scholarly journals Pendayagunaan Folklor Sebagai Sumber Ekonomi Kreatif Di Daerah Tujuan Wisata Bali

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-83
I Nyoman Suarka ◽  
I Wayan Cika

Tourism practitioners in Bali commonly do not have an adequate understanding of the local culture so that the service given to tourists is less optimal. Therefore, efforts for delving into the original culture are necessary through a scientific research as a source for an information material and appreciation in developing the cultural outlooks of tourism practitioners in Bali. This research aims to delve into, preserve and develop folklores having potentials of high culture as a source of creative economy.This is a qualitative research with a morphology-ethnographic approach which attempts to describe the narrative elements of folklores as a unified whole by considering its history in the community and its supporting culture. That is, besides looking at the lore aspect through the analysis of a folklore structure, it also considers its folk aspect through the analysis of its function and significance. Furthermore, this research focuses on the opportunity for the utilization of folklores as a source of creative economy in addition to strengthening the local wisdom and preventing cultural pollution resulting from the negative aspects of tourism and globalization. Tourism practitioners in Bali commonly do not have an adequate understanding of the local culture so that the service given to tourists is less optimal. Therefore, efforts for delving into the original culture are necessary through a scientific research as a source for an information material and appreciation in developing the cultural outlooks of tourism practitioners in Bali. This research aims to delve into, preserve and develop folklores having potentials of high culture as a source of creative economy.This is a qualitative research with a morphology-­‐ethnographic approach which attempts to describe the narrative elements of folklores as a unified whole by considering its history in the community and its supporting culture. That is, besides looking at the lore aspect through the analysis of a folklore structure, it also consider its folk aspect through the analysis of its function and significance. Furthermore, this research focuses on the opportunity for the utilization of folklores as a source of creative economy in addition to strengthening the local wisdom and preventing cultural pollution resulting from the negative aspects of tourism and globalization. Key Words: folklore; high culture; creative economy Abstrak: Pelaku kepariwisataan di Bali kurang memiliki pemahaman budaya secara baik dan benar sehingga pelayanan yang diberikan kepada wisatawan kurang maksimal. Untuk itu, diperlukan upaya penggalian budaya unggul melalui penelitian ilmiah sebagai bahan informasi dan apresiasi dalam pengembangan wawasan budaya para pelaku kepariwisataan di Bali. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali, melestarikan, dan mengembangkan folklor dengan potensi budaya unggul sebagai sumber ekonomi kreatif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan morfologi-­etnografi yang berupaya mendeskripsikan unsur naratif folklor sebagai kesatuan yang utuh dengan mempertimbangkan penceritaannya di masyarakat dan kebudayaan pendukungnya. Artinya, di samping melihat aspek lore melalui analisis bentuk folklor juga mempertimbangkan aspek folk melalui analisis fungsi dan makna folklor. Lebih jauh, penelitian ini mencermati peluang pendayagunaan folklor sebagai sumber ekonomi kreatif di samping sebagai penguatan kearifan lokal dan mencegah polusi budaya akibat dampak negatif pariwisata dan globalisasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Agus Kastama Putra ◽  
Satyawati Surya

The Odalan ceremony can be found in Hindu places of worship or temples in Bali, Java and Kalimantan. However, each region has its characteristics or specificities that are not found in other regions. It is an attraction for researchers to find out, explore, and discover the Odalan ceremony's uniqueness outside Bali, namely onKalimnantan. This study aims to describe the procedure or sequence of Odalan ceremonial activities, the cultural elements found in the Odalan ceremony, and the meaning of the Odalan ceremony's implementation. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The approach used is the ethnographic approach. The research object is the Odalan ceremony held at Pura Payogan Agung Kutai, East Kalimantan. This study's results indicate that the Odalan ceremony, which took place at Payogan Agung Kutai Temple, lasted for 71 days from 3 November 2019 to 12 January 2020. The sequence of activities started from the committee's formation, installing the attributes, cleaning the place for the ceremony until the Odalan Ceremony by carrying out prayers, Nyineb, until the committee's dissolution. The community was very enthusiastic in celebrating this ceremony, as evidenced by various parties' participation, both from Hindus themselves and the community around the temple. The Odalan ceremony was attended by Hindus from East Kalimantan, Bali, Java and Lombok. The Odalan or Piodalan ceremony is the anniversary of the birth of a Hindu holy place. In this case, the birthday of Pura Payogan Agung Kutai, East Kalimantan. Elements of Bali, Java, and Kalimantan (especially Dayak) culture, color the Odalan Ceremony at Pura Payogan Agung Kutai. The Odalan ceremony in each area is carried out according to local culture. Balinese, Javanese and Dayak cultural elements are reflected when presenting arts, offerings, tetabuhan, and dance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-320
Rizki Amalia Nur-Anwari ◽  
Pawito Pawito ◽  
Andrik Purwasito

