scholarly journals About Closed Morphological Structures

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-326
I. A. Kanakin

The article deals with the analysis of ‘closed’ morphological systems, containing oppositional and contrastive elements. The category of case in the Slavic languages represents the systems of this kind. An attempt is made to shed light on the meaning of the case category in the Russian language. We argue that neither its semantic nor syntactic explanation are taken as being the only criterion of truth. The formal analysis of this category reveals that there is no relationship of noun case forms and that the structuring of pronoun and noun paradigms is different. Case government through prepositions, widely spread in many languages, also fails to explain case distinctions either from only semantic or syntactic perspective. The distribution of words into parts of speech in various languages still remains the only undoubted and common function for all inflectional case paradigms. We view ‘closed’ derivational and inflectional morphological systems as a fundamental condition in this respect; the character of there structure is of little importance; however, formal and unambiguous description can only be applied to the rigidly structured systems.

Yabing Zhang

This article is devoted to the problem of using Russian time-prepositions by foreigners, especially by the Chinese. An analysis of modern literature allows the author to identify the main areas of the work aimed at foreign students’ development of the skills and abilities to correctly build the prepositional combinations and continuously improve the communication skills by means of the Russian language. In this paper, the time-prepositions in the Russian language have been analyzed in detail; some examples of polysemantic use of prepositions, their semantic and stylistic shades alongside with possible errors made by foreign students are presented. The results of the study are to help in developing a system of teaching Russian time-prepositions to a foreign language audience, taking into account their native language, on the basis of the systemic and functional, communicative and activity-centred basis. The role of Russian time-prepositions in constructing word combinations has been identified; the need for foreign students’ close attention to this secondary part of speech has been specified. It has been stated that prepositions are the most dynamic and open type of secondary language units within the quantitative and qualitative composition of which regular changes take place. The research substantiates the need that students should be aware of the function of time-preposition in speech; they are to get acquainted with the main time-prepositions and their meanings, to distinguish prepositions and other homonymous parts of speech as well as to learn stylistic shades of time-prepositions. Some recommendations related to the means of mastering time-prepositions have been given: to target speakers to assimilate modern literary norms and, therefore, to teach them how to choose and use them correctly by means of linguistic keys that are intended to fill the word with true meaning, to give it an organic structure, an inherent form and an easy combinability in the texts and oral speech.

З.И. Годизова ◽  
Д.В. Габисова

Актуальность предпринятого исследования обусловлена тем, что причастие в современном осетинском языке не привлекало активного внимания ученых, имеются лишь общие описания причастий, а специальные исследования, посвященные причастиям, практически отсутствуют. Представляется интересным и актуальным сравнение системы причастий и их грамматических особенностей в осетинском и русском языках. Этот интерес обусловлен принадлежностью сопоставляемых языков к общей индоевропейской семье языков, а также тесным их взаимодействием в условиях двуязычия, что, очевидно, может отразиться и на системе причастий. Научная новизна данной статьи заключается в том, что в ней исследуются грамматические особенности всех разрядов причастий в осетинском языке в сопоставлении с русским языком. На основании проведенного анализа установлено, что в современном осетинском языке система причастий включает пять разрядов, разнообразных в своих грамматических проявлениях, в степени регулярности, в склонности переходить в состав других частей речи. Выявлены наиболее значительные отличия осетинских причастий от русских: существование причастий будущего времени в системе осетинского языка, отсутствие у причастий показателей времени и залога, а также именных грамматических категорий (падежа, числа, рода). Установлено также, что в осетинском языке категория вида в большей степени управляет категорией времени, в силу чего несовершенный вид причастий предполагает только настоящее время, а совершенный только прошедшее отсутствует четкая залоговая оппозиция причастий в осетинском языке. Определено также, что осетинские причастия не имеют членных (полных) форм, но функционируют в роли и сказуемого, и определения, хотя в большей степени тяготеют к предикативной роли. В осетинском языке причастия гораздо менее употребительны сравнительно с причастиями в русском языке и чаще вступают в отношения грамматической омонимии с другими частями речи. The relevance of the undertaken study is determined by the fact that participles in the modern Ossetian language are still insufficiently studied. There are only the most general descriptions of grammar features of participles. The comparison of the system of participles and their grammar features seems interesting and actual, especially considering the fact that the Ossetian and Russian languages belong to different groups of the Indo-European language family. Furthermore, in the context of bilingualism the Russian and Ossetian languages interact actively and that can affect the system of participles. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the fact that it examines the grammatical features of all categories of participles in the Ossetian language in comparison with the Russian language. The conducted research allowed to elicit five categories in the system of participles in the modern Ossetian language. The analysis of the results showed the participles are diverse in their grammatical characteristics, in the degree of regularity, and in the tendency to transition into other parts of speech. The research defined the most significant differences between Ossetian and Russian participles: existence of future participles in the system of the Ossetian language absence of adjectival grammar categories of gender, number and case as well as formal markers of tense and voice in Ossetian participles. The tense category in Ossetian subordinates to the aspect category to a far greater extent therefore the imperfective aspect of participles accepts the present tense forms only, while perfective acts in the past tense forms Ossetian participles lack explicit voice opposition. Ossetian participles do not have full forms, but they can have syntactic functions of both the predicate and the attribute in a sentence, although the predicative function is more typical for them. Participles in the Ossetian language are much less common compared to participles in Russian and are more disposed to conversion (transition to the category of nouns, verbal adverbs, adjectives, words of the state category).

