Тамара Валентиновна Рожкова

Введение. Терминология является средством, позволяющим представить картину мира, поскольку каждая лексическая единица закрепляет опыт отдельной нации и всего человечества, а результат их взаимодействия проявляется в целостном восприятии и представлении окружающего мира. Глагольная лексика, обозначающая специальные понятия, является вербальной репрезентацией прагматически переработанного научного знания, отражающего менталитет, основы мыслительной деятельности, профессиональный опыт и лингвокультурную компетенцию специалистов. Цель – изучить глагольную лексику, обозначающую специальные понятия медицины, и представить ее как универсальное средство репрезентации картины мира данной отрасли знания, как средство выявления направления развития и функционирования научной мысли. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования служат однословные и многословные глагольные единицы, репрезентирующие различные действия и процессы, имеющие большое значение в различных отраслях медицины. Глагольные единицы исследуются посредством анализа этимологии, словообразования и дефиниции. Результаты и обсуждение. Универсальность, свойственная картине мира медицины, отражается в употреблении греко-латинских терминоэлементов в структуре глагольной единицы. Национальные черты проявляются в использовании соответствующих морфологических элементов и лексико-семантических способах словообразования. Историческое развитие понятий и терминов отражается в явлениях терминологизации и детерминологизации, которым подвергаются и глаголы, функционирующие в языке медицины. История развития специальной медицинской глагольной лексики демонстрирует активное взаимодействие обыденной и научной картин мира, что подтверждается этимологическим анализом глаголов, а также существованием внутриотраслевой и межотраслевой полисемии глаголов. Лексические единицы, обозначающие различные медицинские процессы, являются пропозициональными структурами, способными представлять обозначаемый процесс как когнитивный сценарий, имплицитно репрезентируя упорядоченную последовательность действий, метонимически представляя весь процесс, обозначенный глагольной единицей. Заключение. Таким образом, глагол представляет собой средство, позволяющее интерпретировать картину мира той или иной отрасли знания. В сфере медицины глагол позволяет выявить закономерность развития семантического объема лексической единицы, проследить развитие и становление медицины как научной отрасли знания в синхронии и дахронии. Introduction. Terminology contributes to the representation of the world picture because each lexical unit fixes the experience of both a separate nation and the whole mankind. The result of their interaction can be found in the perceptual unity and uniform representation of the world. Verbs, designating special notions, are the verbal representation of pragmatically revised scholary insight, which reflect the pattern of thoughtway, bases of mental activity, professional background, cultural and linguistic competence of specialists. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to study verbs, which designate special medical notions, and to show that they are a universal means to represent the world picture of medicine, and as a means which help to reveal the tramline and functioning of scientific thought. Material and methods. The material of the investigation includes one- and multiword verbs and verb phrases which represent various medical processes. Etymological, word-building and definitional analyses are used. Results and discussion. Universality which is characteristic of the world picture of medicine is reflected in the use of Greek and Latin terminological elements in the structure of a verb. National characteristics appear in the use of morphological elements and lexical and semantic principles of word-building. The world pictures of sciences also reflect historical evolution of notions and terms which can be revealed in the processes of terminologization and determinologization of verbs which are used in the language of medicine. The history of the development of special medical verbs demonstrates the interaction of the everyday and scientific world pictures. It is proved by etymology of verbs and polysemy of verbs within the medical discourse and with the verbs functioning in other branches of science. Lexical units which represent various medical processes are a kind of propositional structures which show a definite area of the world picture in its entirety. Thus, they can demonstrate the process as a cognitive script, which demonstrates implicitly the array of actions. It is a kind of metonymical representation of the process which is put into verbs. Conclusion. A verb can be considered as a means to interpret the world picture of this or that field of science. In regards to language of medicine the verbs allow to reveal the pattern and volume of semantic development of a word, to trace the scientific history of medicine in synchrony and diachrony.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-53
Mark Titmarsh

