Maya Kartika Sari

<p>This research is served to describe: (1) the students’ learning activitiesin problem solving techique; (2) students’ courage to pose ideas; (3) students’ ability to share ideas in problem solving technique; (4) students’ ability in having the critical thinking in solving the learning problems. This research covers two cycles, each of which includes planning, implementing, controling, and reflecting. The subject of the research are 32 fifth graders of SD Negeri Kasepuhan Sewon Bantul being taught by problem solving technique to develop their critical thinking and problem solving skill of the Social Science subject. The results show that: (1) the students’ activity develops from 5 active students in pre research stage to 10 in the first cycle; and it becomes 28 in the second cycle; (2) students’ courage to pose ideas develops from 4 courageous students in pre research stage to 15 in the first cycle; and 25 in the second cycle; (3) the ability to share ideas develops from 7 capable students in pre research to 12 in the first cycle, and 26 in the second cycle; (4) the thinking skill develops from 2 skilled students in problem solving in pre research stage to 17 in the first cycle, and 24 in the second cycle. The results of the research recommends that poblem solving technique is efficient in developing students’ activities, critical thinking skill and problem solving skill in the Social Science subject for the fifth graders of SD Negeri Kasepuhan Sewon Bantul.</p><p> </p><p>Key words:   Students’ Learning Activities, Critical Thinking Skill, Problem Solving<em></em></p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Dicky Iranto ◽  
S Suparno

Education as human’s process to gain knowledge is very important to create thinking skill for the human being. Related to that thing, implemented the learning with Problem Based Learning method which is the learning that is oriented to enhance the students’ critical thinking skill. In the constructivism learning theory, the students should be able to construct the knowledge through problem solving so they got the truth which is useful for the existence. This research is using the quasi experiment method with non-equivalent group design. The conclusion of this research shows that there is enhancement to the students’ critical thinking skill significantly and suggested to use this method on another topic, schools gives the hypermedia facilities, and researching another learning competences.   Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Hypermedia, Critical Thinking Skill

Sulistyaning Kartikawati

<p class="AbstractEnglish"><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to determine the interaction/influence of the application of the project based Double Loop Problem Solving learning model in improving Critical Thinking Skill and student Interpersonal Skill. This research is in the form of quantitative research and the sample used in this study is one class taken using Saturated Sampling techniques. The research class was treated using a project-based Double Loop Problem Solving learning model. The independent variable in this study is a project based Double Loop Problem Solving learning model, while the dependent variable is Critical Thinking Skill and student Interpersonal Skill. There are 2 kinds of data analysis techniques, namely data analysis techniques about Critical Thinking Skills and data analysis techniques about student Interpersonal Skills. The analysis of the hypothesis test of this study used the T-Test with a significance level of 5%. T-Test Criteria are as follows, Ho is accepted / H1 is rejected if T count is smaller than T table and Ho is rejected / H1 is accepted if T count is greater than T table. From the results of the TT-test for the first dependent variable Critical Thinking Skill T count = 18.77 and T table = 1.782, because T count is greater than T table, Ho1 is rejected, meaning that there is interaction/influence on the implementation of project based Double Loop Problem Solving learning model in improving Critical Thinking Skill. While the results of the T test for the Interpersonal Skill dependent variable obtained T count = 12.33 with T table = 1.782, because T count is greater than T table, Ho2 is rejected, meaning that there is interaction / influence on the application of Double Loop Problem Solving based learning models to improve Student Interpersonal Skills.</p><p class="AbstractEnglish"><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi/pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran <em>Double Loop Problem Solving </em>berbasis<em> project</em> dalam meningkatkan <em>Critical Thinking Skill</em> dan <em>Interpersonal Skill</em> mahasiswa. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian kuantitatif dan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah satu kelas yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik Sampling Jenuh. Kelas penelitian diberi  perlakuan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran <em>Double Loop Problem Solving </em>berbasis<em> project</em>. Adapun variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran <em>Double Loop Problem Solving </em>berbasis<em> project</em>, sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah <em>Critical Thinking Skill</em> dan <em>Interpersonal Skill</em> mahasiswa. Teknik analisis data ada 2 macam yaitu teknik analisa data tentang <em>Critical Thinking Skill</em> dan teknik analisa data tentang <em>Interpersonal Skill</em> mahasiswa. Analisis uji hipotesis penelitian ini menggunakan  Uji-T dengan taraf signifikan 5 %. Kriteria Uji-T adalah sebagai berikut, Ho diterima/H1 ditolak jika T hitung lebih kecil dari T tabel dan Ho ditolak/H1 diterima jika T hitung lebih besar dari T tabel. Dari hasil uji T untuk variabel terikat pertama <em>Critical Thinking Skill</em> diperoleh T hitung = 18,77 dan T tabel = 1,782, karena T hitung lebih besar dari T tabel maka Ho<sub>1</sub> ditolak, artinya terdapat interaksi/pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran <em>Double Loop Problem Solving</em> berbasis <em>project </em>dalam meningkatkan <em>Critical Thinking Skill.</em> Sedangkan hasil uji T untuk variabel terikat <em>Interpersonal Skill</em> diperoleh T hitung = 12,33 dengan T tabel = 1,782, karena T hitung lebih besar dari T tabel maka Ho<sub>2</sub> ditolak, artinya terdapat interaksi/pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran <em>Double Loop Problem Solving</em> berbasis <em>project </em>dalam meningkatkan <em>Interpersonal Skill</em> mahasiswa.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Suratno Suratno ◽  
Dian Kurniati

