2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 135-142
Zulkifli ◽  
Selvia Sutriana

Nurseries play an important role in banana development. The tissue culture technique is an alternative to produce quality seeds in large quantities, uniform and produced in a short time and free of pathogens. Areca nut extract is an organic material that contains tannin and can replace bicycling used as a disinfectant in tissue culture activities. Coconut water is a food reserve that contains vitamins and growth substances, so it can stimulate germination. The purpose of the study was to examine the interaction and single response of klutuk banana explants to the concentration of areca nut extract and young coconut water in vitro. This research was carried out at the Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, the Islamic University of Riau with the planting material used Pisang Klutuk weevil with the method used in a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 x 4.  The first factor was seed extract Young areca nut and the second factor was Young Coconut Water. The parameters observed were the percentage of live explants, the percentage of contaminated explants, the age of shoot emergence, and the number of shoots. The observation results were analyzed statistically and continued with the further test of Honest Significant Difference (HSD) at the 5% level. It was found that the best treatment was P2K2 (20% young betel nut extract (200 ml + 800 ml distilled water) and young coconut water 20 ml/liter media), where the percentage of life was 100%, the percentage of contamination was 0%, the age of shoots appeared was 37.67 days, and the number of shoots was 5 strands.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 439
Alfrida ., Maninggolang ◽  
Jeany Sh. Polii-Mandang ◽  
Wenny ., Tilaar

This study aims to know the effect of Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) and Coconut Water on shoot bud growth and Broccoli Sulforaphane content (Brassica oleracea L. var italic Plenck). The study was conducted in the laboratory of Biotechnology Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture of Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, that conducted from August-December 2017. This study used a Complete Randomized Design (RAL), consisting of 8 treatments and each repeated as many 4 times, so we get 32 unit experiment. The variables observed were number of buds, number of leaves, plant height, wet weight, root number and Sulforaphane content analysis. The result of research shows that analysis of variance showed that in the use of Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) concentration 3 ppm tends to increase the number of leaves aged 4 Weeks After Culture (MSK) and increase the number of shoots age 2 and 6 Weeks After Culture (MSK). Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) 3 ppm can increase the wet weight of age 6W eeks After Culture ((MSK). Coconut water 20% tends to increase the number of leaves at age 6 Weeks After Culture (MSK) and increase the number of shoots aged 6 Weeks After Culture (MSK), while for combination of 3 ppm Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) and coconut water 20% tends to increase the number of leaves aged 2 Weeks After Culture (MSK) and the number of shoots aged 2 Weeks After Culture (MSK). Combination of coconut water and Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) is not detected by the content of Sulforaphane.

2021 ◽  
Vol 905 (1) ◽  
pp. 012036
Nandariyah ◽  
L S Mahmudah ◽  
R B Arniputri ◽  
A T Sakya

Abstract Tissue culture techniques can increase the number of garlic seedlings. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of NAA and coconut water in increasing the number of garlic seeds. This research used a Completely Randomized Design of two factors. The treatment used is NAA with concentrations of 0 ppm, 0.5 ppm, 1 ppm, 1.5 ppm, and coconut water concentrations of 0%, 10%, 20%. The variables observed were shoot emergence time, root emergence time, number of shoots, number of roots, number of leaves, shoot height, root length, and number of plantlets. The results showed that the addition of coconut water 20% without the addition of NAA in 1 bulb can produce 3.33 planlets and the results of explant propagation in 1 bulb can produce the number of shoots as many as 15.33 shoots. Giving coconut water with concentrations of 10% and 20% can increase the number of leaves, shoot height, and some planlets. The concentration of NAA 0.5 ppm can accelerate the root emergence time on garlic explant.

Enik Akhiriana ◽  
Samanhudi ◽  
Ahmad Yunus

Tribulus (Tribulus terrestrisL.) is a medicinal plant with considerable implementation such as aphrodisiac and anti‑inflammation drugs. This research was conducted to study the effectivity of coconut water and IAA (Indole‑3‑acetic acid) application on various concentration as the growth regulator for tribulus growth on thein vitroand its effect toward observation variables. The material used were cotyledon from tribulus embryo and MS (Murashige and Skoog) medium. The research method used a Completely Randomized Design with first factor of coconut water concentration of 0 mL L-1, 50 mL L-1, 100 mL L-1, and 150 mL L-1and IAA concentration of 0 ppm, 0.15 ppm, 0.20 ppm, and 0.25 ppm as the second factor. Observed variables were shoots emergence time, number of shoots, shoot height, number of leaves, roots emergence time, number of roots and regression between observation variables. The result showed that the combination of 150 mL L-1coconut water and 0.25 ppm IAA gave the highest shoot height, roots emergence time, and number of roots. Coconut water treatment on 150 mL L-1concentration alone gave the best result on shoots emergence time, number of shoots, and number of leaves, while IAA concentration of 0.25 ppm independently gave the highest number of leaves. Regression analysis result indicate that the number of roots has a positive correlation with shoots height, number of shoots and number of leaves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-57
Dyah Nuning Erawati ◽  
Yusriatul Mawaddah ◽  
Siti Humaida ◽  
Irma Wardati

