Notas para una lectura filosófico-política de La Democractia en América de A. de Tocqueville, seguidas de una guía bibliográfica seleccionada

Juan M. Ros Cherta

RESUMENEn este artículo se presentan una serie de consideraciones que destacan la dimensión filosófico-política del pensamiento de Tocqueville y apuntana una lectura diferente de "La Democracia en América". Este sentido, se trata de ilustrar la relevancia de la reflexión tocquevilleana como punto de referencia en el diagnóstico sobre los problemas actuales de la democracia liberal, así como en los correctuvos de inspiración republicana que se proponen para su resolución. El artículo se acompaña de un repertorio bibliográfico seleccionado sobre la obra de Tocqueville.PALABRAS CLAVETCOQUEVILLE-DEMOCRACIA-SOCIEDAD CIVIL-REPUBLICANISMOABSTRACTThis article presents a series of considerations that emphasize Tocqueville´s political philosophy dimension and point at a differente interpretation of "The Democracy in America". In this sense it shows up the relevance of the tocquevillian reflection as a reference in the diagnosis on the liberal democracy´s current problems, as well as the republican inspired correctives that are proposed here. The article includes a selected bibliographic list about Tocqueville´s works.KEYWORDSTOCQUEVILLE-DEMOCRACTY-CIVIL SOCIETY-REPUBLICANISM 

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 364-380
Antônio Emanuel dos' Santos Silva ◽  
Matheus Silveira Pinheiro ◽  
Davis Pereira de Paula

Ambientalmente as dunas frontais constituem estruturas verdes de proteção costeira contra o avanço do mar, em muitos casos, são responsáveis pela manutenção do equilíbrio sedimentar do sistema praia-duna, impedindo que processos como a erosão costeira e a inundação marinha se tornem danosos a sociedade civil e ao patrimônio construído. O objetivo deste estudo foi monitorar as variações morfológicas e sedimentares do sistema praia-duna entre os anos de 2016 e 2018, no trecho extremo oeste da Praia do Icaraí, através da determinação das taxas granulométricas, volumétricas e morfológicas do sistema praia-duna na Praia do Icaraí. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram divididos em três etapas principais: levantamento bibliográfico, geocartográfico e experimentos de campo. Considerou-se que as forçantes oceanográficas foram as principais responsáveis pela erosão e solapamento das dunas frontais presentes na área de estudo. Em linhas gerais, os resultados deste trabalho significam um importante instrumento de análise dos impactos das condicionantes oceanográficas e antrópicas sobre uma praia que sofre de erosão costeira acentuada. O estudo em um trecho mais preservado dessa praia indicou de forma direta os impactos sofridos em um litoral que vem passando por transformações contínuas em suas praias, como é o caso do litoral de Caucaia.Palavras-chave: Morfodinâmica; Sistema Praial; Dunas Frontais. ABSTRACTEnvironmentally the frontal dunes constitute green structures of coastal protection against the advance of the sea, in many cases, they are responsible for the maintenance of the sedimentary balance of the beach-dune system, preventing that processes such as coastal erosion and marine flooding become harmful to civil society and built heritage. The objective of this study was to monitor the morphological and sedimentary variations of the beach-dune system between the years 2016 and 2018, in the extreme west section of Icaraí Beach, by determining the granulometric, volumetric and morphological rates of the beach-dune system in Praia of Icaraí. The methodological procedures were divided into three main stages: bibliographic survey, geocartographic and field experiments. It was considered that the oceanographic forcings were the main responsible for the erosion and overlap of the frontal dunes present in the study area. In general terms, the results of this work represent an important instrument for analyzing the impacts of oceanographic and anthropogenic conditions on a beach that suffers from marked coastal erosion. The study in a more preserved stretch of this beach indicated in a direct way the impacts suffered on a coast that has undergone continuous transformations in its beaches, as is the case of the coast of Caucaia.Keywords: Morphodynamics; Praial System; Fore Dunes. RESUMENAmbientalmente, las dunas frontales son estructuras verdes de protección costera contra el avance del mar. En muchos casos, son responsables de mantener el equilibrio sedimentario del sistema de dunas de playa, evitando que procesos como la erosión costera y las inundaciones marinas dañen a la sociedad civil. y el patrimonio construido. El objetivo de este estudio fue monitorear las variaciones morfológicas y sedimentarias del sistema de dunas de playa entre 2016 y 2018, en el extremo occidental de Praia do Icaraí, determinando el tamaño de partícula, las tasas volumétricas y morfológicas del sistema de dunas de playa en Praia de Icaraí Los procedimientos metodológicos se dividieron en tres etapas principales: estudio bibliográfico, geocartográfico y experimentos de campo. El forzamiento oceanográfico se consideró el principal responsable de la erosión y el debilitamiento de las dunas frontales presentes en el área de estudio. En general, los resultados de este trabajo representan un instrumento importante para analizar los impactos de las condiciones oceanográficas y antropogénicas en una playa que sufre una severa erosión costera. El estudio en un tramo más preservado de esta playa indicó directamente los impactos sufridos en una costa que ha sufrido cambios continuos en sus playas, como es el caso de la costa de Caucaia.Palabras claves: Morfodinámica; Sistema de playa; Dunas frontales.

