Humanus ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Nerosti Nerosti

This study used a descriptive method with qualitative approach by studying the library, (library research), observation, and interviews, as well as using the theory of choreography. The research findings prove THAT seventeen works of Minor Dance students have met the elements of choreography as follows: (a) selecting a theme or idea of arrangements through the initial stimuli, ie stimulus ideas, kinesthetic, auditory and visual. (b) exploration and improvisation, (c) smoothing and composition. Elements of composition has also been described, which include: (1) the structure of arrangements; (2) dancers’ motion and passage; (3) the pattern of the floor; (4) music and lighting; (5) costumes and make-ups.The study also found that the students’ eleven dances have applied the concept of multiculturalism in ethnical and classical themes. Multiculturalism is understood as various ethnic diversity and distinctiveness, reflected in the work of each indibiduals that are limited by the historical and social context, as well as local culture, including ethnic Malay, Minangkabau, Javanese, Sabah and Sarawak, Kelantan, India, and China.Keywords: multiculturalism, dance as Minor Learning, and choreography

Sulaiman Sulaiman ◽  
Muzakir Muzakir ◽  
Ema Syithah ◽  
Baharuddin Baharuddin ◽  
Ainon Mardhiah

The purpose of this study was to look at the factor of increasing divorce rates in the city of Sabang. This research integrates library research and field research using a qualitative approach. This study uses. descriptive method of analysis The highest results of the study showed that the factor of increasing divorce in Sabang City was caused by; first, continuous disputes and disputes amounted to 80 cases, secondly, leaving one party numbered 38 cases, third, economic (family needs not met) as many as 9 cases, fourth, domestic violence in 5 cases, and fifth, sentenced to imprisonment ( involved in the use of narcotics) totaling 4 cases, the data is the data of the last three years. Whereas prevention efforts to avoid divorce are carried out by conducting marriage counseling conducted by the Office of Religious Affairs in the Sabang City area, at least one week before the implementation of the marriage contract, this guidance activity is mandatory for couples to marry, besides the Shari'ah Court of Sabang also conducted mediation with every party who filed a divorce or divorce divorce, out of the 63 cases of mediation cases that entered, only 5 cases of mediation were successfully mediated in the last three years and if the mediation attempt was unsuccessful a register was held to proceed to the trial stage.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Abas Asyafah

Abstract. This article examines the learning model. This study departs from the fact that there are some people who still need a reference to weigh a learning model. A common problem to be answered through this study is how to weigh a learning model. This study uses a descriptive method because the researcher is analyzing the current problem and uses a qualitative approach. Through library, the author concludes that a good learning model must be assessed in terms of validity, practical use, and effectiveness. In weighing a learning model, we must first understand the concepts / theories about the learning model as a whole. If there is still a gap between the theory and the model, it means that the learning model must be revised and developed again.Abstrak. Artikel ini mengkaji tentang model pembelajaran. Kajian ini berangkat dari fakta bahwa masih ada kalangan yang masih membutuhkan suatu acuan untuk menimbang suatu model pembelajaran. Masalah umum yang ingin dijawab melalui kajian ini adalah bagaimana cara menimbang suatu model pembelajaran?. Kajian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif karena peneliti sedang menganalisis permasalahan yang sedang terjadi saat ini dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Melalui studi kepustakaan (library research), penulis berkesimpulan bahwa sebuah model pembelajaran yang baik harus dapat dinilai dari sisi validitas (kesahihan), keprak-tisan/keterpakaian, dan efektivitasnya. Untuk menimbang sebuah model pembelajaran, kita terlebih dahulu harus memahami konsep/teori tentang model pembelajaran secara utuh dan lengkap. Bila masih ditemukan kesenjangan antara teori dengan model tersebut berarti model pembelajaran tersebut masih harus direvisi dan dikembangkan lagi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (23) ◽  
pp. 68-84
Sharifah Darmia Sharif Adam ◽  
Irma Wani Othman ◽  
Jais Abdul Hamid ◽  
Mohd Sohaimi Esa ◽  
Romzi Ationg ◽  

This article discusses the influence of education on ethnic diversity in Malaysia. Malaysia is known for its unique society that is made up of various ethnic groups such as Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sabah, and Sarawak indigenous ethnic groups and many other ethnic groups. Each ethnic group has its own cultural practices, traditional customs, religious beliefs, and language but everyone can live in a harmony. In other words, ethnic diversity and cultural differences are not an obstacle to the plural society in this country to live together peacefully. Among the efforts made to create such an atmosphere is through the education system which plays an important role in instilling the spirit of nationalism and love of country. However, the effort to make Malaysia a country society that is united through the education system is not as easy as expected. There are challenges that need to be faced. Therefore, this article is focused to discuss what is the influence of education and what are the challenges faced in creating an education system that serves as an agent of community unification in the country. The study of this article was made using a qualitative analysis approach and using archival research methods as well as library research to obtain research information sources. This study will produce an analysis that can be used as a reference to improve or formulate better policies, especially in matters that benefit the efforts to strengthen harmonious inter-ethnic relations in Malaysia.

