scholarly journals Visualisasi Perempuan dalam Desain Kemasan Produk Pelangsing Tubuh Merek Merit dan Natural Slimming Suit

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Hendro Aryanto

<strong>Abstract</strong><br />Female Visualization in Body Slimming Product Packaging Design of Merit and Natural Slimming Suit. Advertising is expanding nowadays and this towards to pro and cons to certain commercials. The special purpose for visualization and illustration in body slimming product packaging design is to project cultural values, ethics, and to communicate consumer’s values. Gender concept in female exploitation was represented in packaging design as marketing message of attraction. The object of this research is body slimming product packaging design of Merit and Natural Slimming<br />Suit. The method of this research is qualitative method to explain and analysis the object of research. The semiotic method from Roland Barthes is use to explore the denotative method and connotative method of illustration image in the packaging. The interpretation of sign from the illustration image is related to gender theory. The result of his research<br />is the consumer’s understanding about female exploitation in body slimming product packaging. It is not only caused by female deliberation but only caused by need and demand. Female had shown themselves and entered the top difference era which are materialistic era, hedonistic, secularistic, and in depth individualistic. <br /><div> </div><div> </div><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Visualisasi Perempuan dalam Desain Kemasan Produk Pelangsing Tubuh Merek Merit dan Natural Slimming Suit. Dunia periklanan sedang berkembang pesat membawa pengaruh yang dapat menimbulkan pro dan kontra terhadap suatu iklan di masyarakat. Tujuan khusus pada visualisasi ilustrasi desain kemasan produk pelangsing tubuh adalah<br />untuk memproyeksikan nilai-nilai budaya, etika, dan mengkomunikasikan nilai-nilai kelas konsumen. Konsep gender pada eksploitasi perempuan direpresentasikan dalam desain kemasan sebagai bagian dari daya tarik pesan penjualan. Objek pada penelitian ini adalah kemasan pelangsing tubuh merek Merit dan Natural Sliming Suit. Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk memaparkan dan menganalisis objek penelitian.<br />Metode analisis semiotika dari Roland Barthes digunakan untuk menjelaskan makna denotatif dan konotatif dari gambar ilustrasi pada kemasan. Interpretasi makna tanda yang ada pada gambar ilustrasi dikaitkan dengan kajian teori gender. Hasil dari peneltian ini adalah pemahaman bahwa eksploitasi perempuan dalam pencitraan pada kemasan produk pelangsing tubuh tidak saja karena kerelaan perempuan, namun juga karena kebutuhan. Perempuan dipamerkan dan memamerkan diri dan masuk ke era pembedaan yang paling puncak yaitu era materialistik, hedonistik, sekularistik, dan individualistik<br />yang sangat dalam.<br /><br />

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 235
Elisa Betty Manullang ◽  
Windy Lizasadela

This article aims to clarify the semiotic meaning in Lapo Batak ornaments in Kuala Tanjung, Batubara Regency. The data of this study were taken from the interpretation from Batak Toba people who live in Kuala Tanjung, Batubara Regency is located in North Sumatera Indonesia in interpreting their cultural symbols. In clarifying the data, the writer was conducted by using qualitative method. The result showed the semiotic meaning and how the cultural values were realized in Lapo Batak ornaments. The dates were analysed by using Roland Barthes’ order of signification theory; denotation, connotation, and myth to emphasize the interaction between the sign with the personal cultural experience of the viewers, and the interaction between convention in the sign with the conventions experienced and expected by viewers. The writer found that the interpretations of the personal cultural experience from the viewers were still far from the Batak Toba convention (myth) in interpreting the ornaments.

George Edward TORRENS ◽  
Nicholas Samuel JOHNSON ◽  

Product packaging design is often produced through the practical application of tacit knowledge, rule of thumb and professional connoisseurship. Stakeholders are becoming increasingly demanding that design practitioners provide clarity of reasoning and accountability for their design proposals. Therefore, a better framework for the design of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) is required. This paper proposes a comprehensive taxonomy of ‘design considerations’ to assist the development of low involvement FMCG packaging and aid in rationale communication for design solutions. 302 academic sources were reviewed, inductive content analysis performed to code topics and output validation with academic and industry experts (n=9) through a modified-Delphi card sorting method. The research provides movement towards a comprehensive framework and common dialogue between stakeholders, practitioners and managers to assist in more effectively communicating the value that design can offer to FMCGs. The constructed taxonomy provides a set of 156 ‘design considerations’ to support in objective and informed design decision-making.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 111
Wat Ploysri ◽  
Krairop Charoensopa ◽  
Suppawan Pankohlerng