2020 ◽  
pp. 0094582X2097501
Efrén Orozco López ◽  
Leonardo Nicolás González Torres

The indigenous community of Acteal in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, has been subject to both direct and structural violence in the form of the massacre that took place there in 1997 and the impunity that has persisted ever since. In response to the violence, the community has constructed political, social, and cultural alternatives through the movement known as the Las Abejas of Acteal Civil Society Organization. Its reconstruction of the social fabric has included participation in assembies, volunteer work for the collective, exchange of experiences, food production for subsistence, a solidarity economy, and the systematization and sharing of experiences. La comunidad indígena de Acteal en las tierras altas de Chiapas, México, ha sido objeto de violencia tanto directa y estructural a partir de la masacre que tuvo lugar allí en 1997, así como la impunidad que ha persistido desde entonces. En respuesta a la violencia, la comunidad ha construido alternativas políticas, sociales y culturales a través del movimiento conocido como Organización Sociedad Civil Las Abejas de Acteal. Su reconstrucción del tejido social ha incluido la participación en asambleas, el voluntariado para el colectivo, el intercambio de experiencias, la producción de alimentos para subsistencia, una economía solidaria, y la sistematización e intercambio de experiencias.

2021 ◽  
pp. 312-324
Ryszard Piotrowski

The system of governance in contemporary Poland is founded mainly on a negative narrative of distrust. That narrative brought to power the country’s present scaremongering rulers. They continue feeding the public with frightening stories of an influx of refugees, threats of war and terrorist attacks, evils of globalisation and a loss of cultural identity to foreign ways of life. A balance between distrust of rulers and trust in them is part of democracy’s constitutional identity. Those currently in power sow distrust in liberal democracy and its values – they violate the constitution, stir up distrust of elites, and make attempts at bringing the judiciary to heelwhile staging judges bashing propaganda campaigns. Distrust of European law and European institutions is part and parcel of this process. The negative narrative weakens and threatens to disenfranchise civil society, blurring the line between law and lawlessness. It also weakens those in power.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 82
Lucio Oliver Costilla

