2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Suidat Suidat ◽  
Adian Husaini ◽  
Didin Saefuddin ◽  
Endin Mujahidin

Civic education is one of the basic courses that must be taken by every student at the College. The regulation of the course is based on the mandate contained in the law on the National Education System. Through Civic Education courses, the students can be directed national personality, that is how they love their homeland Indonesia, being a democratic, civilized, tolerant and so on. Muhammadiyah through the Council of Higher Education, Research and Development of Muhammadiyah head quarter published a textbook on Civic Education with the title Civic Education toward a Democratic and Civilized Life. The book became a staple in reference Civic Education Course in Universities of Muhammadiyah (PTM). However when elaborate on the Indonesian ideology or, in the book does not contain the formulation history of state basic ideology which was done by the founding fathers. Also how the role and Islamic thought figures who participated in formulating the state basic ideology be part of the material that was duly presented in the book. It is important that students who study in PTM to know and understand the history and struggle of Islamic figures in formulating the basis of the state and the dynamics that occurred at that time. So that their knowledge is complete and in understanding the Pancasila as the state basic ideology of Indonesia. Ki Bagus had very important role in the Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) experienced of dead lock about the change of first principle of Pancasila, and there was serious debate and dynamic. Likewise, the role and thought of Kasman Singodimedjo was also important on the basis state in both the trial PPKI, as well as in the Constituent Assembly. Perpsektif Kasman about Pancasila based on Islam became important after the implementation of 1945 Constitution and Presidential Decree July 5th 1959. The role of Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir as a witness to the history of the struggle of Muslims cannot be neglected; especially Mudzakkir included in the Committee of Nine which develops the basic state eventually became the Jakarta Charter and accepted unanimously by BPUPKI. Furthermore, in the Constituent Assembly Mudzakkir remain committed to make Islam as the basis of the state, where the Constituent Assembly is the foundation of the momentum of the second volume formulation. The core of the Civics book is how the problem of state ideology especially Pancasila can be described in a comprehensive, complete and not partial. Including the relationship between the Jakarta Charter and the Constitution 1945. Other matters concerning aspects of citizenship is derived and the meaning of ideology or basic state. Therefore, this paper presents the role and thought of Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimedjo, and Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir become material development of Civic Education in the book of Civic Education toward a Democratic and Civilized Life.Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan merupakan salah satu mata kuliah dasar yang mesti ditempuh oleh setiap mahasiswa dalam studinya di Perguruan Tinggi. Ketentuan adanya mata kuliah ini berdasarkan amanat yang tertuang dalam undang-undang tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Melalui mata kuliah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan ini mahasiswa diarahkan dapat berkepribadian nasional, yaitu bagaimana mereka cinta tanah air Indonesia, bersikap demokratis, beradab, toleran dan lain sebagainya. Muhammadiyah melalui Majelis Pendidikan Tinggi, Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Diktilitbang) Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah (PP Muhammadiyah) menerbitkan satu buku teks tentang Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Education) dengan judul Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Menuju Kehidupan yang Demokratis dan Berkeadaban. Buku ini menjadi referensi pokok dalam Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah (PTM). Akan tetapi ketika menguraikan tentang ideologi atau dasar negara Indonesia pada bagian yang membahas tentang “Membangun  Identitas Nasional”, tidak memuat bagaimana sejarah perumusan dasar negara yang dilakukan para founding fathers. Bagaimana pemikiran tokoh-tokoh Islam seperti Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimedjo, dan Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir tidak menjadi bagian dalam materi yang sepatutnya disajikan dalam buku tersebut. Hal ini penting agar mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami sejarah dan perjuangan tokoh-tokoh Islam dalam merumuskan dasar negara serta dinamika yang terjadi saat itu. Sehingga pengetahuan mereka menjadi utuh dan tidak parsial dalam memahami Pancasila sebagai dasar negara Indonesia. Peran Ki Bagus sangat penting ketika Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (PPKI) mengalami deadlock soal perubahan sila pertama dasar negara Indonesia. Demikian juga pemikiran Kasman Singodimedjo tentang dasar negara baik dalam sidang PPKI, maupun dalam sidang Konstituante. Perpsektif Kasman tentang Pancasila yang berbasis pada Islam menjadi penting setelah diberlakukan kembali UUD 1945 dengan lahirnya Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959. Demikian juga pemikiran Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir sebagai saksi sejarah perjuangan umat Islam tidak bisa dilupakan begitu saja, Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir termasuk dalam Panitia Sembilan yang bertugas menyusun dasar negara yang pada akhirnya menjadi Piagam Jakarta. Dalam Sidang Konstituante Mudzakkir tetap komitmen menjadikan Islam sebagai dasar negara, di mana Sidang Konstituante adalah momentum perumusan dasar negara jilid kedua. Inti dari buku PKn adalah bagaimana masalah ideologi negara khususnya Pancasila dapat dijelaskan secara komprehensif, utuh dan tidak parsial. Termasuk hubungan antara Piagam Jakarta dan UUD 1945. Oleh karena itu disertasi ini membahas pemikiran Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimedjo, dan Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir menjadi bahan pengembangan materi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dalam buku ajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Menuju Kehidupan yang Demokratis dan Berkeadaban.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Suidat Suidat ◽  
Adian Husaini ◽  
Didin Saefuddin ◽  
Endin Mujahidin