Tamaddun ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Andi Rukayah ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin ◽  
Rezki Fadilah

The purpose of this study is to know the local culture in Sinjai. As we see today is the technology and foreign cultures that keep us from the life and culture of our ancestors gradually been worn. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method that given images or facts. The writer needed library research, field research, observation, interview, and documentation to support the data. Marimpa Salo is dispels activities from upstream to the mouth of the fish is done in two villages namely Sanjai Village and Bua Village, both of which are mediated by Appareng River. This tradition has been carried out in the time of Bulo Bulo kingdom are still preserved Sinjai district until now. The results of this study are expected to be fruitful thought "let 's preserve our culture for posterity and for Indonesia”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-130
Hendy Setiawan ◽  
Khalimatus Sa’diyah

The issue of kinship politics networks and modalities Pilar Saga is built on the Ratu Atut Chosiyah's dynastic politics. Interestingly, the dynastic political network in Banten contributed to Pilar Saga's victory. Even the various corruption cases that ensnared Ratu Atut's family could not undermine her political network. For example, the corruption case of Ratu Atut for alleged bribery of the Constitutional Court and the trading of positions, T Chaeri Wardana for the corruption case of medical equipment, and Ratu Lilis Karyawati for the Cibenuangen River bypass case in Lebak, Banten. The purpose of this study was to analyze the extent to which Pilar Saga's kinship politics network and modalities influenced his victory in the 2020 South Tangerang Regional Head Election. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method in South Tangerang. The research data was taken through observation and library research to strengthen the conclusion. The results show that the Pilar Saga political network and modalities, apart from being built from the Atut dynasty, were also boosted by the performance achievements of the incumbent Pilar Saga pair. The incumbent in the previous period with Airin Rachmi Diany (Atut's sister-in-law) was able to bring South Tangerang City to be the best Regency/City area in Banten in HDI (Human Development Index) numbers. On this basis, the rational behavior of voters in South Tangerang was not fooled by the various cases that ensnared their relatives in the corruption of the Ratu Atut Chosiyah dynasty.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 145
Mufid Mufid ◽  
Alex Yusron Al-Mufti

<p class="IsiAbstrak">In historical records, Sufism has made a huge contribution to the spiritual and intellectual life of Islam. Sufism has influenced religious behavior which points through people's attitudes, morals, and behavior. This writing uses descriptive method with qualitative approach, and inductive/ qualitative data analysis, while data collection techniques through library Research, with findings that someone who truly understands the concept of <em>Wahdat al Wujud</em> and Wahdat Ash Syuhud will behave first, he becomes more confident in the beginning of worship. Second, all the life he faces is enjoyable or easy and not so hard. Third, understanding the life of the world is a temporary life and the ultimate life is life in the hereafter. It is he, in himself who is steady that only Allah is the greatest Almighty, all-powerful and all-inclusive, while human is small and weak. Fifth, he feels that he is always supervised by Allah SWT. Sixth, he will get a lot of blessings from Allah SWT whether it is health favors, favors of faith, Islam and ihsan.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-88
Rosmaya Rosmaya ◽  
Edi Hendri Mulyana ◽  
Tri Lestari

AbstractChild independence is a capital of creativity, progress and survival. The non-indepedence of the child forms a personality that depends on other and will hamper the progress of the child, therefore independence must be instilled from an early age to the child in order to grow into an independent human being. Efforts to develop independence in schools are done by teachers who interact intensely with children. These development efforts can be applied in the learning process. The learning process is divided into several activities, namely the welcoming of the child’s arrival, opening, core activities, covering and picking up the children. The research is conducted because it wants to reveal how the teacher developed in the learning process. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive method. The research was conducted at RA Raihan Persis 27, District Cihideung, Tasikmalaya City. Participants of this research are teacher of group A RA Raihan Persis 27. The collection was done by observation, interview and document study. The research findings show that the way the teacher develops the child’s independence is done in the form of a program that is made into the rules of school rules and class rules. The teacher’s program is implemented through statements and action. In addition, teachers apply the system of habituation to children to develop independence of children As for the aspects of independence that is dominated by teachers developed in RA Raihan Persis 27 is confident, discipline, emotional control and responsibility. AbstrakKemandirian anak merupakan modal kreativitas, kemajuan dan daya keberlangsungan hidup (survival). Ketidakmandirian anak membentuk kepribadian yang bergantung kepada orang lain dan akan menghambat kemajuan anak, oleh karena itu kemandirian harus ditanamkan sejak dini kepada anak supaya dapat tumbuh menjadi manusia yang mandiri. Upaya pengembangan kemandirian di sekolah dilakukan oleh guru yang berinteraksi secara intens dengan anak. Upaya pengembangan tersebut bisa diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran. Proses pembelajaran dibagi menjadi beberapa kegiatan, yaitu kegiatan penyambutan kedatangan anak, pembukaan, kegiatan inti, penutup dan penjemputan anak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan karena peniliti akan mengungkapkan bagaimana cara guru mengembangkan kemandirian anak serta aspek kemandirian apa saja yang dikembangkan dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Penellitia ini dilakukan di RA Raihan Persisn 27, Kecamatan Cihideung Kota Tasikmalaya. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah guru kelompok A RA Raihan 27. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Hasil dari temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cara guru mengembangkan kemandirian anak dilakukan dalam bentuk program yang dibuat menjadi aturan yaitu aturan sekolah dan aturan kelas. Program tersebut guru laksanakan melalui pernyataan dan tindakan. Selain itu juga guru menerapkan sistem pembiasaan kepada anak untuk mengembangkan kemandirian anak. Adapun aspek-aspek kemandirian yang mendominasi dikembangkan oleh guru di RA Raihan Persis 27 adalah percaya diri, disiplin, mengendalikan emosi dan tanggungjawab.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-212
Dhita Prasanti ◽  
Nuryah Asri Sjafirah