The history of the painted image has involved various metamorphoses from cave, to architecture, to easel and most recently the radical hybridisation of expanded multimedia forms. Through each age the shedding of one aspect of the image; ritual, spirituality, portability, has resulted in a shift from sacred static images towards profane ephemeral events. This transformation has intensified over the last century where the repeated announcement of the death of painting has seen painting reborn as a mode of radical self-questioning. This paper takes an overview of painting's morphology by way of Martin Heidegger's discussion of picturing and representation in his essay “The Age of the World Picture” (1938). By focusing on the history of picturing, an understanding of “original aesthetics” and its apprehensions can be developed, for comparison with contemporary art in its “post-medium condition”. The new ontological paradigm of contemporary art therefore demands another discourse, a “post-aesthetics” that overcomes the subjective bias of modern philosophical aesthetics in favour of a primary relationship to things and their mode of presence in the world. As a result, contemporary expanded painting is shown to be a radical revision of art, a moment of ontological “presencing” favouring spatial environments and temporal events that reveal “what is” and “what matters” in a contemporary techno-scientific age. As a result ontological aesthetics could indicate what is good at the boundary between people, communities, technology and the earth, in short, a politics of being. In the politics of being, which is most appropriate to the expanded work of art, politics is linked to the polis, the place where culture emerges into a world, and where things unfold according to the sense of possibility that a world grants. Art is intimately involved in an alternative politics of being when it poses another way of dealing with beings, people, objects, and things, that result in new economies and temporalities indicating the possibility of something beyond our habitual understanding of the world. Expanded painting as the exemplar of contemporary art is an ontological cut in our understanding of art and the world. It slices through the contemporary understanding of presence and delivers a monstrous thickness, no longer supported by a surface as substrate, but instead compelled by the phenomenal experiences of the world, and is thereby multiplied exponentially and existentially. Santrauka Tapyto atvaizdo istorija apima įvairias metamorfozes, pradedant urvais ir baigiant architektūra, molbertais, o pastaruoju metu – radikalia išplėstinių multimedijų formų hibridizacija. Bet kuriame amžiuje nunykdavo tam tikras atvaizdo aspektas; ritualai, dvasingumas, portatyvumas sakralius statiškus atvaizdus pakeitė profaniškais trumpalaikiais įvykiais. Ši transformacija suintensyvėjo pastarajame amžiuje, kai buvo pakartotinai paskelbta, esą tapyba mirė, atgimstant tapybai kaip radikaliai saviklausai. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiama tapybos morfologijos apžvalga, remiantis Martino Heideggerio apmąstymais. Susitelkiant į atvaizdų istoriją, gali būti išplėtota „originaliosios estetikos“ ir jos suvokimo samprata, lyginant su šiuolaikiniu menu ir jo „postmedijine būkle“. Todėl nauja šiuolaikinio meno ontologinė paradigma reikalauja kito – „postestetikos“ – diskurso, įveikiančio subjektyvų moderniosios filosofinės estetikos šališkumą pirminio santykio su daiktais ir su jų buvimo pasaulyje būdo atžvilgiu. Iš to išplaukia, kad šiuolaikinė išplėstinė tapyba pristatoma kaip radikalus meno peržiūrėjimas, ontologinio „esamumo“ akimirka, palaikanti erdvines aplinkas ir laikinius įvykius, atveriančius „tai, kas yra“ ir „tai, kas vyksta“ šiuolaikiniame technikos ir mokslo amžiuje. Tad ontologinė estetika gali nurodyti, kas yra gera ties žmonių, bendruomenių, technologijų ir Žemės ribomis, trumpai tariant, atskleisti būties politiką. Šioji yra pati tinkamiausia išplėstiniams meno kūriniams; politika yra susieta su polis – ta vieta, kurioje kultūra iškyla į pasaulį ir kurioje pagal pasaulio teikiamą galimumą skleidžiasi daiktai. Menas yra glaudžiai įtraukiamas į alternatyviąją būties politiką, iškeldamas naują būtybių, žmonių, objektų ir daiktų santykiavimo būdą. Tai lemia naujose ekonomikose ir laikiškumuose nurodomą galimybę kažko, kas yra anapus mūsų pasaulio įprastinio supratimo. Išplėstinė tapyba kaip šiuolaikinio meno pavyzdys yra ontologinis įtrūkis mums suprantant meną ir pasaulį. Ji aptinkama suprantant šiuolaikinį buvimą, yra labai reikšminga ir nebėra palaikoma paviršiaus kaip substrato; veikiau įtikinamų fenomenalių pasaulio patirčių, taip dauginamų išoriškai ir egzistenciškai.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
S. Kh. Shikhalieva ◽  
G. Sh. Chamsedinova ◽  
L. B. Аmirkhаnоvа ◽  
А. G. Аbdurakhmanova ◽  

