scholarly journals Coordination in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)'s Prosecution Tasks Based on Independence Perspective

Corruptio ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-136
Ndaru Satrio ◽  
Nina Zainab

Coordination of KPK prosecution duties as stated in Article 12A of Law no. 19 of 2019 amending Law No. 30 of 2002 concerning the Commission for the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, or Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) raises concerns because it creates dependence on other institutions and certainly reduces the independence of the KPK institution. As for some of the problems that need to be known from the existence of this coordination concept, among others: (1) the coordination can be directed towards the form of KPK's subordination to the prosecutor's institution; (2) coordination makes the confidentiality of data held by the KPK not maintained; (3) this coordination is very prone to conflict of interest with the prosecutor's office; (4) this coordination also raises concerns that rotten politics in the resolution of corruption cases may occur. The author uses independence principle analysis. The type of research used in compiling this paper is normative or doctrinal legal research. The research shows that coordination can be done using clear boundaries. First, coordination is still allowed to the extent that it is possible to combine cases that the KPK may not handle. Second, coordination can also be carried out in the event of merging a corruption case that is not the authority of the KPK. Third, the coordination also can be done in the case of the concurrent events. Fourth, the coordination is only related to procedural law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 20-32
F.B. Agayev ◽  

In the process of legal research, private scientific methods are developed and used to study legal reality, such as the method of comparative jurisprudence, the method of interpretation (explanation) and the formal legal method. However, at the present stage of legal research, it is impossible to be limited only by these methods. Even legal scholars who consistently defend the status of dogmatic jurisprudence recognize that the application of these methods, with all their merits, sets a limiting framework in un-derstanding the practical action of positive law and the originality of its theoretical vision. Nevertheless, the application of these methods in the study of legal reality allows us to draw a conclusion about the general trends in the development of evaluative concepts that are fundamental in civil procedural law. It is offered an approach to the formation of a system of information support of procedural decision-making based on the application of fuzzy inference mechanism implemented in the logical basis of the feedforward multilayer neural network. Under this approach, a method to overcome the semantic uncer-tainty in the evaluation terms of procedural law is developed by using appropriate terms (fuzzy sets) of corresponding linguistic variables. As an example it is selected the Articles on “Violation of copyright or neighboring rights” of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic based on which has been proposed formalism for the evaluation concept of “significant harm” in relation to the sanction applied. For mak-ing an adequate to evaluation concept notion it is proposed grading scale of possible sanctions, obtained on the basis of the description of the relevant legal norms in terms of fuzzy implicative rules.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Anshar Anshar ◽  
Suwito Suwito

ABSTRAKPenanganan perkara tindak pidana korupsi menganut sistem pemidanaan minimum bagi pelaku yang diputus bersalah oleh pengadilan. Istilah ketentuan pidana minimum khusus secara normatif diatur dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999, sebagaimana telah diubah menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Pada tataran praktiknya terdapat fenomena adanya putusan pengadilan yang menerobos sistem pemidanaan minimum yang dianut tersebut. Salah satu contoh putusan pengadilan yang ditelaah dalam tulisan ini adalah Putusan Nomor 2399 K/PID.SUS/2010. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah apa saja yang menjadi landasan infra petita hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan yang menerobos ketentuan pemidanaan minimum dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi tersebut. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang. Penulis berkesimpulan bahwa putusan pengadilan tindak pidana korupsi yang menerobos ketentuan pemidanaan minimum dalam Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi pada dasarnya diperbolehkan. Sepanjang putusan hakim yang infra petita tersebut memiliki esensi ratio legis yang kuat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, atas dasar alasan pertimbangan nilai keadilan dan pertimbangan judex factie sebagaimana pada perkara a quo.Kata kunci: putusan, korupsi, pemidanaan minimum. ABSTRACT In the handling of a corruption case, mandatory minimum penalty is adopted in the criminal justice system for the offender who was found guilty by the court. The term ‘mandatory minimum penalty’ is normatively regulated in Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law Number 31 of 1999, as amended to Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Corruption Eradication. In practice there is a phenomenon of a court decision breaching the adopted mandatory minimum penalty. One example of a court decision analyzed hereon is the Decision Number 2399 K/PID.SUS/2010. The arising problem is what the consideration of the judge is for infra petita in imposing decision which breached the mandatory minimum penalty provision in that corruption case. This research uses normative legal research method with legislation approach. It can be concluded that it is basically permissible in the corruption court’s decision to breach the minimum penalty provisions as stipulated in the Corruption Eradication Law. Provided that the judge’s decision of infra petita, is based on strong legislation ratio and can be accounted for, on the basis of justice value and judex factie considerations as in the a quo case. Keywords: court decision, corruption, minimum penalty.

