scholarly journals The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in STEM-Based Creative Learning in the Society 5.0 Era

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 433-440
Junia Melya Sari ◽  
Edi Purwanta

This research aimed at utilizing artificial intelligence in STEM-based creative learning in the society 5.0 era. The researchers investigated how an educator can utilize artificial intelligence and optimize it into a STEM-based learning process. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The United States initiated it to combine the four disciplines integrated into a problem-based learning method and everyday contextual events. Artificial intelligence is an intelligence added to a system managed in a scientific context. Artificial intelligence is created and put into a machine (computer) to do work like humans. Several fields that use artificial intelligence include expert systems, computer games (games), fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, and robotics. The researchers employed the literature review or library research by reviewing the results of various studies and collecting data from assorted references and sources. In conclusion, implementing artificial intelligence in STEM-based creative learning can be an alternative for an educator in the learning process. Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to help educators in the creative learning process by implementing long-life education and showing behavioral changes in a better direction cognitively, affectively, and psychometrically, especially in the era of society 5.0.

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (09) ◽  
pp. 13602-13603
Roman Barták ◽  
Jiří Švancara ◽  
Ivan Krasičenko

Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) deals with finding collision free paths for a set of agents (robots) moving on a graph. The interest in MAPF in the research community started to increase recently partly due to practical applications in areas such as warehousing and computer games. However, the academic community focuses mostly on solving the abstract version of the problem (moving of agents on the graph) with only a few results on real robots. The presented software MAPF Scenario provides a tool for specifying MAPF problems on grid maps, solving the problems using various abstractions (for example, assuming rotation actions or not), simulating execution of plans, and translating the abstract plans to control programs for small robots Ozobots. The tool is intended as a research platform for evaluating abstract MAPF plans on real robots and as an educational and demonstration tool bridging the areas of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Lex Russica ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 151-159 ◽  
S. Yu. Kashkin

The paper analyzes the dangers faced by man and modern society in the light of the development of artificial intelligence and robotics in the fourth industrial revolution. The author examines the areas of human rights that are threatened by these advances in science and technology in case they are not properly monitored and regulated through legal advances. The historical and regional aspects of legislative regulation of the use of artificial intelligence units and robotics are investigated. Prospects of collision of artificial intelligence units with interests of the person and mankind, and also possible legal mechanisms of the resolution of the conflicts arising between them are analyzed. Using the methodology of comparative law, integration law, international law, analysis and synthesis, the author considers the latest documents of the European Union, EU member States, the United States, Russia, China, South Korea and other most representative countries of the world aimed at effective legal regulation of this promising area of development of modern law. The paper provides an analysis of the main trends in the evolution of modern law of science and technology that affect the life and realization of human and civil rights at the national, supranational and international level and the peculiarities of their legal regulation. The research is carried out on the interdisciplinary combination of elements of comparative law, integration, international and national law with reference to philosophy, sociology, history and prognostics. Conclusions are drawn on the possibility of using the world scientific achievements for the long-term development of the law of the Russian Federation. It is also possible to apply positive foreign experience of legal regulation of artificial intelligence and robotics adapted to the conditions of integration organizations with the participation of the Russian Federation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Dairoh Dairoh ◽  
Mohammad Khambali ◽  
Trima Mustofa

Artificial Intelligence is defined as intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity. Intelligence was created and put into a machine that can do the job as do humans. Some kinds of fields that use artificial intelligence include fuzzy logic, expert systems, computer games, neural networks and robotics. The purpose of research is Applying the theory of fuzzy logic in the manufacture of robot control and create teaching materials for the subjects of physics, especially on the concept of a microcontroller or other allied subjects of the research conducted. In this study apply fuzzy logic on the movement of wheeled robot control where in the controlling controlled via a smartphone which is then processed by a microcontroller Arduino that has grown the program by applying the method of fuzzy logic rule. Then by the microcontroller is used as a command to drive the DC motor as a navigation system that course in accordance with the rules created. Every step of the control system provides a signal in the form of a large steering angle (θ) which guides the robot to the target of a starting position. The results showed that the application of a system of fuzzy logic can be implemented in a navigation system for a robot control and the results of testing the robot's movement, then obtained some data points specified coordinates with the coordinates of the control robot acquired a 96% accuracy rate.