The article is concerned with educating the concepts “proper name * toponym + anthroponym” linguocultural category and summarizing the analysis with regard to cognitive perception of Nakh-Dagestanian languages. If we consider the interpretation of the terms “proper name * toponym + anthroponym” from viewpoint of cognitive perception, then the world picture as a linguocultural category actualizes the concept “nature ↔ toponym + color ↔ anthroponym + color”. This procedure for analyzing the terms in the conceptualization of the Nakh-Dagestanian languages makes it possible to adjust the interpretation of the Russian language “Concept “nature” ↔ color + toponym ↕ color + anthroponym”. An analysis of the material shows that the interpretation of the terms with the designation of the concept “nature” differs in hierarchical types of asymmetry of the Nakh-Dagestanian languages of ordered types “class ↔ class member”, and the degree of influence of the scientific world picture on the meaning of the everyday picture of the region is usually structured by the analysis of translation into the Russian language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 22-27
A. Krotov ◽  
A. Morozov ◽  
S. Sokolov ◽  

The formation and development fragment of history of human-machine interaction in the operator – central observation panel system of the Non-departmental Security Service of the Federal National Guard Troops Service in terms of technological progress relationship with the formation of human experience and the world picture based on it is considered in the article.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (86) ◽  
Orest Tolochko ◽  

Topicality of the problem raised in this article is determined by insufficient representation of J. Barnes’ creative phenomenon, in particular his prose translation studies analysis, in the Ukrainian philological science. Complex nature of the postmodern belles-lettres discourse elucidation has been conditioned by its intertextuality and genre heterogeneity of its text parts. Non-linear narration together with the intricate combination of discourse samples belonging to various genres and styles in the text framework. Thus, the realistic illusion is made by means of its consideration from the psycholinguistic point. The latter concerns conceptual opposition emphasis as well the separate units stressing. An illusion is also made of the discourse parts reference to different psycho-emotional dominants; the latter generates the text versatility interpretations. In the analyzed work of fiction inversion (in combination with other stylistic means) performs semantic (plot-forming) and stylistic (expressive and pragmatic) functions. Inverted word order with an emphatic do is used for the subject elements emphasis; the negative inverted statements intend to intensify certain semantic components stressing in micro- and macrocontextual structure; inverted sentences with an introductory there were applied to emphasize and describe the depicted world picture components as the personages’ psycho-emotional state indicators. The final analyzed sample provides a vivid example of the above. The emotive colouring has been achieved by actualizing expressive means belonging to different language levels; especially frequent is the use rhetoric questions and statements. The key feature of the translated text has been focused on rendering the functional and stylistic parameters of the source text into the target language. The compensatory means applied in the target text comprise inherent and adherent expressive elements of different language levels, punctuating marks intending to convey the belles-lettres text melodic sounding, and lexical units belonging to various registers.

2019 ◽  
pp. 257-283
Jacek Kopciński

In his essay, author deals with the interpretation of a very original, new monodrama by Artur Pałyga, entitled In Radiance (2016), whose heroine is Maria Skłodowska-Curie. The author is interested in a poetic and performative dimension of Maria’s dozen monologues, which the author described as completely unknown letters’ of the scientist. These monologues reveal the process of Maria’s spiritual development from the moment Faust/ina of attaining maturity, until her death due to excessive irradiation. Author focuses on the aspects of Maria’s consciousness that Pałyga has brought forth from the myth of Faust, which comprises the foundation of the scientific world-view. In this monodrama, Skłodowska-Curie is the Polish Faust who is ready to break the moral rules and pay the price of her and others’ life for sheer possibility of revealing the mystery of the universe. Kopciński confronts this original literary image of a scientist with the history of her life and highlights the moments in her biography that can be read as the execution of the ‘Faustian arrangement’. At the end of his work, he compares the character of Skłodowska-Curie, who calls herself Faustina, with the figure of another extraordinary woman who has also adopted this name − Maria Faustina Kowalska. The comparison of the scientist and the mystic woman allows us to see many similarities in the characters of both, their way of life and their relationships with other people, but it also describes fundamental differences in the world-views they represent. Finally, two Faustinas are two different symbols. The figure of the scientist symbolises desire for the intellectual control of the world, which constantly changes like elements discovered by Maria Skłodowska. On the other hand, the figure of the mysticist symbolises desire for an inner union with loving God, which involves the sacrifice of one’s ‘self’ to gain the eternal life of the immortal soul.