Resumo Este artigo aborda as atuais mudanças em curso na América do Sul, desde uma sociologia política crítica a partir de uma análise das interconexões entre sociedade política e sociedade civil, em especial gramsciana. Ela propõe ser a chave para construir um campo de problemas teóricos e metodológicos vinculados à teoria crítica e a questão do Estado em sentido integral, que permitam entender o que acontece na sociedade política (a disputa de projetos políticos) e, sobre tudo, na sociedade civil (o universo de ideologias, valores, visões de mundo em jogo). A questão não se trata aceitar a ótica dos autores políticos que dirigem as mudanças em marcha, se não configurar teoricamente a problemática das mudanças. Sugiro que este enfoque de estudo permita valorizar a capacidade de intervenção institucional e político-social das forças progressistas e perguntar se estão apostando, ou não, a elevar os níveis de organização e consciência das massas populares, questão chave na construção hegemônica. Conclui-se que a questão central a elucidar na última década e meia de governos progressistas na América do Sul é saber qual o Estado que se precisa para uma sociedade em expansão e empoderamento, e qual a sociedade civil necessária para sustentar, aprofundar ou consolidar as novas políticas em um sentido emancipador. Palavras-Chave: Crises e reconfiguração da América Latina. Ruptura epistemológica. Construção de problemáticas sociológicas. Crítica e política nas mudanças da América Latina.---ResumenEste articulo aborda las actuales mudanzas en curso en América del Sur desde una sociología política critica a partir de una análisis de las interconexiones entre sociedad política y sociedad civil en clave gramsciana. Propone que clave construir un campo de problemas teóricos y metodológicos vinculados a la teoría crítica y a la cuestión del Estado en el sentido integral, que permitan entender lo que acontece en la sociedad política (la disputa de proyectos políticos) y sobre todo en la sociedad civil (el universo de ideologías, valores, visiones del mundo en juego). La cuestión no pasa por aceptar la óptica de los actores políticos que dirigen los cambios en marcha, sino configurar teóricamente la problemática de los cambios. Sugiero que este enfoque de estudio permite valorar la capacidad de intervención institucional y político-social de las fuerzas progresistas y preguntarse si están apostando , o no, a elevar los niveles de organización y conciencia de las masas populares, cuestión clave en la construcción hegemónica. Se concluye que la cuestión central a dilucidar en la última década y media de gobiernos progresistas en América del Sur es saber cuál es el Estado que se precisa para una sociedad en expansión y empoderamiento, y cuál la sociedad civil necesaria para sustentar, profundizar o consolidar las nuevas políticas en un sentido emancipador.Palabras Clave: Crisis y reconfiguración de América Latina. Ruptura epistemológica. Construcción de problemáticas sociológicas. Crítica y política en las mudanzas de América Latina.---AbstractThis article covers the current changes taking place in South America, from a critical political sociology to an analysis of the interconnections between political society and civil society, especially Gramscian. This may be the key to building a field of theoretical and methodological problems linked to the critical theory and the issue of the State, which enables an understanding of the political society (the dispute of political projects) and, above all, of the civil society (the universe of ideologies, values, worldviews at stake). It is not a question of accepting the perspective of political figures that drive the ongoing changes, but to establish, theoretically, the issue of change. I suggest that this study approach will allow develop the ability of institutional and political-social intervention of the progressive forces and question if they are trying, or not, to raise levels of organization and consciousness of the masses, the key issue is in the hegemonic construction. I conclude that the key issue, from the last decade and a half of progressive governments in South America, is to know which is the state that is required for a society in expansion and empowerment and, in an emancipatory sense, which is the civil society needed to sustain, strengthen or consolidate the new policies. Keywords: Crisis and reconfiguration of Latin America. Epistemological rupture. Construction of sociological issues. Critical and political changes in Latin America.

