scholarly journals Pendekatan Ibadah Model Supevisi Peningkatan Kinerja Guru PAI

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Herman Herman ◽  
Jamaluddin Idris

The worship approach is one of the supervision models that make worship values a basic principle for PAI supervisors in performing the main tasks and functions (Tupoksi) to supervise the improvement of PAI teacher's performance. The problem that arises is that PAI supervisors are still less able to apply the values of worship when conducting supervisory duties to PAI teachers so that the performance of PAI teachers declines according to stakeholders and community perceptions. This study aims to describe the worship approach as a supervision model in improving the performance of PAI teachers in Nagan Raya Regency Junior High School. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach and employs three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation studies. While data analysis techniques will be based on the opinion of Miles, and Huberman, including 1) data reduction, 2) display/ presentation of data, and 3) drawing conclusions or data verification. In this research, the validity of the data will be analyzed by using four criteria, namely the degree of trust (credibility), transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results showed that the PAI supervisor had already developed a worship approach as a supervision model for improving the performance of PAI teachers, through working models solely because of God, working models as a means of communication with God, working models as a symbol of obedience to God, and the model of all work is valued as worship, and the model of work tirelessly. Even though this approach has been developed by PAI supervisors, it turns out that daily the PAI supervisors show mediocre attitudes and behavior in improving the performance of PAI teachers in public schools.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 63
Siti Magesaharani ◽  
Busthomi Ibrohim

The purpose of this research is to analyse the formation of character in students of Junior High School Ardaniah Boarding School Serang Banten. Research methods using qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Triangulation was done by way of rechecking the information interview results with the results of observation and documentation. The research found that the formation of character in the Boarding School Program Junior Ardaniah is done through: 1) academic activities, either intrasekolah or ekstrasekolah; 2) religious activities, such as: Islamic studies, the study of the book of yellow, muhadhoroh, memorizing the Qur'an, Qur'an tahfidz and Lughotul al-Ta'lim al Arabia; 3) activity skills, such as: activities The cultivation of Plants through tissue culture of language skills, and information and Communication Technology skills. The characters are observed is 1) religious, attitudes, and behavior; 2) disciplines3) honest. 4) independent, 5) responsibility towards themselves, society, environment, country and God Almighty. Keywords: Boarding school, character education, religious discipline 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Siskandar Siskandar ◽  
Ahmad Zain Sarnoto ◽  
Etika Nailur Rahma

The purpose of this study is to analyze healthy life self-management of master students and to find a Healthy Lifestyle Perspective Healthy Living Movement (GERMAS). The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive with fenomenolgy approach. While the data collected in the ways of interviews, observation, documentation and data analysis techniques in the ways of Data Reduction, and Data Display. Based on the results of the research, it is known that self-management is a healthy life of PTIQ Jakarta management master students, mostly done well by students, by implementing a Healthy Lifestyle according to the steps of the Healthy Living Society Movement (GERMAS), Informants who do not apply a Healthy are due to several factors, both factors that influence the formation of attitudes and behavior formation.

Suci Armala

Cohesion and coherence in discourse play a role in forming a wholeness in the discourse itself, both discourse and writing. One of the written discourses is the news in the Jawa Pos newspaper, which is the distribution of basic food packages breaking the fast of Ramadhan for the poor in the Tuban area held by PT. PJB UBJOM PLTU Tanjung Awar-awar, in this news is thought to contain elements of cohesion and coherence. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and discourse analysis techniques. The data obtained contains cohesion and coherence. In this data collection, namely by listening to the news and recording it. The results of this study include grammatical cohesion, lexical cohesion and its coherence. Grammatical cohesion includes reference cohesion, recovery cohesion, release cohesion and liaison cohesion. In addition to cohesion there is also coherence that is like the coherence of the means of purpose, the coherence of reasons for action, the coherence of the meaning of reason and so forth. With the discovery of the use of cohesion and discourse coherence in Jawa Pos news.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
Nurdyansyah Nurdyansyah ◽  
Qorirotul Aini

