scholarly journals Color in visual representations of COVID-19 pandemic: content analysis of publications in the Russian-language digital mass media

2020 ◽  
pp. 79-93
Yulia Alexandrovna Griber ◽  
Elena Evgenjevna Suchova

The goal of this article consists in presenting the results on analysis of visual representations of COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian-language digital mass media from the perspective of the functions of color, its correlation with the theme, frequency of dominant shade of images and its dynamics. Publications in the digital mass media for the period from February to May 2020 related to topic of Coronavirus became the material for this research. The time framework captured the period of 100 days, since January 31, when the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in Russia. The author applied multi-stage cluster strategy; the material was sorted into clusters using the search function by the dominant color of Google. The search was conducted by 12 key colors: 9 chromatic (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue, purple, pink, and brown), and 3 achromatic (white, grey, and black). For each main color, the research database included first 100 articles. The study was carried out using the method of content analysis. Statistical analysis demonstrated that color of the image correlates with the theme of information text, given overall assessment of the situation and its development prospects. The dominant form of visual representation of COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian-language mass media is depiction of the source of coronavirus infection, which presented in the online publications in all main colors, except two achromatic – white and grey. The dynamics of color representation of coronavirus is associated with the important events for development of the situation. Coincidence and changeability of the color image of coronavirus reflects high level of social anxiety, which is supported and aggravated by publication on the uncertain nature of the virus and course of the disease caused by it. The author sees solution of the problem in reserving the grey color common to the visual image of coronavirus. In this case, the color would correspond with the scientific reality (since there is no color without the light), and the image of coronavirus, purified from the aggressive color, would become less threatening and virulent.

N. Basko

The article discusses the changes in communication that have occurred in the Russian speech etiquette, on the example of etiquette forms of greeting. Speech etiquette is the most important element of a communicative act. Compliance with the rules of speech etiquette largely ensures success in solving communicative problems. Based on the analysis of lexicographical sources and materials of modern Russian mass media, a shift in the use of greeting forms is noted. It is expressed in the transfer of old forms of greeting to a passive stock and the emergence and active use of new forms of greeting The author concludes that the dynamics of changes in speech forms of greeting reflects the general trends in the development of the Russian language at the present stage, such as a) the active neologization; b) the influence of the English language; c) the impact of computer technology on the language.

2019 ◽  
pp. 46-48
Olga Anatolevna Dychinskaia ◽  
Natalia Aleksandrovna Segal

This article discusses set expressions with a component-toponym used in media texts of sports topics. The source for the analysis was the mass-media Russian-language text on sports taken from the National Corps of the Russian Language.

С.Ю. Дубровина

В современных русских говорах, несмотря на воздействие на них норм литературного языка, межкультурную контактность и деформацию в результате воздействия средств массовой информации, постепенное исчезновение диалектов в условиях цивилизации медиа, сохраняется лексическое ядро, в котором особое место занимает лексика нравственно-религиозной сферы. Наличие этого лексического пласта выделяет русский язык среди других в отношении аксиологической акцентированности земного и небесного. В настоящей статье обобщены наблюдения автора, касающиеся состава, семантики, сложения лексических гнезд, составляющих макрополе народного православия, формальной стороны словопроизводства единиц соответствующей лексики на общерусском фоне с привлечением материала, собранного автором статьи в Тамбовской области. Выделены разновидности структурных типов номинаций, определены особенности и приоритеты словообразовательной креативности. Для достижения целей исследования применялись методы сопоставительного, лексического, словообразовательного, компонентного анализа. Despite the influence exerted on them by the literary norms of the Russian language, despite the intercultural contacts promoted by mass media, and despite gradual annihilation of dialects provoked by media-propelled civilization, modern Russian dialects preserve their pivotal lexemes which are mostly related to the sphere of morality and religion. This lexical stratum, the axiological significance of the celestial and the earthly realms, distinguishes the Russian language from other languages. The present article summarizes the author’s ideas related to word formation, to the composition and semantics of lexical clusters of the macrofield of public orthodoxy. The analysis involves the material collected by the author in the Tambov Region. It singles out structural types of nominations, defines the peculiarities and priorities of creative word-formation. To achieve the aim of the research, the author employs such methods as comparative analysis, lexical analysis, word-formation analysis, and componential analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 383-400
Galina A. Kopnina ◽  
Natalya N. Koshkarova ◽  
Alexander P. Skovorodnikov

The paper deals with the urgent and topical issue of political linguistics - the influence of information and psychological warfare on the Russian language. The aim of the paper is to describe the most frequent novices in the modern Russian language and speech which occur due to the domestic information and psychological warfare. The research was carried out on the basis of the mass-media texts, the traditional linguistic research methods were used (analysis and description, contextual and axiological analysis, etc.). As the result of the analysis the authors singled out both new and traditional words and word combinations which simultaneously serve as the weapon and the result of information and psychological warfare. Two groups of language (speech) means were defined: specialized (which perform the relevant evaluative function - either positive or negative) and non-specialized (which change the function depending on the context, the semantic ambivalent words and word combinations). The specialized means include pejorative words and word combinations: political labels, invectives, terribilitisms (bogey-words), delusions (trap-words), negatively connotative words, and euphemisms. Ameliorative means are not characteristic of information and psychological warfare, though words and word combinations are widely used which denote national concepts being the subject of information rivalry. Neutral language means in information and psychological warfare in the Russian language include terms and terminoids, naming various types of rivalries and technologies constituting them. The results obtained contribute to the development of the information and psychological warfare linguistics. Research perspectives encompass the refinement of some points and the analysis of information and psychological warfare language consequences in the light of linguistic ecology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
pp. 123-140
O. D. Parshina ◽  
E. P. Ivanyan

