2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Alan Maulana . ◽  
Dr. I Ketut Sudiana, S.Pd. M Kes . ◽  
Dr. Ni Putu Dewi Sri Wahyuni, S.Ked., M. .

Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui pengaruh pelatihan double leg box bound dan alternate leg box bound terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah the non-randomized control. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa putra peserta ektrakurikuler sepak bola SMA Negeri 1 Sidemen berjumlah 43 orang, dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok menggunakan teknik ordinal pairing, yaitu 22 orang diberikan pelatihan double leg box bound, 22 orang diberikan pelatihan alternate leg box bound. Power otot tungkai diukur dengan test vertical jump. Data dianalisis dengan uji F (one way anova) pada taraf signifikansi (α) = 0,05 dengan bantuan program SPSS 16.0. Hasil analisis data pada kelompok perlakuan double leg box bound terjadi peningkatan power otot tungkai sebesar 58,77, pada kelompok perlakuan alternate leg box bound sebesar 61,86. Hasil uji one way anova variable power otot tungkai antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok control didapat Fhitung sebesar 8,91 dan signifikasi 0,001 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara pelatihan double leg box bound dan alternate leg box bound terhadap power otot tungkai. Berdasarkan hasil uji LSD, kelompok pelatihan double leg box bound lebih baik pengaruhnya dibandingkan pelatihan alternate leg box bound terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai sebesar 2,46. Disimpulkan bahwa; (1) pelatihan double leg box bound dan alternate leg box bound berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai. (2) terdapat perbedaan pengaruhantara pelatihan double leg box bound dan alternate leg box bound terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai. (3) pelatihan double leg box bound lebih baik dari pada alternate leg box bound terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai. Kata Kunci : double leg box bound, alternate leg box bound, power otot tungkai. This experimental research aims to know the effect of double leg box bound and alternate leg box bound to increase leg muscle power. The research design with the non-randomized control. The subject were 43 male student participants of volleyball extracurricularin SMAN 1 Sidemenschool, then divided into 2 groups using ordinal pairing techniques, which is 22 male students given double leg box bound, 22 male students given training in alternate leg box bound. Leg muscle power was measured by vertical jump test. The data can be analyzed by F test (one way ANOVA) at a significance level (α) = 0.05 with SPSS 16.0. In the treatment group of double leg box bound howed an increase of leg muscle power as much as 58.77, the treatment group alternate leg box bound as much as 61,86. The test results of Fmeasureof one way ANOVA of leg muscle power between the treatment group and the control group was obtained 8.91 and the significance is 0.000, which means there is a difference between the effects of double leg box bound and alternate leg box bound to the leg muscle power. Based on the test results of LSD, the repetition double leg box bound group have better influence than alternate leg box bound training to increase leg muscle power as much as 2.46. From the results of data analysis in the discussion it can be concluded that; (1) training double leg box bound and alternate leg box bound effecting the increase in leg muscle power. (2) There is a difference between the effects of double leg box bound and alternate leg box bound to increase leg muscle power. (3) The double leg box bound is better than alternate leg box bound to increase leg muscle power.keyword : double leg box bound, alternate leg box bound, muscle power

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
I Ketut Addy Putra Indrawan ◽  
I Ketut Yoda ◽  
I Nyoman Sudarmada