2017 ◽  
Vol 104 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-160
Mika Sutela

The subject of my article-based dissertation in law was decision-making in the general courts of Finland. My research aimed to describe how uniform decisionmaking is in the Finnish courts. With regard to district courts convictions of  gravateddrunk driving were the main focus of my study. The results show that there are regional differences in the sentences. Results are based on empirical legal research that draws on aspects of criminal and procedural law as well as criminology. Prior to this, only a few empirical studies had been conducted in Finland that focused on the courts and other criminal sanctioning systems. In the current dissertation, the equality and predictability of judicial decision-making at the international level where the influence of legal and extra-legal factors, e.g., offender age, on sentencing is explored. At a more theoretical level, the dissertation reflects the research tradition of legal realism. Empirical legal research will play an increasingly important role in the future. It can increase both equality before the law, as well as the transparency of decision-making and confidence in the judicial process. Data on, e.g., punishments meted out by the courts, should be kept as current as possible since information on the functioning of the legal system is important. Empirical court research provides a unique basis for discussing levels of punishment. The functioning of the legal system has a major impact on society. Empirical data, including statistics, provide a good basis for a wide range of research.1.

2020 ◽  
Elena Andreeva ◽  

The article considers the essence of criminal aspects of the protection of trade secrets. The article comprises the following issues: Protection of trade secrets according to criminal substantive law; Protection of trade secrets according to criminal procedural law; Comparative legal research;

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 111-136
Kirill Molodyko

In international law, there is no directly prescribed duty of states to create the institution of financial ombudsman. However, in practice this institution is in real terms very popular for effectiveness in various forms. This paper analyzes the models of financial ombudsman in some of the leading European jurisdictions as well as the Russian model and its distinction from all these models. The successful introduction of compulsory financial ombudsmen according to a new Russian law is impossible without deep integration of this institution with the general civil procedure legislation. The Russian financial ombudsman is authorized by law to partially create for himself the rules for resolving disputes, which in essence gives him the right to create rules of civil procedural law. Since pre-trial settlement of certain categories of civil disputes in the financial markets through the financial ombudsman system is mandatory, providing him with unlimited discretion to determine the amount of the fee for considering a case, this can create a conflict of interest in his or her activities. The new Russian law is criticized for numerous inconsistencies with civil procedure legislation, without the elimination of which the practical work of the financial ombudsmen will be ineffective. I offer some legal approaches for the development of this institution. The competence of the further alternative dispute resolution (ADR) Russian institutions depends on the success or failure of the financial ombudsman.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 344
Endra Wijaya ◽  
Andre Sandy Avianto

