scholarly journals Calles de la memoria: filmando los procesos performativos de la memorialización

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (31) ◽  
Carmen Guarini

Es sabido que la memoria es una construcción del pasado desde un presente. Sin presente no hay memoria posible. Partiendo desde esta línea conceptual mi trabajo se ha sustentado desde sus inicios en el principio de observar y filmar en qué elementos del presente se instala la memoria, en pos de construir imágenes que den cuenta del modo en que el pasado circula en nuestro presente y lo resignifica. En mi último film Calles de la Memoria  exploro desde un doble proceso performativo un reciente proceso de memorialización: las “baldosas x la memoria” en la ciudad de Buenos Aires a cargo de grupos de emprendedores de Memoria. Palabras clave: Memoria. Baldosas. Desaparecidos. Memorialización. Performa.   Streets of Memory: filming performative processes of memorialization   Abstract   It is known that memory is a construct of the past from a present. Without this there is no memory possible. Starting from this conceptual line my work has been based in the principle of observing and filming in which elements of this memory is installed, after constructing images that account for the way in which circulates in the past and our present new meaning. In my last film Streets of Memory I explore a recent performative memorialization process: the "memory’s flagstones" in the city of Buenos Aires made by groups of entrepreneurs Memory. Keywords: Memory. Flagstones. Desaparecidos. Memorialization. Performa.

2006 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-192 ◽  
Carlos Machado

Memory played a crucial role in the shaping of Late Roman political consciousness and identity. This is clear in the case of the city of Rome, where political, religious, and social transformations affected the way that the city’s inhabitants defined their relationship between themselves and with the imperial court. The area of the forum Romanum was intimately related to Rome’s history, and was therefore particularly appropriate for the construction of different ‘Roman memories’. The aim of this article is to discuss how the monuments built or restored in this area helped to define these memories and turn the past into a political argument.

2015 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 521-542 ◽  

AbstractBased on extensive and long-term ethnographic fieldwork carried out between 2002 and 2009, and by analysing the presence, use and struggles over public space of cartoneros and vecinos in middle-class and central neighbourhoods of the city of Buenos Aires, this article examines practices, moralities and narratives operating in the production and maintenance of social inequalities. Concentrating on spatialised interactions, it shows how class inequalities are reproduced and social distances are generated in the struggle over public space. For this, two social situations are addressed. First, we explore the way in which cartoneros build routes in middle-class neighbourhoods in order to carry out their task. Second, we present an analysis of the eviction process of a cartonero settlement in the city.

Alba Navarro

La ciudad en el cine es un ámbito de investigación que propone analizar la imagen mostrada por los cineastas sobre las diferentes urbes a nivel mundial. París representa uno de los lugares estelares para el rodaje de películas. Además, es importante destacar su vinculación con el nacimiento y la maduración del séptimo arte y con el desarrollo de movimientos artísticos ligados a él. En este artículo nos sumergimos en el estudio de la película Paris (2008) de Cédric Klapisch, poniendo nuestra atención en las localizaciones elegidas por el autor para desarrollar sus historias y tratando de indagar en los motivos que le han llevado a elegir unos u otros emplazamientos con los diferentes iconos parisinos. Además, estudiamos el carácter simbólico de los diversos lugares y emblemas y su influencia en el relato fílmico. En definitiva, intentamos desgranar la visión que el propio autor tiene de la metrópolis y la manera en que se la traslada al público.Abstract: The city on cinema is an investigation area which proposes the analysis of the image shown by filmmakers about many cities worldwide. Paris represents one of the star places of film shooting. It is important too to highlight its connection with the origin and the growth of the seventh art and with the development of artistic movements linked to it. In this paper we dive into studying the film Paris (2008) by Cédric Klapisch, aiming our attention into the different places chosen by the author in order to develop its stories and trying to inquire the reason behind the selection of those sites with the parisian icons. Moreover, we study the symbolic character of the different places and emblems and their influence in the filmic narration. In short, we try to approach to the vision that the author has from the metropolis and the way he gives it to the public. Palabras clave: Cine y ciudad; cine y París; Paris de Cédric Klapisch; iconos parisinos. Keywords: Cinema and city; Cinema and Paris; Paris by Cédric Klapisch; Parisian icons.

