Acerola – tropikalny owoc z ogromną dawką witaminy C

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (2A) ◽  
Jacek Majewski ◽  
Michał Orylski ◽  
Aleksander Całkosiński ◽  
Maciej Majewski

Acerola is a tropical fruit which contains extremely high amounts of vitamin C. Thanks to that, it is used to produce concentrates of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is also proven to have impact on human immune system. Additionally, it is a good source of carotene, vitamin A, anthocyanins and other nutrients. Several studies were carried out to establish acerola impact on the metabolism. Among mice it decreased the after-meal glucose level and HbA1c but had no effect on insulin resistance. Another study shows that acerola can contribute to reducing obesity and inflammation thanks to increasing IL-10/TNF ratio. Also, it may lead to decrease the risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease thanks to having strong antioxidant activity. Mice given acerola had decreased level of fatigue and could withstand longer periods of activity compared to control group. All those features of acerola are available if it is processed shortly after being collected and is not exposed to heat.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-47
Liliia Mogylnytska

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in diabetes mellitus. Endothelial dysfunction is the first step in the development of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, which underlies cardiovascular pathology, and adhesion molecules secreted by the endothelium during inflammatory changes are involved in the progression of this lesion. The objective: the serum level of adhesive molecules (ІCAM-1, VCAM-1, Е-selectin) in hypertensive and non-hypertensive type 2 diabetes patients as a marker of endothelial dysfunction and its relationship with other risk factors for cardiovascular disease was studied. Materials and methods. We examined 64 patients with type 2 diabetes, which were divided into two subgroups: the first subgroup – 41 hypertensive type 2 diabetes patients (age – 53,56±7,14 years, BMI – 32,2±87,4; HbA1c – 9,97±2,02%), the second subgroup – 23 nonhypertensive type 2 diabetes patients (age – 50,5±4,92 years, BMI – 25,4±5,22; HbA1c – 9,09±1,95%). The control group included 18 people without diabetes with normal blood pressure (age – 50,72±6,98 years, BMI – 24,71±4,88; HbA1c – 5,26±0,42%). The serum level was determined by immunoenzyme assay. The significance of the difference between the mean values was determined by the t-Student test. Multifactor regression analysis was used to assess the relationships between the studied factors. Results. We revealed an increase of serum levels of ІCAM-1, VCAM-1, Е-selectin in hypertensive (+71,62%, +68,42%, +66,95%, respectively) and non-hypertensive type 2 diabetes patients (+46,17%, +62,79%, +42,85%, respectively) compared with the control group (p<0,01). The serum concentration of ІCAM-1, Е-selectin was higher in hypertensive type 2 diabetes patients compared to non-hypertensive type 2 diabetes patients (+17,27%, +16,86%, respectively, p<0,01). There was a significant effect of Hb1Ac, lipids, insulin resistance on the serum level of ІCAM-1, VCAM-1, Е-selectin (p<0,01). The corresponding regression equations are derived. Conclusion. There is an increase of serum level of ІCAM-1, VCAM-1, Е-selectin in hypertensive and non-hypertensive type 2 diabetes patients, which indicates the development of endothelial dysfunction. Hypertension, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance contribute to the development of these changes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Ummi Kalsum ◽  
Indria Hafizah ◽  
Pranita Aritrina ◽  
Sulastrianah Sulastrianah

Background: Sand shell (Semele cordiformis) is commonly found in South East Sulawesi marine area. This species traditionally used for treatment of several disease. Nevertheless, there is less publication about bioactivity of S. cordiformis as asource of drugs. Purpose: The aims of this research is to determine the activity of protein hydrolysate of S. cordiformis as an antioxidant. Methods: This research was conducted by pre-experimetal study with post test only control group design. Antioxidant activity was measure by DPPH method and spectrophotometry. The sample was hydrolyzed by using papain enzyme. The sample was made in to concentration 200 ppm, 400 ppm, 600 ppm, 800 ppm, and 1000 ppm and vitamin C was used as positive control. The IC50 was used to measure antioxidant activity. Results: Concentration of 200 ppm showed 36,68% of inhibition percentage, 400 ppm showed 47,69%, 600 ppm showed 60,19%, 800 ppm showed 65,63%, and 1000 ppm showed 72,69 %. The IC50 value of was obtained for 453,777 ppm. Conclusion: The protein hydrolysate of S. cordiformis have an antioxidant activity and the hydrolisat concentration is directly proportional with inhibition activity.Keyword: antioxidant, protein hydrolysate, Semele cordiformis ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Kerang pasir atau Semele ccordiformis merupakan jenis kerang yang banyak ditemukan di perairan Sulawesi Tenggara. Kerang ini merupakah salah satu jenis kerang yang telah dimanfaatkan secara turun-temurun oleh masyarakat lokal untuk pengobatan. Meskipun demikian, belum ditemukan publikasi ilmiah mengenai bioaktifitas S. ccordiformis dalam bidang kesehatan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktifitas antioksidan hidrolisat protein S. cordiformis. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain pra-eksperimental dengan pendekatan post-test only control group. Uji aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH dengan prinsip spektrofotometri. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah S. cordiformis yang diperoleh dari perairan Pulau Bokori, Kabupaten Konawe, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yang kemudian dihidrolisis menggunakan enzim papain. Sampel dibuat menjadi beberapa konsentrasi yaitu 200 ppm, 400 ppm, 600 ppm, 800 ppm, and 1000 ppm dan vitamin C digunakan sebagai kontrol positif. Nilai IC50 digunakan untuk mengetahui aktifitas antioksidan. Hasil: Konsentrasi 200 ppm menghasilkan persen inhibisi sebesar 36,68%, 400 ppm sebesar 47,69%, 600 ppm sebesar 60,19%, 800 ppm sebesar 65,63%, dan 1000 ppm sebesar 72,69 %. Nilai IC50 yang diperoleh adalah 453,777 ppm. Simpulan: hidrolisat protein S. cordiformis memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dengan konsentrasi hidrolisat berbanding lurus terhadap aktifitas inhibisi.Kata Kunci: antioksidan, hidrolisat protein, Semele cordiformis