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan quick leap dan double leg speed hop terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah the non-randomized control group pretest posttest design. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa putri peserta ektrakurikuler bolavoli SMP Negeri 3 Mendoyo berjumlah 45 orang. Data dianalisis dengan uji F (one way anova) pada taraf signifikansi (α) = 0,05 dengan bantuan program SPSS 16.0. Hasil analisis data pada kelompok perlakuan quick leap terjadi peningkatan power otot tungkai sebesar 27,4 pada kelompok perlakuan double leg speed hop sebesar 11,6 dan pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 0,33. Hasil uji one way anova variabel power otot tungkai antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol didapat Fhitung sebesar 22,325 dan signifikasi 0,000 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara pelatihan quick leap dan double leg speed hop terhadap power otot tungkai. Disimpulkan bahwa; (1) pelatihan quick leap dan double leg speed hop berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai. (2) terdapat perbedaan pengaruh signifikan antara pelatihan quick leapp dan double leg speed hop terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai. (3) pelatihan quick leap lebih baik dari pada double leg speed hop terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai. Saran; (1) bagi pelatih disarankan dapat menggunakan pelatihan ini dalam meningkatkan power otot tungkai. (2) bagi atlet perlu memperhatikan set dan repetisi yang tepat karena setiap individu memiliki kemampuan berbeda. (3) bagi peneliti yang ingin melakukan penelitian sejenis disarankan menggunakan variabel dan sampel penelitian berbeda. Kata Kunci : Kata-kata kunci: quick leap, double leg speed hop, daya ledak otot tungkai. Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of leap quick and double leg speed hop research to increase leg muscle power. The design of this study is the non-randomized control group pretest post-test design. The subjects were female students who join volleyball extracurricular SMP Negeri 3 Mendoyo amounted to 45 students. Data were analyzed by F (one way anova) test at significance level (a) = 0.05 with the help of SPSS 16.0. The results of data analysis in the quick leap treatment group, an increase on lamb muscle power of 27.4, in the treatment group double leg speed hop of 11.6 and in the control group of 0.33. One way anova variable of limb muscle power variable between treatment group and control group was obtained Fcount 22.225 and significance 0.000, which means difference of influence between quick leap and double leg speed hop training toward leg muscle power. It was concluded that; (1) the influence between quick leap and double leg speed hop training significantly influenced the increase of leg muscle power, (2) there is significant difference of influence between quick leap and double leg speed hop training toward increasing leg muscle power, (3) quick leap training more Both on double leg speed hop against increased leg muscle power. Suggestion: (1) for trainers it is advisable to use this training in improving leg muscle power, (2) for athletes need to care for cells and proper repetition because each individual has different capabilities, (3) for researchers who want to do similar research is suggested using variables and Different research samples. keyword : Key Words: quick leap, double leg speed hop, explosive muscle limb power.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
I Made Dwi Apri Pramana ◽  
I Putu Sutha Nurmawan ◽  
I Putu Adiartha Griadhi ◽  
Ida Ayu Dewi Wiryanthini

Muscle power was defined as the combination between speed and strenght of muscle contraction and enters in the fitness components. Plyometrics exercises can be used to improve the skills of volleyball players. This study was an experimental study using research designs pre test and post test control group design. The sampling technique inthis study with a simple random sampling. The total sample of 20 person so in one group consisted of 10 person. The first group was given additional ballistic stretching on knee tuck jump exercise. The second group was given knee tuck jump exercise. Measurements of leg muscle power using vertical jump test. Normality test p > 0.05 and homogeneitytest p > 0.05. The results showed an increase in leg muscle power in first group amounted to 14.30 cm and in second group an increase of 7.70 cm. Paired samples t-test p value = 0.000 (p <0.05) in first group and p = 0.000 (p < 0.05) in second group. Test increase explosive power leg muscle after exercise in both groups using independent sample t-test obtained first group and second group where p = 0.000 (p <0.05) with an increase in the percentage of 30.95% in the first group and 16.73% in the second group. From the research done can be concluded that the addition of ballisticstretching on knee tuck jump exercise is more effective than knee tuck jump exercise in increasing explosive power leg muscle in male volleyball players Medical Faculty Of Udayana University. Keywords: muscle power, ballistic stretching, knee tuck jump, vertical jump test.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Gde Ryan Saputra ◽  
Made Budiawan Budiawan ◽  
Gede Doddy Tisna

