scholarly journals Effectiveness Of Dismenorhoe Senam In Reducing Dismenorhoe Events In Students In Midwife Study Program In Ubudiyah University Of Indonesia Banda Aceh

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Raudhatun Nuzul ZA ◽  
Rizky Swastika Renjani

Background: Dysmenorrhea is a physical disorder in women who experience menstrual disorders/stomach cramps. Exercise can increase endorphin production (can increase the body's natural pain), can increase serotonin levels. Gymnastics is one of the relaxation techniques that can be used to reduce pain. In Research Purpose Introduced to Identify Problems of the Dismenorhoe Program in Reducing Dismenorhoe in the Study Program at the Midwifery University, Yogyakarta University, Indonesia. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique is probability sampling, with a sample of 20 respondents, a data collection tool using a Lismore gymnastic observation sheet and a healing scale sheet. Statistical analysis was performed with a Test (T) test. Research results obtained from the analysis of sig. (2-tailed) obtained 0,000 which is significantly very significant or very positive which is higher than α = 0.05. If it is acceptable, it must be accepted, done before and after dysmenorrhoea exercises. It was concluded as the effectiveness of gymnastic dysmenorrhea on the reduction of menstrual pain in a female midwifery study program at the Ubudiyah University of Indonesia. Freed so that the help of gymnastic therapy is used as an alternative intervention to reduce menstrual pain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Raudhatun Nuzul ZA ◽  
Rizky Swastika Renjani

Dysmenorrhea is a physical disorder in women who experience menstrual disorders/stomach cramps. Exercise can increase endorphin production (can increase the body's natural pain), can increase serotonin levels. Gymnastics is one of the relaxation techniques that can be used to reduce pain. In Research Purpose Introduced to Identify Problems of the Dismenorhoe Program in Reducing Dismenorhoe in the Study Program at the Midwifery University, Yogyakarta University, Indonesia. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique is probability sampling, with a sample of 20 respondents, a data collection tool using a Lismore gymnastic observation sheet and a healing scale sheet. Statistical analysis was performed with a Test (T) test. Research results obtained from the analysis of sig. (2-tailed) obtained 0,000 which is significantly very significant or very positive which is higher than α = 0.05. If it is acceptable, it must be accepted, done before and after dysmenorrhoea exercises. It was concluded as the effectiveness of gymnastic dysmenorrhea on the reduction of menstrual pain in a female midwifery study program at the Ubudiyah University of Indonesia. Freed so that the help of gymnastic therapy is used as an alternative intervention to reduce menstrual pain.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 303
Eko Saputra Nurdiansa

The objective of the study is to know whether or not three phase technique   has   significant   effect   on   students’ reading comprehension. The design of this study was quasi experimental research. The population of the study were students who were taking Reading 1 class in English study program at Halu Oleo University in academic year of  2016-2017.  By  employing  purposive  sampling technique the researcher chose class A as the sample of this study. Instrument of study was reading comprehension test in form of multiple choices questions. The result of this study confirmed that the teaching reading  by  using  three  phase  reading  technique  could give significant effect on the students’ reading comprehension. Based on the Paired Sample Test, it was found that there was a significant difference of students’ reading comprehension score before and after they were given treatment by using three phase reading technique procedure in Reading 1 class with the significant degree of 0.013. Furthermore, there was also significant improvement in students' mean score (79.78). Therefore, the proposed hypothesis which stated “three phase reading technique has significant effect on students’ reading comprehension” was accepted. Keywords: Three Phase Technique, Reading Comprehension

