2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (13) ◽  
pp. 128-136
I.A. Emirkhanov ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 141-149
Sergey Yu. Kondratenko ◽  

The article provides a review of the book “Front-line Astrakhan. Hospitals. Astrakhan, 2021”. The author of the article analyzes both the positive and the negative aspects of the work. It is worth emphasizing that the book is devoted to one of the promising subfields of research in the history of the Great Patriotic War – the everyday life of the front-line and of the military rear. The publication is a comprehensive research of the activities of the hospitals located in Astrakhan and the Astrakhan region during the war. Compilers acquaint the reader with the main aspects of the daily occurrence of the medical personnel of the hospitals and the wounded soldiers and commanders of the Red Army. The reviewed work contains numerous memoirs of both the medical workers and residents of Astrakhan, and it allows the reader to plunge into the hard and heroic days of the hospitals. Another important aspect, considered in the publication, is the patronage assistance provided to the hospitals by enterprises and ordinary citizens. It involved millions of people, especially children and adolescents. Corporate assistance played an important part in the psychological rehabilitation of the wounded Red Army soldiers. It is also necessary to note the illustrative material, the peer-reviewed works, which in fact represent additional sources for the research of the front-line and the military rear routine. This research will be interesting to everyone who is keen on the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2020 ◽  

Статья посвящена анализу фольклорно-эпических мотивов иранского происхождения, которые наличествуют в исторической повести «Тарас Бульба» Николая Гоголя. Они обнаруживают параллели как в нартовском эпосе осетин, так и в поэме Фирдоуси «Шахнаме», сказаниях таджиков Систана и татов Дагестана. Делается вывод, что сюжет и многие детали этой знаменитой повести, как и многих других произведений Гоголя, отражают эпическую традицию ираноязычного населения причерноморских степей, которое стало этническим субстратом украинцев. Первым на данную параллель указал Василий Иванович Абаев, сравнивая описания повседневности запорожских казаков, как это имеет место в произведении Н.В. Гоголя «Тарас Бульба», с аналогичным описанием образа жизни нартов в нартовском эпосе. Описываемая повседневность включает в себя не только практику военных походов, но и веселья, включая специфический характер песен, танцев, системы ценностей, языческого мировоззрения. В качестве сравнительного материала автором привлекаются ритуальные пляски массагетов в описании Геродота, а также саков в описании Страбона. Проводится параллель между гоголевским Тарасом Бульбой и иранскими эпическими героями – нартом Батрадзом, Рустамом из поэмы Фирдоуси «Шахнамэ». Схожие черты выявляются в зоонимике, связанной с потусторонними силами, в характере казни убийц, в отношении к данному слову и реакции последствий за его нарушение. Несомненно, в повести отражены древние эпические мотивы степей Причерноморья, восходящие к ираноязычным кочевникам, позже ассимилированных славянами. Они обнаруживают параллели как в нартовском эпосе осетин, имеющем скифские и сармато-аланские корни, так и в персидском литературном эпосе, преданиях систанцев, сказках татов, имеющих отношение к южноиранской эпической традиции, возможно, имеющей скифо-сакские истоки. The article is devoted to the analysis of folklore-epic motifs of Iranian origin, which can be traced in the historical novel “Taras Bulba” by Nikolay Gogol. They find parallels both in the Narts’ epos of the Ossetians, and in Firdousi’s poem “Shahname”, the tales of Tajik Sistans and the Tats of Dagestan. It is concluded that the plot and many details of this famous story, like many other works by Gogol, reflect the epic tradition of the Iranian-speaking population of the Black Sea steppes, which has become the ethnic substrate of the Ukrainians. The first to point to this parallel was Vasily Ivanovich Abaev, comparing the descriptions of the everyday life of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, as is the case in the work of N.V. Gogol's "Taras Bulba", with a similar description of the lifestyle of the Narts in the Nart epic. The described everyday life includes not only the practice of military campaigns, but also fun, including the specific nature of songs, dances, a system of values, a pagan worldview. As a comparative material, the author uses the ritual dances of the Massagets in the description of Herodotus, as well as the Saka in the description of Strabo. A parallel is drawn between Gogol's Taras Bulba and Iranian epic heroes - Nart Batradz, Rustam from Firdousi’s poem “Shahname”. Similar features are revealed in the zoonymy associated with otherworldly forces, in the nature of the execution of murderers, in relation to this word and the reaction of the consequences for its violation. Undoubtedly, the story reflects the ancient epic motifs of the steppes of the Black Sea, dating back to the Iranian-speaking nomads, later assimilated by the Slavs. They find parallels both in the Nartian Ossetian epos, which has Scythian and Sarmatian-Alanian roots, and in the Persian literary epos, the traditions of the Sistans, and tales of the Tats, related to the South Iranian epic tradition, possibly having Scythian-Saka sources.