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 100-104
Cristina Cadenas Sánchez ◽  
Diego Collado Fernández

Se muestra una propuesta práctica de gymkhana denominada «Granada contada por personajes de cuentos» en el que se hace un recorrido por los monumentos históricos de la Ciudad de Granada, concretamente, llevándolos a cabo en el barrio del Albaicín por medio de cuentos y novelas populares. El número de participantes a los que va dirigida es de 100 alumnos entre segundo curso y sexto de primaria, los cuales se distribuirán en grupos mixtos de manera que lo conformen sujetos de distintas edades y clases. Se promueve a través de esta actividad el fomento no solo de los aspectos conceptuales sino de aquellos actitudinales que construyen la forma de ser y actuar del niño. Además, se caracteriza por un trabajo interdisciplinar entre todas las áreas que hace que se consiga una educación integral. Es por ello, que nuestra propuesta trata de transmitir valores, fomentar la cooperación y el compañerismo. Palabras clave: gymkhana; valores; educación; interdisciplinariedad y centro educativo.Abstract: In this article it is shown a practical proposal of gymkhana called «Granada told by tale characters», in which we propose a tour around the historical monuments of the city of Granada. Concretely, this tour will be carried out in the Albaicín Quarter using traditional tales. The total number of participants is around 100 students between the second and the sixth year of primary school. The students will be mixed in order to create groups from differents ages and classes. This activity promotes the capacity-buildings of the conceptuals and attitudinal aspects to improve the way of being and acting of the child. It is also an interdisciplinary work between all areas whose objetive is to achieve an integral education. For that reason our gymkhana is more than a gymkhana, more than an activity, is a way to transmit values, positive attitudes, a way to encourage cooperation and fellowship.Key words: gymkhana; values; education; interdisciplinary and school.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  

Em 1793 um grupo de habitantes de Buenos Aires, sobretudo franceses, foram acusados de estarem conspirando junto com seus escravos para tomar a cidade na sexta-feira santa. Do inquérito e dos processos judiciais que foram abertos se evidencia a preocupação das autoridades com as leituras que estes faziam. Este artigo busca recuperar as diferentes formas de circulação e de leitura de textos num perá­odo em que o Império Espanhol teve muita preocupação por controlar as notá­cias que seus vassalos recebiam e as leituras que faziam. Palavras-chave: Buenos Aires. Leitura. Censura.  BRINDES, TEXTOS Y LIBROS PROHIBIDOS: la "conspiración de esclavos y franceses" en Buenos Aires colonial.Abstract: In 1793 a group of inhabitants of Buenos Aires, especially French, were accused conspiring with their slaves to take over the city on Good Friday. From the investigation and legal proceedings which have been opened shows the concern by the authorities with their readings. This article seeks recover different forms of text circulation and reading at a time when the Spanish Empire had much concern with controlling the news that his vassals received and what they read. Keywords: Buenos Aires. Reading. Censorship.  TOAST, TEXTS AND FORBIDDEN BOOKS: the "slaves and French conspiracy" in colonial Buenos Aires Resumen: En 1793, un grupo de habitantes de Buenos Aires, sobretodo franceses, fueron acusados en conspirar junto a sus esclavos para dominar la ciudad el dá­a de Viernes Santo. De la investigación y todos los procesos generados por ese caso, se evidencia la preocupación que las autoridades presentaban con respecto a las lecturas que eran hechas de esos documentos. Este articulo se propone recuperar diferentes formas de circulación y de lecturas de textos en un periodo en que el Imperio Español se preocupaba en controlar las noticias que sus vasallos recibá­an y cómo eran hechas sus lecturas. Palabras clave: Buenos Aires. Lectura. Censura.

2017 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 149-157
Anis Mkacher

AbstractThe only building which has been preserved from the ancient urban fabric of Tripoli, Oea in antiquity, is the Triumphal Arch. By considering Arab sources, we may shed new light on its evolution, the place it had been in the past and the way it was considered during those times. If we compare two excerpts from Arab-Muslim historiography, written by local travellers, with Western testimonies, we see that the monument was reinterpreted in the light of the new culture which was established in the region and of the local history of the city.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (54) ◽  
Josefina Cingolani

Resumen: Este artículo recoge los resultados de una tesis doctoral realizada en el período 2013-2018, en donde se analiza la configuración del circuito de rock de la ciudad de La Plata. Retomando algunos resultados, aquí analizaremos los itinerarios de un conjunto de músicos/as integrantes del circuito, enfocándonos en sus trayectorias, en los trayectos que realizan en el espacio urbano y en las lógicas que organizan sus andares. Sostenemos como hipótesis que son las trayectorias de los actores las que modulan los trayectos que realizan, así como son esos recorridos espaciales los que poseen un carácter performativo sobre sus biografías. La estrategia metodológica será de tipo cualitativa, utilizando diversas herramientas de producción de datos, en donde se destaca la técnica de sombreo (Jirón, 2012). Asimismo, este artículo también brinda una reflexión sobre herramientas metodológicas para estudiar prácticas artísticas en la ciudad y su reciprocidad: el modo en que la ciudad condiciona las prácticas, las formas en que estas prácticas producen ciudad.Palabras Clave: Circuito. Rock. Trayectorias. Itinerarios Urbanos. Sombreo URBAN ROCKER ITINERARIES IN LA PLATA CITY, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. This article collects the results of a doctoral thesis carried out in the period 2013-2018, where the configuration of the circuit of rock in La Plata city. Returning to some results, here we will analyze the itineraries of a group of musicians who are members of the circuit, focusing on their trajectories, the journeys they make in the urban space and the logics that organize their gait. We hypothesize that it’s the trajectories of the actors that modulate the paths they make, as well as those spatial paths that have a performative character about their biographies. The methodological strategy will be qualitative, using various data production tools, where the shadow (Jirón, 2012) stands out as a technique.Likewise, this article also provides a reflection on methodological tools to study artistic practices in the city and their reciprocity: the way the city conditions practices, the ways in which these practices produce city.Keywords: Circuit. Rock. Trajectories. Urban Itineraries. Shadow

