The Strength of the Kinship Politics Network and Modalities of Pilar Saga in the 2020 South Tangerang Regional Head Election

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-130
Hendy Setiawan ◽  
Khalimatus Sa’diyah

The issue of kinship politics networks and modalities Pilar Saga is built on the Ratu Atut Chosiyah's dynastic politics. Interestingly, the dynastic political network in Banten contributed to Pilar Saga's victory. Even the various corruption cases that ensnared Ratu Atut's family could not undermine her political network. For example, the corruption case of Ratu Atut for alleged bribery of the Constitutional Court and the trading of positions, T Chaeri Wardana for the corruption case of medical equipment, and Ratu Lilis Karyawati for the Cibenuangen River bypass case in Lebak, Banten. The purpose of this study was to analyze the extent to which Pilar Saga's kinship politics network and modalities influenced his victory in the 2020 South Tangerang Regional Head Election. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method in South Tangerang. The research data was taken through observation and library research to strengthen the conclusion. The results show that the Pilar Saga political network and modalities, apart from being built from the Atut dynasty, were also boosted by the performance achievements of the incumbent Pilar Saga pair. The incumbent in the previous period with Airin Rachmi Diany (Atut's sister-in-law) was able to bring South Tangerang City to be the best Regency/City area in Banten in HDI (Human Development Index) numbers. On this basis, the rational behavior of voters in South Tangerang was not fooled by the various cases that ensnared their relatives in the corruption of the Ratu Atut Chosiyah dynasty.

E. Nita Prianti ◽  
Khristina Sri Prihatin

Based on the fact that there is no end to the problems of education that occur in our country even though the government has worked hard to change it. The irrelevance between expectations, the process and the results achieved in education. Thus there are certainly other factors, one of which is the willingness or interest of students towards learning. The purpose of this study is 1) To find out how much the students' willingness to learn in improving the intellectual intelligence of students of SD Negeri Pandeglang district. 2) To find out the factors and efforts to improve the intellectual intelligence of students of SD Negeri Pandeglang district. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. While the data source was obtained through informants as research subjects using data collection techniques in library research and field research (research locations) by observing, documenting, interviewing guidelines for several informants namely students, teachers (SD) in the State of Pandeglang Regency. Then the data is analyzed correctly. The data obtained from the results of the study is that students 'interest in learning to improve students' intellectual intelligence in the area of ​​Pandeglang Regency cannot be categorized well. This can be proven from the findings of researchers that students of the SD Negeri Pandeglang Regency will their interest in learning only reach 50%. From 4 schools based on the results of research data, with a low willingness to learn so that 32.18% of students cannot read and write.

Sulaiman Sulaiman ◽  
Muzakir Muzakir ◽  
Ema Syithah ◽  
Baharuddin Baharuddin ◽  
Ainon Mardhiah

The purpose of this study was to look at the factor of increasing divorce rates in the city of Sabang. This research integrates library research and field research using a qualitative approach. This study uses. descriptive method of analysis The highest results of the study showed that the factor of increasing divorce in Sabang City was caused by; first, continuous disputes and disputes amounted to 80 cases, secondly, leaving one party numbered 38 cases, third, economic (family needs not met) as many as 9 cases, fourth, domestic violence in 5 cases, and fifth, sentenced to imprisonment ( involved in the use of narcotics) totaling 4 cases, the data is the data of the last three years. Whereas prevention efforts to avoid divorce are carried out by conducting marriage counseling conducted by the Office of Religious Affairs in the Sabang City area, at least one week before the implementation of the marriage contract, this guidance activity is mandatory for couples to marry, besides the Shari'ah Court of Sabang also conducted mediation with every party who filed a divorce or divorce divorce, out of the 63 cases of mediation cases that entered, only 5 cases of mediation were successfully mediated in the last three years and if the mediation attempt was unsuccessful a register was held to proceed to the trial stage.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-138
Fatmawati Fatmawati

