Людмила Олеговна Тимошенко ◽  
Римма Флюровна Мингазетдинова

Введение. Рассматривается взаимосвязь четырех составляющих аспектов занятия по иностранному языку (согласно Е. И. Пассову): 1) познавательного; 2) развивающего; 3) воспитательного и 4) учебного. Занятие построено на методических принципах персеверативности и ассоциативности, которые наглядно объясняются при решении лексикографических задач по поиску общего значения в смысловом гнезде иностранного слова на примере английского и французского языков. Интегративный подход к методике проведения занятия позволяет динамично и логично решать учебные цели, периодически акцентируя разные аспекты. Конечная и глобальная цель языкового занятия и вообще учебного процесса, такая как воспитание профессиональной, самостоятельно мыслящей личности, может быть достигнута только в постоянной мыслительной (интериоризованное действие) и коммуникативной практике. Цель – показать тесную взаимосвязь разных задач занятия, выдвигаемых известным отечественным методистом Е. И. Пассовым, сделав акцент на работе со словарем и работе с иностранной лексикой, концентрацию учебного процесса вокруг личности преподавателя. Материал и методы: лексикографический анализ, сравнительно-сопоставительный метод, этимологический экскурс, метод ассоциативных связей, интегративный междисциплинарный подход. Результаты и обсуждение. Проанализирован каждый глобальный аспект занятия по иностранному языку на примере опыта практических занятий авторов статьи с точки зрения эффективности смены разнообразных видов работы. Показана необходимость словарной ассоциативной работы в освоении иностранного языка как наиболее свободного от рамок аспекта с точки зрения личных ассоциаций, организующая, дирижерская роль педагога в учебном процессе. Выделена необходимость постоянной коммуникативной практики изучения иностранного языка. Самоорганизация, самодисциплина и самооценка студентов выдвигаются на первое место при любой учебной работе. Заключение. Решение коммуникативных задач занятия по иностранному языку основывается на принципах интегративности, персеверативности и ассоциативных связей, творческого мышления в рамках решения познавательной, развивающей, воспитательной и учебной задач. Проблема становления профессионала, выработки самостоятельного творческого мышления всегда будет актуальна в педагогике и методике преподавания. Introduction. In the present article the interaction of four constituents of the academic class in the foreign language is studied, according to the ideas of Ye. I. Passov: 1) the cognitive; 2) the developing; 3) the educational and 4) the academic aspects. The class is organized on the methodology principles of perseverance and associations, which are explained in details while solving lexicography problems in finding the common seme of the word in the semantic cell on the examples of the English and the French languages. The integral approach to the methods of holding the class enables the tutor to achieve the academic goals of the class in the dynamic and logical way, focusing from time to time on different sides of the lesson. The and global aim of the language class and the academic process, in general, is to educate a person to the professional, independently thinking personality, which can be achieved only in constant mental (the interiorized action) and communicative practice. The aim of the present article is to show the close interrelation of different tasks of the class, put forward by the outstanding Russian methodist Ye. I. Passov, stressing the dictionary work and the work with the foreign lexis, when the educational process is teacher-centered. Material and methods: lexicographic analysis, comparative method, etymological excursion, method of associative links, integrative interdisciplinary approach. Results and discussion. Each global aspect of a foreign language lesson is analyzed on the example of the experience of practical lessons of the authors of the article in terms of the effectiveness of changing various types of work. The necessity of vocabulary associative work in mastering a foreign language is shown as the aspect that is most free from the frames, such as personal associations, the organizing, conducting role of the teacher in the educational process. The need for constant communicative practice of learning a foreign language is highlighted. Selforganization, self-discipline and self-esteem of students come to the fore in any academic work. Conclusion. Solving communicative problems of the class in a foreign language is represented as possible, basing on the principles of integration, perseverance and associations, creative thinking within the cognitive, developing, educational and academic tasks of the lesson. The problem of professionalism in working out independent creative thinking will be always topical in pedagogy and methods of teaching.

T. Yu. Osadchaya

The current approaches to teaching of foreign/second language listening offered by foreign researchers are considered in the article: cognitive and social dimensions of the process; two main strategies of foreign language listening: top-down and bottom-up approaches; metacognitive approach to teaching listening and its advantages. The following innovations can be creatively used by teachers in the educational process: the formation of students' ‘perception base’ and ‘perception automatisms’  for  distinguishing  and  recognizing  foreign  spoken  speech  units;  using the method  of  interaction  and  active  negotiation  of  general  meaning  and  details of the text among students; regular administration of the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire to teach students different strategies of foreign language listening comprehension; teaching students to develop their own strategies for foreign language listening. The analysis of modern approaches to teaching listening suggests that metacognitive approach is aimed to develop not only students’ language skills but also their reflective thinking abilities; it provides students’ personal involvement in the learning process and has a positive effect on their motivation. Foreign language teachers can use the research results to create their own system of teaching foreign language listening comprehension. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (37) ◽  
pp. 135-145
A.V. Lebedev ◽  
S.V. Bespalova ◽  
I.S. Pinkovetskaia