The aims of the study were: (1) to investigate the needs toward product packaging of the farmer housewife group in Maha Sawat, Nakhon Pathom province, (2) to develop the product packaging design of the farmer housewife group in Maha Sawat, Nakhon Pathom province, and (3) to test the product-packaging market from consumers of the farmer housewife group in Maha Sawat, Nakhon Pathom province. The sample included (1) ten participants for analyzing needs toward the product packaging by employing the focus group discussion and (2) two-hundred consumers for testing product-packaging market by using a questionaire. The findings elucidated that (1) the farmer housewife group and consumers needed the product packaging to have a capacity to extend shelf life of the snack, to keep and reopen next time, as well as to protect the product while packing. Besides, the packaging should have the beautiful and attractive logo which can represent the group’s identity and label which can correctly inform the product description as well as should be compact and portable. (2) The packaging of Thai rice crackers (Kao Tung) made by the farmer housewife group in Maha Sawat had the high level of average assessed by the experts. (3) The market-test result on consumers’ satisfaction towards the farmer housewife group’s product packaging demonstrated the average with 4.38 and the standard deviation with 0.55. The market-test result on consumers’ satisfaction towards the product packaging based on gender and age showed that all aspects were insignificantly different.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 156
Muhammad Noor Hidayat ◽  
Zahrotul Umami ◽  
Muhammad Hasan Bashori

Product design become more important thing for traditional snack producers, especially jajan pasar, which is the term for traditional snack in the Semarang and Central Java Region. The design of packaging and digital advertising is also a supporting tool in marketing of jajan pasar. The development of creativity and product packaging innovation is the key to achieving success for the business being run. Product packaging is a way for consumers to judge a product both in the terms of benefits, aesthetics and quality of the product. The unique product design is an added value in marketing of jajan pasar through digital advertising. Jajan pasar are the potency of Gajahmungkur, but this potential is not supported by packaging design and digital advertising in expanding marketing. Seeing this problem, the communication science lecturer cooperated with Karang Taruna Gajahmungkur to create a public service program about the importance of digital advertising supported by a unique packaging design to increase the marketing of jajan pasar in the Gajahmungkur. Public service activities regarding packaging design and digital advertising are expected to be able to help the people of Gajahmungkur in marketing jajan pasar product so that they can improve the prosperity of Gajahmungkur communities

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Markus Deli Girik Allo ◽  
Nilma Taula’bi ◽  
Elim Trika Sudarsih ◽  
Eka Prabawati Rum

The purpose of this study was to investigate the cultural values in the ritual of Bulangan Londong Sembangan Suke Barata as part of the Toraja indigenous people life. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. Meanwhile, the respondents involved in this study include culturist, linguists, and the Toraja community. The research instruments used in this study were document files, interviews with the subjects, and observations using a video recorder that recorded the ritual process of Bulangan Londong Sembangan Suke Barata. The data analysis technique in this study includes three main steps, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the cultural values contained in the rituals of the Bulang Londong Sembangan Suke Barata were 'Manuk' which symbolized the value of the work ethic, 'Ussembang Suke Barata' which represented the religious value of bamboo slashed by 'Mina', and 'Kayunan Londong' which personifies the leader's patriotic value.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki nilai-nilai budaya dari ritual bulangan londong sembangan suke barata dari masyarakat adat Toraja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Responden penelitian ini adalah budayawan, ahli bahasa, dan komunitas Toraja. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah file dokumen, wawancara dengan subjek, dan pengamatan dengan menggunakan perekam video pada ritual bulangan londong sembangan suke barata. Teknik analisis data mencakup tiga langkah utama, pengurangan data, presentasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai budaya yang terkandung dalam ritual bulangan londong sembangan suke barata adalah manuk yang melambangkan nilai etos kerja, ussembang suke barata yang mewakili nilai religius bambu yang ditebas oleh mina, dan kayunan londong sebagai personifikasi nilai patriotik pemimpin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-31