Vanilla has a potential to be developed through tissue culture techniques to anticipate the limitations of the parent plant as a source of planting material. The in vitro propagation ability of vanilla shoots needs to be controlled with the regulation of Kinetin and Benzyl Amino Purines. The interests of this study are 1) analysis of the response of vanilla explants at several Kinetin concentrations; 2) analysis of the response of vanilla explants at several concentrations of BAP and 3) analysis of the interaction of Kinetin and BAP on the response of vanilla explants to form shoot multiplication. The research was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory Politeknik Negeri Jember from June to December 2020 using a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Factor 1 was the Kinetin concentration of 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 mg.L-1 and the second factor was the concentration of BAP 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 mg.L-1. The results proved that the fastest shoot multiplication occurred on MS medium + Kinetin 2 mg.L-1 with a mean of 8.7 days after inoculation. The mean number of shoots was 7.6 shoots/explant with the highest average wet weight of 0.9 grams/explant at the addition of BAP 1.5 mg. L-1 at measurement 70 days after inoculation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 135

<p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Tanaman temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) merupakansalah satu tanaman obat potensial unggulan yang memiliki khasiatmultifungsi. Rimpangnya yang berkhasiat obat mampu mengobati ber-bagai penyakit seperti kelainan pada hati/lever, kantong empedu, danpankreas. Adanya kecenderungan masyarakat ingin menggunakan pengo-batan dengan bahan alami, menjadikan permintaan benih temulawaksebagai bahan baku obat maupun industri jamu di Indonesia meningkatdengan pesat. Kondisi ini memberi peluang kepada petani sebagaipenyedia bahan tanaman. Upaya penyediaan bahan tanaman secara massaldalam waktu singkat serta bebas hama dan penyakit dapat dilakukanmelalui teknik kultur jaringan. Teknik ini dibatasi oleh tingginya biayaperbanyakan, di antaranya penggunaan bahan kimia. Oleh karena itu perludikaji penggunaan zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) yang berasal dari bahanalami (salah satunya adalah air kelapa) sebagai substitusi ZPT sintetik.Penelitian penggunaan air kelapa sebagai ZPT dilakukan di LaboratoriumKultur Jaringan Plasma Nutfah Pemuliaan dan Perbenihan, BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik Bogor, dari bulan Mei sampaidengan bulan Desember 2009. Eksplan berasal dari tunas temulawak sterilhasil perbanyakan sebelumnya. Media yang digunakan adalah mediaMurashige and Skoog (MS) yang dikombinasikan dengan beberapa tarafkonsentrasi air kelapa (0, 5, 10, 15, dan 20%) sebagai substitusi ZPT danair kelapa dengan memakai millipore. Media dibuat padat, sebagaipembanding pada media MS + ZPT kimia yaitu BA1,5 mg/l. Percobaanmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 10 ulangan. Parameteryang diuji adalah jumlah tunas, jumlah daun dan jumlah akar. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan, tanpa komponen kimia, dengan penambah airkelapa pada berbagai konsentrasi pada media dasar MS, berhasilmembentuk tunas, daun dan akar. Jumlah tunas terbanyak didapat padakombinasi media dengan penambahan air kelapa 15% sebanyak 3,4 tunas,jumlah daun 2,2 daun serta jumlah akar terbanyak yaitu sebanyak 13,2akar pada umur 2 minggu. Pada kombinasi media dengan memakaimillipore, tunas terbanyak hanya 2,6 tunas, tetapi tidak berbeda nyatadengan perlakuan kontrol MS + BA 1,5 mg/l, yaitu sama-sama memiliki2,6 tunas, 3,6 daun, dan 15,4 akar.</p><p>Kata kunci : Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., in vitro, air kelapa, zatpengatur tumbuh, multiplikasi in vitro</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>The use of Coconut Water as Growth Regulator onMultiplication of Java Turmeric Buds (Curcumaxanthorrhiza Roxb. ) in vitro</p><p>Java turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is a potentialmedicinal plant which has many uses. Its rhizome has efficacy to curevarious diseases such as disorder on lever, gall bladder and pancreas.There is a tendency that people want to use therapy by natural materials,increases demand of turmeric seed as raw material of medicine industry inIndonesia. This condition provides a chance to farmers as supplier of plantmaterials. However, up to now, the high need of plant materials causes thelimitation of supply so that their alternatives are needed for providing plantmaterials in maximum number. The part of plant material provision in highnumber and in a short time and free from pests and diseases can beconducted through tissue culture technique. However, this technique islimited by the high cost of multiplication, among others the use ofchemical materials. Therefore, the use of growth regulator originated fromnatural material as substitution of synthetic growth regulator need to beassessed, one of them is coconut water. The experiment was carried out atthe laboratory of Tissue Culture, Germ Plasm, and Plant Breeding,Indonesia for Medicinal and Aromatic Crop Research Institute, Bogorfrom May to December 2009. Explants originated from sterile turmericshoots, product of previous multiplication. Media used was Murashige andSkoog (MS) combined with several concentration levels of coconut water( 0; 5; 10; 15, and 20%) as substitution of growth regulator and coconutwater by using millipore. Solid media was used, as comparison on mediaof chemical MS + was BA1.5 mg/l. The experiment was arranged incompletely randomized design with 10 replications. Parameters observedwere the numbers of shoots, leaves and roots. Results showed that withoutchemical component, by addition of coconut water on variousconcentrations on based media of MS, produced shoots, leaves and roots.The highest shoot number obtained on combination of media and additionof coconut water 15% as many as 3.4 shoots, with the number of leaves2.2 leaves at the age of 2 weeks and the highest roots formed on 15 %coconut water as many as 13.2 roots. Whereas on combination of mediawith millipore, the highest shoots were only 2.6 shoots, however it was notsignificantly different from treatment of control MS + BA 1.5 mg/l, itproduced 2.6 shoots,3.6 leaves and 15.4 roots.</p><p>Key words : Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., in vitro, coconut water,growth regulator, multiplication in vitro</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 241
Onny Chrisna Pandu Pradana ◽  
Siti Novridha Andini

