scholarly journals The Importance of Behavioral Economics during COVID-19

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3(J)) ◽  
pp. 70-74 ◽  
Javier Cifuentes-Faura

Behavioral Economics seeks to understand the environments where decisions are made and to build proposals to optimize them. It offers the possibility to improve the design of public policies and, therefore, to enhance their results. The appearance of COVID-19 has caused thousands of deaths and millions of infected people around the world. This article describes the main behavioral biases that people exhibit during this pandemic. In order to curb the number of infections and stop the panic, it is essential to use Behavioral Economics tools, such as those proposed in this paper, to design messages that are simple and that motivate appropriate changes in human behavior. This work shows the importance of transmitting information correctly, of being aware of our own biases and that individual responsibility is fundamental to get out of this crisis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 475-497 ◽  
Dov Cohen ◽  
Faith Shin ◽  
Xi Liu

We explore the psychological meanings of money that parallel its economic functions. We explore money's ability to ascribe value, give autonomy, and provide security for the future, and we show how each of these functions may play out differently in different cultural milieus. In particular, we explore the meanings and uses of money across ethnic groups and at different positions on the socioeconomic ladder, highlighting changes over the last 50 years. We examine the dynamics of redistribution between the individual, the family, and the state in different cultures, and we analyze the gendering of money in the world of high finance and in contexts of economic need. The field of behavioral economics has illustrated how human psychology complicates the process of moving from normative to descriptive models of human behavior; such complexity increases as we incorporate the great diversity within human psychology.

Ajie Hanif Muzaqi ◽  
Muhammad Zainal Layfani

AbstrakKebijakan publik adalah cara dari pemerintah yang disepakati bersama untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab, seperti melindungi hak-hak dari masyarakat serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga Negara. Dunia pada sekarang ini sedang dilanda oleh wabah corona virus disease 2019 atau sering disebut Covid-19. Membuat berbagai sektor menjadi berantakan, tak terkecuali sektor ekonomi. Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur kemudian membuat kebijakan Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 53 Tahun 2020 Tentang Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan dan Pengendalian Covid-19 untuk meminimalisisr peyebaran virus corona. Dimana peraturan tersebut wajib dipatuhi oleh seluruh masyarakat Jawa Timur. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif  yaitu metode yang berusaha menafsirkan dan memahami makna suatu peristiwa interaksi tingkah laku manusia dalam situasi tertentu menurut perspektif peneliti sendiri. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa kebijakan publik yang dikeluarkan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur melalui Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 53 Tahun 2020 banyak merugikan pelaku UMKM, karena penghasilan mereka menjadi berkurang akibat dari pembatasan jam operasional dan pembatasan pengunjung atau tidak diperbolehkan adanya kerumunan. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan Publik; Covid-19; Peraturan Gubernur. Abstract  Public policy is a mutually agreed way of government to fulfill responsibilities, such as protecting the rights of the community and improving the welfare of citizens. The world is currently being hit by an outbreak of the corona virus disease 2019 or often called Covid-19. Making various sectors into a mess, including the economic sector. The East Java Provincial Government then made a policy on Governor Regulation Number 53 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of the Health Protocol and Covid-19 Control to minimize the spread of the corona virus. Where these regulations must be obeyed by all the people of East Java. The type of this research is qualitative, namely a method that seeks to interpret and understand the meaning of an event of human behavior interaction in certain situations according to the researcher's own perspective. The results of the study stated that the public policies issued by the East Java Provincial Government through Governor Regulation Number 53 of 2020 caused a lot of harm to MSME actors, because their income was reduced due to restrictions on operating hours and visitor restrictions or no crowds were allowed. Keywords: Public policy; Covid-19; Governor Regulation.