This study aims to look at the role of ulama rantau in the process of proselytising (da'wah) in the Ngaju Dayak community, East Kotawaringin town, Central Kalimantan Province, particularly regarding the way ulama deal with a Dayak local culture which deeply remains lived within this community. Using a qualitative research method and the ethnographic approach, the findings revealed that the way ulama rantau conveyed the da'wah messages in a polite manner implicated to Ngaju Dayak ethnic society's acceptance towards Islam. Further, because ulama rantau respected the local cultural wisdom when conveying da’wah, people appreciated Islam brought by ulama (da’i) n the midst of a society which has different beliefs and cultural backgrounds.

2009 ◽  
pp. 77-88
Domenico Lipari

- The paper suggests some methodological considerations which, on the basis of a recent research on a medium enterprise in Italy, point out the reflexive and evaluative potential of the ethnographic approach to organizational analysis. The experience of reflexivity is not a spontaneous phenomenon. It represents the intentional effect of the debate among the actors about the report produced by the researcher. Thus it's possible to stimulate the reflexivity of actors also through more or less structured ways of debating a research in which they're implied. From this point of view driven reflexivity is, de facto, a practice of (self) evaluation in so far as the expositive modalities of the results of research which have to get strong narrative and descriptive features are able to involve actors and foster their interest and commitment to reflect and learn starting from the discussion of the interpretations (proposed by the researcher) of their practices. Key words: ethnography, organizational ethnography, qualitative research, reflexivity, narration (self)evaluation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-31
Muammar Kadafi ◽  
Shofi Mahmudah Budi Utami

Japan becomes one of the countries that has been producing worldwide popular culture, namely through anime. Besides its popularity which attracts wider audiences, anime cultivates cultural content as it is also found in popular anime entitled “Kimi no Na wa”. Aside from its popular culture, Japan has undoubtedly been known for its ‘high culture’ products such as haiku or Zen, to which Japanese identity is attached. Then, the content of Japanese locality performed in the anime highlights some crucial issues related to Japanese identity, including the problematic relationship between traditionality and modernity, generations, and genders. Thus, the local content in the anime is interesting to scrutinize how traditional values are depicted and negotiated concerning Japanese identity. Since this study is descriptive-qualitative research, it answers the problem by describing the phenomenon and employing the interpretative method by Hall’s concept of identity. The selected data related to locality and identity obtained from the movie and poster are grouped and approached by Hall’s semiotic representation to see the relation to its significations. Finally, this brings out the interpretation of the data indicating that the anime portrays the ‘return’ to local culture. It is referred to as ‘nihonjinron’, which is particularly emphasized in youth life. Through this film, the identity is negotiated. The characters (Taki and Mitsuha) perform post-modern subjects; a case in point accepts the changes as they develop their identity in the current era.

Jeasik Cho

This chapter provides a review of the book, which explores how to conceptually understand and practically evaluate the quality of qualitative research. Despite the fact that there are few scholarly pieces regarding qualitative research, the depth and creativity that the pioneering researchers have demonstrated are profound, and the extent to which they cover not only the broad quality of qualitative research but also most of the specific qualities expected by many different kinds of qualitative research is incredible. This chapter summarizes the major topics of this book. Final remarks on this exciting, creative, but difficult topic are preceded by the following summary: Fortunately, There are commonly agreed, bold standards for evaluating the goodness of qualitative research in the academic research community. These standards are a part of what is generally called “scientific research.”

Jeasik Cho

This chapter discusses three ongoing issues related to the evaluation of qualitative research. First, the chapter considers whether a set of evaluation criteria is either determinative or changeable. Due to the evolving nature of qualitative research, it is likely that the way in which qualitative research is evaluated can change—not all at once, but gradually. Second, qualitative research has been criticized by newly resurrected positivists whose definitions of scientific research and evaluation criteria are narrow. “Politics of evidence” and a recent big-tent evaluation strategy are examined. Last, this chapter analyzes how validity criteria of qualitative research are incorporated into the evaluation of mixed methods research. The elements of qualitative research seem to be fairly represented but are largely treated as trivial. A criterion, the fit of research questions to design, is identified as distinctive in the review guide of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (07) ◽  
pp. 60-65
Samira Eldar Mehraliyeva ◽  