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. 135-156
Éva Bruckner
The Past ◽  
The City ◽  

For thou­sands of years Hun­gary has, for the most part, been a transit zone for other na­tions’ armies or a tar­get of con­quest. As a res­ult, the Four Horse­men of the Apo­ca­lypse: Con­quest, War, Fam­ine and Death were ravaging mostly at the same time. Among them, Death is “the deputy of hell”, which can des­troy everything by dis­eases and epi­dem­ics. This study is a brief re­view of the in­fec­tious dis­eases which rav­aged vari­ous re­gions in Hun­gary dur­ing the past cen­tur­ies, fol­lowed by a more elab­or­ate de­scrip­tion of those that tar­geted the whole coun­try: plague, chol­era and Span­ish flu. With the help of doc­u­ments which have not been re­vealed so far, the study sheds light on in­ter­est­ing stor­ies, like the way the plague helped the city of Pest to be­come the cap­ital city, or how Hun­garian doc­tors could suc­cess­fully cure tuber­cu­losis in the unique cli­mate of the Tatra Moun­tains. At the turn of the 19th and 20th cen­tur­ies, chol­era triggered a de­vel­op­ment in pub­lic health­care and hy­giene that still has its im­pacts felt to date. The coronavirus, which has hit us in the 21st cen­tury, is stud­ied with a focus on its ef­fects on our cur­rent so­ci­ety.

2017 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-107
Johanna Maldovan Bonelli

The changes in the paradigms regarding urban solid waste management that have occurred in the past few decades have led to a reformulation of Argentine social, labor, and environmental policies. In the case of the city of Buenos Aires, the presence of thousands of “informal” recyclers dedicated to the recovery of recyclable materials for their subsistence has given a particular imprint to the design of these policies, the focus of which has been the social inclusion of these workers through the creation of cooperatives. An examination of the assumptions underlying the use of the concept of informality in the development of cooperatives for recycling from 2007 to 2013 shows that they are part of a complex process in which measures for increasing rights and protections are associated with various forms of labor instability. En las últimas décadas, los cambios en los paradigmas de manejo de residuos sólidos urbanos han dado lugar a una reformulación de las políticas sociales, laborales y ambientales argentinas. En el caso de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, la presencia de miles de recicladores “informales” dedicados a recuperar materiales reciclables para su subsistencia le ha dado un cariz particular al diseño de dichas políticas, las cuales buscan la inclusión social de estos trabajadores a través de la creación de cooperativas. Un análisis de los supuestos que subyacen el uso del concepto de informalidad en el desarrollo de las cooperativas para reciclaje de 2007 a 2013 muestra que son parte de un complejo proceso en el que las medidas para aumentar los derechos y grado de protección de los trabajadores se asocian a diversas formas de inestabilidad laboral.

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 28-56
Alejandro Gangui

Cultural heritage relating to the sky in the form of sundials, old observatories and the like, are commonly found in many cities in the Old World, but rarely in the New. This paper examines astronomical heritage embodied in the Barolo Palace in Buenos Aires. While references to Dante Alighieri and his poetry are scattered in streets, buildings and monuments around the Western world, in the city of Buenos Aires, the only street carrying Dante’s name is less than three blocks long and, appropriately, is a continuation of Virgilio street. A couple of Italian immigrants—a wealthy businessman, Luis Barolo, and an imaginative architect, Mario Palanti—foresaw this situation nearly a century ago, and did not save any efforts or money with the aim of getting Dante and his cosmology an appropriate monumental recognition, in reinforced concrete. The Barolo Palace is a unique combination of both astronomy and the worldview displayed in the Divine Comedy, Dante’s poetic masterpiece. It is known that the Palace’s design was inspired by the great poet, but the details are not recorded; this paper relies on Dante’s text to consider whether it may add to our understanding of the building. Although the links of the Palace’s main architectural structure with the three realms of the Comedy have been studied in the past, its unique astronomical flavor has not been sufficiently emphasized. The word of God, as interpreted by the Fathers of the Church in Sacred Scripture, Aristotle’s physics and Ptolemy’s astronomy, all beautifully converge in Dante’s verses, and the Barolo Palace reflects this.

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