Abstract: Every adult male who works with various types of background work is a form of responsibility to provide for his family members . Observing one's work activities , this study analyzed the work activities on college institutes followers of Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah (QN) in Pontianak city. The research analyzes using perspective of Sociology of Religion , how functions can Sufism moral formation (ethics ) working his followers . Furthermore, this study used a qualitative approach comes with a descriptive method. Networking research data using the snowball technique in college institutes informant followers of Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah As-Salam and An-Nuur in Pontianak city QN flow assuming a more dominant in Pontianak. The next stage of data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results of the research—stageportrait of detainees practice Sufism by iḥsān; students were guided by mursyid (teacher like procession allegiance) and remembrance procession done consistently implications for morality (ethics) work has a spiritual dimension and Islamic values. Morality (ethics) refers to the working properties such as the nature of the Prophet Muhammad,ṣiddiq (right ), amanah (trust), faṭanah (intelligence) and tablīgh (sermons/promotion) which is still relevant today. When performing work activities of Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah (QN)followersfeel have the power within themselves so that they always feel to be watched. They are careful in their work and always maintain appropriate behavior Islamic morality . Abstrak: Setiap laki-laki dewasa yang bekerja dengan berbagai latar belakang jenis pekerjaan adalah sebagai bentuk tanggung jawabnya untuk memberi nafkah anggota keluarga¬nya. Mencermati aktivitas kerja seseorang, kajian ini meng¬analisis aktivitas kerja pada pengikut perguruan tarekat Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah (QN) di kota Pontianak. Adapun pisau analisis penelitian menggunakan persfektif Sosiologi Agama, bagimana fungsi tasawuf dapat pembentukan akhlak (etika) kerja para pengikutnya. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dilengkapi dengan metode deskriptif. Penjaringan data penelitian ini meng¬gunakan teknik snow ball yakni pada informan pengikut perguruan tarekat Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah As-Salam dan An-Nuur di kota Pontianak dengan asumsi aliran QN lebih dominan di Pontianak. Tahapan selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian mengambarkan tahapan-tahahan pengamalan tasawuf oleh ikhsan/murid yang dibimbing oleh mursyid/guru seperti prosesi bai’at (ikrar) dan prosesi zikir yang dilakukan secara konsisten berimplikasi pada akhlak (etika) kerja yang mempunyai dimensi spiritual dan nilai-nilai Islami. Akhlak (etika) kerja merujuk sifat-sifat Nabi Muhammad Saw seperti sifat ṣiddiq(benar), amanah (tangungjawab), faṭanah (kecerdasan) dan tablīgh (promosi) yang masih relevan hingga kini. Ketika melakukan aktivitas kerja para pengikut QN merasa mempunyai kekuatan spiritualdi dalam dirinya, yakni merasa selalu ada yang mengawasi. Mereka berhati-hati dalam bekerja dan selalu menjaga perilakunya sesuai akhlak Islami. Keywords: tasawuf, tarekat, akhlak, etika.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Abas Asyafah

Abstract. This article examines the learning model. This study departs from the fact that there are some people who still need a reference to weigh a learning model. A common problem to be answered through this study is how to weigh a learning model. This study uses a descriptive method because the researcher is analyzing the current problem and uses a qualitative approach. Through library, the author concludes that a good learning model must be assessed in terms of validity, practical use, and effectiveness. In weighing a learning model, we must first understand the concepts / theories about the learning model as a whole. If there is still a gap between the theory and the model, it means that the learning model must be revised and developed again.Abstrak. Artikel ini mengkaji tentang model pembelajaran. Kajian ini berangkat dari fakta bahwa masih ada kalangan yang masih membutuhkan suatu acuan untuk menimbang suatu model pembelajaran. Masalah umum yang ingin dijawab melalui kajian ini adalah bagaimana cara menimbang suatu model pembelajaran?. Kajian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif karena peneliti sedang menganalisis permasalahan yang sedang terjadi saat ini dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Melalui studi kepustakaan (library research), penulis berkesimpulan bahwa sebuah model pembelajaran yang baik harus dapat dinilai dari sisi validitas (kesahihan), keprak-tisan/keterpakaian, dan efektivitasnya. Untuk menimbang sebuah model pembelajaran, kita terlebih dahulu harus memahami konsep/teori tentang model pembelajaran secara utuh dan lengkap. Bila masih ditemukan kesenjangan antara teori dengan model tersebut berarti model pembelajaran tersebut masih harus direvisi dan dikembangkan lagi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 289
Jabbar Sabil ◽  
Juliana Juliana

Ĥadīŝ aĥād is one of the sources of Islamic law. But in practice, the scholars set different conditions as seen in the thoughts of Imam al-Sarakhsī and Imam al-Ghazālī. Therefore, this study examines the nature of ĥadīŝ aĥād according to both Imams, and their views on the criteria for the use of ĥadīŝ aĥād as the source of Islamic law. This research is done by epistemology approach which is part of a study of philosophy science. The technique of completion of research data is done by library research with the method of data analysis, that is a research according to the contents of both Imam. The data analysis is done by the comparative descriptive method that is, to find the relation between thinking with the same thing with equation and difference which is related to ĥadīŝ aĥād as the source of Islamic law. So the author comes to the conclusion of both Imams mentioned that ĥadīŝ aĥād is obliged to be practiced but doesn’t produce knowledge.The opposite side of their opinion is on the terms of practice. Imam al-Sarakhsī presupposes the fakih narrator, while Imam al-Ghazālī doesn’t because according to him the condition of the transmigrants is not realistic and complicates the practice.The analysis of the metaphysical example of ĥadīŝ aĥād fi'liyyah about ĥadīŝ yellow in the morning prayers indicates that in the ĥadīŝ the metaphysical condition of the jurists doesn’t increase the probability to certainty, and the absence of the fakih narrator doesn’t diminish its worth. Thus, the practice of ĥadīŝ aĥād is sufficient at the level of probability, so the thought of Imam al-Sarakhsī and Imam al-Ghazālī being complementary is not a contradiction.

