Pain, Subjectivity, and the Social

Rachel Ablow

This introductory chapter first describes two different recent approaches to the relation between pain and social life. The first position casts the pain of the other primarily as an epistemological problem—the thing we cannot, but most need to, know. The second approach emphasizes how pain is always already part of a social world. The chapter then considers some of the terms in which Victorian medical professionals, caregivers, and sufferers understood the social nature of pain. Finally, this chapter discusses what is meant by the book's title, “Victorian Pain.” The goal here is to explain why this book seeks to describe not how pain was represented or constructed, but instead how pain was used by a range of writers at a particular time.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-90
Angela Leahy

Natural law contains much social thought that predates sociology and related disciplines, and can be seen as part of the prehistory of the human sciences. Key concerns of natural law thinkers include the achievement of social life and society, and the individual’s place therein. However, there is an enduring tendency within sociology to dismiss the ahistoricism and universalism of natural law, and therefore to reject natural law thought in its entirety. This article proposes an approach that rescues the sociological relevance of natural law. It draws on the respective methods of Chris Thornhill and Gary Wickham, who each seek to recover the importance of natural law for sociology. Thornhill treats natural law as a valid sociological object by focusing on its functions within society rather than engaging with its ahistorical concepts. His focus on the external functions of natural law, however, leads to a neglect of the internal conceptualisations of the social world in natural law thought. This in turn leads to a misinterpretation of Hobbes and voluntarist natural law. Wickham, on the other hand, explores in detail Hobbesian conceptions of society and the individual that Wickham argues can be utilised within contemporary sociology. This article revises Thornhill’s methodological framework in order to secure a space for the recovery of natural law as social thought. This approach allows for the recognition of natural law as an important piece of the epistemological background against which contemporary understandings of the human and society emerged.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Riikka Nissi ◽  
Melisa Stevanovic

Abstract The article examines how the aspects of the social world are enacted in a theater play. The data come from a videotaped performance of a professional theater, portraying a story about a workplace organization going through a personnel training program. The aim of the study is to show how the core theme of the play – the teaming up of the personnel – is constructed in the live performance through a range of interactional means. By focusing on four core episodes of the play, the study on the one hand points out to the multiple changes taking place both within and between the different episodes of the play. On the other hand, the episodes of collective action involving the semiotic resources of singing and dancing are shown to represent the ideals of teamwork in distinct ways. The study contributes to the understanding of socially and politically oriented theater as a distinct, pre-rehearsed social setting and the means and practices that it deploys when enacting the aspects of the contemporary societal issues.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Ümmet Erkan

<p align="center"><strong>Some Polemics and Discussions which were Subjected In Turk Yurdu Magazine Between 1911-1918</strong><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Started to press in 1911, The Turk Yurdu Magazine which is the longest press in Turkish Nationalism, leaded by the Turks in Russia whose aims were the Turkish Nation’s going up in all areas. This article examines some polemics, letters and replies for these letters took place in the issues between the years 1911/1918. In this polemics, the topics of what should be understood from the simplification of Turkish and its boundaries, the lack of idealism in education, education with Turkish language, the damages of minority schools on the social life of Ottoman people, the success of the programs of Tanzimat, the effects of national ID on religious ID and the like were discussed. These polemics which the authors of Turk Yurdu and the other intellectuals who took place in the discussion from different newspapers and magazines got a very rich content. This article focuses on the topics which the debates revolves around and and the intellectual discussions about them. </p><p align="center"><strong><br /></strong></p><p align="center"><strong>1911-1918 Yılları Arasında Türk Yurdu Dergisine Konu Olan</strong></p><p align="center"><strong>Bazı Tartışma ve Polemikler </strong></p><p><strong>Öz</strong></p><p>Türk Yurdu Dergisi 1911 yılında yayın hayatına başlamış, Türk milliyetçiliinin en uzun soluklu yayın organıdır. Rusya Türklerinin öncülük ettiği dergide Türklüğün her alanda yükselmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu makalede Türk Yurdu dergisinin 1911-1918 yılları arasındaki sayılarından yola çıkılarak dergideki bazı kalem tartışmaları, mektuplar ve onlara verilen cevaplar incelenecektir. Bu kalem tartışmalarında Türkçenin sadeleştirilmesinden ne anlaşılması gerektiği ve sınırları, eğitimde ideal eksikliği, eğitim dilinin Türkçe olması ve azınlık okullarının Osmanlı sosyal bünyesine verdiği zararlar, Tanzimatçı reform programının başarılı olup olmadığı ve nedenleri, milli kimliğin dini aidiyete zarar verip vermeyeceği konuları ele alınacaktır. Türk Yurdu dergisi yazarları ile dönemin diğer önemli entelektüellerinin çeşitli gazete ve dergilerde dâhil olduğu bu kalem tartışmaları zengin bir muhteva kazanmıştır. Bu tartışmalar dönemin entelektüel fikir hareketleri ve siyasi akımlar hakkında önemli bilgiler içermektedir. Bu araştırma, yapılan tartışma ve polemiklerin hangi konular etrafında yoğunlaştığını ve Türk Yurdu dergisinin bu tartışma ve polemiklerde ne tür bir yöntem izlediğini ortaya koymaktadır. </p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-20 ◽  
Mihai Stelian Rusu