CCIT Journal ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-115
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Khanna Tiara ◽  
Ray Indra Taufik Wijaya

Education is an important factor in human life. According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, education is a civilizing process that a business gives high values ??to the new generation in a society that is not only maintenance but also with a view to promote and develop the culture of the nobility toward human life. Education is a human investment that can be used now and in the future. One other important factor in supporting human life in addition to education, which is technology. In this globalization era, technology has touched every joint of human life. The combination of these two factors will be a new innovation in the world of education. The innovation has been implemented by Raharja College, namely the use of the method iLearning (Integrated Learning) in the learning process. Where such learning has been online based. ILearning method consists of TPI (Ten Pillars of IT iLearning). Rinfo is one of the ten pillars, where it became an official email used by the whole community’s in Raharja College to communicate with each other. Rinfo is Gmail, which is adapted from the Google platform with typical as its domain. This Rinfo is a medium of communication, as well as a tool to support the learning process in Raharja College. Because in addition to integrated with TPi, this Rinfo was connected also support with other learning tools, such as Docs, Drive, Sites, and other supporting tools.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Athoillah Islamy ◽  
Nurul Istiani

This study aims to explain the application of hypnoteaching method in spiritual values learning. This type of research is library research. This research is qualitative research. The primary source used in this study is the thought of Muhammad Noer in his book entitled Hypnoteaching For Success Learning. This research concludes that the hypnoteaching method is a learning method that combines teaching and learning with hypnosis. This method can be used as one of the methods in the process of learning spiritual values. In its application, the hypnoteaching method emphasizes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of students through positive suggestions. With these steps, it is expected to create a more effective and enjoyable spiritual learning process. Keywords: Method, Hypnoteaching, Learning, Spiritual

Замира Сейткожоева

Аннотация: В статье обращено внимание на исключительную роль книги в жизни человека, воспитание молодежи. Книга сопровождает человека всю жизнь. Однако в последние годы замечается снижение интереса к чтению книг. Отдается предпочтение компьютеру, играм, телевизору, слушанию музыки через наушники. Во избежание деградации личности, в воспитании грамотной, гуманной, толерантной личности необходимо приучать подрастающее поколение к вдумчивому чтению книг. Значительное место в развитии личности занимает внеклассное чтение, к которому нужно прививать интерес еще во время учебы в младшем возрасте. В мире особая роль принадлежит межличностным отношениям, формированию такой личности, которая могла бы жить в согласии с носителями разных культур. Для формирования поликультурной личности важная роль принадлежит культурному наследию, основу которого составляют книги. Ключевые слова: роль книги, гуманная личность, толерантная личность, библиографические материалы, указатели библиографических данных, справочная литература, поликультурная личность, внеклассное чтение, информатизация, интерес к чтению. Аннотация: Макалада адамдын жашоосундагы жаштарды тарбиялоодогу китептин өзгөчө мааниси, ролуна өзгөчө көңүл бурулган. Бир эле мезгилде, соңку жылдарда китептерибизге болгон адамдардын кызыгууларды төмөндөп бараткандыгы байкалган.Учурда поли- же ар кандай оюндарга, телевизор көрүүгө, кулакчын аркылуу модалуу музыка угууга, артыкчылык берилип жатат. Билимдүү, гумандуу толеранттуу инсанды тарбиялап чыгууга да, анын деградацияга кабылышынан сактап калыш үчүн, өсүп келе жаткан муундарды өзүнүн айкалыштыра алуусу менен китептерди берилип жана ой жүгүртүп алууга үйрөтүү- өтө зарыл талап болуп эсептелет. Инсандын онүгүндө окуудан тышкаркы окуунун маанилүү орду бар. Мындай окууга буга кызыгуусун өркүндөтүүнун башталгыч каласстардан тарта үйрөтүү абзел. Инсандар аралык байланыштар дүйнөдө өзгөчө орун ээлейт, алар башка маданий өкүлдөрү менен макулдуктулукта жашоого даяр. Полимаданиятту инсандын калыптанышына ар маданияттын мурасы өтө чоң ролду ойнойт, анын негизин китептер түзөт. Түйүндүү сөздөр: китептин мааниси жана ролу, гумандуу инсан, толеранттуу инсан, библиографиялык материалдар, библиографиялык маалыматтарды көрсөтүү сурантыла билүү адабияты, полимаданиятуу инсан, окуудан тышкаркы окуу,маалымдуулук, окууга кызыгуу The article draws attention to the exceptional role of the book in human life, education of young people. The book accompanies a person all his life. However, in recent years, there has been a decline in interest in reading books. Preference is given to a computer, games, TV, listening to music through headphones. In order to avoid degradation of the personality, it is necessary to accustom the younger generation to thoughtful reading of books. a significant place in the development of personality takes extracurricular reading, to which you need to instill interest even while studying at a younger age. In the world a special role belongs to interpersonal relationship, the formation of such a personality, who could live in harmony with speakers of different cultures. To form a multicultural personality an important role belongs to cultural heritage, the basis of which are books Keywords: the role of the book, humane personality, tolerant personality, bibliographic materials, indexes of bibliographic data, reference literature, multicultural personality, extracurricular reading, informatization, interest in reading.