Safinatul Hasanah Harahap ◽  
Frinawaty Lestarina Barus ◽  
Atika Wasilah

The attitude of language is illustrated in the use of language in public spaces. The use of Indonesian language is required in submission of information to the public. Submission of information using the Indonesian language in information technology is a dignity forms of Indonesian language. This study is aimed to describe the use of Indonesian language in information technology. The research method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The source of research data is the website of cluster one tertiary institutions in Indonesia. The data used are menu and submenu which is on the main website in the college website. The results showed that there are still menu and submenu that use foreign languages/terms. Therefore, the dignity of Indonesian language in information technology has not yet been reached maximally. The solution to these problems is the making of policies related to the use of Indonesian language in targeted information technology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Robinsius Asido Putra Nainggolan

The reform of criminal law in Indonesia, which has become one of the discourses, is the Article regarding insults to the President and Vice President in the 2019 RUUKUHP. The government re-included several articles of insulting the president in the Draft Criminal Code formulation, which the Constitutional Court deleted through Decision Number: 013.022/PUU IV/2006. So the problem in this research is how the policy formulation of offense against the President and Vice President is following the formulation of the RUUKUHP and how the comparison of articles on insulting the President and Vice President in the formulation of the Draft Criminal Code with the Constitutional Court Judge Decision No: 013.022/PUU IV/2006. The research method used is juridical normative based on secondary data through library research data collection and data analysis. The discussion results show that the policy for the formulation of offense against the President/Vice President following the formulation of the RUUKUHP is an effort to provide legal protection to the President/Vice President as a symbol in state life. Comparing articles regarding insults to the President and Vice President in the formulation of the RUUKUHP with the Constitutional Court Decision No: 013.022/PUUIV/2006 have both similarities and differences.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Dewi Ratna Ningsih dan Windo Dicky Irawan

Pepaccur is a type of Lampung poetry which contains advice or message in the customary degree ceremony. In this research, data was collected from several regions belonging to the Lampung Abung community, such as Kotabumi Ilir, Blambangan Pagar, Surakarta, Bumi Agung, and Mulang Maya. The problem that will be examined in this study is about the structure contained in Pepaccur. The purpose and benefits of this study are (1) to determine the Pepaccur structure in the Pepadun community in the procession of taking traditional titles; (2) to revitalize Pepaccur Lampung Pepadun people. Descriptive method through qualitative approach is the method used in this study. Data collection techniques used in this study are (1) observation, (2) recording, and (3) interview. Data analysis techniques are carried out by identifying the Pepaccur structure. Based on ethnographic studies that are used as a foothold in this study the Pepaccur structure consists of a framework, diction, sound, tone, and class. (1) Pepaccur framework. Of the 6 Pepaccur text samples, there is only one Pepaccur text that does not have an opening stanza, ie in Pepaccur II text. In addition, the Pepaccur II text is also a text in the form of stories to bind Lampung women. (2) Pepaccur's diction. Based on the results of the analysis, the diction used by people who are Pepaccur is a diction related to marriage. (3) Pepaccur sounds. the sound found in Pepaccur text analysis is a sound pattern abc / abc, ab / ab, aa / aa, a / a. (4) Pepaccur tones. The tone in Pepaccur's text is advising. (5) figurative language. The figurative language found in the Pepaccur text includes; allegory, metaphor, and simile.