Winda Astuti ◽  
Nur Yeti Syarifah

Background: Hypertension is a degenerative disease that becomes a serious problem but one way to reduce hypertension by means of cupping therapy.Objective: To know the effect of bruise therapy on blood pressure in hypertensive patients in healthy clinic Mugi Barokah Karakan, Godean, Sleman, Yogyakarta Method: This research is a quantitative research, using quasi experimental (quasi experiment) with pre and posttest without control. The population of this study were hypertensive patients who performed bruise therapy with population taking at the clinic of bruise therapy as much as 15 respondents. The sampling technique used incidental samples, with a sample size of 15 people. Data collection tool using check list.Results: The results showed the value of bivariate analysis with the wilxocon test formula that there was an effect of bruise therapy on blood pressure in hypertensive patients after bruise. That there was an average decrease in blood pressure on 15 respondents of hypertension before and after cupping therapy showed with p = 0,000 and p = 0.003 where p <0.005 Conclusion: There is infl uence of bruise therapy to blood pressure in hypertension patient at Healthy Clinic Mugi Barokah Karakan Godean Sleman Yogyakarta

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Lilis Komariah ◽  
Azizah Al Ashri Nainar ◽  
Cut Funny Sepdiana

Adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood which includes biological, psychological and social changes. During menstruation there will be problems or complaints such as dysmenorrhea. Meanwhile, menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) is a physical disorder that is very prominent in women who are experiencing menstruation in the form of pain in the stomach. This study aims to determine the effect of religious music on the intensity of menstrual pain in class X adolescents at the Daarul Muttaqien II Modern Islamic boarding school, Tangerang. The research design used was a quasy-experiment with a pre and post-test design without control (self-control). Collecting data using the NRS observation sheet and pain measurement that has been tested for validity and reliability. The sample consisted of 35 respondents who were taken by consecutive sampling technique. This study showed that 68.6% of respondents had mild pain, while 31.4% of respondents had no pain. The results of the Wilcoxon statistical test showed that there were significant differences in the level of knowledge before and after religious music therapy with a value of p = 0.001 (p <0.05). This research is expected to be developed in further research and can be used as a reference by increasing the number of samples and variables as a comparison.Keywords: Effect of Music Therapy, Menstrual Pain 

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 103
Kartika Sari ◽  
Isri Nasifah ◽  
Anggun Trisna

Kartika Sari 1) , Isri Nasifah2), Anggun Trisna3)1), 2), 3) DIII Kebidanan, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan,Universitas Ngudi WaluyoE-mail : [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] menstruasi datang, wanita kadang mengalami nyeri haid (disminore) dimana sifat dan tingkat rasa nyeri yang bervariasi dapat mengganggu aktifitas sehari-hari.  Prevalensi dismenore di Indonesia sebesar 64, 25% yang terdiri dari 54,8% dismenore primer dan 9,36% dismenore sekunder.  Pada umumnya 50-60% wanita diantaranya memerlukan obat-obatan analgesic untuk mengatasi masalah dismenore ini, dimana penggunaan obat dalam jangka panjang akan menyebabkan penderita mengalami ketergantungan obat. Yoga merupakan salah satu teknik non farmakologi untuk menangani nyeri haid yang  memberikan efek distraksi sehingga dapat mengurangi kram abdomen. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain Quasi Experimental (Pre Post Test Design).  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Program Studi D3 Kebidanan Universitas Ngudi Waluyo dengan sampel remaja putri yang mengalami nyeri haid yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok,  yang terdiri dari 1 kelompok perlakuan dan 1 kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan intensitas nyeri haid antara sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok yoga berdasarkan hasil uji Wilcoxon dengan perbandingan nilai p=0.001<0,05.  Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol intensitas nyeri sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan tidak mengalami perbedaan dengan nilai p=0.492 >0,05.  Terdapat perbedaan durasi nyeri antara sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok yoga berdasarkan hasil uji Wilcoxon dengan  nilai p=0.000<0,05.  Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol durasi nyeri sebelum dan sesudah perlakukan tidak mengalami perbedaan yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai p=0,298>0,05.  Masyarakat hendaknya memanfaatkan senam yoga sebagai salah satu cara untuk mengurangi nyeri haid karena tehnik tersebut murah dan dapat dipraktikkan sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain.Kata Kunci : Nyeri Haid, YogaTHE INFLUENCE OF YOGA EXERCISES ON MENSTRUAL PAIN IN YOUNG WOMENABSTRACTWhen menstruation comes, women sometimes experience menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) where the varying nature and level of pain can interfere with daily activities.  The prevalence of dysmenorrhea in Indonesia is 64, 25% consisting of 54.8% primary dysmenorrhea and 9.36% secondary dysmenorrhea.  In general 50-60% of women need analgesic medication to overcome this dysmenorrhea problem, where in the long-term drug use will cause the patient to experience drug dependence.Yoga is one of the non-pharmacological techniques to deal with menstrual pain which gives a distraction effect, so it can reduce abdominal cramps.This research was conducted using Quasi Experimental design (Pre Post Test Design).  This research was carried out in the Ngudi Waluyo University Midwifery D3 Study Program, with a sample of young women who experienced menstrual pain which was divided into 2 groups, which is consists of 1 treatment group and 1 control group.The results showed that there was a difference in the intensity of menstrual pain between before and after treatment in the yoga group based on the results of Wilcoxon test with a comparison of p = 0.001 <0.05.  Whereas in the control group the intensity of pain before and after treatment did not experience a difference with a value of p = 0.492> 0.05.  There is a difference in the duration of pain between before and after treatment in the yoga group based on the results of Wilcoxon test with p = 0.000 <0.05.  Whereas in the control group the duration of pain before and after treatment did not experience a difference indicated by the value of p = 0.298> 0.05Keywords: Pain in Menstruation, Yoga