Civic education is one of the basic courses that must be taken by every student at the College. The regulation of the course is based on the mandate contained in the law on the National Education System. Through Civic Education courses, the students can be directed national personality, that is how they love their homeland Indonesia, being a democratic, civilized, tolerant and so on. Muhammadiyah through the Council of Higher Education, Research and Development of Muhammadiyah head quarter published a textbook on Civic Education with the title Civic Education toward a Democratic and Civilized Life. The book became a staple in reference Civic Education Course in Universities of Muhammadiyah (PTM). However when elaborate on the Indonesian ideology or, in the book does not contain the formulation history of state basic ideology which was done by the founding fathers. Also how the role and Islamic thought figures who participated in formulating the state basic ideology be part of the material that was duly presented in the book. It is important that students who study in PTM to know and understand the history and struggle of Islamic figures in formulating the basis of the state and the dynamics that occurred at that time. So that their knowledge is complete and in understanding the Pancasila as the state basic ideology of Indonesia. Ki Bagus had very important role in the Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) experienced of dead lock about the change of first principle of Pancasila, and there was serious debate and dynamic. Likewise, the role and thought of Kasman Singodimedjo was also important on the basis state in both the trial PPKI, as well as in the Constituent Assembly. Perpsektif Kasman about Pancasila based on Islam became important after the implementation of 1945 Constitution and Presidential Decree July 5th 1959. The role of Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir as a witness to the history of the struggle of Muslims cannot be neglected; especially Mudzakkir included in the Committee of Nine which develops the basic state eventually became the Jakarta Charter and accepted unanimously by BPUPKI. Furthermore, in the Constituent Assembly Mudzakkir remain committed to make Islam as the basis of the state, where the Constituent Assembly is the foundation of the momentum of the second volume formulation. The core of the Civics book is how the problem of state ideology especially Pancasila can be described in a comprehensive, complete and not partial. Including the relationship between the Jakarta Charter and the Constitution 1945. Other matters concerning aspects of citizenship is derived and the meaning of ideology or basic state. Therefore, this paper presents the role and thought of Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimedjo, and Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir become material development of Civic Education in the book of Civic Education toward a Democratic and Civilized Life.Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan merupakan salah satu mata kuliah dasar yang mesti ditempuh oleh setiap mahasiswa dalam studinya di Perguruan Tinggi. Ketentuan adanya mata kuliah ini berdasarkan amanat yang tertuang dalam undang-undang tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Melalui mata kuliah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan ini mahasiswa diarahkan dapat berkepribadian nasional, yaitu bagaimana mereka cinta tanah air Indonesia, bersikap demokratis, beradab, toleran dan lain sebagainya. Muhammadiyah melalui Majelis Pendidikan Tinggi, Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Diktilitbang) Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah (PP Muhammadiyah) menerbitkan satu buku teks tentang Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Education) dengan judul Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Menuju Kehidupan yang Demokratis dan Berkeadaban. Buku ini menjadi referensi pokok dalam Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah (PTM). Akan tetapi ketika menguraikan tentang ideologi atau dasar negara Indonesia pada bagian yang membahas tentang “Membangun  Identitas Nasional”, tidak memuat bagaimana sejarah perumusan dasar negara yang dilakukan para founding fathers. Bagaimana pemikiran tokoh-tokoh Islam seperti Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimedjo, dan Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir tidak menjadi bagian dalam materi yang sepatutnya disajikan dalam buku tersebut. Hal ini penting agar mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami sejarah dan perjuangan tokoh-tokoh Islam dalam merumuskan dasar negara serta dinamika yang terjadi saat itu. Sehingga pengetahuan mereka menjadi utuh dan tidak parsial dalam memahami Pancasila sebagai dasar negara Indonesia. Peran Ki Bagus sangat penting ketika Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (PPKI) mengalami deadlock soal perubahan sila pertama dasar negara Indonesia. Demikian juga pemikiran Kasman Singodimedjo tentang dasar negara baik dalam sidang PPKI, maupun dalam sidang Konstituante. Perpsektif Kasman tentang Pancasila yang berbasis pada Islam menjadi penting setelah diberlakukan kembali UUD 1945 dengan lahirnya Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959. Demikian juga pemikiran Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir sebagai saksi sejarah perjuangan umat Islam tidak bisa dilupakan begitu saja, Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir termasuk dalam Panitia Sembilan yang bertugas menyusun dasar negara yang pada akhirnya menjadi Piagam Jakarta. Dalam Sidang Konstituante Mudzakkir tetap komitmen menjadikan Islam sebagai dasar negara, di mana Sidang Konstituante adalah momentum perumusan dasar negara jilid kedua. Inti dari buku PKn adalah bagaimana masalah ideologi negara khususnya Pancasila dapat dijelaskan secara komprehensif, utuh dan tidak parsial. Termasuk hubungan antara Piagam Jakarta dan UUD 1945. Oleh karena itu disertasi ini membahas pemikiran Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimedjo, dan Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir menjadi bahan pengembangan materi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dalam buku ajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Menuju Kehidupan yang Demokratis dan Berkeadaban.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-202
Abdul Mukit ◽  
Mustaqim Mustaqim ◽  
Zainal Abidin