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Ziyu Ren ◽  
Yunting Wang ◽  
Qing Chen ◽  
Jiangchuan Long ◽  
Rui Zhang ◽  

ObjectiveAdult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) is a rare chronic inflammatory disease caused by damage to the pituitary gland and is accompanied by disorders of multiple metabolic pathways. By examining the correlation between the serum mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) levels of AGHD patients and those of normal controls, we hope to elucidate the close relationship among MANF, lipid metabolism and insulin resistance in AGHD and discuss the potential therapeutic value of MANF.MethodsThis study included 101 AGHD patients and 100 healthy subjects matched for sex, age, height, and weight. Anthropometric parameters and biochemical indicators such as body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, serum MANF level, blood lipids and insulin level were measured. The above patients were also divided into several subgroups for correlation analysis based on indicators such as insulin resistance and BMI.ResultsThe serum circulating MANF content of AGHD patients was significantly lower than that of the normal control group (5.235 (0.507-17.62) ng/ml (n=101) vs. 10.30 (1.84-16.65) ng/ml (n=100); p&lt;0.0001), and circulating MANF levels were linearly correlated with HOMA-IR in the AGHD population (R=0.481, P=0.0041). When MANF was at pathological concentrations (lower than the mean circulating MANF of normal controls), the lowest concentration tertile (OR=21.429 p&lt;0.0001) had a significantly higher disease odds ratio, Framingham risk score and 10-year risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease than the highest concentration tertile.ConclusionsMANF has a significant correlation with insulin resistance in the AGHD state. There is a strong correlation with abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism in the obese AGHD population. MANF is also a good assessment factor for the risk of cardiovascular disease in AGHD patients and has excellent therapeutic potential.

2011 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 241-248 ◽  
P. Navarro ◽  
A.J. Pérez-López ◽  
M.T. Mercader ◽  
A.A. Carbonell-Barrachina ◽  
J.A. Gabaldon

The effects of organic farming on antioxidant activity, CIE L*a*b* color, carotenoids composition, minerals contents, vitamin C and sensory quality of Orogrande mandarin juices were studied. Independent of the farming type, mandarin juices can be considered as good source of some important nutrients, such as potassium and antioxidant chemicals, for example, β-cryptoxanthin. Organic farming of mandarins resulted in juices with higher antioxidant activity, total carotenoids concentrations, minerals (Ca, K and Fe) contents, vitamin C content, more appealing and intense orange color and better sensory quality. For instance, organic Orogrande juice contained significantly (p < 0.001) higher total carotenoids content (22.7 ± 0.3 mg/L) than conventional juice (15.7 ± 0.4 mg/L); a similar pattern was observed for the antioxidant activity, with values being 0.076±0.004 and 0.053 ± 0.003 mM Trolox m/L in organic and convectional juices, respectively. A trained panel stated that organic Orogrande juices had higher intensities of orange color, fresh mandarin and floral aromas than conventional juices.

2008 ◽  
Vol 27 (9) ◽  
pp. 671-680 ◽  
E Corsini ◽  
J Liesivuori ◽  
T Vergieva ◽  
H Van Loveren ◽  
C Colosio

Epidemiological evidence from Western countries indicates that the prevalence of diseases associated with alterations in the immune response, such as asthma, certain autoimmune diseases and cancer, are increasing to such an extent that it cannot be attributed to improved diagnostics alone. There is some concern that this trend could be, at least, partially attributable to new or modified patterns of exposures to chemicals, including pesticides. The purpose of this article is to review the evidence on pesticide immunotoxicity in humans. Overall, the available data are inadequate to draw firm conclusions on the immunotoxic risk associated with pesticide exposure. The available studies on the effects of pesticides on the human immune system have several limitations, including limited data on exposure levels, heterogeneity of the applied methods, and difficulties in assessing the prognostic significance of observed slight changes and in the interpretation of the reported findings. Further studies are needed and preferably as prospective studies, comparing pre- and post-exposure data in the same group of subjects and including an appropriate non-exposed control group. More knowledge is required regarding the prognostic significance of the small changes observed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-69
Kijambu John Baptist ◽  
D. N. Utami ◽  
Bambang Subali ◽  
S. Aloysius