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpkir kritis siswa kelas V SD di sekitar perkebunan kopi Garahan Jember melalui penerapan model pembelajaran math-science berbasis performance assessment. Kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan pembuktian, kemampuan generalisasi, dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Uji coba penelitian ini diterapkan pada dua SD di sekitar perkebunan kopi yaitu MI Al –Amin Garahan dan SD Negeri Sidomulyo 03 Jember dengan subyek penelitian sebanyak 80 siswa. Data diperoleh dari hasil kinerja siswa selama mengerjakan post test pada materi math-science dan wawancara. Pada siklus pertama terdapat 8 siswa (10%) yang memenuhi semua indikator kemampuan generalisasi dan pembuktian, sedangkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah belum berkembang dengan maksimal. Pada siklus kedua terdapat peningkatan, yaitu terdapat 22 siswa (27.5%) yang mampu memiliki kemampuan pembuktian dan kemampuan generalisasi. Pada siklus ketiga terdapat 32 siswa (40%) yang mampu memiliki semua kemampuan berpikir kritis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa.Kata kunci: math-science, performance assessment, kemampuan berpikir kritis THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MATH-SCIENCE LEARNING MODEL BASED ON PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING SKILL IN JEMBER COFFEE PLANTATION AREAAbstractThe research is aimed t knowing the improvement of the critical thinking skills of the fifth grade students in Garahan Coffee plantation area through the implementation math-science learning model based on performance assessment. In this research, the critical thinking skills include proof skill, generalization skill, and problem solving skill. Data were analized by quantitative and qualitative approach. This research was implemented to two elementary schools in Garahan coffee plantation area, namely MI Al-Amin Garahan and SD Negeri Sidomulyo 03 Jember, with 80 students as the subject. Data were obtained from the result of students’ post test on math-science and interview. In the first trial, there are 8 students (10%) who comply with all indicators of generalization and proof skills, while the problem solving skill has not optimally been developed. The result of the second trial has increased to 22 students (27.5%) who have proof and generalization skills. The third trial shows that 32 students (40%) comply with all indicators of critical thinking skills, namely proof, generalization, and problem solving skills. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that there is improvement on students’ critical thinking skill.Keywords: math-science, performance assessment, critical thinking skill