This study seeks to explore the problem of the dichotomy of science and its solution in Islamic Higher Education. which is analyzed in the perspective of education policy regarding higher education regulations by using the content analysis method in the study of library research. The issue of the dichotomy of science is actually a classic issue of the dark legacy of the past colonialism which Indonesia's founding fathers have been fighting for a long time. This real effort is proven by the issuance of a joint decree initiated by the Minister of Religion, KH. Wahid Hasyim and the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the implementation of religious teaching in state educational institutions which are stipulated through the Regulation of the Minister of Religion No. 3 August 11, 1950. In the study of Islamic education, there is a classification (taqsîm) of knowledge, the first is al-'ulum al-diniyyah (religious sciences) which is called religious science and the second is general science or general sciences. In essence, Islam has never recognized the dichotomy of science (tafriqh), Islam only recognizes classification (taqsîm) based on the sequence and stages of learning, starting from fardlu 'ain and fardlu kifayah. The scholars and figures have formulated solutions starting from the regulatory aspect as stated in the joint regulation of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Education, several other strengthening regulations through the 2003 National Education System formulation and the Higher Education Regulation, or in the form of ideas and ideas such as the tree of knowledge scheme, integration, integration. -interconnection and Naquib Al-Attas' ideal idea of ​​Islamization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-80
Mastur Mastur

Discourse on Islamic education will never be separated from the political and cultural dynamics of a society. In the Indonesian context, the dynamics of Islamic education cannot be separated even shackled by the country's political policies and community pluralism which is a reality in Indonesia, both before independence until post-independence Indonesia. Since the first half of the 19th century, the history of Islamic education in Indonesia has begun a new phase marked by shifts and changes in almost all aspects including institutions, methods, curriculum and Islamic education orientation. At that time Islamic education was dominated by traditional educational institutions, namely boarding schools. Islamic education is an integral part of the National Education System. As part of the national education system, Islamic education gets legitimacy for sexuality and has a place to live and develop in Indonesia to meet the educational needs of the Islamic community as a majority citizen. State accommodation for the Islamic education system makes Islamic education systems and institutions have a strong foundation to be developed by supporting funds and attention from the state. Therefore, the state is obliged to develop an Islamic education system as one of the types of religious education in the national education system. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Budi Handari