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan langkah bayangan (shadow) memindahkan bola bulutangkis terhadap kelincahan dan daya ledak otot tungkai. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen semu dengan rancangan the non randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 20 orang. Kelincahan diukur dengan tes zig-zag run, dan untuk daya ledak otot tungkai menggunakan tes vertical jump, selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan bantuan komputer program SPSS 16.0. Hasil analisis data kelincahan pada kelompok perlakuan langkah bayangan terjadi peningkatan rata-rata gaint score sebesar 0,49 dan pada kelompok kontrol terjadi peningkatan rata-rata gaint score sebesar 0,25. Hasil analisis data daya ledak otot tungkai pada kelompok perlakuan langkah bayangan terjadi peningkatan rata-rata gaint score sebesar 9,1 dan pada kelompok kontrol terjadi peningkatan rata-rata gaint score sebesar 5,0. Hasil uji t-independent variabel kelincahan antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol didapat Thitung sebesar 5,082 dengan signifikansi 0,000 dan untuk variabel daya ledak otot tungkai antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol didapat Thitung sebesar 6,403 dengan signifikansi 0,000. Dari hasil analisis data dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa; (1) pelatihan langkah bayangan (shadow) memindahkan bola bulutangkis berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kelincahan pada siswa putra ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis SMP Negeri 1 Ubud. (2) pelatihan langkah bayangan (shadow) memindahkan bola bulutangkis berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai pada siswa putra ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis SMP Negeri 1 Ubud.Kata Kunci : Langkah Bayangan (shadow), kelincahan, daya ledak otot tungkai The aims of this study was to determined the effect of training shadow step moving a shuttlecock to the agility and leg muscle power. Type of research was quasi experiment with the non randomized pre-test-post-test control group design. This research as many as 20 subjacts. Agility measured with a zig-zag run test and Leg muscle power measured with a vertical jump tests, then the data were analyzed with the aid of a computer program SPSS 16.0. The results of the analysis of agility on a shadow step treatment group, the mean of gaint score increased of 0,49, in the control group there was an increase of 0,25. The result of the analysis of leg muscle power on a shadow step treatment group, the mean of gaint score increased of 9,1, in the control group there was an increase of 5,0. The results of t-Independent agility variables between the treatment and control groups obtained Taccount of 5,082 with significance 0,000, leg muscle power variables between the treatment and control groups obtained Taccount of 6,403 with significance 0,000. From the results of the data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that; (1) shadow step training effect on the increase in agility men's badminton extracurricular of SMPN 1 Ubud. (2) shadow step training effect on the increase in leg muscle power men's badminton extracurricular of SMPN 1 Ubud.keyword : shadow step, agility, leg muscle power

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
I Putu Agus Surya Atmaja ◽  
I Ketut Sudiana ◽  
Gede Doddy Tisna