JKEP ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-68
Keumalahayati Keumalahayati ◽  
Nuswatul Khaira ◽  
Fazdria Fazdria

Menstruation is normal in a woman's life. The most common abnormalities are menstrual pain (dysmenorrhoea) and premenstrual syndrome. About one third of menstruating women will feel some pain that accompanies menstruation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the effect of consuming ginger and ginger herbs on decreasing menstrual pain (dysmenorrhoe). The study design was quasi-experimental using the one group pretest-posttest design. The results of the study showed a significant difference in the intensity of menstrual pain before and after the ginger and ginger extract was administered, at a rate of 20: 20 grams compared to a 15: 15 gram dose. This can be seen from the p value obtained at 0,000 (p <0.05). The results of the study are expected to expand the area of ​​maternity nursing research for students regarding interventions to reduce menstrual pain in a nonpharmacological manner. For this reason, so that the use of ginger and ginger can be applied in the management of nursing care for women with primary dysmenorrhoea, further research is needed regarding the effectiveness of the management of dysmenorrhoea by utilizing ginger and ginger ingredients so that this action can be used as an alternative intervention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-87
Ari Indra Susanti ◽  
Aminarista Aminarista ◽  
Neneng Martini ◽  
Nur Rahmah ◽  
Sri Astuti

Background: Lactating mothers were successful in giving exclusive breastfeeding as much as 42% based on SDKI (Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia) in 2012. This is depend on the support of husbands and families as well as health workers. Thus, the husband or family should remind and motivate mothers as well as monitor the breastfeeding activity every day for 6 months using breastfeeding calendar.Objectives: This study aimed to determine the increase in knowledge and attitudes of mothers in providing exclusive breastfeeding after the exclusive breastfeeding calendar training.Materials and Methods: The research design used a quasi-experimental one group pre-test post-test design. This research was conducted on mothers who had babies (age 0-12 months) in Pasawahan Village and Pasawahan Kidul Village, Pasawahan District, Purwakarta Regency in April to November 2018, with 96 respondents. The sampling technique was conducted by purposive sampling. Data were collected by giving questionnaires to respondents, before and after the breastfeeding calendar training were given. The Wilcoxon test was used for the analysis of the data in this study.Results: The results showed that there were differences in the knowledge of mothers before and after training on breastfeeding calendar (p <0,000) and there were differences in the attitudes of mothers before and after the training on breastfeeding calendar (p <0,000).Conclusions: There was an increase in knowledge and changes in the attitude of mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding after being given the breastfeeding Calendar training. Therefore, suggestions for health workers, especially midwives and nutrition workers, can use the breastfeeding calendar as an educational medium to increase husband and family support in exclusive breastfeeding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Kaima Ishmata ◽  
Indri Seta Septadina ◽  
Bintang Arryotantri

