scholarly journals Representasi Perempuan Indonesia Dalam Ajang Penghargaan Televisi (Studi Feminisme pada Penghargaan Indihome Women Award Di Metro TV)

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Ahmad Toni

Television personality award for the motor marketing television programs itself, the need to raise the rating and share. The awards were recently held by MetroTV devoted to female finalists Indonesia called modern Kartini. This study aimed to describe the representation of women in the awards Indihome Women Award at Metro TV. The method used consciousness-raising method, a method to generate knowledge and awareness in terms of women's issues and women movement within the frame of the mass media (television). This study used a qualitative descriptive method with emphasis on the reality of the media that have a relationship or context with social reality in Indonesia. The results showed the awards event Indihome Women Award in Metro women disepresentasikan as duality and ambiguity in the system of nation building; (1) Women look no further indicate the identity and values alignment on national development map but are represented at the level of the worse off, (2) Women made a movement which is represented as a capitalist agent, (3) Women and the movement into the implementation of a number of representations of themselves and movements performed in the frame of self falsehood.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Muhammad Syaoki ◽  
Endang Rahmawati

Abstrak:Media massa mengalami perkembangan yang pesat, selain menyampaikan informasi kepada masyarakat media juga memiliki tugas mendidik publik melalui literasi media. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peranan program reporter on campus dalam upaya menumbuhkembangkan literasi media khususnya di kalangan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program reporter on campus sangat menunjang kemampuan mahasiswa baik dalam aspek teoritis maupun aplikatif.Kata Kunci: Radio, Reporter on Campus, Mahasiswa JurnalistikAbstract: The mass media experienced development fastly, in addition to conveying information to the media community also had the task of educating the public through media literacy. Using qualitative descriptive method, this study aims to see the role of on campus reporter program in an effort to develop media literacy, especially among students. The results of this study indicated that on the campus reporter program supports greatly the ability of students in both theoretical and applicative aspects.Keywords: Radio, Reporter on Campus, Student, Journalism

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-127
Amir Seto Aji

  In this digital era, all information and communication technology emhanched faster all the time. This issue gives a big chance on communication practice become more effective than before. Hence, to full the tight competition on digital era such as online media, the researcher wanted to investigate about applying ethic of journalist code in the online media and in journalist understanding to the ethic journalist code. The researcher used qualitative descriptive method which oriented on the field research and literature. On the other side, the qualitative research also directs into the finding of basic theory which is emphasized the process over the result. It also limits the research with the focus which has criteria on finding the trustwothiness dta. Based on the result on the research about applying ethic of journalist code in the Islamic rubrik OASE at Depok, online media in Depok POS always apply the ethic of journalist code with colaborate on that ethic such as the way which always used in the field by journalist and the ethic of journalist understanding are the specific detail and detail things which manage about how should the media worker such as journalist, editor, chief of reporter, news achor and every profession which can called a journalist can behave on ethic of journalist code. Further, ethic of journalist code is the basic of journalist thought.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 56-62
Muhammad Reza Aziz Prasetya

Sport as a model of human creativity is a form of physical activity that has very complex dimensions, which undergo a systematic process in the form of all activities or efforts that can encourage, arouse, develop and foster one's physical and spiritual potential. as individuals or members of society. in the form of games, competitions/contests, and intensive physical activities to obtain recreation, victory, and peak potential. Sport is currently a trend or lifestyle for some of the general public, even to the point of becoming a basic need in life. National development through the development of sports in Indonesia in this reform era has become a strategic vehicle, especially improving the quality of human resources, as well as the formation of the character and character of the nation, in this paper many factors play a role in success in the field of sports, one of which the author wants to examine the differences and similarities between the performance sports system that runs in Indonesia and China. This study aims to compare the development of achievement sports systems carried out in Indonesia and China in order to improve the quality and competence of sports. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through documentation studies. The results of this study conclude that the government's contribution is needed in preparing winning strategies, training facilities, increasing competition opportunities and increasing resources that can be assisted by a team of academics and researchers from universities to find new techniques in training to support the maximum use of sport science. Keywords: achievement sports system, Indonesia, China.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
M. Ilham Wahyudi