Petro Nesterenko

During the years of independence the diversity in the opinions on many important issues – the role of an artist and art in the world, the solution of the crucial contemporary problems, the understanding of the national characteristics – became particularly acute. This contributed to the revival of some old journals and creation of many new ones. Unfortunately, today’s typical situation with an extravagant appearance of the next new edition and its short-term existence is reminiscent of the events that took place nearly hundred years ago. Numerous periodicals were born at that time and then quickly disappeared and went into oblivion. Over time, when it turned out that outstanding, though hidden from public, artists worked on their design and artistically determined the era, many journal covers were at last evaluated as achievement of Ukrainian art. However, the modern authors of the covers and the general concept of numerous journals remain on the margins of the artistic process as well. As a consequence, the question arises: do we really have to wait decades to properly evaluate their high art? Despite the short age, artistic and other journals added a bright page in the cultural and educational life of independent Ukraine. They objectively covered the achievements of Ukrainian artists and will serve as an important material for further research on the history of the Ukrainian art. A skillfully designed logo accompanied by a well-chosen and composed work of art or its fragment became a true decoration of contemporary journals. In this regard, the author of the paper considers the artistic designs of the covers used in Kyiv journals (from 1980s up to now) and identifies the best masters working in this field. Attention is paid to the time and circumstances of their release, the coordinated work of the authors and editors, the purposes and tasks of the editions. The important role of periodicals in the artistic and educational life of independent Ukraine is highlighted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-27
T. A. Alekseeva ◽  
A. P. Mineyev

Introduction. One of the greatest achievements of the humanity is obviously the recognition of the systematic unity of the natural and social knowledge. However, this recognition was not constant. The emergence, development and history of political sciences reflected it rather evidently, tending to go from one extreme to another – from identifying its methods with those of positive science to pretending to be unique or even universal. All these questions acquired special importance in the new non-classical world, but the adaptation of political sciences to a new type of thinking meets considerable difficulties.Methods of study. The main method of the study is comparative analysis of the variations to connect philosophical and substantive (ontological and epistemological) tools with political and applied ones of researching political and international political processes and phenomena. Moreover, the authors also used the interpretation approach.Results. The analysis of the most significant approaches towards the political and international processes demonstrate that the acceptance of the new postulates of non-classical and post-nonclassical pictures of the world is quite complicated. Simultaneously with the preservation of the pure mechanistic, approach some of the elements of the new world pictures were taken from quantum physics, biology. The chance factor and the rejection of the casual relationships were also taken into consideration. Nevertheless, it is better to speak not about the transfer of the methods and approaches from natural to political sciences, but about the attempts to build “weak” theories or analogues of theories (for instance, quantum-like theories). Nevertheless, generally speaking, political as well as other social sciences tend to be developing capturing the zeitgeist.Discussion and Conclusions. The adaptation of political sciences to new scientific pictures of the world is inevitable, but limited by definition: for all unity of knowledge as such, their methods and tools are very different and even undergo such significant changes and simplifications in the process of adaptation that they often retain only the names and imitations of the methodologies of other sciences. And yet, at least we have to go in parallel. But some caution here would not hurt at all.

1982 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 457-463
C. Lejewski

Tetyana Antonyuk ◽  
Victoria Antonova

The study reveals the publications of the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences in Germany that are available in the fund of Foreign Ukrainistics Department of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and represent the process of its formation, activity, development, and the names of scientists whose efforts led to UFAS. Sources of funding the scientific institution and publishing opportunities was found out, and the book description of the documents along with their meaningful content was carried out. A significant number of documents published by UFAS reveal its scientific directions and opportunities. Through the efforts of UFAS in Germany, the scientific world has been replenished with dozens of important works which represent Ukrainian science. The review of UFAS publications was published in a separate series “UFAS Chronicle”, and the publication “UFAS Bulletin” published monthly reports on the activities of the institution. Some groups (sections) prepared their “Collections” for printing. Monographs on current research were being published. The first issue of the bibliographic journal “Ukrainian Bibliological News”, the main topics of which are bibliology, archival science and library science, was published in the series “Bibliography”. The magazine kept records of Ukrainian printed materials in exile, published articles-reviews of UFAS leading scientists, analyzed the history of the magazine and reviews of new books about the figures of the Ukrainian word. Separate editions were published in the same series. An important task of the activities of FUD is to open the fund and popularize the diaspora book culture. The foundations for the further development and activities of UFAS in Canada and the United States were laid precisely in Augsburg, Germany. By organizing a center for the preservation and development of Ukrainian science in Germany, Ukrainian scientists have launched activities to establish strong scientific ties with European scientists and made it possible to integrate Ukrainian science into the world.

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