This study aims to determine the importance of technology role in Mathematics Class III in MI Ma'arif Pademonegoro, knowing the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the application of Mathematics Class III in MI Ma'arif Pademonegoro.Tenelitian is a type of qualitative research using Qualitative descriptive approach and using field research methods (Field Research). Data collection techniques in this study using interviews, observation and documentation and analyzed by using triangulation analysis techniques consisting of three stages namely 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) drawing conclusions.keyword: Education technology, Mathematic

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Aprilia Dame Christanty Sihombing

This endeed of  research is to describe the place of the kolintang music ensemble to accompany the singin of the flag ceremony at SMP Sw. St. Paulus Sidikalang. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The subject of this research is flag ceremony. The research focussed on the role of Kolintang music ensemble as song chanting. The data of the final research was obtained from the observations of the flag-raising activities, interview with teachers, student adan kolintang’s players in junior high school and take a documentation. Data were analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Data validity is obtained through data triangulation, observer triangulation, theory triangulation and method triangulation. The purpose of this research is to know and descriebing  kolintang music. Example, in this research is by using numbered data such as document, archieves, interview results, observation result or also by interviewing more thn one subject that is consideret to have a different point of view.The result showed that : (1) In accompaniying singing at the flag-ceremony, students used the basic notes G, C and F. (2) the tecnic to performed kolintang    were not wheeled with a kolintang played general. (3). After carrying out their duties as chanting accompaniment in the ceremony, students who performed kolintang first practice on kolintang extracurricular activities. (4) in the process of playing kolintang, each player must have a strong feeling so that the technic kolintang is harmonious. Keywords : Descriptive Study, Ensemble, Kolintang music

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Ani Widyawati ◽  
Laily Rochmawati Listiyani ◽  
Krida Singgih Kuncoro

Advances in technology cause a lot of damage to the environment and cultural shifts in society. This condition requires learning to integrate technology with the environment and society. Society-based industrial era 4.0 towards 5.0 studying and technology must pay attention to the preservation of nature and culture in society. The approach that fits this mandate is SETS (science, environment, technology, and society). The SETS approach can be applied in various media, methods and learning models. One of them is a science comic for junior high school that has included the SETS component in its material. This research is a qualitative descriptive study about the relationship between SETS components in junior high school science comics. The instruments in this study were data cards and operational definitions. The data in this study are in the form of words, language, pictures, and behavior that show the representation of the SETS components. The analysis results show that all SETS components have been represented in the science comics. SETS which is integrated into the learning process is expected to improve the quality of students in facing an increasingly advanced industrial era but still environmentally friendly.

2019 ◽  
Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati ◽  
Hairumini Hairumini ◽  
Tjaturahono Budi Sanjoto ◽  
Muhammad Rais

This study aims to 1) analyze the values of local wisdom Aceh traditional houses to mitigate earthquakes and tsunamis; 2) analyze community perceptions in maintaining (knowledge, attitudes, and behavior) local wisdom of Aceh traditional houses; and 3) reviewingtheroleofparentsinthelocalculturalinheritanceofAcehtraditionalhouses. The method used in this research is the qualitative method. Data collection is done by interviewing, observing, and documenting. The results show that: 1) Rumoh Aceh has the values of local wisdom to mitigate earthquakes and tsunamis. the values of local wisdom exist in the components of building forms and traditional ceremonies of Rumoh Aceh; 2) the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of local wisdom in Rumoh Aceh teaches the community to adapt, care about cultural heritage, and form a social family system, and 3) the role of parents in the cultural inheritance local wisdom of Rumoh Aceh, carried out through civilization and socialization by involving the role of young people in traditional activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Galih Puji Kurniawan