The article presents the results of a study of value meanings of the province phenomenon in the discursive environment of the Russian mass media at the beginning of the 21st century. The basic semantics of the Russian lexeme provintsiya is described based on the data of the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. The analysis is made of adjectival and verbal combinations selected by a continuous sampling method from the materials of the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The categories based on which the value semantics of the province in time and space are identified are defined. In accordance with the established categories, the selected adjectival and predicative combinations were distributed, and their estimation scaling was performed in relation to positive and negative evaluation. It is established that at the beginning of the 21st century the texts of mass media record changes in the value layer of ideas about the province in the language consciousness of modern Russian speakers. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the axiological component of the lexeme provintsiya, a decrease in negative ratings was recorded with a simultaneous increase in positive ratings since 2006 for adjectival combinations and since 2004 for predicative ones. Dynamic changes in the evaluative meanings accompanying the word provintsiya in the media discourse can be considered as a reflection of the changing role and status of the province in the socio-cultural space of Russia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 512-527
Sergey A. Belov ◽  
Nikolay M. Kropachev ◽  

The article represents the results of a survey among mass-media contributors (journalists, editors, content-managers) on their assumptions about compulsory requirements to use the national language in mass-media, inter alia — what legal limitations are established for this, which sources are used for the norms of the Russian language, those necessary to follow, and if mass-media contributors are specially trained on these norms in editorials offices. The survey showed that only a quarter of respondents knew about the compulsory rule to follow the norms of contemporary standard (literary) Russian in spheres where the national language (including mass-media) is used, and only 6% knew about the necessity to adhere to the official norms. A comparable number of respondents knew the sources for these norms. This leads to the conclusion that requirements to follow the norms of contemporary standard language established by legislation on national language are not effective. The widespread use of the Internet, primarily the site, articulately indicates the need to update the source of official norms of contemporary standard Russian language for its use as the national language. This source should be electronic and freely accessible, uniting different dictionaries and reference books, in order to provide comprehensive information on the norms for using acertain word in a particular language situation. More than 50% of respondents knew about the existence of mechanisms of state control over compliance with the requirements of language legislation, but they were not familiar with the actual requirements of this legislation. Editorial offices of media organizations do not pay due attention to this question.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Volodymyr Vakulych ◽  
Igor Sharov

Abstract The article deals with some peculiarities of highlighting sociopolitical events in Ukraine in autumn 2013 and in winter 2014 by some leading Ukrainian and Russian printed mass media and their personal attitude concerning the course of these events. Sociopolitical situation that was created in Ukraine at the end of 2013 proved that sizable gap between the public and power holders’ conscience, progress and regression. The discrepancies in the future vision of geopolitical location of Ukraine led to the mass protests that started in November 2013. The events that took place in the night from 29th to 30th of November and during January - February 2014 made the front page of all mass media, both Ukrainian and foreign, and those of the Russian Federation in particular. Great attention to highlighting the Ukrainian events during autumn 2013 and winter 2014 was paid by the journalists of the leading media, such as P. Beba, K. Matsehora, Y. Medunitsia, V. Protsyshyn – reporters of the central Executive body newspaper “Uriadovyi Kurier” (translated as “the governmental messenger”); O. Kucheriava, S. Lavreniuk – the newspaper of Verkhovna Rada “Holos Ukrainy” (translated as “the voice of Ukraine”); E. tor of Haladzhyi, D. Deriy, O. Dubovyk – the Ukrainian Russian-language newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda v Ukraini” (translated as “the komsomol truth in Ukraine”); P. Dulman, E. Hrushyn – the Russian language newspaper “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (translated as “the Russian gazette”); A. Zakharova – the Ukrainian Russian-language newspaper “Segodnia” (translated as “today”). At the same time the events related to the sociopolitical protests that were covered in all mass media had some tonal marking: positive to the authority, negative to the authority, negative to the opposition, reserved to the opposition, negative to MIA (Ministry of Internal Affairs), positive to MIA, negative and positive to the participants of the mass protests, neutral, etc.

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
Dorota Pazio-Wlazłowska

Memory of the New Martyrs of Butovo in Journalistic DiscourseThis article attempts to define the place of the New Martyrs of Butovo on the Russian map of memory. Basing on the assumption that memory is linguistic in nature, the author analyses texts excerpted from the Russian-language Internet (the Runet) and high-circulation press. She notes that the memorialisation of the New Martyrs of Butovo is founded on the premise of shattered memory, its mandated abandonment at the very moment of the event. The analysis of the excerpted material indicates that the memory of the New Martyrs transcends the boundaries of the private and is socially constructed. The author argues that the image of the Butovo Martyrs presented by the mass media serves the purpose of social consolidation and fosters the search for identity-defining ideas. Pamięć o nowych męczennikach z Butowa w dyskursie publicystycznymW artykule podjęto próbę określenia miejsca zajmowanego przez nowych męczenników z Butowa na rosyjskiej mapie pamięci. Odwołując się do tezy o ujęzykowieniu pamięci, autorka jako podstawę analizy przyjmuje teksty wyekscerpowane z runetu i wysokonakładowej prasy. Zauważa, że u podstaw memoryzacji nowych męczenników z Butowa leży teza o zdruzgotaniu pamięci, jej odgórnym zaniechaniu w chwili zaistnienia zdarzenia. Analiza wyekscerpowanych materiałów wskazuje na przekraczanie przez pamięć o nowych męczennikach granic prywatności i konstruowanie jej w wymiarze społecznym. Autorka dowodzi, że przedstawiany przez środki masowego przekazu obraz męczenników z Butowa służy konsolidacji społecznej, sprzyjając poszukiwaniu idei definiujących tożsamość.

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