This research aimed to invstigate the response of paddy culture (B7 strain) assembled by Lampung State Polytechnic to the iron toxicity tolerance. The research was done at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, Lampung State Polytechnic, from July to September 2019. Treatments were single arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications. The treatment tried was five levels of Fe concentrations (5,6 ppm 28 ppm, 56 ppm, 84 ppm, 112 ppm, and control). Each replication consisted of three culture bottle containing one explant. The homogenity of data was tested using Barlett test. If the assumption were fulfilled then analysis of variance is executed using STATISTIX 10, and then followed by the Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test in 5% alpha for mean separation and RPA analysis. The result of this research showed that the B7 strain has tolerance to iron toxicity until 56 ppm of Fe concentration, it can be concluded from the PAR value of its strain (>0,50). Meanwhile in  84 and 112 ppm of Fe concentration, the RPA value of B7 starin (<0,50), and it is indicate that its strain is sensitive. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 118
Ranny Wirmasari ◽  
Mayta Novaliza Isda

Family Orchidaceae has about 800 genera which are already difficult to find and almost extinct, including the orchid genus Grammatophyllum. A species of rare orchids, Grammatophyllum stapeliiflorum, is hard to find in original habitat. The addition of Growmore, BAP and 15% coconut water is expected to increase the growth and development of the G. stapeliiflorum orchid protocorms. This study use a Completely Randomized Design, consisting of 6 treatments (control, 1 and 3 mg/l BAP, 1 and 3 g/l Growmore, and 150 ml/l coconut water) in MS media with 5 replicates with observation for 4 weeks after planting. The results showed did not differ markedly in the number of protocorms, number of shoots and number of browning protocorms, but differ markedly in the parameter protocorm color based on DMRT test. Treatment of 3 mg/l BAP gives the best results on the number of shoots 2,60 protocorms and number of browning protocormss at the least amount 0,80 protocorms. The number of protocorms most widely on the treatment of 1 g/l Growmore 14,40 protocorms. Protocorms color is best found in 3 g/l Growmore with green color. This research managed to multiply the number of protocorms and induces protocorms shoots from Grammatophyllum stapeliiflorum orchid.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Mita Indriani ◽  
Erni Suminar ◽  
Noladhi Wicaksana ◽  
Denny Sobardini ◽  
Sulistyaningsih Sulistyaningsih ◽  