Tatyana Leontyeva

The article discusses the changes in collocability of the word friend over time. It notes that the works by A.S. Pushkin contain the forms, unexpected for the perception of the native speakers of the modern Russian language: blood friends, direct friend, peaceful friends. The analysis of the specified attributive combinations is carried out applying definitional, contextual, linguocultural analysis methods. The text material from the National Corpus of the Russian language is used. It is proved that the expression "blood friends" could denote "people connected by strong friendship" and "people of the same class". Physical kinship criterion has been proved to serve as a basis for cognitive understanding of spiritual intimacy and social class identification. However, the connection between primary and secondary semantics is not so direct here; it is mediated by the cultural layer – the custom of twinning, a form of artificial relationship noted among many peoples. Most examples of the usage of the phrase "direct friend" mean 'express your opinion to someone honestly, directly'. The expression "peaceful friends" is interpreted as based on a doubling of the meaning 'in a relationship of agreement'. The research results can be used in compiling dictionaries of the Russian language, and also in teaching linguistic disciplines.

Ольга Вячеславовна Орлова ◽  
Юаньин Ван

Введение. Изучены ксенонимы-интерпретативы в сетевом дискурсе русскоязычной диаспоры Китая как репрезентанте русской лингвокультуры, ориентированной в область китайской культуры. Ксенонимы-интерпретативы имеют полноценные лексические соответствия в языке-реципиенте, не отмечены этнокультурной маркированностью в матричном языке и служат восприятию, пониманию и интерпретации иностранной языковой и социокультурной реальности диаспоральным сообществом. Цель. На основе рассмотрения одного из наиболее распространенных в изучаемом дискурсе китаизмов – ксенонима мафань – проследить механизмы лингводискурсивной адаптации, а также особенности функционирования ксенонима-интерпретатива в публичной интернет-коммуникации русскоязычного сообщества Китая. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили более 500 текстов сетевой коммуникации русскоязычной диаспоры Китая, включающие ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань. Вместе с методологическим инструментарием интерлингвокультурологии, теории заимствования и лексической семантики используются приемы контекстологического и дискурс-анализа, а также корпусной и квантитативной лингвистики. Результаты и обсуждение. Ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань при вхождении в сетевой диаспоральный дискурс и адаптации в нем, в том числе графической, претерпевает значительные семантические, деривационные, стилистические, морфолого-синтаксические трансформации, демонстрируя на всех этих уровнях крайне высокую степень подвижности и вариативности. Анализ вариантов письменной фиксации показал доминирование написания китаизма в соответствии с нормативной транскрипционной системой записи кириллицей китайских имен, наряду со значимым количеством некодифицированных и иероглифических написаний. При приспособлении ксенонима к специфике морфолого-синтаксического строя русского языка также наблюдаются его значительная грамматическая вариативность и факты включения в процесс окказионального словообразования. В ходе анализа данных словарей, а также корпусных и иных данных об употреблении лексемы в аутентичной речевой среде выявлено большое количество различных по честеречной принадлежности и семантике эквивалентов лексемы при ее переводе, а также наличие книжной и этикетной стилистической окраски в китайском языке, не сохраняющейся при вхождении в русскоязычное неформальное общение. Анализ фактов метаязыковой рефлексии по поводу ксенонима, а также совокупности контекстов его употребления в гипертексте диаспорального дискурса обнаружил наличие в русском языке семантической и стилистической лакуны, которую восполняет ксеноним мафань как универсальное понятие, обозначающее неприятную, доставляющую дискомфорт деятельность или ситуацию. Заключение. В результате проведенного анализа составлен нуждающийся в дальнейшей доработке проспект методики комплексного анализа ксенонима-интерпретатива в сетевом диаспоральном дискурсе. Introduction. This research is devoted to the study of xenonyms-interpretatives in the network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora of China as a representative of the Russian linguistic culture, which is focused in the area of Chinese culture. Xenonyms-interpretatives have full-fledged lexical correspondences in the recipient language, are not marked by ethno-cultural marking in the matrix language and serve the perception, understanding and interpretation of foreign language and socio-cultural reality by the diaspora community. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the study, based on the consideration of one of the most common in the analyzed discourse xenonym мафань, is to trace the mechanisms of linguistic and discursive adaptation, as well as the peculiarities of functioning of xenonym-interpretative in public Internet communication of the Russian-speaking community in China. Material and methods. The material of the research is more than 500 texts of network communication of the Russian-speaking diaspora community of China, including xenonym-interpretative мафань. Together with the methodological tools of interlinguoculturology, borrowing theory and lexical semantics, the methods of contextual and discourse analysis, corpus and quantitative linguistics are used. Results and discussion. Xenonym-interpretative мафань when entering and adapting in the network diaspora discourse, including graphic adaptation, undergoes large semantic, derivative, stylistic, morphological-syntactic transformations, demonstrating at all these levels an extremely high degree of mobility and variability. The analysis of written fixation variants showed a substantial dominance of spelling according to the normative transcription system of Chinese names written in Cyrillic alphabet, along with a significant number of and hieroglyphic writings. When the xenonym is adapted to the specifics of the morphological and syntactic structure of the Russian language, its significant grammatical variability and facts of inclusion in the process of occasional word formation are also observed. The analysis of dictionaries data, as well as corpus and other data about the use of the word in the authentic speech environment revealed a large number of different in semantics and parts of speech affiliation equivalents of translation, but also the presence of book and etiquette stylistic coloring in the Chinese language, not preserved in the Russian-speaking informal communication. Analysis of the facts of metalanguage reflection on the xenonym, as well as the totality of contexts of its use in the hypertext of diaspora discourse revealed the presence of a semantic and stylistic lacuna in the Russian language, which is filled by the xenonym мафань as a universal concept that denotes unpleasant, discomforting activity or situation. Conclusion. As a result of the research, a project of the methodology of complex analysis of the xenonyminterpretative in the network diaspora discourse has been compiled.

2021 ◽  
pp. 4-9
Е.Л. Бархударова

В основе разработки курсов практической фонетики, адресованных иноязычной аудитории, лежит анализ типологического своеобразия фонетической системы изучаемого языка в контексте лингводидактики. К числу важных направлений типологического исследования звукового строя русского языка следует отнести, во-первых, изучение соотношения консонантизма и вокализма в его фонетической системе на иноязычном фоне, во-вторых, – анализ позиционных закономерностей русской фонетической системы в сопоставлении с функционированием звуковых единиц в типологически разных языках. В позиционных закономерностях звукового строя языка наиболее ярко проявляется его идиоматичность: в каждом языке позиционные закономерности носят специфический характер и определяются соотношением парадигматики и синтагматики звуковых единиц. Большое число фонологически значимых отклонений в иностранном акценте обусловлено интерферирующим воздействием позиционных закономерностей родного языка на русскую речь учащихся. The development of practical phonetics courses addressed to a foreign audience is based on the analysis of the typological features of the phonetic system of the target language in the context of linguodidactics. It is necessary to designate two important areas of typological research of the sound structure of the Russian language: the study of the relationship of consonantism and vocalism in its phonetic system against a foreign language background and the analysis of positional rules of the Russian phonetic system in comparison with the functioning of sound units in typologically different languages. Idiomatic character of the language is most clearly manifested in the positional patterns of its sound structure. In each language, positional patterns are specific and are determined by the dominance of paradigmatic or syntagmatic relations of sound units. A large number of phonologically significant deviations in a foreign accent are due to the interfering influence of the positional laws of the native language on the Russian speech of students.