The development of the oral and written skills in the practice of teaching foreign languages in the Russian linguistic higher institution pays the major attention to the construction of monologic and dialogical statements without focusing on the pragmatic factors of communication. When mastering language expressions, students do not always correlate them with the specific communicative tasks in a certain situation of foreign language communication, which is due to the ignorance of the pragmatic component. Meanwhile, the correct correlation and use of linguistic units in the process of foreign language communication (adequate to a given situation and intentions) is extremely important at the first or second (freshman and sophomore) years of higher education, when students primarily master the skills of the correct expression means. However, in teaching foreign languages (e.g., German and English), there is a disregard for such pragmatic factors as: setting and defining intentions, social roles and focusing on the interpersonal relations of communicants, targeted communication; isolation of the communicative competence from the pragmatic issues; insufficient study of the discourse content and structure as the means of teaching foreign languages in conjunction with pragmatic characteristics. The authors propose their own methodology for the development of the communicative-pragmatic competence under the conditions of training the prospective bachelors of linguistics. Research methods include systematic approach, provisions of the interdisciplinary approach, competence-based approach, comparative method, modeling method. The communicative-pragmatic model of teaching foreign languages presented in this article has confirmed its effectiveness for the development of oral and written speech practice among bachelor students of the linguistic university. The introduction of the developed methodology will increase the level of the language proficiency and the degree of formation of the students` communicative-pragmatic competence by motivating and expanding their speech capabilities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 86-92
Natalia A. FROLOVA ◽  

The article considers the issue of design thinking developing methods in foreign language classes. The study materials are presented by educational and methodological courses for teaching foreign languages, methodical developments for professionally oriented teaching, checklists of students’ educational and scientific activity, the final rating of the educational process of the academic groups participating in the experiment. The methods of observation, questioning and interviewing were used. The experimental results were statistically processed. The authors differentiate between the concepts of "design thinking" and "creative thinking" which are often confused. In this case design thinking is viewed as a higher level of thought process. It was found that the most effective basis for developing students' design thinking skills is the OIW (organized independent work), in particular, project activities. The effectiveness of the methodology for the formation and development of students’ design thinking competence core has been proven experimentally in 2018-2020 academic semesters in the process of full-time and remote working modeat at the Foreign Languages and Humanities Department of the Kamyshin Technological Institute (branch) of the Volgograd State Technical University. The conducted study showed that students participation in the experiment significantly influenced their outlook, quality of intellectual modeling, research activities, subject communication both in their native and foreign languages.

T.P. Glukhova ◽  

The linguistic military-professional game represents pedagogical cognitive technology of teaching cadets a foreign language, thus uniting scientific knowledge of cognitive pedagogy, linguistics and psychology. On the basis of the interdisciplinary approach, various typical situations of military discourse have been developed and integrated into the educational process of a game, which made it possible to incorporate the formation of foreign-language professionally-oriented communicative competence and the development of cognitive abilities of future military engineers into a holistic educational activity.

Yuliya M. Orekhova

The article is devoted to the problem of modernization of the education process in higher education institutes related to the implementation of the new Federal educational standard. The new educational paradigm requires searching for new innovative ways of forming of the key competences for personal and professional development. Russian scientists point to the situation in modern pedagogy when the use of innovative teaching methods contradicts traditional assessment systems. In the context of competence-based approach this contradiction can be eliminated by the introduction of new assessment methods, and then by the creation of assessment tools. The author suggests using the technology of formative assessment for the achievement of the educational and cognitive aspects of a foreign language class and the development of students regulatory skills. The key ideas of formative assessment technology, feasibility of its usage at foreign language classes in high school and phases of its implementation into the educational process are described in the present article. The educational and cognitive aspects are graphically presented in the system school-university. The educational and regulative students skills (self-control, self-evaluation, self-regulation) developed by the regular use of the technology at classes are listed. The author analyzes the main techniques of formative assessment technology (criteria-based assessment, comment from a teacher, mind map, self-report, feed-back), the implementation of which is thought to be the most effective at university, and give examples of their use at English classes.

Tetiana Sheleh

Abstract. The development of intellectual and emotional resource of the personality has become crucial in modern society as it benefits to their effective self-fulfillment. The capability of proper emotions managing contributes to soft skills development. Hence, the problem of emotional intelligence is of great importance for scientists and teachers. Educational sphere is entitled to provide students with opportunities to train their emotional literacy, to overcome emotional barriers that interfere with their successful performance. The importance of integrating emotions into the educational process, in particular learning the second language, is proved by a number of researches. It is stated that positive emotions support motivation, memorization and influence psychological state of the student making them more open to the new knowledge. According to the cordos-mediation principle, the information that goes through the heart, i.e. trough experiencing some feelings and emotions, is effectively acquired by the person. Incorporating emotions into the second language learning activities benefits students᾿ cognitive and emotional sphere of development. As the process of learning foreign language comes with experiencing a range of positive and negative emotions, the work with them seems of great value. Intensification of positive emotions and elimination of foreign language anxiety, hopelessness, boredom, anger, that are typical for second language students, make sense. It leads to deactivation of students᾿ psychological defense mechanisms, increases their motivation and confidence. Selecting and using learning support materials to achieve this target should be based on their psychological sense to transform students᾿ views and contribute to their emotional literacy. The paper presents using the parable at the foreign language class as an effective instrument of meeting the requirements for work with students᾿ emotions. The parable is proved to be of great value due to its volume, lexical and grammar material, metaphoric meaning and deep psychological sense that facilitates the students to analyze their own emotions, bring insights and change their viewpoints.

