowości). Poczynając od końca XIX wieku, pojawiło się, a następnie umocniło trzecie podejście – 3) kryterium językowe, które koncentruje się na swoistości kategoryzowania (ujmowanego jako nierozdzielna całość) doświadczenia jednostki: racjonalno-logicznego, sensoryczno­-obrazowego i emocjonalnego. Właśnie ów trzeci aspekt ulega aktualizacji w związku z badaniami kognitywno-myślowych zdolności jednostki. Aktualizacji tej sprzyja wiedza o ogniskującej roli indywidualnego języka w procesie regulacji kognitywnych i komunikacyjnych przejawów zachowania.Znak dzieli się na znaczące i znaczone, jednakże samo znaczone przedstawia sobą złożoną strukturę odnoszącą się do trzech poziomów logicznych i prototypowych:– hiperonimicznym (rodzajowym, abstrakcyjno-logicznym),– podstawowym (gatunkowo-rodzajowym, mentalno-obrazowym, o prototypowej strukturze centrum-peryferia),– hiponimicznym (gatunkowym, mieszanym, synkretycznym).Teoria Aleksandra Kiklewicza proponuje klasyfikację paradygmatów lingwistycznych, opisuje pragmatykę i funkcję języka w komunikacji, akcen­tuje swoistość konceptualizowania informacji na podstawowym, wyższym i niższym poziomie komunikacji, krytykuje treść współczesnej konceptologii, a także rozwija i konkretyzuje problematykę polisemii i metaforyki języka. Teorie antropocentryczne we współczesnym językoznawstwie wzmacniają od dawna postulowaną pozycję lingwistyki jako wiodącej dyscypliny nauk humanistycznych. Становление антропоцентристских теорий в современном языкознанииВ статье отмечается своеобразие антропоцентристских теорий в современном языкознании. Как пример тенденций в становлении функциональных аспектов идиолектных теорий языка анализируется гносеологический подход в языкознании А. Киклевича. Антропоцентристские лингвистические теории в современном языкознании противопоставлены антропологическим теориям языка. Базовой категорией антропологи­ческих теорий в языкознании является социолект как надличностное явление. Напротив, базовой категорией антропоцентристских теорий в языкознании является идиолект как единственная онтологически исходная категория существования личности и общества. При функ­циональном подходе в антропоцентристских теориях сама категория социолекта признается частью идиолекта, а не наоборот, как в социоло­гических теориях идиолект признается частью социолекта.Традиционно термин категория определялся, в основном, двумя кри­териями, или подходами: 1 – логическим (со сторонырационально-логиче­ских способностей сознания); 2 – эмпирическим (со стороны чувственного опыта личности). Начиная с конца ХIХ-го века появился и последовательно укреплялся третий подход, или критерий 3 – языковой критерий, который акцентирует внимание на своеобразии категоризирования (в их единстве) рационально-логического опыта личности,сенсорно-образногоопыта иэмоционального опыта личности. Именно третий аспект, или критерий актуализируется в связи с исследованием когнитивно-мыслительных способностей личности. Этой актуализации способствует понимание фокусирующей роли индивидуального языка в регуляции когнитивных икоммуникативных проявлений поведения.Помимо дифференциации знака на означающее и означаемое, само означаемое знака является сложной структурой, соотносимой прежде всего с тремя логическими и прототипическими уровнями:– гиперонимический (родовой,абстрактно-логический),– базовый (родо-видовой, ментально-образный, с прототипической структурой центр – периферия),– гипонимический (видовой, смешанный, синкретичный).В теории А. Киклевича представлена классификация лингвистических парадигм, прагматика и фукнции языка в коммуникации, акцентируется своеобразие концептуализации информации в базовом, надбазовом и подбазовом уровнях коммуникации, критикуется содержание современной концептологии, а также развивается и уточняется проблематика языковой полисемии и метафорики. Антропоцентристские теории в современной лингвистике укрепляют давно утверждаемую позицию лингвистики как ведущей дисциплины среди гуманитарных наук.