<p><strong></strong>Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 tentang Pemasyarakatan mengatur bahwa pembinaan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dilakukan terhadap semua narapidana, termasuk narapidana tindak pidana korupsi. Pada kenyataannya, narapidana tindak pidana korupsi di Lembaga Pemasyaraatan (Lapas) Sukamiskin tidak memperoleh semua pembinaan sebagaimana yang telah ditentukan. Kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan implementasi pembinaan narapidana di Lapas Sukamiskin dan sekaligus untuk menjelaskan hambatan dari pelaksanaan pembinaan bagi narapidana di Lapas Sukamiskin, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan fakta bahwa di Lapas Sukamiskin terdapat beberapa kategori narapidana, yaitu narapidana tindak pidana umum dan narapidana kasus korupsi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah metode penelitian hukum nondoktrinal dengan bersandar pada data primer serta sekunder. Data dalam kajian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara kepada beberapa narasumber serta melalui penelusuran kepustakaan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pembinaan bagi narapidana di Lapas Sukamiskin belum berjalan maksimal dan masih terjadi perbedaan dalam penerapan program pembinaan bagi para narapidana. Selain itu, persoalan sumber daya manusia di Lapas Sukamiskin juga masih menjadi hambatan tersendiri bagi pelaksanaan program pembinaan untuk para narapidana<em>.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>The Law Number 12 of 1995 on P</em><em>enitentiary</em><em> rules that education program provided in penitentiary institution or prison is given to every prisoner including prisoner from corruption case. Contrary to such rules, in fact, in Sukamiskin Prison, the prisoners from corruption case do not involve in all programs provided to every prisoner, especially education and skill training programs. This study would explain the education program for inmate in Sukamiskin Prison and its obstacles related to the differences in implementing several program to general criminal case prisoner and corruption case prisoner. This study uses non-doctrinal legal research method and based on primary and secondary data. Researchers also conduct interviews with several informants besides doing library research. This study reveals that several programs provided for inmates in Sukamiskin Prison still not implement comprehensively and the corruption case prisoners treat differently from general criminal case prisoners. Sukamiskin Prison also still has problem related to its human resources condition.</em></p>

Sterry Fendy Andih

Regulations related to evidence in the procedural law of business competition still cause debate because regulations related to evidence of instructions that apply in the business competition procedural law are different from the regulation of evidence in the procedural law that generally applies in Indonesia, especially if there are objections to the KPPU's decision submitted to the district court. The formulation of the problem examined is related to the procedures for resolving business competition cases by the business competition supervisory commission and the use of evidence evidence in business competition law within the criminal procedural framework in Indonesia. This type of research method used is a normative legal research method with a proof of law approach. The results of the research show that the procedure for handling cases by KPPU based on Perkom 1/2019 is sourced from KPPU's reports and initiatives. The stages or process of procedure for handling cases by KPPU consists of the initial stages (receipt of reports or KPPU initiatives), investigations, commission assembly sessions (preliminary hearing and follow-up hearings), and decisions (deliberations of commission assemblies and reading of decisions and implementing decisions) . The use of evidence of guidance in business competition law contracted in Perkom 1/2019 can still lead to this debate because the procedural law used in general courts (if there is an objection to the KPPU's decision) is criminal or civil procedural law, which if understood there are still differences fundamental evidence related to these instructions. The evidence evidence can be obtained through economic evidence and communication evidence whereas in criminal procedural law the limit is limited to evidence evidence evidence obtained from evidence witnesses, letters and statements of the defendant. Pengaturan terkait alat bukti petunjuk dalam hukum acara persaingan usaha masih menimbulkan perdebatan dikarenakan pengaturan terkait alat bukti petunjuk yang berlaku dalam hukum acara persaingan usaha berbeda halnya dengan pengaturan alat bukti petunjuk dalam hukum acara yang secara umum berlaku di Indonesia, khususnya apabila terjadi keberatan atas putusan KPPU yang diajukan kepada pengadilan negeri. Adapun rumusan permasalahan yang dikaji adalah terkait tata cara penyelesain perkara persaingan usaha oleh komisi pengawas persaingan usaha dan penggunaan bukti petunjuk pada hukum persaingan usaha dalam kerangka hukum acara pidana di indonesia. Jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan hukum pembuktian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tata cara penanganan perkara oleh KPPU berdasarkan Perkom 1/2019 adalah bersumber dari laporan dan insiatif KPPU.  Adapun tahapan atau proses tata cara penanganan perkara oleh KPPU terdiri dari tahapan awal (penerimaan laporan atau insiatif KPPU), penyelidikan, sidang majelis komisi (sidang pemeriksaan pendahuluan dan sidang pemeriksaan lanjutan), dan putusan (musyawarah majelis komisi dan pembacaan putusan serta pelaksanaan putusan). Penggunaan bukti petunjuk pada hukum persaingan usaha yang dikontruksikan dalam Perkom 1/2019 masih dapat menimbulkan perdebatan hal ini dikarenakan hukum acara yang dipergunakan pada peradilan umum (apabila terjadi keberatan atas putusan KPPU) adalah hukum acara pidana atau perdata, yang mana apabila dipahami masih terdapat perbedaan mendasar terkait alat bukti petunjuk tersebut. Alat bukti petunjuk dapat diperoleh melalui bukti ekonomi dan bukti komunikasi sedangkan dalam hukum acara pidana dibatasi secara limitatif alat bukti petunjuk diperoleh dari alat bukti keterangan saksi, surat dan keterangan terdakwa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-64
Ahmad Habib Al Fikry ◽  
Muhammad Riyan Afandi ◽  
Dian Latifiani