<p>College is an educational unit is obliged to keep higher education, and higher education is a sub-system of the National Education System. Together with other sub-systems, colleges are required to seek the realization of the vision and mission of the National Education System as well as to optimize the implementation of the national strategy of national education development. One mission that must be realized is to seek expansion and equal access to quality education for all Indonesian people. Thus the realization of high-quality education is obligatory. College as an entity consisting of various sub-systems, among which is the library. That’s why the success of universities to improve and maintain its quality, among others, are also determined by how much the contributions made by the sub-system, including libraries.The amount of contributions to improve the quality of colleges is directly proportional to the quality of the library. The realization of library management quality is affected by the condition of the elements of the existing library, such as infrastructure, funding, library collections, quality of service and human resources.</p><p>Perguruan Tinggi merupakan satuan pendidikan yang berkewajiban untuk menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi, dan pendidikan tinggi adalah merupakan sub sistem dari Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Bersama dengan sub-sub sistem lainnya, Perguruan Tinggi wajib untuk mengupayakan terwujudnya visi dan misi Sistem Pendidikan Nasional serta mengoptimalkan implementasi strategi pembangunan pendidikan nasional. Salah satu misi yang harus diwujudkan adalah mengupayakan perluasan dan pemerataan kesempatan memperoleh pendidikan yang berkualitas bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Dengan demikian, terwujudnya Perguruan Tinggi yang berkualitas adalah wajib hukumnya. Perguruan Tinggi merupakan suatu entitas yang terdiri dari berbagai sub sistem, di antaranya adalah perpustakaan. Karena itulah keberhasilan Perguruan Tinggi untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kualitasnya, antara lain juga ditentukan oleh seberapa besar kontribusi yang diberikan oleh sub-sub sistemnya, termasuk perpustakaan. Besaran kontribusi terhadap upaya peningkatan kualitas Perguruan Tinggi berbanding lurus dengan kualitas penyelenggaraan perpustakaan. Terwujudnya penyelenggaraan perpustakaan yang berkualitas dipengaruhi oleh kondisi unsur-unsur perpustakaan yang ada, seperti sarana dan prasarana, pendanaan, koleksi bahan pustaka, kualitas pelayanan dan sumberdaya manusia.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 821
Marta Leandro da Silva ◽  
Geraldo Inácio Filho