Carla Mella Barrientos

En el artículo se analiza el proceso de institucionalización universitaria de la danza disciplinaria en Valdivia a mediados del siglo XX. El objetivo es demostrar que su desarrollo surgió debido a la preocupación por la apertura de la cultura a la sociedad civil, entendida aquella como aquellos elementos educativos y artísticos de interés para el Estado chileno, los agentes privados y las municipalidades.El proceso de institucionalización de la danza corresponde a un periodo de transformaciones en torno a la comprensión de la necesidad de integrar en la academia valdiviana el arte escénico, lo que no estuvo alejado de problemas relativos al financiamiento universitario, desastres naturales e interés por parte de las autoridades de mantener el área. Las fuentes utilizadas corresponden a relatos orales de tres destacadas bailarinas vinculadas al campo de la danza en Valdivia, testimonios de carácter principal que encarnan las influencias de escuelas, corrientes y estéticas; documentos vinculados con la historia de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, extraídos del Archivo de la Secretaría General de la Universidad Austral de Chile, archivos personales y notas periodísticas del diario El Correo de Valdivia.Institutionalization of Dance in the Fine Arts faculty in Valdivia: A history from its dancers’ experience 1954-1976AbstractThis article analyzes the process of university institutionalization of disciplinary dance in Valdivia in the middle of Twentieth Century. The objective is to show that its development emerged due to the concern about the cultural opening to the civil society known as those educational and artistic elements of interest for the Chilean State, private agents, and municipalities. Such process of institutionalization takes place when people were transforming their understanding about the necessity to integrate Performing Arts in the Academy of Valdivia, which was not far away from problems as university funding, natural disasters, and the interest from authorities to maintain the area. Used sources correspond to verbal stories by three distinguished dancers connected to the dance field in Valdivia, important testimonies personifying influences of schools, trends, and aesthetics; documents related to the history of the Fine Arts Faculty and extracted from the General Secretary Archive of the Universidad Austral de Chile, personal archives, and journalist notes from El Correo de Valdivia newspaper.Keywords: Disciplinary dance, institutionalization, Faculty of Fine Artes, Universidad Austral de Chile.A institucionalização da dança na Faculdade de Belas-Artes em Valdivia: Uma história desde a experiência de seus bailarinos, 1954-1976ResumoNo artigo analisa-se o processo de institucionalização universitária da dança disciplinar em Valdivia em meados do século XX. O objetivo é demonstrar que seu desenvolvimento surgiu devido à preocupação pela abertura da cultura à sociedade civil, entendida como aqueles elementos educativos e artísticos de interesse para o Estado chileno, os agentes privados e as prefeituras. O processo de institucionalização da dança corresponde a um período de transformações ao redor da compreensão da necessidade de integrar na academia valdiviana a arte cénica, o que não esteve alheio aos problemas relacionados com financiamento universitário, desastres naturais e interesse por parte das autoridades de manter a área. As fontes utilizadas correspondem a relatos orais de três destacadas bailarinas ligadas ao campo da dança em Valdivia, testemunhos de caráter principal que encarnam as influências de escolas, correntes e estéticas; documentos ligados à historia da Faculdade de Belas-Artes, extraídos do Arquivo da Secretaria Geral da Universidade Austral do Chile, arquivos pessoais e recortes da imprensa pertencentes ao jornal O Correio de Valdivia.Palavras-chave: dança disciplinar, institucionalização, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Universidade Austral do Chile