Sunan Giri was the Islamic priest in Java who had enough enormous influence especially in 15-17 th AD century. The name of “Sunan Giri” is not limited referring to Raden Paku (Sunan Giri I) who started the political entity of Giri Kedhaton, but also refers to almost all of the sunans from Giri who are also descendants of Sunan Giri I. The Babad Tanah Jawi (BTJ) as a historical literature book of the Mataram palace in addition to telling the history of Java from the pre-Demak era to Mataram, on the other hand also mentions a lot about the existence of Sunan Giri. This research seeks to reveal the legitimacy narratives of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom in BTJ involving Sunan Giri as a religious figure who can exert political influence on them. By using a qualitative-descriptive method, the writer analyzes the text data of BTJ's narratives that contain elements of legitimacy involving Sunan Giri. From the philological data, it is then balanced with historical data from several historical works to find out how the socio-political conditions occurred in the 15th-17th century AD, especially in Java. The mention of legitimacy related to Sunan Giri in BTJ occurred in the early of Demak, early of Pajang, early until the mid of Mataram. Those stories are closely related to the existence of Sunan Giri as a priest with enormous influence both in Java and outside Java. Therefore, BTJ, which contains such information, has become one of the media for the legitimacy of power by the kings of Mataram.

1970 ◽  
pp. 16-17
Randa Abul-Husn

The question of mass media as creator versus mirror of culture is one of the most debated issues in the relationship between mass media and society. Some critical media sociologists emphasize the value producing function of mass media, whereas others are foremost interested in demonstrating how social reality is reflected in the media.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 417 ◽  
Cynthia Mara Miranda ◽  
Ana Paula Dos Santos

O artigo pretende analisar a inserção das jovens mulheres no movimento secundarista e a visibilidade das questões de gênero alcançada pelas jovens estudantes que participaram do movimento das ocupações das escolas de São Paulo em 2016. Percorrendo os caminhos da narrativa documentária e interpretando as características específicas desse tipo de filme como representação do mundo histórico e de uma realidade social, analisamos o documentário Lute como uma menina, de Flávio Colombini e Beatriz Alonso, que acompanhou o dia a dia das ocupações e realizou entrevistas com 40 meninas que estiveram à frente do movimento. A análise do documentário como um produto midiático alternativo aos meios de comunicação de massa mostrou uma ruptura com a abordagem arbitrária que a mídia faz das mulheres ao retratá-las de forma padronizada; no documentário, as jovens são representadas como protagonistas da sua própria história.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Jovens mulheres. Gênero. Mídia. Documentário. Política.   ABSTRACT The article intends to analyze the insertion of the young women in the secondary movement and the visibility of the gender issues reached by young students who participated in the movement of the occupations of schools of São Paulo in 2016. Going through the paths of documentary narrative and interpreting the specific characteristics of this type of film as a representation of the historical world and a social reality, we analyze the documentary Fight light a girl by Flávio Colombini and Beatriz Alonso, which accompanied the day-to-day reality of occupations and conducted interviews with 40 girls who were ahead of the movement. The analysis of documentary as an alternative media product to the mass media showed a rupture with the arbitrary approach that the media makes with the women when portray them in a standardized way; in the documentary, the young girls are represented as protagonists of their own history.   KEYWORDS: Young women. Gender. Media. Documentary. Politics.    RESUMEN El artigo pretiende analisar las inserciones de las mujeres jovenes en el movimiento de la escuela secundaria y la visibilidad de las cuestiones de genero alcanzada por las jovenes estudiantes que participaran del movimiento de las ocupaciones de las escuelas de São Paulo en 2016. Caminar por los senderos de la narrativa documental y la interpretación de las características específicas de este tipo de películas  como representación del mundo histórico y de una realidad social, analisamos el documental Lucha como una niña, de Colombini Flávio y Alonso Beatriz, que acompaña el dia a dia de las ocupaciones y llevo a cabo entrevistas con 40 niñas que estaban em la vanguardia de movimiento. La analisis del documental como un produto de media alternativo a los medios de comunicación mostró una ruptura con el enfoque arbitrario que los medios de comunicación hace de las mujeres cuando las retrata de manera estandarizada; en el documentario, las jovenes son representadas como protagonistas de su propia historia.    PALABRAS-CLAVE: Jovenes mujeres. Genero. Medios de comunicación. Documental. Política.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 34
Andri Maijar ◽  
Novi Budiman ◽  
Marhen Marhen

This article aims to assess how women in the Minangkabau social structure are represented in the film Tengelamnya Kapal Vanderwijck. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method using a scientific approach to cinematography, body language, and culture to analyze the relationship between elements including setting/attributes, ceremonial costumes. This research is dissected by the theory of social structure and feminism in Minangkabau traditional culture. The analysis of this film finds that the film Tenggelammnya Kapal Vanderwijck criticizes the position of women in the form of customary rules in Minangkabau in the decision to choose a life partner, which is determined by Uncle (mamak).