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-86
Nur Hestiningsih ◽  
Sugiharsono Sugiharsono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik melalui penerapan metode pembelajaran problem solving berbantuan media informasi, dan (2) mendapatkan bukti peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik setelah penerapan metode pembelajaran problem solving berbantuan media informasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang terlaksana dalam dua siklus. Jenis tindakan yang dilakukan adalah pembelajaran IPS dengan metode problem solving berbantuan media informasi. Hasil penelitian dengan analisis statistik deskriptif persentase, menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan skor rata-rata pada pra siklus = 63,58 (kurang kritis), siklus I = 73,30 (cukup kritis), dan siklus II = 80,40 (kritis). Persentase jumlah peserta didik yang memiliki skor individual dengan kriteria kritis juga mengalami peningkatan, yaitu pada pra siklus = 16,67%, siklus I = 58,33%, dan siklus II = 91,67%. Peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis tersebut diikuti dengan peningkatan nilai hasil belajar kognitif, yaitu pada pra siklus = 68, pada siklus I = 76, dan pada siklus II = 83. Persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar individu juga mengalami peningkatan, yaitu pada pra siklus = 25%, siklus I = 50%, dan siklus II = 83%, yang berarti telah mencapai target ketuntasan belajar klasikal. Dengan demikian metode problem solving berbantuan media informasi terbukti dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada pembelajaran IPS di kelas VIII F SMP Negeri 1 Salaman, Kabupaten Magelang. Kata kunci: metode problem solving, kemampuan berpikir kritis, media informasi. ______________________________________________________________INCREASING THE CRITICAL THINKING SKILL OF STUDENTS IN SOCIAL STUDIES THROUGH THE PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD ASSISTED BY INFORMATION MEDIAAbstract This study aims: (1) to increase students’ critical thinking skill  through the implementation of the problem solving method assisted by information media, and (2) to gain evidences the increase of students’ critical thinking ability after the implementation of the problem solving method assisted by information media. This research was a classroom action research study which was carried out in two cycles. The action done was the teaching of social studies through the problem solving method assisted by information media. The result shows that the problem solving method assisted by information media is able to increase students’ critical thinking ability, as shown by the average score of critical thinking ability, which was 63.58  (less critical) in the Pre Cycle test, 73.30 (quite critical) in Cycle I,  and  80.40 (critical) in Cycle II. The percentage of the students that have individual score in critical criteria increased too, which was 16.67% in the Pre Cycle, to 58.33% in Cycle I, and was 91.67% in Cycle II. The increase in the critical thinking skill is followed by the increase in the cognitive learning result which was proved by the increase in the average of learning achievement, which was 68 in the Pre Cycle, 76 in Cycle I, and 83 in Cycle II. The percentage of the students reaching individual mastery learning (80)  increased too, which was 25% in the Pre Cycle, and increased to 50% in the Cycle I, and increased 83% in Cycle II, which means that the target classical mastery learning (80%) can be achieved. Thus the problem solving method assisted by information media can improve the critical thinking skill in social studies of the students of grade VIII F of SMP Negeri 1 Salaman, District of Magelang. Keywords: problem solving method, critical thinking ability, information media

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 64 ◽  
Muhammad Nur Hudha

The purpose of physics learning at the school level is directed to develop the students’ thinking skill. This study aimed to improve the students’ critical thinking skill and students’ problem solving skill through aPBL (authenthic Problem Based Learning) learning. This study used classroom action research designed by Kemmis & Mc Taggart with the stages; problem identification, action planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research data were obtained in the form of the data of students’ problem-solving skill and critical thinking. The data in this research were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that the application of aPBL (authentic Problem Based Learning) could  improve the students' critical thinking skill and  students’ problem solving skill. This improvement could be seen from the average score of critical thinking test and problem solving skill test that had been carried out. Keywords: aPBL, thinking skill, physics

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Anak Agung Oka

The objective of this research was to know the effect of  alone learning to the critical thinking skill and problem solving ability in SMA Teladan 1 Metro. This research applied quasy experimental with non-equvalent control group design. The population of this research is allow students of class X SMA Teladan 1 Metro on academic year 2009/2010. The samples of this research were class XA as experimental (alone learning) and class XB as control (conventional). The instrument of this research namely critical thinking and problem solving test. This research data are quantitative data consisted by score capacity critical thinking and problem solving ability to river ecosystem, collected on 15 january until 12 Juni 2010. Data were analysed by bilinear covariant statistical analysis (Ancova), continued with LSD test. The result of this research indicated that there were an effect of alone learning strategy toward the critical thinking skill and problem solving ability. Student with alone learning strategy having critical thinking higher 80,111% than conventional learning. Beside, student with alone learning strategy having 11,124% higher than convensional learning. Based on this research, the researcher suggest to the teacher that this strategy can implemented in biology learning. Kata Kunci: Belajar Mandiri, Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis, Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah.

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