Anxiety is a feeling of discomfort, worry about something unclear and accompanied by autonomic symptoms. Murottal Al-Quran therapy is a complementary therapy with the most widely used Al-Qur'an media. This study aims to analyze the effect of the murottal Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Mulk and Al-Hasyr on the anxiety of medical students of Universitas Sriwijaya. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a cross-sectional approach with one group pre-post test design which was conducted from July to December 2020 at homes through Zoom meeting application. Sampling using simple random sampling technique. Data in the form of primary data using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) questionnaire.Primary data were collected using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) questionnaire before and after receiving the Murottal Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Mulk and Al-Hasyr for 7 consecutive days. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was performed on the data, then analyzed with Paired t-test or Wilcoxon test using SPSS device. The Wilcoxon test results showed significant results of murottal Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Mulk and Al-Hasyr on anxiety (p = 0.000) in medical students. There is an effect of murottal Al-Qur’an surah Al-Mulk and Al-Hasyr on anxiety among medical students of Universitas Sriwijaya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 281-291
Rindang Fitriana Ulfa ◽  
Agus Suwandono ◽  
Kamilah Budhi

The purpose of this study was to see the comparison between the administration of Massage Counterpressure and the provision of dark chocolate to reduce menstrual pain (dysmenorrhoea). The design uses a quasi-experimental design with two groups of pretest and posttest with control group design. The results showed that in the dark chocolate and anti-pain medication group, massage counterressure and anti-pain medicine obtained ρ value of 0,000. there are significant differences before and after the administration of action. The results of the man whitney test found that there were differences between the 2 groups with a value of ρ value of 0,000. Conclusion, there is a difference of influence between the dark chocolate group and the counterpressure massage group on the intensity of menstrual pain. Giving 100 grams of dark chocolate for 2 days and anti-pain medication is more effective than a 20-minute counterpressure massage for 2 days and anti-pain medication for menstrual pain intensity.   Keywords: Dark Chocolate, Massage counterprssure, Menstrual pain

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 57
Qurota A'yun ◽  
Mukhoirotin Mukhoirotin

Background: The dysmenorrhea prevalence is still reported high in the world. Several previous studies discovered that deep breathing relaxation effectively reduced dysmenorrhea. Other studies presented the combination of early mobilization and spiritual relaxation could reduce the level of client pain postoperative appendectomy, however the effectiveness of spiritual relaxation techniques to reduce dysmenorrhea is not yet tested.Objective: to determine the effect of spiritual relaxation to reduce dysmenorrhea.Method: The research design used was Quasi Experiment with the pretest-posttest Control Group Design approach. The populations were female students who experienced menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The variable in this study was dysmenorrhea. The sampling technique was simple ramdom sampling consisted of 44 respondents. The calculation instrument was NRS (Numeric Rating Scale) and data were analyzed through statistical test of Paired T-Test and Independent T-Test.Results: After spiritual relaxation treatment, the intensity of menstrual pain reduced significantly from 6.05 - 1.77, it proved that there was an effect of spiritual relaxation on dysmenorrhea with a significant value (ρ) of 0.000 (p ≤ 0.05). There were significant differences in the intensity of menstrual pain in the intervention and control groups (1.77 ± 1,109 vs 5.63 ± 0.445; p> 0.05).Conclusion: Spiritual relaxation effectively reduces dysmenorrhea

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