2020 ◽  
Ying Liu ◽  
Ziyan Yu ◽  
Shuolan Jing ◽  
Honghu Jiang ◽  
Chunxia Wang

BACKGROUND Artificial intelligence (AI) has penetrated into almost every aspect of our lives and is rapidly changing our way of life. Recently, the new generation of AI taking machine learning and particularly deep convolutional neural network theories as the core technology, has stronger learning ability and independent learning evolution ability, combined with a large amount of learning data, breaks through the bottleneck limit of model accuracy, and makes the model efficient use. OBJECTIVE To identify the 100 most cited papers in artificial intelligence in medical imaging, we performed a comprehensive bibliometric analysis basing on the literature search on Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC). METHODS The 100 top-cited articles published in “AI, Medical imaging” journals were identified using the Science Citation Index Database. The articles were further reviewed, and basic information was collected, including the number of citations, journals, authors, publication year, and field of study. RESULTS The highly cited articles in AI were cited between 72 and 1,554 times. The majority of them were published in three major journals: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Medical Image Analysis and Medical Physics. The publication year ranged from 2002 to 2019, with 66% published in a three-year period (2016 to 2018). Publications from the United States (56%) were the most heavily cited, followed by those from China (15%) and Netherlands (10%). Radboud University Nijmegen from Netherlands, Harvard Medical School in USA, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong in China produced the highest number of publications (n=6). Computer science (42%), clinical medicine (35%), and engineering (8%) were the most common fields of study. CONCLUSIONS Citation analysis in the field of artificial intelligence in medical imaging reveals interesting information about the topics and trends negotiated by researchers and elucidates which characteristics are required for a paper to attain a “classic” status. Clinical science articles published in highimpact specialized journals are most likely to be cited in the field of artificial intelligence in medical imaging.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Mohammad Kamaludin

Long life education have many mention that made us confused to separate between formal and non-formal education. It need to give clear explanation likely on concept, program and so on. This article simplify explore one by one and side by side anything that it was easier for anyone. Especially on concept, long life education must have a permanent understanding so that decreasing mistake interpretation. After agree on it, it may a program can be ordered based on field reality. Like a stepping stone, the program must be done on and on as long as alive. Someone may be not realized if their own was living in educational program. So the program is depend on time and selves as a subject education goal. Then by time, long life education can implies to school, social, institutions, individual, and anything matter connected with learning process.

Anaesthesia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (S1) ◽  
pp. 171-181 ◽  
M. McKendrick ◽  
S. Yang ◽  
G. A. McLeod

Stamatis Karnouskos

AbstractThe rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics will have a profound impact on society as they will interfere with the people and their interactions. Intelligent autonomous robots, independent if they are humanoid/anthropomorphic or not, will have a physical presence, make autonomous decisions, and interact with all stakeholders in the society, in yet unforeseen manners. The symbiosis with such sophisticated robots may lead to a fundamental civilizational shift, with far-reaching effects as philosophical, legal, and societal questions on consciousness, citizenship, rights, and legal entity of robots are raised. The aim of this work is to understand the broad scope of potential issues pertaining to law and society through the investigation of the interplay of law, robots, and society via different angles such as law, social, economic, gender, and ethical perspectives. The results make it evident that in an era of symbiosis with intelligent autonomous robots, the law systems, as well as society, are not prepared for their prevalence. Therefore, it is now the time to start a multi-disciplinary stakeholder discussion and derive the necessary policies, frameworks, and roadmaps for the most eminent issues.

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