Irina B. Antonova ◽  

Modern educational process is getting more and more interactive which presupposes the employment of brand new textbooks and the most difficult to be written are manuals for studying foreign languages. Over the past decades interest in learning languages in Russia might be justified by globalization (the consequence of which is the phenomenon of interactivity) that results in developing new demands to foreign language textbooks among which the primary ones are to be communicative, situational, problemsolving, and (relatively) easy to obtain the form and content of a foreign language. More complex demands to a manual in general and to a foreign language textbook in particular consider it to be the product of conceptual system, the method of achieving educational goals, and the control lever of managing the learning process. Meanwhile, as the monitoring of the modern instructional materials demonstrates there is an obvious deficit of foreign language textbooks and manuals that could completely satisfy the demands declared and – which is even more important – could stimulate the development of the meaningful attitude to the study of a foreign language. This gives us reason to consider the topic chosen for the paper to be an issue of concern and urgency. Without criticizing or questioning the authoritative opinions over the quality of the current foreign language textbooks the author makes an attempt to define the essence of a textbook, to revise the demands to it and to describe the potential challenges of its writing.

I. O. TSAR ◽  

The authors analyse the interpretations of the concept of coaching in scientific thought in general, and as a new direction in the educational environment in particular. It has been found out that special-pedagogical coaching originated in the USA as «Content-Focused Coaching» and was used in teaching staff training. Theoretical and methodological aspects of pedagogical coaching, which contributes to the growth of motivation of higher education students, both in personal and communicative development and helps to realize their potentialities, have been investigated. The key aspects of pedagogical coaching such as: implementation of activities on the principles of partnership, joint preparation for the class and implementation of its stages, and reflection have been highlighted. It has been found out that «linguistic coaching» is widely used in foreign language teaching, which is aimed at creating optimal conditions for acquisition, and effective and quick transmission of language knowledge from a teacher (coach) to a student, providing, first of all, the student’s awareness of learning objectives and resources, increasing the variety of learning ways, raising the responsibility of a higher education student for the course and the results of learning. The importance of the coach’s role has been emphasized, the principles and algorithms of his/her actions in organizing and conducting a foreign language class using linguistic coaching have been determined. It has been stated that the coaching technologies under analyzing are realized by means of dialogic communication and cover 4 stages: motivation, planning, realization, reflexion. The article substantiates the main stages of a session with the use of coaching forms of training, reveals the principles and methods of work. The coaching technique is gaining popularity and is more and more often used in the educational process of higher educational institutions. Key words: coaching, foreign language, foreign language teaching, linguistic coaching, active learning methods.

Vadim Markovich Rozin

This article discusses the concept of foreign-language education of E. Passov. The author divides this concept into two parts: the first represents a general new concept of education with culturological and personalistic orientation; while the second represents concretization of this concept in relation to teaching foreign languages. Analysis is conducted on the definitions of communication and situation introduced by E. Passov, which mediate V. S. Bibler’s concept of the “dialogue of cultures” and the new semiotically communicative practice of teaching foreign language. The author demonstrates that E. Passov offers fundamental restructuring of the paradigm foundations of education, orienting it towards the dialogue of cultures, individualization, communication, equal horizontal relations teacher – student relations. Instead of cognition and digestion of normative contents, the puts the desire and motivation to learning alongside spiritual becoming and competence of creative activity to the forefront of the educational process. The author analyzes the method and means of specification of the general foreign-language concept of education offered by E. Passov – modeling of culture, classification of communication situations and language meanings, techniques and technologies used in foreign-language education. Attention is given to the fact that E. Passov has a nontraditional perspective upon techniques and technology – as the competencies and abilities developed by a young person in the course of education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 428-432
Duo Li ◽  

The Russian language is one of the richest languages ​of our time. Currently, more than 200 million people speak Russian. It is also one of the ten working languages ​​of the United Nations. The Russian language is one of the most difficult for foreign students to learn, which necessitates a better approach to the educational process. The article examines the study of the problem of increasing the effectiveness of teaching Chinese students Russian as a foreign language. A solution to the problem in the auxiliary application of video tutorials is proposed. An analysis of several existing video tutorials available online is being carried out. The article deals with the comparative method of difficult moments that may arise for Chinese students studying Russian. It is confirmed that the creation of a new video lesson and the linguo-methodological foundations of its implementation in the educational process are new and relevant.

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