scholarly journals Proses Kreatif Tari Bedaya Putri Pakungwati Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon Karya Sultan Sepuh XIV Pangeran Raja Adipati Arief Natadiningrat

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Dian Rahayu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji proses kreatif tari bedaya Putri Pakungwati karya Sultan Sepuh XIV Pangeran Raja Adipati Arief Natadiningrat, tarian yang terilhami oleh dokumentasi yang dimiliki oleh Keraton Kasepuhan berupa foto-foto. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi. Observasi dilakukan untuk mengamati objek secara langsung yang diteliti saat melakukan penelitian, wawancara dilakukan melalui proses tanya jawab secara lisan, bertatap muka dengan narasumber yang diperlukan, studi pustaka berupa sumber tertulis yang diperoleh dari beberapa buku yang sesuai dengan permasalahan untuk membantu penulisan dan kerangka berpikir.            Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, dalam karya tari Bedaya Putri Pakungwati, menghadirkan nafas-nafas baru untuk tari yang ada di Cirebon khususnya tari bedaya. Secara keseluruhan ada banyak unsur kreatif yang tertuang dalam karya tari Bedaya Putri Pakungwati. Terlihat dari konsep rancangan ide garapan, materi gerak tari yang berasal dari pengembangan gerak gaya Cirebonan, iringan tari yang terinspirasi dari iringan yang ada di Keraton Kasepuhan, kostum yang mengambil konsep islami hingga properti yang disajikan.  This research have purpose to find and analize the process of Putri Putri Pakungwati Bedaya Dance by Sultan Sepuh XIV Pangeran Raja Adipati Arief Natadiningrat, dance that inspired by photo documentation that owned by Keraton Kasepuhan. Using data collecting technique like observation, interview, literature, review, documentation. Observation for observasing object directly when doing research. Interiew for having process question and answer orally, face to face with interviewees needed, literature review like written sources that taken from few books that suitable with problem to help writing and design thinking.             The result of research shows that ini Putri Pakungwati Bedaya Dance gives new knowledge for dance in Cirebon, there are many creative element in Putri Pakungwati Bedaya Dance. Seen from the idea of arable design concept, dance mves material from Cirebon style moves development, music for dance that inspired from music in Keraton Kasepuhan, and costume andproperty using Islamic concept.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Dian Rahayu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji proses kreatif tari bedaya Putri Pakungwati karya Sultan Sepuh XIV Pangeran Raja Adipati Arief Natadiningrat, tarian yang terilhami oleh dokumentasi yang dimiliki oleh Keraton Kasepuhan berupa foto-foto. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi. Observasi dilakukan untuk mengamati objek secara langsung yang diteliti saat melakukan penelitian, wawancara dilakukan melalui proses tanya jawab secara lisan, bertatap muka dengan narasumber yang diperlukan, studi pustaka berupa sumber tertulis yang diperoleh dari beberapa buku yang sesuai dengan permasalahan untuk membantu penulisan dan kerangka berpikir.            Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, dalam karya tari Bedaya Putri Pakungwati, menghadirkan nafas-nafas baru untuk tari yang ada di Cirebon khususnya tari bedaya. Secara keseluruhan ada banyak unsur kreatif yang tertuang dalam karya tari Bedaya Putri Pakungwati. Terlihat dari konsep rancangan ide garapan, materi gerak tari yang berasal dari pengembangan gerak gaya Cirebonan, iringan tari yang terinspirasi dari iringan yang ada di Keraton Kasepuhan, kostum yang mengambil konsep islami hingga properti yang disajikan.  This research have purpose to find and analize the process of Putri Putri Pakungwati Bedaya Dance by Sultan Sepuh XIV Pangeran Raja Adipati Arief Natadiningrat, dance that inspired by photo documentation that owned by Keraton Kasepuhan. Using data collecting technique like observation, interview, literature, review, documentation. Observation for observasing object directly when doing research. Interiew for having process question and answer orally, face to face with interviewees needed, literature review like written sources that taken from few books that suitable with problem to help writing and design thinking.             The result of research shows that ini Putri Pakungwati Bedaya Dance gives new knowledge for dance in Cirebon, there are many creative element in Putri Pakungwati Bedaya Dance. Seen from the idea of arable design concept, dance mves material from Cirebon style moves development, music for dance that inspired from music in Keraton Kasepuhan, and costume andproperty using Islamic concept.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Putri Novalita ◽  
RM. Pramutomo