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 194-201
Sumartini Sumartini ◽  
Maharani Intan Andalas IRP ◽  
Sara Laraswati

Persoalan perempuan selalu menarik perhatian masyarakat. Novel Burung-Burung Manyar menceritakan tokoh perempuan yang bernama Larasati (Atik). Ia anak bangsawan yang menjadi perempuan modern dan mengabdikan hidupnya untuk bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Permasalahan dalam kajian ini adalah (1) bagaimanakah kontribusi perempuan mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia, (2) faktor apa saja yang melatarbelakangi dialami tokoh perempuan dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia? Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil kajian ini, pertama, dalam hal mewujudkan dan mempertahankan bangsa, para perempuan mempunyai kontribusi atau sumbangan yang cukup besar. Kontribusi tersebut tidak hanya berwujud kontribusi fisik tetapi juga nonfisik. Selain itu, kontribusi yang diberikan kaum perempuan berupa kontribusi materi dan nonmateri. Kedua, ada dua faktor yang melatarbelakangi para perempuan berkontribusi dalam memperjuangkan dan mempertahankan kemerdekaan, yaitu: (1) jiwa nasionalisme, (2) cinta tanah air.   Women's issues always attract people's attention. Novel Manyar tells a female character named Larasati (Atik). He was a nobleman who became a modern woman and devoted his life to the nation and state of Indonesia. The problems in this study are (1) how is the contribution of women maintaining Indonesia's independence, (2) what factors are behind the experience of female leaders in maintaining Indonesia's independence? The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study, first, in terms of realizing and maintaining the nation, women have a considerable contribution or contribution. The contribution is not only physical but also non-physical. In addition, the contribution made by women in the form of material and nonmaterial contributions. Second, there are two factors underlying the women contributing in fighting for and maintaining independence, namely: (1) the spirit of nationalism, (2) the love of the homeland.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Ni Wayan Adnyani

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Medium learning science for early childhood is a tool for exploration and develop scientific values and ability to think logically. Reseach in designed with a qualitative approach. Thi issues to be discussed  between laun (1) How was  the process of implementing independent science learning “Merdeka Belajar” in the early age children at home TK Werdhi Kumara Punggul. (2) Is the tone of chidren aged in the learning era humbled at kindergarten weerdi Kumara Punggul. The aim of this research is to describe learning process, describes the efforts that in the proses teacing of sains at TK Werdi Kumara Punggul. Theory used for analyzing the problem is the constructivist theory of piaget, this research was carried out from Nopember 2020 to February 2021 with research location at TK werdi Kumara Punggul,  Abiansemal, District Badung regency. The research subjects were teachers, children aged 4-5 years which amounted to 5 children. The method used in this  study is qualitative descriptive method. data collection techniques through observation direct  interviews, documentation and literature study data analysis techniques  used analysis and arranged in a description data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions the results of the study sho the process of applying the media learning science “Merdeka Belajar” in earli childhood diera learning at home divided into 3 stages, namely the planning, implementation and evaluation stages, with the learning method used namely telling stories, questios and answere.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-106
Hedi Amelia Bella Cintya ◽  
Alvanov Zpalanzani Mansoor ◽  
Hafiz Aziz Ahmad

Cells at Work is a Japanese comic by Shimizu Akane that tells about body cells’ science. The comic gains popularity as edutainment and adapted into several educative media such as spin-offs comics, picture books, games, stage plays, and many more. While it can act as good alternatives to learn about the science of cells, adaptation to media that is too diverse can create ambiguity, confusing its users. The purpose of this research is to create a media integration mapping of Cells at Work. This research employs a qualitative descriptive method. The descriptive method is used to describe and determine the use of each adaptation medium. Then this research will map the media integration. The findings show that the diversity of educational media has its roles and purposes. Spin-off comics have specific topics that can broaden the user's knowledge of various cells. At the same time, picture books are aimed at readers who want to study cells in depth without any side stories. Games are aimed at people who prefer interactive learning. The findings from this study can be used as a consideration for creating and integrating educational media. Keywords: media integration; mapping; educational comic; science; cells at work.

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