2011 ◽  
pp. 78-98
M. Storchevoy

The paper draws on the most recent research in the field of behavioral economics, neuroscience, and other disciplines and shows how biological and social factors interact and co-determine real human behavior. The author considers in detail various affects and forms of non-rational behavior. He proposes a common framework for such analysis, where each of those forms of behavior becomes the result of conscious or evolutionary-driven choice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-69
Ibelala Gea

This article aims to describe the results of research on how to preach the gospel to all beings, based on Mark 16:15-16. Preaching the gospel is a great commission from the Lord Jesus to His followers after His resurrection from the dead. The world is the address of the gospel preaching, not only to man but to all beings.The Gospel writer of  Mark wants to explain that the world is synonymous with evil, therefore the gospel serves to salt the evil world, so when Iniil is preached to the wicked, it is expected to change the mindset and human behavior.Greedy and greedy human behavior that only views nature as a commodity. Human evil is seen when only the task of exploiting natural resources and forget the responsibility of caring for, nurturing nature and the environment. Gospel preaching aims to awaken peoples not only to view nature as power (dominio) but as a fellow of creatures, and friends (communio). Preach the gospel to all beings and receiving each other with referring to reduce, reuse, recycle and replace as a responsibility to God who has given the mandate for us. AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian tentang bagaimana memberitakan Injil kepada  seluruh makhluk, bertolak dari Markus 16:15-16. Memberitakan Injil adalah amanat agung dari Tuhan Yesus kepada para pengikut-Nya setelah kebangkitan-Nya dari antara orang mati.Dunia adalah sebagai alamat pemberitaan Injil, bukan hanya kepada manusia melainkan kepada segala makhluk. Penulis Injil Markus hendak menjelaskan bahwa dunia identik dengan kejahatan, sebab itu Injil berfungsi menggarami dunia yang penuh kejahatan itu, karena itu ketika Iniil diberitakan kepada orang-orang jahat, diharapkan akan mengubah mindset dan perilaku manusia. Perilaku manusia yang serakah dan tamak yang hanya memandang alam sebagai komoditi. Kejahatan manusia terlihat ketika hanya bertugas mengeksploitasi sumber-sumber daya alam dan lupa pada tanggung jawab merawat, memelihara alam dan lingkungan hidupnya.  Pemberitaan Injil menyadarkan manusia agar tidak hanya memandang alam sebagai kekuasaan (dominio) tetapi sebagai sesama ciptaan, sahabat yang bersifat communio. Memberitakan Injil kepada seluruh makhluk dan menghargai segala makhluk dengan saling memberi dan menerima dengan mengacu pada pola-pola reduce, reuse, recycle dan replace sebagai tanggung jawab kepada Tuhan yang telah memberi amanat.

Sensors ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (10) ◽  
pp. 3423 ◽  
Shrikant Warkad ◽  
Satish Nimse ◽  
Keum-Soo Song ◽  
Taisun Kim

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 71 million people were living with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection worldwide in 2015. Each year, about 399,000 HCV-infected people succumb to cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and liver failure. Therefore, screening of HCV infection with simple, rapid, but highly sensitive and specific methods can help to curb the global burden on HCV healthcare. Apart from the determination of viral load/viral clearance, the identification of specific HCV genotype is also critical for successful treatment of hepatitis C. This critical review focuses on the technologies used for the detection, discrimination, and genotyping of HCV in clinical samples. This article also focuses on advantages and disadvantages of the reported methods used for HCV detection, quantification, and genotyping.

2020 ◽  
pp. 174569162095378
Satoshi Kanazawa

I aver that standard economics as a model of human behavior is as incorrect in 2017 (after Thaler) as geocentrism was as a model of celestial behavior in 1617 (after Galileo). Behavioral economic studies that have exposed the paradoxes and anomalies in standard economics are akin to epicycles on geocentrism. Just as no amount of epicycles could salvage geocentrism as a model of celestial behavior because it was fundamentally incorrect, no amount of behavioral economic adjustments could salvage standard economics as a model of human behavior because it is fundamentally incorrect. Many of the cognitive biases exhibited by humans are shared by other species, so not only are human actors Humans (as opposed to Econs), but nonhuman animals as phylogenetically distant from humans as ants and locusts are also Humans. Evolutionary biology as a model of human behavior can explain many of the hitherto unexplained cognitive biases and provide a unifying model of human behavior currently lacking in behavioral economics.

