Valeriy Domanskiy ◽  
Ol'ga Kafanova

Введение. В обзоре дано освещение и осмысление прошедших в 2018 г. международных научных конференций и культурных мероприятий, приуроченных к 200-летию со дня рождения И. С. Тургенева. Широкомасштабное празднование юбилея свидетельствует о возрастающем внимании литературоведов и широкой общественности к личности и творческому наследию великого русского писателя, который до сих пор не удостоен в мировой литературе того места, которое он заслуживает наравне с нашими другими русскими классиками – Толстым, Достоевским, Чеховым. Цель. Данный обзор позволяет увидеть масштабность научных и культурных мероприятий в юбилейный тургеневский год, почувствовать атмосферу и «пульс» этих мероприятий, познакомить специалистов с их организацией, участниками, содержанием наиболее основательных и запомнившихся выступлений, задуматься о сложной личности писателя, его постоянной эволюции, его творческих поисках. Материал и методы. Авторы используют комплексный подход к анализу научно-культурных событий юбилейного тургеневского года. Он обеспечивается системой методов: описательно-аналитическим, культурно-историческим, сравнительно-типологическим, биографическим, историко-литературным, историко-функциональным, социологическим. Результаты и обсуждение. Рассмотрена тематика и проблематика научных конференций, дан краткий анализ наиболее содержательных и запомнившихся выступлений, особое внимание уделено докладам ведущих тургеневедов. Обстоятельно описаны научные мероприятия в ведущих научных центрах России (ИРЛИ РАН и ИМЛИ РАН, МГУ, СПбГУ, РГГУ), а также зарубежные форумы в Салониках, Брюсселе, Руане, Париже/Буживале. Проведенный анализ научных докладов позволяет увидеть основные направления в современном тургеневедении, убедительно представить историко-культурный контекст творчества русского писателя и его многогранную личность. Заключение. Материал научного обзора юбилейных тургеневских конференций может быть использован в научной и учебной деятельности ученых (филологов, культурологов, историков), аспирантов, школьных учителей для расширения представления о творчестве Тургенева, масштабах его личности, его вкладе в русскую и мировую культуру.Introduction. The review provides coverage and understanding of the International scientific conferences and cultural events held in 2018, dedicated to the I.S. Turgenev’s 200th anniversary. The large-scale celebration of the anniversary testifies to the increasing attention of literary critics and the general public to the personality and creative heritage of the great Russian writer, who until now has not been honored in the world literature with the place that he deserves at par with other Russian classical writers – Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Chekhov. Purpose of the study. This review allows you to see the scale of scientific and cultural events in the Turgenev jubilee year, to feel the atmosphere and the “pulse” of these events, to introduce specialists to their organization, participants, the content of the most thorough and memorable speeches, to think about the complex personality of the writer, his constant evolution, his creative searches. Material and methods. The authors use an integrated approach to the analysis of the scientific and cultural events of the Turgenev anniversary year. It is provided by a system of methods: descriptive-analytical, cultural-historical, comparative-typological, biographical, historical-literary, historical-functional, sociological. Results and discussions. The topics and problems of scientific conferences are examined, a brief analysis of the most informative and memorable speeches is given, special attention is paid to the reports of leading Turgenev’s works and literal specialists. Scientific events in the leading scientific centers of Russia (IRLI RAS and IMLI RAS, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Russian State Humanitarian University), as well as foreign forums in Thessaloniki, Brussels, Rouen, Paris/Bougival, are thoroughly analyzed. The analysis of scientific reports allows us to see the main directions in modern Turgenev works and creativity science. The analysis presents convincingly the historical and cultural context of the work of the Russian writer and his multifaceted personality. Conclusion. The material of the scientific review of the Turgenev anniversary conferences can be used in the scientific and educational activities of scientists (philologists, cultural scientists, historians), graduate students, school teachers. It will expand the understanding of Turgenev’s work, the scale of his personality, his contribution to Russian and world culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 174-177
M. S. Khvan

On November 1, 2020 Lomonosov Moscow State University welcomed the participants of Camões Readings for the seventh time – now via video conference. The biennial event was devoted to the history of Portugal, Brazil and the countries of the Portuguese-speaking Africa, political, cultural and social processes taking place in these regions, literature heritage of the authors who wrote in Portuguese and the aspects of the Portuguese linguistics. The event, organized by the MSU Faculty of Philology, saw participants, scholars and researches from such institutions as the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Embassy of Brazil in Moscow, five institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Latin American Studies, Institute of World History, Institute of Linguistics, Gorki Institute of World Literature and Institute for African Studies), MGIMO University, Moscow State Linguistic University, Russian State University for the Humanities, Saint Petersburg State University and the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Foreign speakers from Instituto Camões, Portugal, Université de Provence Aix-Marseille I, France, and other organisations also took part. The contemporary situation in the bilateral Russia‒Brazil dialogue, national and linguistic identity of the Portuguese-speaking regions, linguistic usages, the polyglottism‒ multilinguism dynamics and other topics of high interest were discussed. Among the thirty presentations several were dedicated to the historic landmark of the 45th anniversary of the independence of Angola, Mozambique, Cabo Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe. The conference concluded with common decision to hold such meetings once a year.