The effective and successful implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to participate in the management of the state depends on the admission to the civil service. Admission to the civil service is one of the central issues of the civil service legislation. As the civil service is a relatively young and newly studied area in our legislation, there is a constant need for scientific research and suggestions for improvement in this area. The article reflects the legal and factual problems in this field, as a right to civil service, the conduct of competitions, the criteria for evaluating candidates. Key words: right of admission, organization of competitions, evaluation of the candidate, legal basis, actual problems

2020 ◽  
Vol 01 (02) ◽  
pp. 4-7
Şirin Teymur qızı Bünyadova ◽  

The presented article is devoted to the ethnographic study of the crafts reflected in Azerbaijani proverbs. One of the steps taken in the direction of comprehensive research of ethnographic science is the involvement of examples of oral folk art in scientific research. The proverbs that are part of them are important as an auxiliary source. Thus, from the proverbs it is possible to get some information about the historically formed fields of art as an ethnographically necessary issue. According to the proverbs of the Azerbaijani people, it is possible to determine what arts the population is traditionally engaged in on the basis of supporting materials and comparative analysis. According to Azerbaijani proverbs, master apprentice relations, blacksmithing, armaments, jewelry, blacksmithing, tailoring, hat-making, dyeing, tanning, embroidery, weaving, carpet weaving, weaving, carpentry were confirmed in our country and their important place in the life of the population. Key words: Azerbaijan, proverbs, craft, sector

2009 ◽  
pp. 77-94
Paolo Migone

- Some problems of the relationship between psychotherapy and scientific research are examined. The following aspects are discussed: the theory of demarcation between science and non-science, the problem of replicability, "hard" and "soft" sciences, complexity and chaos theory, the levels of probability and indeterminacy, the inductive-deductive circle, abduction, etc. Clinical material is presented in order to exemplify the issues under discussion. Some of the problems met by empirical research in psychotherapy (for example the manualization of psychotherapy techniques) are described, and the phases of the history of psychotherapy research movement are summarized. (This intervention is a discussion of the paper by the physicist Ferdinando Bersani "Replicability in science: Myth or reality?". Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2009, XLIII, 1: 59-76). [KEY WORDS: science, psychotherapy research, epistemology, replicability, psychoanalytic research]

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-116
Dewi Anggraeni ◽  
Ahmad Hakam ◽  
Izzatul Mardhiah ◽  
Zulkifli Lubis

Indonesia is a multicultural country with a variety of the diversity has the potential to build a nation’s civilization based on knowledge of nationalism and local cultural values. In other side, the diversity that owned by Indonesian nation has the potential to split the unity specially when that implementation to broke tradition called by Islamic puritanism. Palang Pintu tradition in Betawi cultures is still preserving until now especially in wedding ceremony and has development at welcoming guests. The method of research is qualitative with ethnographic approach. The theory used of religion and culture. The results of this research show that the tradition of Palang Pintu in Betawi Cultures has contain of Islamic values. The values of religiosity in that tradition are such as glorifying the Prophet Muhammad, Silaturrahmi, Protecting with Silat, Manners. Local culture can build a civilization where the human as the actors of the builder civilization are be able to formulate a system of values contained in the tradition. So Far local culture can build national civilization when the local culture is formulating as the ontological level of culture. Keywords: Local Culture, Palang Pintu, Religiosity Abstrak Indonesia merupakan Negara majemuk dengan berbagai keanekaragaman memiliki potensi dalam membangun peradaban bangsa yang didasari pada pengetahuan wawasan kebangsaan serta nilai-nilai budaya local. Disisi lain, keanekaragaman yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia memiliki potensi yang dapat memcah belah persatuan dan kesataun khususnya ketika anti tradisi melalui puritanisme Islam. Palang Pintu merupakan salah satu budaya Betawi yang hingga saat ini masih dilestarikan pada acara mantenan dan pada perkembangannya digunakan pada penyambutan tamu secara adat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan nilai-nilai religiusitas yang terdapat pada tradisi Palang Pintu yang dapat dikembangkan dalam membangun peradaban. Dengan pendekatan teori Agama dan Budaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan kualitatif dengan jenis etnografi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Tradisi Palang Pintu pada Budaya Betawi kayak akan nilai-nilai religious yang bersumber dari ajaran Islam. Nilai-nilai religiusitas tersebut seperti memuliakan nabi Muhammad Saw, Silaturrahmi, Melindungi diri atau menjaga diri, Sopan santun. Selanjutnya budaya local dapat membangun peradaban sejuah mana manusia sendiri sebagai pelaku budaya dan pembangun peradaban tersebut mampu memformulasiakan system nilai yang terdapat dalam tardisi.budaya local dapat dapat membangun peradaban bangsa ketika budaya local tersebut diformulasikan pada tataran ontologis budaya. Kata kunci: Budaya Lokal, Palang Pintu, Religiusitas

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