Natalya Vasilievna Artamonova ◽  

Communion as part of speech occupies a special place in the structure of the Russian language, since it represents a problematic aspect of grammar. Already when determining the grammatical status of participle, the first difficulties appear, which is associated with hybrid features of participle, since it combines the features of two independent parts of speech - the adjective and the verb. The works of linguists describe different approaches to determining the status of communion. At present, it is possible to state the existence in Russian grammar of several points of view on the definition of the nature of communion.

Victor Shigurov

The problem of stepwise transposition of verbs into the category of parenthetical-modal units is considered in the paper. The research relevance is stipulated by insufficient knowledge of stepwise mechanisms of words and word forms transposition into other parts of speech and categories. The main purpose of the research is to calculate the stages and the limit of modulation for different groups of verbal units. General scientific, general linguistic and special methods (comparison, generalization; descriptive method, opposition, distribution and transformation analysis; linguistic experiment) were used as tools. The study of verb modulation stages has enables revealing the dynamics of corresponding fragments of the language system; use in the process of linguistic evolution of different ways of enhancing part of speech models, primarily due to their own, internal resources – "splitting" words and formation of new language units on the basis of a complex or individual word forms by means of interjectivation, partitioning, conjunctionalization, modulation, etc. It is established that the verbs belonging to different lexical groups are exposed to unequal modulation degree; finite verbs go through two to five stages of transposition until they are included into the category of parenthetical-modal units. The facts of a purely functional modulation of word forms occurring within the source verb lexemes, as well as their functional-and-semantic transposition into modal utterance components associated with the formation of lexical-and-grammatical homonyms are revealed. The results of the work can be used to create a transpositional grammar of the Russian language.

Slovene ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-260
Ulla Birgegård

The paper seeks to contribute to the discussion among historians about the value, as historical sources, of foreign diplomats stationed in Russia. Two young men, Hildebrand von Horn, an envoy extraordinaire of the Danish king, and the Swede Johan Gabriel Sparwenfeld, a student of the Russian language and Russian affairs on a scholarship granted by the Swedish king, met in the Russian capital during the summer of 1684. They had met before—in1682 inCopenhagen—but this time their roles were quite different, as they were in Moscow as representatives of countries with opposite political aims vis-à-vis Russia. Von Horn was inRussiafor the third time, knew many influential people at court and mastered the Russian language. He kept Sparwenfeld informed about what was going on behind the scenes at court. This information was written down by Sparwenfeld in his diary of the Russian journey, published by the author of this paper in 2002. In July 1684 von Horn told Sparwenfeld about the execution of “a noble and learned Pole, Negrebetskii”. This person, Pavel Negrebetskii, had had an important position at court during the reign of Fyodor Alekseevich but lost his influence after the death of the Tsar. In August the two friends once more discussed Negrebetskii, his torture, and the role of I. M. Miloslavskii in his fate. Negrebetskii was accused of having taken part in a conspiracy against Sof’ia and her supporters in the aftermath of the streltsy uprising in May 1682. The torture was stopped by Vasilii Vasil’evich Golitsyn, and Negrebetskii was hastily and secretly taken to theRed Squareand executed. Why was Negrebetskii executed in this way two years after his stated crime? After discussing various aspects of the question, this paper gives a possible answer. It seems that the real reason was that Negrebetskii did not stop trying to make the Polish king intervene on Naryshkina’s side in the struggle for power between the Miloslavskii and Naryshkin clans. In connection with the arrival of an Austrian embassy in Moscow in May–June1684, anew possibility for Negrebetskii to get in contact with Poland offered itself in the person of the Habsburg resident in Warsaw, I. Zierowsky. Negrebetskii, it seems, took advantage of the opportunity and tried to send a letter with Zierowsky to the Polish king, begging the king for help and support of Naryshkina and her son. The letter was intercepted, and Sof’ia and Miloslavskii decided to get rid of the irritating Pole once and for all. His execution also gave a clear signal to Peter’s supporters that their previous plans were known and that their activities were under surveillance. It was not possible to touch the main actors in the unrealized conspiracy for political reasons; the most active among them was Vasilii Vasil’evich’s cousin, Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn. So, the entries in Sparwenfeld´s diary about nightly conversations between two foreigners in the Russian capital help to shed light on how and when Pavel Negrebetskii died, and, hopefully, also why.