Crisis ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-88 ◽  
Bob Lew ◽  
Ksenia Chistopolskaya ◽  
Yanzheng Liu ◽  
Mansor Abu Talib ◽  
Olga Mitina ◽  

Abstract. Background: According to the strain theory of suicide, strains, resulting from conflicting and competing pressures in an individual's life, are hypothesized to precede suicide. But social support is an important factor that can mitigate strains and lessen their input in suicidal behavior. Aims: This study was designed to assess the moderating role of social support in the relation between strain and suicidality. Methods: A sample of 1,051 employees were recruited in Beijing, the capital of China, through an online survey. Moderation analysis was performed using SPSS PROCESS Macro. Social support was measured with the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and strains were assessed with the Psychological Strains Scale. Results: Psychological strains are a good predictor of suicidality, and social support, a basic need for each human being, moderates and decreases the effects of psychological strains on suicidality. Limitations: The cross-sectional survey limited the extent to which conclusions about causal relationships can be drawn. Furthermore, the results may not be generalized to the whole of China because of its diversity. Conclusion: Social support has a tendency to mitigate the effects of psychological strains on suicidality.

2007 ◽  
pp. 80-92
A. Kireev

The paper studies the problem of raiders activity on the market for corporate control. This activity is considered as a product of coercive entrepreneurship evolution. Their similarities and sharp distinctions are shown. The article presents the classification of raiders activity, discribes its basic characteristics and tendencies, defines the role of government in the process of its transformation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 39-54
Marco Ieva ◽  
Cristina Ziliani

Customer Experience develops through a journey of touchpoints. However, little is known on the role of touchpoints in contributing to customer loyalty, which is the final aim of Customer Experience Management. This study provides an examination of the relative and moderating role of frequency and positivity of exposure to more than twenty touchpoints and their interplay in contributing to customer loyalty. An online survey on more than three thousand consumers is run with reference to retail banking. Results show that only a small number of touchpoints is significantly related to customer loyalty. Findings point companies' attention to invest their efforts in managing both the frequency and positivity of specific touchpoints.

Oleksandr Ostrohliad

Purpose. The aim of the work is to consider the novelties of the legislative work, which provide for the concept and classification of criminal offenses in accordance with the current edition of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the draft of the new Code developed by the working group and put up for public discussion. Point out the gaps in the current legislation and the need to revise individual rules of the project in this aspect. The methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of appropriate conclusions and recommendations. During the research, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, logical-semantic, system-structural, logical-normative, comparative-historical. Results In the course of the study, it was determined that despite the fact that the amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine came into force in July of this year, their perfection, in terms of legal technology, raises many objections. On the basis of a comparative study, it was determined that the Draft Criminal Code of Ukraine needs further revision taking into account the opinions of experts in the process of public discussion. Originality. In the course of the study, it was established that the classification of criminal offenses proposed in the new edition of the Criminal Code of Ukraine does not stand up to criticism, since other elements of the classification appear in subsequent articles, which are not covered by the existing one. The draft Code, using a qualitatively new approach to this issue, retains the elements of the previous classification and has no practical significance in law enforcement. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in law-making activities to improve the norms of the current Criminal Code, to classify criminal offenses, as well as to further improve the draft Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Petar Halachev ◽  
Victoria Radeva ◽  
Albena Nikiforova ◽  
Miglena Veneva

This report is dedicated to the role of the web site as an important tool for presenting business on the Internet. Classification of site types has been made in terms of their application in the business and the types of structures in their construction. The Models of the Life Cycle for designing business websites are analyzed and are outlined their strengths and weaknesses. The stages in the design, construction, commissioning, and maintenance of a business website are distinguished and the activities and requirements of each stage are specified.

2018 ◽  
Vol 79 (9) ◽  
pp. 61-66
N. V. Khalikovа

The article considers the functions of the system of verbal imagery’s in the creation of the scientific style of V.V. Vinogradov. The figurativeness of basic, background and metaphorical terms is described. The semantic structure of the image of the basic term «style» is analyzed, figurative paradigms of the concepts Language, Speech and Style are revealed. The article shows the relationship between scientific thinking and metaphorical style, the role of sustainable cognitive metaphors in the creation, storage and transfer of pragmatic information and the creation of a cultural and historical context.

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