Yuli Nurlianti ◽  
Zaenal Mutaqin ◽  
Chatib Saefullah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas bimbingan akhlak di PSAA Rumah Bening Nurani (YABNI) Tanjungsari Sumedang yang meliputi proses pelaksanaan dan tujuan tercapainya program bimbingan akhlak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif.  Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data penelitian, diperoleh: pelaksanaan bimbingan akhlak di PSAA Rumah Bening Nurani (YABNI) Tanjungsari Sumedang dapat dikatakan belum efektif, dikarenakan pelaksanaan bimbingan akhlak di di PSAA Rumah Bening Nurani belum dilakukan secara terstruktur, sedangkan suatu bimbingan haruslah dilakukan dengan terstruktur dan berkesinambungan agar hasil yang di diperoleh dapat maksimal. Meskipun beberapa tujuan dari program bimbingan ini telah tercapai, yakni anak asuh mengalami perubahan sikap setelah berada di Panti Sosial Asuhan Anak Rumah Bening Nurani. Adapun karakter berbasis islami yang ada pada diri anak asuh di PSAA Bening Nurani Tanjungsari Sumedang tidak hanya tercapai karena adanya pelaksanaan bimbingan akhlak saja, adanya faktor lain yang ikut mempengaruhi tercapainya tujuan dari program bimbingan akhlak yakni karena adanya kegiatan keagamaan. This study aims to research the effectiveness of moral guidance in PSAA Rumah Bening Nurani (YABNI) Tanjungsari Sumedang which includes the implementation process and the goal of achieving the moral guidance program. The research method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach. The data collection techniques are through observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of research data analysis, obtained: the implementation of moral guidance in PSAA Bening Nurani House (YABNI) Tanjungsari Sumedang can be said not effective, because the implementation of moral guidance in the PSAA Rumah Bening Nurani has not been done in a structured, while a guidance must be done with a structured and sustainable so that the results obtained can be maximized. Although some of the goals of this guidance program have been achieved, the foster children experience a change of attitude after being in the Children's Home Children Care Rumah Bening Nurani. The Islamic-based character that is in the foster children in PSAA Bening Nurani Tanjungsari Sumedang not only achieved because of the implementation of moral guidance alone, the existence of other factors that influence the achievement of the goal of the moral guidance program that is because of religious activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 688
Josua Satria Collins

Penyempurnaan sistem hukum dan konstitusi merupakan prasyarat untuk membangun negara demokrasi konstitusional di Indonesia. Dalam cabang kekuasan kehakiman, salah satu upaya untuk mencapai hal tersebut terkait dengan adanya gagasan pembentukan mekanisme pertanyaan konstitusional (constitusional question). Istilah constitutional question merujuk pada suatu mekanisme pengujian konstitusionalitas di Mahkamah Konstitusi yang diajukan oleh seorang hakim di pengadilan umum yang merasa ragu-ragu terhadap konstitusionalitas suatu undang-undang yang digunakan dalam perkara yang sedang ditanganinya. Artikel ini membahas mengenai kemungkinan dibangunnya mekanisme constitutional question di Indonesia dengan alternatif implementasinya. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan bahan kepustakaan. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa terdapat urgensi untuk menambahkan kewenangan constitutional question kepada Mahkamah Konstitusi. Dengan adanya mekanisme tersebut, putusan hakim di pengadilan umum yang dinilai bertentangan dengan konstitusi dan dianggap melanggar hak konstitusional warga negara dapat dihindari. Kemudian, objek dan ruang pengujian terhadap peraturan perundangundangan menjadi semakin luas dan pelanggaran hak konstitusional terhadap warga negara dapat dipulihkan. Apabila constitutional question akan diterapkan di Indonesia, maka dasar kewenangan constitutional question sebaiknya diatur melalui perubahan konstitusi. Namun, hal tersebut dapat juga dilakukan dengan merevisi Undang-Undang Mahkamah Konstitusi, penafsiran konstitusi yang dituangkan di dalam putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi, ataupun perluasan legal standing untuk lembaga pengadilan sebagai salah satu pemohon constitutional review. Selain itu, perlu juga diatur mengenai kualifikasi pemohon constitutional question dan pembatasan waktu penanganan perkaranya oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi.Improving the legal and constitutional system is a prerequisite for building a constitutional democratic state in Indonesia. In a constitutional adjudication system, one of the efforts to achieve that goal is related to an idea to establish a constitutional question mechanism. The term of constitutional question refers to a mechanism for examining the constitutionality of a law in the Constitutional Court lodged by an ordinary judge who has a doubt regarding the constitutionality of the law applied in the case that is being handled by him/her. This article discusses the possibility of establishing a constitutional question mechanism in Indonesia with its alternative implementations. The methodology used in this research was normative juridical writing with qualitative approach and library research. The research results found the urgency for expanding the authority of constitutional question to the Constitutional Court. With the existence of such mechanism, ordinary court decisions that are contrary to the constitution and violate the constitutional rights of the citizens can be avoided. Moreover, the scope of constitutional review of the legislation becomes expansive and constitutional rights violations can be recovered. If the constitutional question will be applied in Indonesia, the basis of the authority of constitutional question should be regulated through a constitutional amendment. However, it can be applied also by revising the Constitutional Court Law, the constitutional interpretation set forth in the Constitutional Court decision or the extension of legal standing for ordinary courts as one of the applicants for constitutional review. In addition, it is necessary to regulate the applicant’s qualification of constitutional question and time limitation for handling constitutional question cases by the Constitutional Court.

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