This study was aimed at determining and comparing the effectiveness of project-based learning and 5E learning cycle instructional models in improving the acquisition of new biological knowledge related to the human immune system. This quasi experiment study with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design was conducted in SMAN 1 and SMAN 8 Yogyakarta, Indonesia during the academic year 2018/2019. A cluster sampling technique was used to select 3 eleventh grade classes of natural science from each school. The criterion referenced essay test was used to measure the students’ learning achievements and the data collected were analyzed using SPSS version 23. The results show that both PjBL and 5E learning instructional models were effective to improve the students’ ability to acquire new biological knowledge related to the human immune system. PjBL model was more effective than 5E learning cycle model in improving the students’ ability to acquire new biological knowledge related to the human immune system.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (13) ◽  
pp. 50
Siti Nur Aqilah Abdul Malek ◽  
Hasnah Haron ◽  
Wan Aida Wan Mustafa ◽  
Suzana Shahar

This study was carried out on the TP 3 in 1TM juice formulation, which consisted of pomegranate concentrate with guava and roselle extract. This study aimed to determine its physicochemical properties, proximate content, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, total sugar, vitamin C and several targeted polyphenol compounds. Total phenol content was determined using Folin-Ciocalteu method while antioxidant activity was determined using DPPH and ABTS methods. The results showed pH and total soluble solid values of the juice were 3.69 and 8.1 °Brix, respectively. The juice has brightness colour of L = 33.25, a = 3.16 and b = -4.63. Every 100 ml juice contained 10.92 g total sugar, 4 mg vitamin C and 0.44% titratable citric acid. Proximate analyses showed TP 3 in 1TM juice contained 89.38% moisture, 0.15% total ash, 0.16% protein, 0% fat and 10.31% total carbohydrates. The juice was low in calories (42 kcal/100 ml) and contained total phenolic (609 mg GAE/100 ml) and total monomeric anthocyanin (12.94 mg C3G/100 ml). Antioxidant value obtained through DPPH and ABTS test methods were 88.90% and 472.44 µM TE/ml, respectively. Eight selected individual polyphenol compounds ranged from 0.13-633.73 mg/100 ml have been identified. TP 3 in 1TM juice consisting three different tropical fruits can be considered of having high phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Consumption of mixed tropical juices with various polyphenol compositions will protect human body from several diseases attributed to the reactions of free radicals.

2006 ◽  
pp. 171-178 ◽  
Vesna Tumbas ◽  
Sladjana Savatovic ◽  
Sonja Djilas ◽  
Jasna Canadanovic-Brunet ◽  
Gordana Cetkovic

The influence of extracts of cranbeny fruit and mixed tea (containing 40% cranberry) on stable 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals has been investigated by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. All investigated extracts possess very high antioxidant activity, which increased dose-dependently at mass concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 3.5 mg/ml. The high contents of phenolic s (3.60-4.52 mg/g), anthocyanins (0.23-1.52 mg/g), flavan-3-ols (1.25-3.05 mg/g) and vitamin C (0.07-0.15 mg/g) in investigated extracts indicated that these compounds significantly contributed to the antioxidant activity. All these results show that the extracts of cranberry fruit and mixed tea can be used as easily accessible source of natural antioxidants and as a possible food supplement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Maria Eka Patri Yuliati ◽  
I Gusti Made Aman ◽  
Ni Nyoman Ayu Dewi

Introduction: Paraquat exposure causes aging because it induces oxidative stress marked by decreased level of SOD and increased MDA serum level. Macassar fruit contains bioactive compounds such as vitamin C, flavonoids, tannins and polyphenol that have antioxidant activity. The purpose of this study was to prove that Macassar fruit extract increased the level of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) enzyme and reduce the level of Malodialdehid (MDA) in male Swiss Webster mice treated by paraquat. Methods: A randomized pretest-posttest control group study was conducted using 14 male mice which were 2-3 months old, healthy and had 25-30 gram in weight. They divided into 2 groups namely P0 (control) and P1 (Treatment). Both groups were treated by paraquat but only group P1 received 20 mg Macassar fruit extract while the P0 only got 1 cc placebo for 14 days. Results: Our result showed that the level of SOD was increased in P1 group from 17.18±1.69 U/ml to 67.56±3.65 U/ml (p<0.01) while no change was observed in P0 group 16.97 ±1.45U/ml to 17.07±1.89 U/ml (p>0.05). However, no effect on MDA level was observed as the level of MDA tended to slightly decrease in both groups. Conclusion: It can be concluded that Macassar fruit extract 20 mg/kgBB significantly increased the level of SOD whilehave no effect on MDA level in male mice Swiss Webster treated by paraquat.

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