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui pengaruh pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media tanah dan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir terhadap daya ledak otot tungkai. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan the non-randomized control group pretest posttest design. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP N 3 Banjar tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 berjumlah 32 orang, kemudian dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok dengan menggunakan teknik ordinal pairing, yaitu 16 orang diberikan pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media tanah dan 16 orang diberikan pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir. Daya ledak otot tungkai diukur dengan test vertical jump. Data yang di dapat dianalisis dengan uji-t Independent pada taraf signifikansi (α) = 0,05 dengan bantuan program SPSS 16.0. Hasil analisis data menunjukan adanya perubahan nilai rata-rata pada variabel daya ledak otot tungkai. Pada kelompok perlakuan sprint 50 meter pada media tanah terjadi peningkatan sebesar 9,75, pada kelompok perlakuan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir terjadi peningkatan sebesar 15,88. Hasil uji-t Independent variabel daya ledak otot tungkai antara kelompok perlakuan sprint 50 meter pada media tanah dan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir didapat nilai thitung sebesar 2,789 dan signifikasi 0,009 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media tanah dan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir terhadap daya ledak otot tungkai. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data Post-test nilai rata-rata kelompok perlakuan, maka kelompok pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir lebih baik pengaruhnya dibandingkan pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media tanah terhadap peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai sebesar 15,88. Dari hasil analisis data dalam pembahasan disimpulkan bahwa; (1) pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media tanah dan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai. (2) terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media tanah dan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir terhadap peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai. (3) pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir lebih baik daripada sprint 50 meter pada media tanah terhadap peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai. Kata Kunci : pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media tanah, pelatihan sprint 50 meter pada media pasir, daya ledak otot tungkai. This study aims to determine the effect of 50 meter sprint exercise on soil media and sprint 50 meters on sand media against explosive muscle limb power. This type of research is an experiment with the design of non randomized control group pretest posttest design. The subjects of the study were students of class VIII SMP N 3 Banjar 2016/2017 academic year amounted to 32 people, Then divided into 2 groups using ordinal pairing technique, which is 16 people given sprint training 50 meters on the soil media and 16 people were given training sprint 50 meters on the sand media. Limb muscle explosive power is measured by a vertical jump test. The data can be analyzed by the Independent t-test at the level of significance (α) = 0.05 with the help program of SPSS 16.0. The results of data analysis showed a change in mean values on explosive muscle power variables. In the sprint treatment group 50 meters on the soil media an increase of 9,75, in the sprint treatment group 50 meters on the sand media increased by 15,88. The result of t-test of Independent variable of explosive muscle limb between sprint treatment group 50 meter on soil media and sprint 50 meter on sand media obtained tcount value 2,789 and significance 0,009 which means there is a difference of effect between 50 meter sprint exercise on soil media and sprint 50 meter on sand media to explosive power of leg muscle. Based on the result of data analysis Post-test average value of treatment group, The 50 meter sprint training group on the sand media is better than the 50 meter sprint training on the soil media against an increase in explosive muscle power of the legs of 15,88. From the results of data analysis in the discussion concluded that : (1) 50 meter sprint training on soil media and 50 meter sprint on sand media affect the increase of explosive power of leg muscle. (2) there is a difference of influence between 50 meter sprint training on soil media and sprint 50 meter on sand media to increase power of explosion of leg muscle. (3) 50 meter sprint training on sand media is better than 50 meter sprint on soil media to increase explosive power of leg muscle. keyword : 50 meter sprint training on soil media, 50 meter sprint training on sand media, explosive muscle power of the legs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
I Wayan Dibya Darsana Darma . ◽  
Dr. I Ketut Sudiana, S.Pd. M Kes . ◽  
I Nyoman Sudarmada, S.Or., M.Or. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan loncat rintang terhadap daya ledak otot tungki dan kelincahan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu dengan rancangan the non randomized conrol group pretest posttest design. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa putra peserta extrakurikuler bola voli SMP Negeri 2 Gianyar tahun ajaran 2016/2017 sebanyak 30 orang, dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok dengan menggunakan teknik ordinal pairing, yaitu kelompok perlakuan berjumlah 15 orang dan kelompok kontrol berjumlah 15 orang. Untuk variabel daya ledak otot tungkai diukur dengan menggunakan tes vertical jump sedangkan variabel kelincahan diukur dengan tes Illinois agilty, selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan uji-t independent pada taraf signifikansi 95%, α= 0,05 dengan bantuan program SPSS 16,0. Hasil analisis daya ledak otot tungkai didapatkan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < taraf signifikansi 0,05, sehingga hipotesis loncat rintang berpengaruh terhadap daya ledak otot tungkai dapat diterima. Untuk hasil analisis kelincahan didapat nilai signifikansi 0,008 < taraf signifikansi 0,05, sehingga hipotesis loncat rintang berpengaruh terhadap kelincahan dapat diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa loncat rintang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai dan kelincahan pada siswa putra peserta ekstrakurikuler bola voli SMP Negeri 2 Gianyar Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017. Kata Kunci : Kata kunci : Loncat rintang, daya ledak otot tungkai, kelincahan. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of hurdles jump exercise to the leg muscle explosive power and agility, this type of research is quasi experiment with the non randomized control group pretest posttest design. The subject of this study is the male students of volley ball extracurricular at SMP Negeri 2 Gianyar year 2016/2017, as many as 30 students which is divided into two groups using ordinal pairing technique, which is 15 Students as treatment group and another 15 Students as control group. As the variable of the leg muscle explosive power is measured by vertical jump test while agility variable is measured by Illinois agility test, then the data is analyzed by independent test-t at the level of significant α = 0.05 using SPSS16.0 Application. The analysis result of the leg muscle explosive power got significant value 0.000 < significant level 0.05, so the hurdles jump hypothesis has an effect to the leg muscle explosive power is acceptable. For the result of agility got significant value 0.008 < significant level 0.05, so hurdles jump hypothesis has an effect to agility is acceptable. Thus it can be concluded that hurdles jump has an effect of an increase on leg muscle explosive power and agility to the male students of volley ball extracurricular at SMP Negeri 2 Gianyar year 2016/2017 keyword : Key words: Hurdles jump, Leg muscle explosive power, Agility.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 256-261
Yahya Eko Nopiyanto ◽  
Syafrial Syafrial ◽  
Santun Sihombing