The purposes of this paper are: (i) to describe various problems in the philosophical, sociological and juridical aspects of the existence of civil procedural law as formal law in Indonesia; and (ii) offer solutions to these problems by updating the civil procedural law. The method in this paper uses normative legal research with a statutory approach by conducting a literature study using primary and secondary materials. The results of this paper indicate several things. The first, sociologically, people's lives develop dynamically so that the provisions of civil procedural law are not in accordance with the times. As for juridically, this provision is not unification, legal uncertainty, and a legal vacuum. The second, legal reform is part of the development of national law by taking into account the framework of the national legal system. The third, there are efforts and forms of civil procedural law reform carried out by each element of state power. The novelty of this paper is containing a comprehensive discourse that answers the problem of the applicability of civil procedural law with the efforts and forms of reform of civil procedural law in Indonesia. The conclusion in this paper is the provisions of civil procedural law need to be updated based on philosophical, sociological, and juridical considerations. Reform of civil procedural law must take into account the national legal system, principles, and content material in its formation. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 104 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-160
Mika Sutela

AbstractThe subject of my article-based dissertation in law was decision-making in the general courts of Finland. My research aimed to describe how uniform decisionmaking is in the Finnish courts. With regard to district courts convictions of aggravated drunk driving were the main focus of my study. The results show that there are regional differences in the sentences. Results are based on empirical legal research that draws on aspects of criminal and procedural law as well as criminology. Prior to this, only a few empirical studies had been conducted in Finland that focused on the courts and other criminal sanctioning systems. In the current dissertation, the equality and predictability of judicial decision-making act as theoretical starting points. The dissertation adopts a research tradition established at the international level where the influence of legal and extra-legal factors, e.g., offender age, on sentencing is explored. At a more theoretical level, the dissertation reflects the research tradition of legal realism. Empirical legal research will play an increasingly important role in the future. It can increase both equality before the law, as well as the transparency of decision-making and confidence in the judicial process. Data on, e.g., punishments meted out by the courts, should be kept as current as possible since information on the functioning of the legal system is important. Empirical court research provides a unique basis for discussing levels of punishment. The functioning of the legal system has a major impact on society. Empirical data, including statistics, provide a good basis for a wide range of research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-117
H Muhamad Rezky Pahlawan MP ◽  
Chessa Ario Jani Purnomo

In this study, the author considers 3 (three) reasons that are considered important such as philosophical aspects, aspects of criminal law theory, and political aspects of national criminal procedural law after describing 5 (five) previous legal scientific studies related to the implementation of supervisory judges and observers in the criminal justice system. This study aims to reflect on the legal principles of the kimwasmat institution and build models and patterns of implementing the kimwasmat institution. This research intends to answer 2 (two) legal issues: firstly, what are the legal principles contained in Article 280 of the KUHAP. Secondly, what is the model and pattern of implementation of the supervisory and observer judge institutions based on Article 280 of the KUHAP. This legal research uses the socio-legal research method, the materials of which are the results of interviews of judges in deliberate district courts, study of court official documents, relevant laws and regulations to legal issues, legal theory and social science theories. This study found, firstly, the function of kimsmat based on the principle of legal certainty and the principle of benefit which seeks to be married into the principle of certainty which is useful based on Pancasila. Finally, the classical bureaucratic model and the institutional model as well as the aspects of state administration to explain the management and control functions of the authority of the kimwasmat become the basis for the court to carry out criminal objectives.

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