Este artigo aborda a trajetória histórico-normativa das políticas curriculares dos cursos de graduação tecnológica no contexto da legislação federal. Articula-se ao contínuo das pesquisas de doutorado; Pesquisa FAPESP (2011/0845608) concernentes às políticas de educação tecnológica no Estado de São Paulo; reportando-se também à atual Pesquisa de Pós Doutorado em Educação (História da Educação) que versa sobre as políticas públicas da educação profissional e tecnológica no Brasil. Sob bases metodológicas da pesquisa qualitativa em educação a análise abrange a pesquisa bibliográfica e a documental. Nesse espaço textual, contemplou-se, prioritariamente, a pesquisa documental. Focaliza a análise da legislação federal da: I) primeira Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB) 4.024/61 e legislação complementar do extinto Conselho Federal de Educação (CFE); II) da vigente LDB 9394/96; Pareceres e Resoluções do atual Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE).À luz de uma abordagem descritivo-analítica e de interpretação legislativa visou-se, aqui, referenciar as normatizações de Pareceres e Resoluções expedidos pelo CNE. Priorizou-se o estudo do Parecer CNE/CEB 29/2002, pois esse documento contempla o histórico da educação tecnológica no Brasil. A título de considerações preliminares, cabe enfatizar a relevância do Estado de São Paulo, prioritariamente pelas orientações normativas do CEE/SP e do Centro Paula Souza (CPS), na inovação e oferecimento de educação profissional e tecnológica pública no Brasil. Entretanto, constam ainda demandas urgentes quanto ao reconhecimento das peculiaridades dos cursos superiores de graduação tecnológica; bem ainda quanto à necessidade de um vigoroso planejamento participativo e diagnóstico a fim de identificar as especificidades do desenvolvimento nacional e a correlata formulação de políticas curriculares para a educação profissional tecnológica pública.Palavras-chave: políticas curriculares; trajetória histórico-normativa; cursos superiores de tecnologia, legislação federal.AbstractThis article discusses the historical and normative trajectory of curricular policies of technological undergraduate courses in the context of federal. Articula up legislation to continuing the doctoral research; FAPESP (2011/0845608) concerning the technological education policies in the State of São Paulo; also reporting to the current post of Research Doctorate in Education (History of Education) that deals with the public policy of vocational and technological education in Brasil. Sob methodological basis of qualitative research in education analysis covers literature and documentary. In this textual space, looked up primarily documentary research. Focuses on the analysis of federal legislation: I) First Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDB) 4,024 / 61 and supplementary legislation of the former Federal Council of Education (CFE); II) of the current LDB 9394/96; Opinions and resolutions of the current National Education Council (CNE) .A light of a descriptive-analytic approach and legislative interpretation aimed to here refer to the regulations of opinions and resolutions issued by the CNE. We prioritized the study of the CNE / CEB 29/2002, as this document includes the history of technological education in Brazil. By way of preliminary considerations, it should be emphasized the importance of the State of São Paulo, primarily by the guidelines established by the EEC / SP and the Paula Souza Center (PSC), innovation and professional education and public offering technology in Brazil. However, still appear urgent demands for recognition of the peculiarities of higher education courses in technology graduation; and also on the need for a vigorous participatory planning and diagnosis to identify the specifics of the national development and related formulation of curriculum policies for public technology professional education.Keywords: curriculum policies; historical -normative trajectory; higher education technology, federal legislation

Алла Харківська ◽  
Валентина Малихіна

Abstract. The article is carried out an analysis of the competence-based approach, which is characterized by the broader boundaries of research and development, because it reflects best practices, takes into account the future requirements of the labor markets. Ways of targeting the learning process on the development of student's personality, the formation of its instrumental competencies are examined in the article. For example, the study of "General course of Physics" attempts to explain the formation of competencies of future teachers. At the present stage the national education system is one of the priorities of our country development strategy The democratic basis of the reforms has identified the degree of higher education development, which enables to detect the degree of the autonomy of the higher educational institutions, educational and personnel policy, implement the system of education in new stages of national education development that has the aim to train new formation specialists who know how to apply the knowledge and technologies in different spheres of activity motivated by the constant self-education. Competence approach requires the inculcating and developing in students a set of core competencies that define its successful adaptation in society. In addition competencies include the purely professional knowledge and skills that characterize the qualification of such qualities as initiative, cooperation, the ability to work in a group, communication skills, ability to learn, evaluate, think logically, and use the information. Competence is manifested in student-oriented activities. So the manifestation of competence is assessed on the basis of the total graduate`s skills formedness (that integratively reflects this competence) and its behavioral (psychological) reactions that are manifested in a variety of situations. Availability of the prevailing instrumental competencies of future teachers is a major factor in their professional training. Keywords: competence approach, competency, competence, instrumental competencies.

Sergey Anatolievich Vavrenyuk

The article reveals the economic essence of the current state of higher education in Ukraine. It examines the main problems of state regulation of risks and challenges facing modern education at the stage of reform. The subject of the study is the very system of higher education in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the modern market of higher education in the country, as well as the features and trends of its development to date in the process of reform. The development of the national education system is shown together with its social and economic problems and challenges, as well as the political conditions that find the direction of the development of education in the country. It was revealed that the main risks in the education system of Ukraine can be considered a decrease in the number of highly skilled professionals, the closure of a number of educational institutions with a reduction in the contingent that lead to financial losses. In addition, among the risks studied, the low efficiency of training technologies and the low-level of graduates’ competence, corruption and low rating indicators in the world educational community are highlighted. The author specifies the existing external risks of the education system in the country and presents possible ways of overcoming them. And also draws the conclusion that the current conditions of the country’s existence and specifically the development of the education sector, the introduction of new models and training programs is a complex process. The reform of higher education today does not have significant results, therefore, it is suggested that the entire education system in Ukraine is integrated and fundamentally reformed, with the aim of overcoming existing discrepancies between the educational product and the needs of society. So, the author says that the modern structure of education should give to ensuring ideal conditions for the functioning and development of the education system, taking into account the needs of modern society and the existing problems in the educational sphere, which should give quality educational services and freedom of choice in education.