Moises Villamil Balestro ◽  
Marcelle Vaz

O artigo contribui para entender melhor a dinâmica dos atores transnacionais, articulada com os contextos nacionais, lançando olhar sobre as diferenças nos casos brasileiro e argentino. O trabalho se insere em um contexto maior de transformações do capitalismo na América Latina e seus processos econômicos que têm impacto nos processos sociais. A América Latina não representa uma realidade única, homogênea e monocromática. Com base no diálogo entre teorias da sociologia e da ciência política com a teoria organizacional, o artigo apresenta categorias analíticas que contribuem para entender a sustentabilidade da articulação transnacional. Três elementos chaves para essa reprodução social da ação coletiva foram a identidade das organizações nacionais, a coordenação entre elas e a retroalimentação do campo estratégico de ação. A sustentabilidade da ação coletiva é entendida a partir da dinâmica dos atores nacionais, as organizações da sociedade civil (OSCs) do Brasil e da Argentina dentro da articulação transnacional. O cenário atual de crise econômica e de crise democrática na região, com a intensificação do neoliberalismo e a erosão dos espaços de participação cidadã no MERCOSUL permitirão testar o grau de resiliência da ação coletiva transnacional nos próximos anos.Palavras-chave: Ação coletiva transnacional; sociedade civil organizada; América Latina; reprodução socialThe Transnational Collective Action and the Elements Contributing to its Sustainability: the case of MESAAbstractThe article contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics of transnational actors embedded in the national contexts. The article scrutinizes the differences between the cases of Brazil and Argentina. The transnational actors are part of a larger context of transformations of capitalism in Latin America. Latin America does not represent a single, homogeneous and monochromatic reality. Based on the dialogue between theories of sociology and political science with organizational theory, the article puts forward analytical categories that contribute to understanding the sustainability of the transnational articulation. Three key elements for this social reproduction of collective action were the identity of the national organizations, the coordination among them and the strategic field of action. The sustainability of collective action is understood from the dynamics of national actors, civil society organizations (CSOs) in Brazil and Argentina within the transnational articulation. The current scenario of economic crisis and democratic crisis in the region, with the deepening of neoliberalism and the erosion of the arenas for citizen participation in MERCOSUR will be able to test the degree of resilience of transnational collective action in the coming years.Keywords: transnational collective action; organised civil society; Latin America; social reproductionLa Acción Colectiva Transnacional y los Elementos que Contribuyen a su Sostenibilidad: el caso de la MESAResumen El artículo contribuye a un mejor entendimiento de la dinámica de los actores transnacionales integrados en los contextos nacionales. El trabajo analiza las diferencias entre los casos de Brasil y Argentina. Los actores transnacionales son parte de un contexto más amplio de transformaciones del capitalismo en América Latina. Los países de América Latina no representan una realidad única, homogénea y monocromática. Basado en el diálogo entre las teorías de la sociología y la ciencia política con la teoría de la organización, el artículo presenta categorías analíticas que contribuyen para entender la sostenibilidad de la articulación transnacional. Tres elementos clave para esta reproducción social de la acción colectiva fueron la identidad de las organizaciones nacionales, la coordinación entre ellas y el campo de acción estratégico. La sostenibilidad de la acción colectiva se entiende a partir de la dinámica de los actores nacionales, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) en Brasil y Argentina dentro de la articulación transnacional. El escenario actual de crisis económica y crisis democrática en la región, con la profundización del neoliberalismo y la erosión de los espacios de participación ciudadana en el MERCOSUR, pondrá a prueba el grado de resiliencia de la acción colectiva transnacional en los próximos años.Palabras clave: acción colectiva transnacional; sociedad civil organizada; América Latina; reproducción social

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 39-57
Karen Green ◽  

Can Catharine Macaulay’s enlightenment democratic republicanism be justified from the point of view of contemporary naturalism? Naturalist accounts of political authority tend to be realist and pessimistic, foreclosing the possibility of enlightenment. Macaulay’s utopian political philosophy relies on belief in a good God, whose existence underpins the possibility of moral and political progress. This paper attempts a restoration of her optimistic utopianism in a reconciliation, grounded in a revision of natural law, of naturalist and utopian attitudes to political theory. It is proposed that the coevolution of language, moral law, and conscience (the disposition to judge one’s own actions in the light of moral principles) can be explained as solutions to the kinds of tragedy of the commons situations facing our ancestors. Moral dispositions evolved, but, in the light of its function, law is subject to rational critique. Liberal democracy plausibly offers the best prospect for developing rationally justifiable law.