Marketing strategy is very important for a company, both small and large companies, especially when they want to develop the company and increase the number of consumers, as well as companies owned by PP. Riyadlul Jannah Pacet Mojokerto, there are many businesses owned by PP. Riyadlul Jannah Pacet Mojokerto includes the Meriah Kitchen Restaurant, M2M ,. Agri Bisnis, Rijan Mart, Franchese, Grilled Chicken Wong Solo, Shake Noodle Mang Uci Bandung, Quick Chicken, Organic Vegetable Mayur, Giant Super Market, Hero Super Market, Chicken Slaughterhouse, Rijan Mineral Water. The research method used is a qualitative method which includes data sources both primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, documentation, data analysis techniques namely editing and organizing, checking the validity of the data, and the research stage. All of this researchers use to find research results. Exposure data which contains an overview of the object of research and data obtained from interviews and other documents related to marketing, then a discussion contains the strategic strategies used to market the product and the constraints and solutions. The conclusion of this discussion is that the strategy used is a strategy to promote promotion through advertising, 5S services, 4M services (Cheap, Easy, Steady, Moment), and giving free, then product packaging which includes determining or selecting brend and expanding product selection. However, all of this is in accordance with sharia economic values, namely the absence of trickery, absence of gharar, and benefiting both parties.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Sharavina Delani

Literary works, such as novel, usually comes from the writer’s feeling; it could be the feeling of love, frustrations, angers, satisfactions, disappointments, satire, and many other feelings towards an individual, social, organizations, even the government. A novel could also be some kind of warning towards the readers so that they could be cautious if there are any similar events happen in their real life. The main objective of this research explains the American manipulative leadership and the American cultural values seen in Ender’s Game and to analyze the effect of American Manipulative Leadership towards its Subordinate shows by Ender’s Game. The researcher uses the qualitative method to analyze the primary data and the supporting data using content analysis to interpret the images, symbols, and words.    This undergraduate thesis concludes two major points. Firstly, American manipulative leadership uses two values; which are risk-taking and the future, change, and progress and forgotten two other values, directness/openness/honesty and freedom of American Cultural values. Secondly, American manipulative leaderships also affect the subordinate psychological condition. And novel can also be called as a popular culture due to its enormous achievement and its consumption by the mass.

2019 ◽  
pp. 35-56
Arthur P. Urbano

In his exegesis of the Transfiguration account in the Commentary on Matthew, Origen of Alexandria presents Jesus’s transfigured robes as a medium of revelation: to the disciples who witnessed the event and to the Christian interpreter. By contemplating Jesus’s garments, the latter will discover revealed knowledge on the nature of Christ and of the scriptures. This chapter examines Origen’s exegesis through the lens of what Roland Barthes called “written-clothing,” an infusion of garments with definitive value through descriptions and associations that make them signifiers of cultural values. Utilizing a “poetics of clothing” that highlights the color and fabric of Jesus’s robes while associating them with significant temporal, spatial, and historical markers rooted in Scripture and philosophy, Origen enhances the textual spectacle of Jesus’s garments. Moreover he constructs a cognitive model of written-clothing that at once verbalizes Jesus’s garments and “garmentizes” the Scriptures. In the end Origen creates an understanding of Jesus’s robes that transports the reader into contemplation of the incarnate Christ.

I Wayan Suteja ◽  
I Wayan Ardika ◽  
Ida Bagus Gde Pujaastawa

This study discusses the commodification of local wisdom in health sector as the attraction of wellness tourism in Ubud Tourism Area. This research addresses the problem about the forms of commodification of local wisdom in health sector as an attraction of wellness tourism in Ubud Tourism Area. The method used to analyse the data is descriptive qualitative method with qualitative data. Types of data used are primary and secondary data with data collection techniques such as in-depth interviews, observations, documentations and literature studies. Based on the results of this study it can be explained that the development of commodification of local wisdom in health sector as a health tourism attraction in the Ubud Tourism Area occurs in the form of commercialisation, profanisasi and modernisation. Commercialisation is identified in the form of place arrangement, product packaging and marketing. Then the profanisation occurs causes the decline in the sacred value of local wisdom into economic-oriented activities. Modernisation also has changed the local wisdom into modernised products.

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