Оксана Федоровна Ежова

В данной статье рассматривается практика посещения детьми из семей русских староверов Республики Молдова, из г. Бендеры (непризнанное государство Приднестровская Молдавская Республика), «страшных мест» и рассказы о них. Исследование основано на материале, собранном в экспедиции ИМЛИ РАН и МАЛ МГУ зимой 2020 г. Сообщество староверов г. Бендеры сформировалось в XVIII в., тесно связано с единоверными сообществами Украины, Румынии и России. Это «поповцы», т. е. староверы, которые признают священство, подчиняются так называемой «белокриницкой» иерархии, возникшей на территории, относившейся в середине XIX в. к Австро-Венгрии, в селении Белая Криница. В сообществе с 1960-х гг. проводились исследования древнерусской книжности (специалисты МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, группа под руководством И. В. Поздеевой), исследовалась церковно-певческая культура (Н. Г. Денисов), был изучен календарно-обрядовый и свадебный музыкальный репертуар староверов-липован (сотрудники Кабинета народной музыки при МГК им. П. И. Чайковского И. К. Свиридова, Н. М. Савельева, И. А. Савельева). Детские традиционные занятия, как исторические, так и наблюдаемые в наши дни, не описывались. Зафиксированные нами практики трактуются в статье как этап психологического развития детей, свойственный возрасту. Также рассматриваются традиционные для данного сообщества аспекты детско-родительских отношений в связи с посещением детьми «страшных мест». Среди детей из семей русских староверов Молдовы ранее аналогичные исследования не проводились, расшифровка интервью с детьми вводится в научный оборот. This article examines children’s practice visiting “scary places” and telling stories about them. These places are visited by children from families of Russian Old Believers in the city of Bendery, Pridnestrovian Moldavan Republic. The study is based on material collected during an expedition sponsored by the Institute of World Literature and Moscow State University in winter, 2020. The community of Old Believers in Bendery was formed in the eighteenth century. Since the 1960s, specialists from Moscow State University (led by I. V. Pozdeeva) have conducted research in the community on ancient Russian literature. Church and song culture was also studied (N. G. Denisov), and research on ethnomusicological phenomena was carried out by the staff of the Folk Music Cabinet of the Tchaikovsky Moscow State University (I. K. Sviridov, N. M. Savelev, I. A. Savelev). They studied the calendar-ritual and wedding musical repertoire of the Old Believers-Lipovans. Children’s traditional activities, both historical and those observed today, are not described in the article. Rather, the practices we recorded are interpreted as a stage in children’s psychological development. The traditional aspects of child-parent relations in connection with the children’s visits to “scary places” are also considered. Such studies have not previously been conducted among children from the families of Russian Old Believers in Moldova, and the article introduces transcripts of interviews with children to the scholarly community.

Ekaterina Isaevna Balakhonova ◽  
Mikhail Nikolaevitch Kandinov ◽  

The article analyzes the collections from the ethnographic fund of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University, which characterize the material culture of the indigenous inhabitants of the Marquesas and Hawaiian Islands, as well as the Sitka Island. The archival documents of the Rumyantsev Museum, stored in the Department of Manuscripts of the Russian State Library, and the scientific archives of the Museum of Anthropology (transfer certificates, inventories, and labels) were used for reconstruction of the items’ origin. The collections were also analyzed according to the history of their collecting by Y.F. Lisyansky during his voyage on the Neva ship and compared with the textual and visual information in the published materials of the participants of the first Russian round-the-world expeditions. Results and discussion. The collections entered the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology in the 30s and 40s of the XX century from the Museum of Peoples of the USSR - the heir of the Department of Foreign Ethnography of the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museum. We discovered and introduced into scientific circulation documents from the Rumyantsev Museum archive that allows to conclude that the collections belong to the first national round - the - world voyages and the oldest part of the ethnographic gathering. These documents significantly expand our knowledge on the volume and composition of Count N.P. Rumyantsev ethnographic collection transferred from St. Petersburg to Moscow. They show that this collection includes artefacts of indigenous inhabitants of the islands through which the route of the ship «Neva» under the leadership of Y.F. Lisyansky passed. A comprehensive analysis of the collections and documents confirmed the presence of artifacts received from Y.F. Lisyansky in the ethnographic storage of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University. For the first time, the composition of the collections belonging to the oldest part of our ethnographic collection, originating from the participants of the first Russian circumnavigation, has been published.