1997 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 689-718 ◽  
Linda Eisenmann

In this article, Linda Eisenmann examines the role and impact of Barbara Solomon's now classic text in women's educational history, In the Company of Educated Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in America. Eisenmann analyzes how Solomon's book influenced, defined, and in some ways limited the field of women's educational history. She shows how current historical research — such as the study of normal schools and academies — grew out of Solomon's work. She points out where the book is innovative and indispensable and where it disappoints us as teachers and scholars in the 1990s. Eisenmann criticizes Solomon for placing too much emphasis on women's access to higher education, thereby ignoring the importance of wider historical and educational influences such as economics, women's occupational choices, and the treatment of women in society at large. Finally, Eisenmann examines the state of subsequent research in women's higher educational history. She urges researchers to investigate beyond the areas defined by Solomon's work and to assess the impact of these neglected subjects on women's experiences in education.

Yuldashev Ravshanjon Baxodirovich

Abstract: Reforming the national education system is a priority of public policy and guarantees development. In this regard, any state will give priority to policy in this regard. The complexity of the matter is that this policy does not always yield the expected results. But countries around the world are striving to implement effective higher education reforms. There is a similar trend in our region. In this article, we will focus on the higher education system in Kazakhstan. Zero Kazakhstani higher education is the most developed system in the Keywords: Kazakhstan, higher education, system, legal framework, achievements, challenges, higher education, program, reforms, region, public policy, global education, knowledge capitalization, bachelor, master, distance education.region.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Diah Ayu Pratiwi

The development of human capital through education is one of the requirements for the creation of poverty reduction. During the development of education in Batam has been done efforts development and relevance of education in accordance with the development goals of science and technology and the needs of the labor market, with the national education system running and also the target of international commitments in the field of education. However, education development indicators in Batam are still low.The purpose of this study is to identify poverty and how it relates to education and reduce poverty and accelerate the achievement of the MDGs. The research method used in this research uses qualitative method to explore poverty and education development in Batam. Survey documents relating to educational and psychological development in Batam became an important source of data in this study.The results of this study indicate that based on the achievement of Gross Participated on Education (APM/APK) and the average years of education in Batam have reached the target according to MDG's, but the number of illiterates in Batam is still high. Educational development brings with it the inequality of education among various community groups in Batam according to the income they earn. Keywords: development education, poverty, and hinterland Pembangunan modal manusia melalui pendidikan merupakan salah satu syarat terciptanya penurunan kemiskinan. Selama ini pembangunan bidang pendidikan di Kota Batam telah dilakukan upaya pengembangan dan relevansi pendidikan sesuai dengan tujuan perkembangan IPTEK dan kebutuhan pasar kerja, dengan sistem pendidikan nasional yang berjalan dan juga sasaran komitmen-komitmen internasional dibidang pendidikan. Namun, indicator pembangunan pendidikan di Kota Batam masih rendah.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kemiskinan dan bagaimana kaitannya antara pembangunan pendidikan dan upaya mengurangi kemiskinan, guna mempercepat pencapaian MDG’s. penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk mengeksplorasi kemiskinan dan pembangunan pendidikan di Kota Batam. Dokumen yang terkait pengembangan pendidikan dan psikologi di Kota Batam menjadi data penting dalam penelitian ini.Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa pembangunan pendidikan yang didasarkan pada pencapaian APK/APM dan rata-rata lama tahun pendidikan di Kota Batam telah mencapai sasaran menurut MDG’s, namun jumlah buta aksara di Kota Batam masih tinggi. Pembangunan pendidikan membawa serta ketimpangan pendidikan diantara berbagai kelompok masyarakat di Kota Batam menurut pendapatan yang mereka peroleh. Kata Kunci: pembangunan pendidikan, kemiskinan, hinterland

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