2013 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-142
Елена Коницкая

Фразеологизмы служат действенным средством лаконизации речи и, следовательно, экономии языковых средств. Роль языковой экономии во фразеологии проявляется как на синхроническом уровне (возникновение модификаций фразеологизмов, не нарушающих цельности фразеологизма и норм его использования), так и на диахроническом уровне (закрепляясь в языке, модификации могут превращаться в новые устойчивые выражения, включающиеся во фразеологический фонд). Эти процессы, хорошо изученные в русском языке, недостаточно исследованы в словенском. В статье рассматривается роль языковой экономии в образовании словенских фразеологизмов на фоне русской фразеологии; сопоставляются результаты действия принципа языковой экономии, отмечаются как сходства, так и различия в двух славянских языках.Ключевые слова: словенская фразеология, русская фразеология, происхождение фразеологизмов, языковая экономия, эллипсис, имплицитность....Jelena KonitskayaRole of the economy principle in language in the Composition of Slovenian phraseologisms (compared with those in Russian) Phraseologisms serve as a telling resource of economy of language features. The role of the economy principle in language, in its phraseology, appears at the synchronic level (derivation of modifications of phraseological units) and at the diachronic level (derivation of new stable expressions incorporated into the stock of phraseology). The paper deals with the diachronic aspect of the problem. The results of compression (ellipsis, implication) caused by the economy principle in language (in phraseology) have been studied rather well in the Russian language (e.g., works of V. Mokiyenko and others), however, insufficiently in the Slovenian language. The paper comprises an analysis of the role of the economy principle in the composition of Slovenian phraseologisms against the background of the Russian phraseology; a comparison of the effect of the economy principle in language, both the similarities and differences in these two Slavic languages are pointed out. The similarities appear in the derivation of phraseologisms through elimination of the final part of expression(proverbs or phraseologisms of a broader component structure), e.g., Kovačeva kobila je vedno bosa > kovačeva kobila, in comparison with the Russian кто во что горазд, тот тем и промышляет (тот в то и играет)> кто во что горазд. Different constituents of a stable expression may turn elliptic in both languages, e.g., the collocation posipati si glavo s pepelom > posipati se s pepelom, speljati vodo na svoj mlin > voda na mlin, рус. дорого не по карману > не по карману, разбить в пух и прах > разбить в пух etc. In both languages, elimination (ellipsis) of a constituent may cause fogging of the inner form of phraseologisms; e.g., the collocation gledati kot čuk na palici > gledati kot čuk; ne priplаvati po prežgani juhi > ne priplаvati po juhi. Implication of additions in phraseologisms, leading to the derivation of structures with a broken syntactic relationship, is noted in both languages; e.g., Russian безо всяких, наша взяла, и никаких, прокатить на вороных, etc., the collocation ne reči ne bele ne črne, ne biti pri čisti, huda / tenka / slaba / tesna prede (komu), tristo kosmatih medvedov / hudičev etc. Forward pronominalisation may be consideredas a separate case of the manifestation of the economy principle in a language, noted in expressions such as ima ga pod kapo (‘быть пьяным’, literatim “иметь его под шапкой”), pobrisati jo (‘убежать’, literatim “почистить ее”), dobiti jih (‘быть избитым’, literatim “получить их”). The paper covers the sight of different possibilities of explaining of the derivation of Slavic expressions taking into account the role of the economy principle in language.

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