2018 ◽  
pp. 259-300
P. Glushakov ◽  
B. Egorov ◽  
Yu. Mann ◽  
D. Urnov ◽  
L. Szilard ◽  

Selected materials of a virtual round-table session devoted to reminiscences about Sergey G. Bocharov (1929-2017) and discussion of his academic interests and achievements. B. Egorov remembers meeting and keeping in touch with Bocharov, as well as new friends he made through him. Y. Mann elaborates on the ideological challenges to Soviet philology and on the role played by Bakhtin, Gogol, and Platonov in forming Bocharov’s own personality. D. Urnov reflects on the nature of Bocharov’s philological talent and the time when they both worked at the Department of Literary Theory in IMLI (Institute of the World Literature). L. Szilard reminisces about her student days at the Moscow State University and her friendship with Sergey and Irina Bocharov, which had lasted a lifetime from the 1950s. E. Dmitrieva considers the subject of Gogol as developed in Bocharov’s articles, and on the latter’s work to produce a complete collection of Gogol’s writings. V. Kotelnikov brings up the topic of K. Leontiev as perceived by Bocharov. P. Glushakov chooses to revisit Bocharov’s main ideas – for example, his concept of genetic memory of literature – and illustrates it with an extensive discussion of the duel, gunshot, and revenge in works by Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekhov, and Shukshin.

Алла Машкова ◽  
Alla Mashkova

The book presents chapters from the history of Slovak literature XIX — early XXI century, Slovak-Russian literary relations, as well as common Slavic problems. Special sections are devoted to the literary situation in Slovakia after 1918, and "gentle" revolution of 1989, the theme of the First world war, military prose of the second half of the 40-ies of XX century, the image of Russia in the literature of Slovakia, historical prose, "literature of fact", etc. Presented creative portraits P. Th. Safarik, L. Stuhr, SV. Qurban-Vajanskeho, M. Kukushina, J. Jesensky, Th. Tiger-Gronsky, Is Famous For Its Nadasdy, L.-EGE, M. Figuli, J., LENCA, P. Ilikovskogo, P. rankova MD, L. Trubezha, S. RACUS etc. some of the chapters were published in Russian (Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov, Institute of Slavic studies of RAS, Institute of world literature of RAS) and foreign publications in 1996– 2017, part is written specifically for this book.

2018 ◽  
pp. 46-54
Евгений Цыщук ◽  
Evgeniy Tsyshchuk

The article reveals the main results of the research conducted by Russian State University of tourism and service in the 2016 on the development of recom- mendations for the creation of conditions for the concentration of tourism activity in the Noginsk Municipal District, consolidated investment plan and a system of program activities for the development of the tourism complex of the Noginsk Municipal District of Moscow Region. The study was commissioned by the Noginsk Municipal Administration with the aim of creating appropriate scientific, methodological and project proposals. A large-scale study of the tourist and recreational potential of the region has been carried out, and its main strategic message concluded in the thesis that realization of cultural and recreational components of the district will ensure the investment attractiveness and profitability of the industry in the long term. At the same time, the accelerated development of the industry is impossible without the restructuring of its management using project and program-target methods. The article notes that the thematic basis for the development projects of the tourist complex Noginsk municipal district should be the key elements of symbolic capital, which later will help build a series of values for the development of tourism products. As a linguistic form of positioning, the author proposes to use the slogan "Noginsk – the territory of faith, hope and love". The choice of the slogan is caused by the resource potential of the Noginsk district. The con- ceptual core of the topic "Noginsk is the territory of faith" is the saturation of the area by the objects of the Russian Orthodox Church. The author regards emotional ties of generations, nostalgic trends, military and historical heritage, history of industrial development, present and future of the district as conceptual nuclei of the topic "Noginsk – the territory of hope". The topic "Noginsk – the territory of love" is complementary and allows combining under the slogan other resources that are not included in the first two nuclei, since love is multifaceted.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-156
E.O. Golynchik ◽  
O.V. Solovyeva ◽  
N.G. Malysheva

The article presents a report on the Eighteenth Roundtable of heads and members of Departments of Social Psychology and Departments affiliated to socio-psychological disciplines of the Universities of Moscow and the Moscow region, devoted to the theme «Social and Cultural Context: Challenges to Social Psychology». This Roundtable continues the tradition of regular Roundtables on key issues in socio-psychological science and teaching socio-psychological disciplines. The Department of Social Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University initiated this tradition in 2008, and then the Roundtables were held at different Departments of Social Psychology of the Universities of Moscow and the Moscow region. Since the beginning mostly heads of Departments of Social Psychology participated in the Roundtables, but the composition of participants has been significantly expanded in 2017. Now the Roundtables will unite the entire socio-psychological community of scientists and teachers of the Universities of Moscow and the Moscow region. The article has two parts: a brief description of the history and origin of the tradition of regular Roundtables on the socio-psychological issues and an informative report about the last meeting on April 18, 2017 at the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

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