This study was aimed at determining the concentration of several types of cytokinins and auxin for the induction of turmeric shoots in vitro. The research was conducted at the Tissue Culture Seed Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor. The study was conducted from October 2017 to February 2018. The source of planting material is in the form of shoots from the turmeric rhizome. The source of explants or planting material came from the field collected at the Tissue Culture Seed Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University. Explants were taken from rhizome buds with a size of 0.6-2.0 cm. The experiment used a Completely Randomized Design which was analyzed using the Student’s T-test method. The number of experimental and control groups in this study were seven groups. Variation in treatment with different BAP, thidiazuron, zeatin, and NAA concentrations in each group. The results show that Thidiazuron 1 mgL-1 + NAA 1 mgL-1 gives better results on the percentage of live explants and number of shoots on turmeric plants (Curcuma domestica Val.) Clones 41 at the age of 14 weeks after planting.RESPONS EKSPLAN KUNYIT PADA SITOKININ DAN AUKSIN DALAM MEDIA MURASHIGE DAN SKOOGPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan salah satu konsentrasi dari beberapa jenis sitokinin dan auksin untuk induksi tunas kunyit secara in vitro. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Teknologi Benih, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor. Waktu pelaksanaan penelitian ini dimulai pada awal bulan Oktober 2017 sampai bulan Februari 2018. Sumber bahan tanam berupa tunas dari rimpang tanaman kunyit. Sumber eksplan atau bahan tanam berasal dari lapangan yang dikoleksi di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Teknologi Benih, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran. Eksplan diambil dari mata tunas rimpang dengan ukuran 0,6-2,0 cm. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang dianalisis menggunakan metode Student’s T-test. Jumlah kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol dalam penelitian ini adalah tujuh kelompok. Variasi perlakuan dengan penambahan konsentrasi BAP, thidiazuron, zeatin, dan NAA yang berbeda pada setiap kelompok. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Thidiazuron 1 mgL-1 + NAA 1 mgL-1 memberikan hasil yang lebih baik pada persentase eksplan hidup dan jumlah tunas pada tanaman kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.) klon 41 pada umur 14 MST (Minggu Setelah Tanam).

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 1640-1643
Thanwamas Kassanuk Et al.

Kluai Nam Thai’ (Musa AA group) are rare in Thailand and it is at risk of extinction because of environmental changes and human behavior. Hence, the plant tissue culture technique is used for propagation. This research aimed to study the effect of coconut water on root induction of Kluai Nam Thai in vitro. The shootlets from laboratory were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with coconut water at concentrations 10, 15, 20, and 25% for 1 month. The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The results indicated that MS medium supplemented with 20% coconut water gave the highest average number of roots at 1.85 while MS medium supplemented with 10% coconut water gave the highest length of roots at 2.34 cm which were significantly different (p<0.01) from the other concentrations

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-168
Zulkifli Zulkifli ◽  
Putri Lukmana Sari

This research aims to examie the effect of bayclin concentration on washing II and BAP in MS media on eksplan growth of klutuk banana in vitro and was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory Lempes Pekanbaru from April to August 2016. The research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 factorials and 3 replications. The first factor was the concentration of washing eksplan bayclin on phase II which consisted of four levels: K0 (concentration of 0%), K1 (concentration of 10%), K2 (concentration of 20%), and K3 (concentration of 30%). The second factor was the concentration of BAP contained on media MS consisted of four levels: T0 (BAP concentration 0 mg/liter), T1 (BAP concentration of 0.1 mg/liter), T2 (BAP concentration of 1.0 mg/liter) and T3 (BAP concentration of 10.0 mg/liter). The parameters observed were percentage of explants contaminated, age appears buds, the number of shoots/explant, length of shoots/explant, number of roots/explant (root), root length/explant and percentage of explant life. The results showed that effect of concentration on the washing bayclin II and BAP in MS Media on growth eksplan of klutuk banana in-vitro was the best treatment K2T2 with 33.33% of explants contaminated, age of appears buds 2,67 weeks after planting, the number of shoots 2,67/explant, length of shoots 5,50 cm/explant, number of roots 2.67/explant, root length 12,08 cm/explant and 58.33% of explants life.

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