This article sets out to explore the contributions of classical social thinkers to a sociological understanding of love. It builds on the premise that despite its major relevance and consequential importance in shaping both individual lives and the social world, until recently love was a heavily undertheorised topic in the sociological tradition. Moreover, the body of disparate sociological reflections that have been made on the social nature of love has been largely forgotten in the discipline’s intellectual legacy. The article then proceeds in unearthing the classics’ contributions to a sociology of love. It starts with Max Weber’s view that love promises to be a means of sensual salvation in an increasingly rationalised social world based on impersonal formal relationships. Next, it critically examines Pitirim A. Sorokin’s integral theory of love. It then moves to address Talcott Parsons’ view on love as a binding force whose social function is to integrate the conjugal couple of the modern nuclear family in the absence of the external pressures exerted by the kinship network. The article concludes by showing how these conceptualisations of love were all embedded in wider theoretical constructions set up to account for the modernisation process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-47
Siti Karomah ◽  
Agus Hermawan

Abstract— Literary work, directly or indirectly, is the realization and imagination of the author as a reflection and the reality that the author gets from society. Literary works can be found through the life forms of society. Thus, literary works cannot be separated from the elements around them. Literary work along its journey always implicate man, humanity, life, and life. In essence, literary works are born for the surrounding community. Literary works are the products of authors who live in the social world. That way, short story literary works in the form of fairy tales are the author's imaginative world that is always related to social life. There are interesting things that are given to our children to change attitudes and daily ethics. Keywords—: Literary works; short stories; fairy tales.

2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
Thaddeus Müller

Beyond navel-gazing and narcissism.Ferrell’s auto-ethnography as part of ethnography Beyond navel-gazing and narcissism.Ferrell’s auto-ethnography as part of ethnography The labeling of auto-ethnography as navel-gazing does not do justice to the variety with which auto-ethnography is applied. A distinction should be made between emotional and analytical auto-ethnography. In the first form the central person of the researcher plays the central role, in the second auto-ethnography is applied to get a better understanding of the social world which is being studied. In this article the author discusses the second approach by using the work of Jeff Ferrell. Ferrell is a well-known cultural criminologist, who focuses critically on the cultural understanding of social life. By looking at how Ferrell applies auto-ethnography, insight is gained into the added value of this method for qualitative studies: (1) the integration of the personal experiences of researchers in texts in order to achieve a richer description of the social worlds they explore, (2) making explicit the role of the researcher in publications, and (3) developing new (more appealing) forms of representation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 570 (9) ◽  
pp. 34-36
Piotr Kurowski

The article presents values of social minimum baskets estimated for conditions prevailing in the second quarter of 2021. The presented estimates take into account the needs as foreseen in the model under normal conditions of social life – new circumstances (Covid-19) have not been considered. There is a lack of research on changes in household consumption in 2021. If there will be a need to change assumptions in the model, the values of social minimum can be recalculated in the future. External conditions for households in the second quarter of 2021 were reasonably favourable (including a falling unemployment rate to 5.9% in June). In the period under review, total consumer price growth was 1.9%. The values of the social minimum have increased from 2.3% (a single person of retirement age) to 3.2% (a family with a child aged 13 to 15). The major factor in the increasing values of the social minimum was rising food prices (from 5.8% for parents with a younger child to 6.1% for a family with an older child). This increase was almost three times higher than the price growth rate for food (2.2%). On the other hand, the dynamics of the costs of housing and energy carriers was comparable to the value of the CPI for this group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 93-146

Culture and awareness are two flexible concepts that are related to the social nature and its development, and the creative and scientific activities of humans since time immemorial. Awareness is developed by humans living their social life, the way they react towards their environment that consists of people, the average of their knowledge and the way they react to the things around them. What distinguishing the individual self-awareness is the human's ability to make any decision and their knowledge of their general behavior. in the light of taking what we need of the information, data, properties and characteristics, we give the youth their needs of activities, movement, awareness and culture through setting codified thoughtful programs. Therefore, we need to know the following: Are the attitudes of the males differ from the attitudes of the females of practicing sports? The importance of the research lies in the fact that it is one of the few studies that takes into consideration sport culture and health of an important segment, which is the youth. One of the results of the research is that the physical activity that the youth do in sports centers (gyms) that brings important benefits like prevention of diseases. The research was conducted on (202) of males which is 63.3% and (98) females which is (32.7). The results of the research show that most of those whom the research was conducted on were from the age of 18 to 25, which makes 47% of the study sample.

Naomi Haynes

This chapter explores moving as a value, an animating idea that gives social life on the Copperbelt its shape. It shows how people in Nsofu structure their relationships around the possibility of moving through two types of social ties. Most important here are relationships of patronage, or “dependence,” which connect poorer people to those with greater economic and social resources. People also move through relationships that produce alternating indebtedness, including rotating credit associations and the “committees” that finance expensive events like weddings. In both cases moving requires asymmetry, which makes these ties particularly vulnerable to the leveling forces of economic downturn, and the chapter concludes by describing how events like the 2008–2009 financial crisis have impacted the social world of Nsofu. It is these economic factors, coupled with a cultural emphasis on novelty, that make Pentecostalism especially compelling.

Brian L. Keeley

Where does entertaining (or promoting) conspiracy theories stand with respect to rational inquiry? According to one view, conspiracy theorists are open-minded skeptics, being careful not to accept uncritically common wisdom, exploring alternative explanations of events no matter how unlikely they might seem at first glance. Seen this way, they are akin to scientists attempting to explain the social world. On the other hand, they are also sometimes seen as overly credulous, believing everything they read on the Internet, say. In addition to conspiracy theorists and scientists, another significant form of explanation of the events of the world can be found in religious contexts, such as when a disaster is explained as being an “act of God.” By comparing conspiratorial thinking with scientific and religious forms of explanation, features of all three are brought into clearer focus. For example, anomalies and a commitment to naturalist explanation are seen as important elements of scientific explanation, although the details are less clear. This paper uses conspiracy theories as a lens through which to investigate rational or scientific inquiry. In addition, a better understanding of the scientific method as it might be applied in the study of events of interest to conspiracy theorists can help understand their epistemic virtues and vices.

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