AbstrakTari Opak Abang berasal dari Desa Pasigitan, Kecamatan Boja, Kabupaten Kendal. Opak Abang adalah akronim kata Opak yang diambil dari kata kethoprak dan Abang merupakan alat musik pengiringnya yaitu terbang atau rebana. Gerakan pada tari Opak Abang sederhana dan banyak yang diulang-ulang. Ragam gerak dan musik pada tari Opak Abang yang khas dengan menggunakan gerak-gerak kerakyatan yang rampak dan diiringi alat musik rebana. Tari Opak Abang diresmikan dan diakui oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Kendal sekitar tahun 1970-an. Tari Opak Abang dianggap oleh masyarakat Kabupaten Kendal sebagai salah satu tarian yang menjadi identitas Kabupaten Kendal. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana bentuk pertunjukan tari Opak Abang dan mengapa tari Opak Abang menjadi simbol identitas masyarakat Kabupaten Kendal. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan untuk melaksanakan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan etnokoreologi. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif analitis. Penelitian kualitatif menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data antara lain dengan studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan analisis data.Kata kunci: Opak Abang, Simbol, Identitas, Kendal.AbstractOpak Abang dance come from, Pasigitan Village, Boja Subdistrict, Kendal Regency. Opak Abang is an acronim, Opak is come from kethoprak and Abang is one of music escort it is terbang or rebana. The motion of Opak Abang is simple and a lot of repetitive motion. The typical Range of motion and music in Opak Abang using populist motions that dense and the music rebana is escorted. Opak abang dance inagurated and recognized by Kendal Regency Goverment about 1970’s. Opak Abang dance reputed by Kendal Regency society as one of dance that to be the identity of Kendal Regency. The problem of this research is How is the performance form of Opak Abang dance and Why is Opak Abang dance is to be an identity of Kendal Regency society. The method of this reseach is using ethocoreology approach. This type of the research is using qualitative research methods descriptive anaysis. Qualitative research using data collecting technique it is with literature review, observation, interview, documentation and data analysis.Keywords : Opak Abang, Symbol, Identity, Kendal.

Mariek Vanden Abeele

Recent empirical work suggests that phubbing, a term used to describe the practice of snubbing someone with a phone during a face-to-face social interaction, harms the quality of social relationships. Based on a comprehensive literature review, this chapter presents a framework that integrates three concurrent mechanisms that explain the relational impact of phubbing: expectancy violations, ostracism, and attentional conflict. Based on this framework, theoretically grounded propositions are formulated that may serve as guidelines for future research on these mechanisms, the conditions under which they operate, and a number of potential issues that need to be considered to further validate and extend the framework.

Edbert Jay M. Cabrillos ◽  
Rowena S. Cabrillos ◽  

Pottery is seen as creation of ornamentals, cooking and storing materials. Yet, while economic gains are often considered from producing these materials, the artistic and linguistic aspects have been ignored. This study discusses the factors influencing the culture of pottery, the processes of pottery making, and seeks to uncover the language used in processes of pottery making in Bari, Sibalom, Antique. A qualitative research employing ethnographic study with participant observation and face to face interviews using photo documentation, video recording and open-ended questions in gathering the data was employed. There were five manugdihon, or potters, purposively selected as key informants of the study. The study revealed that environmental factors influenced the culture of pottery making in the barangay. There were seven main processes in pottery making. These included gathering and preparing of materials, mixing the needed materials, cleaning the mixed clay, forming of desired shape, detaching, drying, and polishing and varnishing. Further findings indicate that, together the other processes, the language used in poterry making was archaic Kinaray-a, the language of the province. This language pattern suggests a specialized pottery making. Ultimately, the study suggest that the manugdihon should continue their artistic talents so that the language may be preserved. The educational institutions of the province may provide ways to include pottery making in the curriculum so that the art and language of pottery making will be preserved and promoted.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Joanna C. Weaver ◽  
Gabriel Matney ◽  
Allison M. Goedde ◽  
Jeremy R. Nadler ◽  
Nancy Patterson