V. A. Nevezhin

The article examines an episode from the everyday life of Soviet diplomats during the Great Patriotic War. The reports of one of the leaders of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Andrei Vyshinsky on diplomatic receptions in November 1941-1942 are analyzed. These receptions took place in Kuibyshev, where employees of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, headed by Vyshinsky, were temporarily evacuated. Reports on them have been preserved in the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation and are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. They were sent by Vyshinsky to Moscow in the name of Stalin and Molotov. The sources identified by the author of the article, together with memoirs, make it possible to reveal various aspects of the culture of everyday life of Soviet diplomats who were temporarily in Kuibyshev. First, they give an idea of the participation of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs in festive commemorations (anniversaries of the October Revolution), which were one of the components of the ceremony for the representation of power. Secondly, the recordings of Vyshinsky's conversations, reflected in his reports, contain important information about the moods of representatives of the diplomatic corps, in particular, ambassadors and envoys of the member states of the anti-Hitler coalition. It was used by the Soviet leadership in solving foreign policy tasks during the most difficult period of the war.

Khaled Hassan

To identify changes in the everyday life of hepatitis subjects, we conducted a descriptive, exploratory, and qualitative analysis. Data from 12 hepatitis B and/or C patients were collected in October 2011 through a semi-structured interview and subjected to thematic content review. Most subjects have been diagnosed with hepatitis B. The diagnosis period ranged from less than 6 months to 12 years, and the diagnosis was made predominantly through the donation of blood. Interferon was used in only two patients. The findings were divided into two groups that define the interviewees' feelings and responses, as well as some lifestyle changes. It was concluded that the magnitude of phenomena about the disease process and life with hepatitis must be understood to health professionals. Keywords: Hepatitis; Nursing; Communicable diseases; Diagnosis; Life change events; Nursing care.

2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-79 ◽  
Ben Highmore

From a remarkably innovative point of departure, Ben Highmore (University of Sussex) suggests that modernist literature and art were not the only cultural practices concerned with reclaiming the everyday and imbuing it with significance. At the same time, Roger Caillois was studying the spontaneous interactions involved in games such as hopscotch, while other small scale institutions such as the Pioneer Health Centre in Peckham, London attempted to reconcile systematic study and knowledge with the non-systematic exchanges in games and play. Highmore suggests that such experiments comprise a less-often recognised ‘modernist heritage’, and argues powerfully for their importance within early-twentieth century anthropology and the newly-emerged field of cultural studies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 146 (2) ◽  
pp. 472-480
Oksana Hodovanska

Aleksei S. Gulin ◽  

The article deals with actually little studied questions about the ways and methods of transporting political exiles to Siberia by rail, about the everyday life of that category of exiles in the new conditions of deporting in the 60–70s of the 19th century.

Arto Penttinen ◽  
Dimitra Mylona

The section below contains reports on bioarchaeological remains recovered in the excavations in Areas D and C in the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia, Poros, between 2003 and 2005. The excavations were directed by the late Berit Wells within a research project named Physical Environment and Daily Life in the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia (Poros). The main objective of the project was to study what changed and what remained constant over time in the everyday life and in both the built and physical environment in an important sanctuary of the ancient Greeks. The bioarchaeological remains, of a crucial importance for this type of study, were collected both by means of traditional archaeological excavation and by processing extensively collected soil samples. This text aims to providing the theoretical and archaeological background for the analyses that follow.

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Прослідковуються урбанізаційні та дезурбанізаційні процеси в моді ХХ ст. Звернено увагу на недостатню вивченість питань естетичних та культурологічних аспектів формування моди як видовища в контексті образного простору культури повсякдення. Визначено видовищні виміри модної діяльності як комунікативної сцени. Наголошено на необхідності актуалізації народних мотивів свята, творчості в гурті, певної стилізації у митців та дизайнерів моди мистецтва ностальгійного, втраченого світу з метою осягнення фольклорної, глибинної стихії моди як екомунікативного простору культури повсякдення. Ключові слова: міф, мода, етнокультура, етнос, свято, площа Ключові слова: міф, мода, етнокультура, етнос, свято, площа. According to E. Moren ethnic cultural influences take place in urbanized environment and turn it into "island ontology".Everyday life ethnic culture is differentiated, specified as a certain type of spectacle. However, all that powerful cosmologism, which used to exist as an open-air theater in settlements, near rivers, grasslands, roads, is disappearing. The everyday life culture loses imperatives, patterns, and cosmological designs, where, for example, the “plahta” contains rhombuses, squares, and rectangles - images of the earth, and the top of the costume symbolizes the sky. Yes, the symbolic marriage of earth and sky was a prerequisite for marrying young people. The article deals with traces of the urbanization and deurbanization processes in the twentieth century fashion.Key words: ethnic culture, culture of everyday life, ethnics, holidays, variety show, knockabout comedy, square.

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