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan panjang tungkai dan daya ledak otot tungkai dengan hasil lari sprint 100 meter pada siswa putra kelas VII di SMP Negeri 1 Indralaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa putra kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Indralaya yang berjumlah 91 siswa, sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 91 siswa. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data panjang tungkai adalah antropometer, power otot tungkai menggunakan tes vertical jump, sedangkan hasil lari menggunakan tes lari sprint 100 meter. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson Product Moment Corelation. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) adanya hubungan panjang tungkai dengan hasil lari sprint 100 meter dengan nilai r -0,05. (2) adanya hubungan daya ledak otot tungkai dengan hasil lari sprint 100 meter dengan nilai r -0,09. (3) adanya hubungan panjang tungkai dan daya ledak otot tungkai dengan hasil lari sprint 100 meter dengan nilai r 0,27. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang tidak signifikan pada panjang tungkai dan daya ledak otot tungkai dengan hasil lari sprint 100 meter. Kata kunci: panjang tungkai, daya ledak otot tungkai, sprint AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between leg length and leg muscle explosive power with the results of 100-meter sprints in male students of class VII in SMP Negeri 1 Indralaya. This research employed the corelational method design. This research was population research. All subjects in the population were included in this research with a total of 91 male students. The statistical analysis the Pearsons’ Product Moment Corelation statistical technique was employed. The research findings revealed that: (1) there was a relationship between leg length and the results of 100-meter sprints with a value of r -0.05. (2) there was a relationship between leg muscle power and the results of 100-meter sprints with a value of r -0.09. (3) there was no significant a relationship between leg length and leg muscle power with the results of 100-meter sprints with a value of r 0.27.Keywords: leg length, leg muscle explosive power, sprints   

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Gede Aditya Wiratama

Leg muscle explosiveness is one of the factors that determine the stability of jumping techniques in football. This research aims to prove that the combined training of Double Leg Speed ??Hop and Half Squat Jump is better than the Hurdle Jump in increasing leg muscle explosive power in male students participating in extracurricular football at SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Utara. Type of this research was true experimental with randomized pre and post-test with control group design. The research subjects were 18 male extracurricular football students at SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Utara which were divided into two different treatment groups. Treatment group was given training in a combination of Double Leg Speed ??Hop and Half Squat Jump and control group was given hurdles training, with a frequency of training 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Measurement of leg muscle strength measured using a meter board with a vertical jump test. The results of the study in both groups obtained the average leg muscle explosive power before training in the combination of Double Leg Speed ??Hop and Half Squat Jump 38.49 ± 4.658 cm, while after training the combination of Double Leg Speed ??Hop and Half Squat Jump became 48.17 ± 4.305 cm. The average explosive power of leg muscles before the Skipping Jump training was 36.63 ± 3.953 cm, while after the skipping jump training was 40.79 ± 4.227 cm. The mean difference test in the increased leg muscle power in treatment group and control group using independent t-tests in the post-test data of the two groups showed that p = 0.00 (p <0.05). It was concluded that the exercises in Treatment Group and Control Group both had an increased effect and in Treatment Group increased leg muscle power more than in Control Group. This research suggestions are expected to coaches can provide training properly and use evaluation monitoring improves athlete achievement. Keywords: Leg Muscle Explosive Power; Double Leg Speed ??Hop; Half Squat Jump; Hurdles Jumping; Football Extracurricular Boys SMP N 2 Kuta Utara

Shidqi Hamdi Pratama Putera ◽  
Hari Setijono ◽  
Oce Wiriawan

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of hurdle hops and tuck jump exercises on leg muscle strength and power, as well as the different effects of hurdle hops and tuck jump exercises on leg muscle strength and power. The research method used in this study is quantitative with quasi-experimental methods, with the design of this study using a non-randomize control group pretest and posttest design, with data analysis using ANOVA. The process of data retrieval is done by testing the leg muscle strength using a strength test tool that is a leg dynamometer and leg muscle power test with a jump md, during the pretest and posttest, then the data are analyzed using SPSS 22.0 series. The target of this study was martial arts athlete Kostrad Company-C with 30 members, divided into 3 groups with each group totaling 10 people, this research was conducted for 6 weeks. Paired sample strength test results and paired sample test of leg muscle power test that the significance level of each variable obtained sig 0,000 <0.05 thus there is a significant influence or difference between the pretest and posttest of the dependent variables of leg muscle strength and power, ANOVA test results on leg muscle strength and strength, showing strength, F: 12,191, sig 0,000, Power F: 4,778, sig 0.17, so it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the results of leg muscle strength and strength in three different groups, because sig <0.05. From the results of the post hoc multiple comparations (LSD) test of independent variables that have a significant influence on the increase in the dependent variable, it can be seen from the mean different results that the hurdle hops group gained 31,900 strength, power 155,367,00, meaning that the hurdle hops exercise was more influential. Based on the above analysis it can be concluded that there is an increase in leg muscle strength and power for each group, through the ANOVA test. Where hurdle hops exercises have a better effect than tuck jump exercises and the control group on leg muscle strength and power.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Amrizal Amrizal ◽  
Siska Siska