Leonardo ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 240-243 ◽  
David Crandall ◽  
Noah Snavely

Social photo-sharing sites like Flickr contain vast amounts of latent information about the world and human behavior. The authors describe their recent work in building automatic algorithms that analyze large collections of imagery in order to extract some of this information. At a global scale, geo-tagged photographs can be used to identify the most photographed places on Earth, as well as to infer the names and visual representations of these places. At a local scale, the authors build detailed 3D models of a scene by combining information from thousands of 2D photographs taken by different people and from different vantage points.

2018 ◽  
Jean-Michel Hupé

In the wake of financial scandals, Cohn and collaborators published a headline-grabber study in the field of behavioral economics. M.C. Villeval (2014) summarized the main message as follows, in News and Views of the Nature issue where the Cohn study was published: the “experiment shows that although bank employees behave honestly on average, their dishonesty increases when they make decisions after having been primed to think about their professional identity.” Cohn et al. thus provide evidence that “the incentives and the business culture developed in the financial sector may undermine the honesty norms of ordinary employees.” This study may have important consequences for policy, since, Villeval continues, “it is crucial to ensure a business culture of honesty in this industry to restore trust in it.” Villeval also argues that “from a scientific perspective, this study […] supports the economic theory of social identity […], links this theory with the economic analysis of lying behavior [… and] shows how behavioural economists can contribute to a broader reflection in science about how people manage their 'multiple selves' ”. Here I show that the use of flawed statistics methods, yet employed routinely in so-called “evidence-based” science, led the authors to distort the “evidence”. I am also using this data-set as an interesting example to explore how we can use modeling and simulations to provide a fair account of the information and uncertainty conveyed by the data, based on Confidence Intervals. I provide the R-code. Based on this paper, I question the contribution of behavioral economics to the understanding of human behavior and conclude with considerations on honesty and science.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 229
Antonio Santos Carvalho dos Santos Junior ◽  
Janaina Guimarães da Silva

RESUMOOs debates em educação necessitam cada vez mais de concepções pedagógicas que emanem do movimento de libertação das oprimidas e dos oprimidos, assim como apregoava o professor Paulo Freire. Isso significa que é preciso realizar o ato educacional na aproximação dos sentidos elaborados pelos sujeitos participantes das dinâmicas pedagógicas, respeitando e potencializando suas identidades no movimento de busca do ser mais no/com o mundo. É preciso sentir o cheiro daqueles/as que conosco participam da construção das aprendizagens, que devem ser instrumentos políticos que re/elaborem nossa presença no mundo. É nesse sentido que este artigo reflete teoricamente acerca da necessidade da construção de currículos que respeitem as identidades gays elaboradas fora e dentro da escola; construídas pelos corpos que, com seus gestos, inscrevem sua presença no mundo e com isso também suscitam políticas públicas para esses sujeitos.Palavras-chave: Currículo. Políticas Públicas. Gays.ABSTRACTDebates on education increasingly require pedagogical conceptions emanating from the liberation movement of the oppressed and oppressed, as Paulo Freire proclaimed. This means that it is necessary to carry out the educational act in the approximation of the senses elaborated by the subjects participating in the pedagogical dynamics, respecting and potentializing their identities in the search movement of being more in / with the world. It is necessary to feel the smell of those who participate with us in the construction of learning, which must be political instruments that re-elaborate our presence in the world. It is in this sense that this article is made as a theoretical reflection about the need to construct curricula that respect the gay identities elaborated outside and within the school; constructed by the bodies that with their gestures, inscribe their presence in the world and, with this, also raise of public policies for these subjects.Keywords: Curriculum. Public policy. Gay.

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