In this modern era, as culture evolves into a popular culture mixed with western culture, there is still a community that wants to maintain the tradition of local cultural heritage, in the field of literacy. This is also reflected in a study that will raise researchers this time. The community is called “Tanah Aksara”. Researchers raised research on the Meaning of Local Culture Symbol for “Tanah Aksara” Community in Bandung. “Tanah Aksara” has its own characteristic in Bandung, which upholds the cultural heritage of the local script. They have peculiarities that characterize their identity through the attributes of clothing or other symbols that characterize the main individual in the “Tanah Aksara” community. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are observation persistence, data triangulation, and referential adequacy. Researchers use communication theory to analyze this research is the theory of symbolic interaction. The results of research that has been done by the researcher shows that the meaning of local culture for the Tanah Aksara community include: (1) Symbol as the formation of identity for the Tanah Aksara community; (2) Symbols as preservation of local traditions and cultures for Tanah Aksara communities; (3) Symbols as preservation of the script of the archipelago; (4) Symbols as symbols of ancestral heritage/ ancestors; (5) Symbols as an encouragement of social activities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Dewi Kurniasih ◽  
Yudi Rusfiana

One of device regency is the subdistrict. Subdistrict as the technical regional programs, have work areas, led by Camat. When society still do not feel any equitable development results, it was natural to enter the 10 years, the West Bandung Regency Government planning subdistrict development strategy. The population is increasing, the sub-district government services should be improved. Geographical constraints and demands of society into its own problems in terms of a sub-district development. Subdistricts development is intended to increase the capacity of districts, especially in governance, development and public service. The purpose of this study is the recommendation several strategies development, especially in Lembang Subdistrict, Cipatat and Cipongkor in West Bandung Regency. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach through surveys. Data was collected through library research, observation and interviews. The results showed that all three subdistricts have met the basic requirements, technical and administrative measures to be developed. This is in accordance with the mandate of Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2008 regarding the District is still valid. Salah satu perangkat daerah kabupaten adalah kecamatan. Kecamatan sebagai pelaksana teknis kewilayahan, mempunyai wilayah kerja yang dipimpin oleh Camat. Ketika masyarakat belum merasakan adanya pemerataan hasil pembangunan, maka wajarlah memasuki 10 tahun, Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung Barat merencanakan strategi pengembangan kecamatan. Jumlah penduduk semakin bertambah maka pelayanan pemerintah kecamatan harus ditingkatkan. Kendala geografis dan tuntutan masyarakat menjadi permasalahan sendiri dalam sebuah pengembangan kecamatan. Pengembangan kecamatan ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas kecamatan terutama dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pembangunan dan pelayanan publik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah terekomendasinya beberapa strategi pengembangan khususnya pada Kecamatan Lembang, Cipatat dan Cipongkor di Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui survei. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka, observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga kecamatan tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan dasar, teknis dan administratif untuk dikembangkan. Hal ini sesuai dengan amanah Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 Tahun 2008 tentang Kecamatan yang masih berlaku. 

Lestari Kurniawati

<p>The formulation of the problem in the research is how to instill the values of diversity in the historical material of the fall of the New Order and how the method of critical dialogue in learning activities at home runs effectively. The methodology in this research uses a qualitative approach, with a qualitative descriptive method. The research findings: 1). The process of cultivating the values of diversity is formed through critical dialogue between students and parents. In the dialogue, several problems were revealed, especially the tragedy of ethnic, religious, and cultural issues which then triggered many negative perspectives towards certain ethnicities. 2). Critical dialogue runs effectively, marked by creating student attention (Attention) to parents 'explanations, creating satisfaction (Satisfaction), students feeling visualization (Visualization) of evidence explained by parents and students feel their parents' explanation is important information which is need (Need) in understanding the material. Bringing action (Action) for students in appreciating differences by writing various narratives of diversity that they have encountered. The conclusion of the study shows that diversity values can be implanted in the historical material of the Fall of the New Order and the method of dialogue between parents of students is effective in instilling the values of diversity.</p>

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