This study aims to determine whether there is 1) The effect of plyometric training jumping over a kun with two legs to the side, 2) The effect of the plyometric training jumping over a kun with two legs in a zig-zag manner, 3) Comparison of the plyometric exercise jumping over a kun with two legs sideways and in a zig-zag manner on leg muscle power for male students of class VIII A SMP Negeri 1 Rambah, Rokan Hulu Regency. This type of research is a quasi experiment. The population was all male students of class VIII A SMP Negeri 1 Rambah, Rokan Hulu Regency, totaling 12 people. The sampling technique used in this study was total sampling, namely the entire population of male students of class VIII A SMP Negeri 1 Rambah, Rokan Hulu Regency. The instrument used in collecting data was the Standing Broad Jump test. The data analysis technique used was the t-test, where 1) The effect of the plyometric training jumping over a kun with two legs to the side is 4.27, 2) The effect of the plyometric training jumping over a kun with two legs in a zigzag manner is 5.97, 3) Comparison plyometric exercise jumping kun with two legs to the side and zigzag the leg muscle power of male students class VIII A SMP Negeri 1 Rambah, Rokan Hulu Regency is 2.36 with t table is 1.81. So from the two exercises given there are significant differences.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
I Gede Agunk Teddy Pratama ◽  
Made Budiawan ◽  
I Nyoman Sudarmada

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan three corner drill terhadap kelincahan dan power otot tungkai. Jenis penelitian adalah quasi experimental dengan rancangan the non-randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek penelitian yang digunakan siswa putra peserta ektrakurikuler sepak bola SMPN 2 Pekutatan. Data post-test kelincahan dan power otot tungkai pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol dianalisis dengan uji-t independent pada taraf signifikansi (α) 0,05 dengan bantuan program SPSS 16.0. Berdasarkan hasil uji-t independent didapatkan hasil : (1) untuk variabel kelincahan, hasil perbandingan kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol didapatkan nilai thitung = -2,948 , dengan nilai signifikansi 0,009, (2) untuk variabel power, hasil perbandingan kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol didapatkan nilai thitung = 3,176, dengan nilai signifikansi 0,005. Nilai signifikansi hitung lebih kecil dari nilai α (Sig < 0,05), dengan demikian hipotesis penelitian “pelatihan three corner drill berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kelincahan dan power otot tungkai pada siswa putra peserta ektrakurikuler sepak bola SMPN 2 Pekutatan” diterima. Dari hasil analisis data dan pembahasan disimpulkan bahwa : (1) Pelatihan three corner drill berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kelincahan pada siswa putra peserta ektrakurikuler sepak bola SMP Negeri 2 Pekutatan (2) Pelatihan three corner drill berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai pada siswa putra peserta ektrakurikuler sepak bola SMP Negeri 2 Pekutatan. Kata Kunci : kelincahan, daya ledak, three corner drill The purpose of this research was to find out the effect of three corner drill training toward the increased agility and power muscle of legs. The type of research was a quasi-experimental and the design of research was the non-randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects were man’s student football extracurricular participants of SMPN 2 Pekutatan. Agility and muscle power of legs posttest to the treatment group and the control group were analyzed by independent t-test at significance 0,05 with SPSS 16.0. Based on independent t-test results were showed : (1) to the agility variable, the comparison of the treatment and the control group values obtained t = -2,948, with a significance value of 0,009, (2) to muscle power of legs variable, the comparison of the treatment and the control group values obtained t = 3,176, with a significance value of 0,005. Calculated significance value smaller than the value of 0,05 (Sig < 0.05), thus the research hypothesis "three corner drill training affect the increased agility and muscle power of legs in football extracurricular participants of SMPN 2 Pekutatan " was received. From the analyzed and discussion were concluded that : (1) three corner drill training effect the increased agility in football extracurricular participants of SMPN 2 Pekutatan, (2) three corner drill training effect the increased muscle power of legs in football extracurricular participants of SMPN 2 Pekutatan. keyword : Agility, power, three corner drill

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