Peter Anstey

John Locke was the leading English philosopher of the late seventeenth century. His two major works, An Essay concerning Human Understanding and Two Treatises of Government, both published in 1690, have exerted enormous influence on subsequent thought, particularly in metaphysics, theory of knowledge and political philosophy. Locke’s writings were central to the philosophy of the Enlightenment in the eighteenth century and set the terms of reference for modern liberalism. Educated in the arts at Oxford, a friend of Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton, and a close associate of the leading politician the first Earl of Shaftesbury, Locke’s intellectual range was broad. He trained as a physician, dabbled in chemistry and botany and throughout his life kept abreast of developments in natural philosophy. At the same time, he developed theories of natural law and religious toleration, contributed to debates on contemporary economic issues, wrote a primer on the philosophy of education, defended the reasonableness of Christianity and maintained an extensive correspondence and intellectual network. It was not until the publication of the Essay when Locke was in his late 50s, however, that he became a public intellectual. The Essay provides an analysis of the scope and limits of the faculty of human understanding, using a sophisticated theory of ideas. It contains four books, the first of which seeks to refute the view that the mind contains innate metaphysical and moral principles. The second book sets out Locke’s theory of ideas and contains original and penetrating treatments of the nature of the will and motivation and the nature of personal identity. It also contains Locke’s theory of material qualities with his famous distinction between primary and secondary qualities, and discussions of the nature of substance, duration, infinity and the association of ideas. Book Three deals with the nature of language, the theory of essences, and provides an account of the way in which humans divide substances into species. Book Four uses the resources set out in the preceding books to develop a theory of knowledge and belief and to explore the differences between faith and reason. Central to Locke’s project is the view that all knowledge is constructed out of ideas. Knowledge in its most basic form is nothing but the perception of the agreement or disagreement of ideas and ideas can only be acquired through the senses or through introspection on the operations of our minds. Once the understanding is furnished with enough simple ideas from these two sources of experience, it sets about constructing complex ideas, forming propositions out of its various ideas and giving the ideas names. Locke is fundamentally opposed to the view that knowledge and reason begin with a set of basic principles or maxims, such as that the whole is the sum of its parts. This is the motivation for his arguments against the claim that principles are innate. Instead we must construct the principles of all the different sciences from scratch out of our stock of ideas. In the cases of mathematics and morality this can be achieved. In the case of our knowledge of the sorts or species of substances we encounter in the external world, however, we are significantly constrained. This is because our senses are limited and we do not have epistemic access to the inner natures of things. We can see many effects but the underlying causes of those effects, such as magnetism or cohesion, are out of reach. As a result, Locke is pessimistic about the prospects of natural science, though he does believe that the method of experimental philosophy, particularly natural history, gives us the best chance to extend our knowledge of the natural world. Moreover, he believes that of all the speculative systems of natural philosophy, the corpuscular view of matter is the most intelligible. Locke’s political philosophy gives us some insight into his conception of the form that a demonstrative moral philosophy might take. However, the precise relation between the Two Treatises and the Essay remains a controversial issue. The starting point for Locke’s view of the formation of civil society is the natural equality of every human being. We are equal in freedom and equal in both power and obligation with respect to the law of nature. However, in the absence of civil society – that is, in the state of nature – we suffer many inconveniences, particularly with regard to protecting property and applying the law of nature. It is only by consenting to give up our basic power to enforce the law of nature, a power that is common to all, to an authority, that we are able to overcome the inconveniences of the state of nature. In so doing, we secure the integrity of our property, that is, our life, liberty and possessions. The handing over of our basic power does not render us politically impotent however. For, should the government, whether a democracy, oligarchy or monarchy, break the people’s trust, the citizens have a right of resistance and can dissolve the government. Locke’s Two Treatises was published anonymously and did not embroil him in ongoing debate in his own day, though its subsequent influence was profound. The same cannot be said of another anonymous work, his A Letter Concerning Toleration, which argued that religious toleration should be extended to all but atheists and those who submit to foreign authority. The most vigorous reaction to Locke’s writings, however, was to the Essay, particularly to Locke’s account of personal identity as continuity of consciousness and his suggestion that matter fitly disposed might have the power of thought. These two issues are indicative of the rich philosophical resources within the Essay, both in its positive theses and its illustrative material, which have ensured that this work continues to be read and studied with profit today.

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