PurposeThe authors propose that a digital instructional delivery format of lesson study (LS) may have the potential to amplify particular aspects of traditional, face-to-face LS.Design/methodology/approachThis is a qualitative case study, using data triangulation, member checking and an inductive approach to open-coding utilizing grounded theory to identify codes and themes.FindingsDigital tools promoted LS and learning, allowing for rigorous collaboration, synchronous observations, data collection and feedback, leading to deeper understanding.Research limitations/implicationsDigital tools used in the online LS process changed how instructional planning can be researched, analyzed and written collaboratively and impacted the fluidity of a lesson, the ease of observation and reflection, student engagement and the researchers' and students' ability to share ideas in real time.Practical implicationsLS can be integrated into online teacher education programs to engage students in online learning and promotes engagement, peer interaction and student voice. The use of these digital tools is not restricted just to remote instructional contexts.Social implicationsLS reduces teacher isolation, builds a collaborative community of teachers and increases instructional motivation. Educators across schools, universities or districts can integrate online LS into remote teacher education programs and online courses.Originality/valueThis study is original work that has not been published elsewhere.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Daniel Coscarelli ◽  
Lângia C. Montresor ◽  
Philip Russo ◽  
Alan Lane de Melo ◽  
Teofânia H.D.A. Vidigal

Abstract Accurate distributional information is crucial for studies on systematics, biodiversity and conservation. To improve the knowledge regarding the geographical distribution of Omalonyx in South America, we present updated information based on data from a literature review, institutional collections and malacological surveys. All this information composed the dataset used to predict species distribution employing the Maximum Entropy Algorithm (MaxEnt). The model was run using data on species distribution, altitude and bioclimatic variables (WorldClim database). The model had consistent performance, and areas presenting similar conditions to areas where the species were recorded were considered areas of occurrence. The predicted occurrence areas included those that were already surveyed and those that are considered potential occurrence areas. The results demonstrate that the genus has widespread distribution in the Neotropical region and occurs in the tropical, temperate and arid regions of South America and Lesser Antilles. Omalonyx spp. were recorded in all South American countries and hydrographic regions. However, in some countries, there were only isolated records (ex: Colombia and Ecuador). Here, we also present the first record of Omalonyx spp. in four Brazilian States (Acre, Rondônia, Piaui, and Amapá). The genus was found in all hydrographic regions within Brazil and among 27 federative unities; it was absent from only two unities (Roraima State and Distrito Federal). This work contributes to the knowledge on Omalonyx spp. distribution and provides an important basis for the work of ecologists and taxonomists.

2012 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-46 ◽  
Tim Bottorff ◽  
Andrew Todd

Statistical reporting of library instruction (LI) activities has historically focused on measures relevant to face-to-face (F2F) settings. However, newer forms of LI conducted in the online realm may be difficult to count in traditional ways, leading to inaccurate reporting to both internal and external stakeholders. A thorough literature review is combined with the results of an investigative survey to reveal the current status of reporting such activities. The results reveal considerable confusion about the reporting of Web-based LI activities, even though a number of librarians are devoting significant amounts of time to this important and growing area of librarianship.

Leandro Cardoso BARCHI ◽  
Marcus Fernando Kodama Pertille RAMOS ◽  
André Roncon DIAS ◽  
Nelson Adami ANDREOLLO ◽  
Antônio Carlos WESTON ◽  

ABSTRACT Background: Since the publication of the first Brazilian Consensus on Gastric Cancer (GC) in 2012 carried out by the Brazilian Gastric Cancer Association, new concepts on diagnosis, staging, treatment and follow-up have been incorporated. Aim: This new consensus is to promote an update to professionals working in the fight against GC and to provide guidelines for the management of patients with this condition. Methods: Fifty-nine experts answered 67 statements regarding the diagnosis, staging, treatment and prognosis of GC with five possible alternatives: 1) fully agree; 2) partially agree; 3) undecided; 4) disagree and 5) strongly disagree A consensus was adopted when at least 80% of the sum of the answers “fully agree” and “partially agree” was reached. This article presents only the responses of the participating experts. Comments on each statement, as well as a literature review, will be presented in future publications. Results: Of the 67 statements, there was consensus in 50 (74%). In 10 declarations, there was 100% agreement. Conclusion: The gastric cancer treatment has evolved considerably in recent years. This consensus gathers consolidated principles in the last decades, new knowledge acquired recently, as well as promising perspectives on the management of this disease.

Carol Johnson ◽  
Noha Altowairiki

Transitioning from a face-to-face teaching environment to online teaching requires a shift in paradigm by stakeholders involved (i.e., instructors and students). This chapter provides an extensive literature review to help novice online instructors understand the nature of online teaching presence to help position their students towards more active participation. Premised on the Community of Inquiry framework (Garrison, Anderson & Archer, 2000) and constructivism, we highlight a conceptual framework of four iterative processes for developing online teaching presence: preparations for facilitation, designing the facilitation, implementing the facilitation, and assessing the facilitation. Based on this framework, strategies are articulated for overcoming the challenges of online learning through shared stakeholder responsibility.

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