Ponorogo Regency has its own arts and culture which are the characteristics and identity of this Reog City. One example is batik. Batik Ponorogo has a variety of motifs that are unique and different from other regions. Ponorogo batik motifs are diverse, each of which contains a deep philosophical meaning and assumed to have relevance to the values ​​of noble education character. The purpose of this study was describe the values ​​of education character in the philosophical meaning of the Batik Ponorogo motif and to find out the understanding of high school students in Ponorogo Regency about the philosophical meaning of the Ponorogo batik motif on the values ​​of education character. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with descriptive-analytical analysis techniques. The data was obtained through in-depth interviews with batik art experts about the philosophical meaning of the Batik Ponorogo motif. Meanwhile, the data on the understanding of high school students in Ponorogo Regency regarding the philosophical meaning of batik was obtained through a questionnaire technique as supporting data. Based on the research that has been done by researchers to batik art experts, the Batik Ponorogo motif contains education character values ​​that can be used to strengthen the students’ character. In addition, from the results of the online questionnaire test that the researchers conducted on high school students in Ponorogo Regency, it was found that they were very familiar with the philosophical meanings which contained in each batik Ponorogo motif and its relevance to education character values. Keywords: Philosophical Meaning of Batik, Education Character, Motif Batik Ponorogo

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 559
Angga Andriawan ◽  
Asti Sari Setiawati ◽  
Indah Puspita Sari ◽  
Siti Chotimah

This study aims to analyze the critical thinking skills of junior high school students on Pythagoras material. Subjects in this study are students of class VIII-F in SMP Negeri 1 Ngamprah with the number of students 37 people. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. This type is chosen because it aims to describe the skills of students in solving problems of mathematical critical thinking independently. The research phase is divided into three, namely planning, implementation, and reporting. The technique of collecting data in the form of test. Data analysis techniques based on indicators of mathematical critical thinking skills that has been determined by researchers include: (1) identifying the concepts used in problem solving, (2) formulating an action (strategy, tactics, or approach) in solving problems, (3) providing arguments or reasons for answering and solving problems, and (4) evaluating evidence or decisions taken in solving the problem. The results obtained quantitatively show that the level of mathematical critical thinking skills of students in SMP Negeri 1 Ngamprah in solving the problems on Pythagoras material still falls into the low category. The evidence from the percentage of each indicator with the highest rate of only 61%. Some factors influence the level of students critical thinking skills, including the preparation of incomplete and appropriate strategies, provide arguments without showing the truth, and the students' accuracy in working on the questions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-188
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Saniri Saniri ◽  
Abu Samsuddin ◽  
Moh. Taufiqurrahman

Abstract The adjustment was implemented with the formation of a religious environment in the educational management at Camplong Junior High School 1. This research aims to get answers from the focus of the problem: 1) How is the formation of a religious environment in the educational management at Camplong Junior High School 1? 2) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors for the formation of a religious environment in the educational management at Camplong Junior High School 1? In order to collect data, researchers used interviewing, observation and documentation techniques. While the analysis is carried out according to descriptive analysis techniques quality. From the analysis of the data, it was found that: 1) the formation of a religious environment was realized by educational facilities and infrastructure that support, the existence of intra-religious and extra-curriculum religious activities, and religious attitudes and behavior of school people. 2) As for the supporting are teacher professionalism, educational facilities and infrastructure, and school discipline. The inhibiting factor is that the program is still centered on PAI teachers.   Key Word: Religius Environment, Educational Management   Abstrak Penyesuaian diimplementasikan dengan pembentukan lingkungan religius dalam pengelolaan pendidikan di SMP Negeri 1 Camplong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapat jawaban dari fokus masalah: 1) Bagaimana pembentukan lingkungan religius dalam pengelolaan pendidikan di SMP Negeri 1 Camplong? 2) Apakah faktor pendukung dan penghambat pembentukan lingkungan religius? Dalam rangka pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisisnya dilakukan menurut teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatitf. Dari analisis data, ditemukan bahwa: 1) pembentukan lingkungan religius diwujudkan dengan: sarana dan parasana pendidikan yang mendukung, adanya kegiatan keagamaan baik intra maupun ekstra kurikulum, dan sikap dan perilaku religius warga sekolah. 2) adapun faktor pendukung yaitu profesionalisme guru, sarana dan prasarana pendidikan, dan tata tertib sekolah. Faktor penghambat adalah program ini masih terpusat pada guru PAI.   Kata kunci: Lingkungan religius, pengelolaan pendidikan.

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