scholarly journals Impact of Extraction the Cause in Financial Transactions: A Comparative analytical Study: أثر تخريج المناط في المعاملات المالية: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة

Ahmad Hamood Alhosean Ahmad Hamood Alhosean

  The study aimed at showing practical impact which results from the process of extracting the cause in the matters of financial transactions. The researcher used for that the comparative analytical approach , where he turned to follow proofs of the very specific intentional financial transaction ; then, these proofs through abstract procedural and methodological tracks, to inspect the latent causes behind permission or prohibition of these transactions , in order these inferred doctrinal provisions to be adopted at the same course in relation to other transactions that take part with the same ones that their causes have been extracted. Undoubtedly, the type of transactions from which the researcher has taken the subject of his research that its cause is undiscussed, or what texts permit a decision without minimum sign to their cause; where the researcher studied the transaction of a man who purchases what he doesn't have, relying on proofs in this connection; then , he had inferred the cause of this transaction and extracted it , to arrive at the doctrinal impact arising from this extraction , i.e. giving the decision of this transaction itself to other transactions participating with it the cause as: sale of unawareness , sale before receiving , sale of non- existent , or there is not ability to deliver; and between unacceptability to include other transaction within the same arrangement , since the cause is different ; and an instance of that matter is giving back female sheep with a measure equals to the duration the purchaser makes benefit from the existence of this animal at his barn; and after extracting this cause of the matter , the researcher could establish a law of doctrinal impairments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 485-504
Aisha Mohamed Ismail Elamin

This study aims to determine the tort responsibility of the journalist in case of violating the rights of individuals and the extent of the possibility to avoid the tort responsibility of the journalist. This can happen through the decisions of the competent committees to consider violations of the provisions of the Saudi Press and Publication Law, based on the reasoning of its decisions on Article (9) of the Saudi Press and Publication Law. In the research, the analytical approach is used to the relevant texts from the Saudi Press and Publication System and the applied approach, which is based on strengthening legal and legal positions with judicial positions. In this study, the author addresses the pillars of the tort responsibility of the journalist by highlighting the pillars of Tort and damage, with the possibility of pushing the journalist to tort responsibility through satisfaction with the publication and the right to objective criticism. The study recommended: reorganizing the journalist’s tort responsibility through the inclusion of legal texts in the publications and publishing system due to the absence of legalization of financial transactions, which shows the general rules of responsibility, and publishing the decisions of the competent committees to consider violations of the provisions of the Saudi Press and Publication Law as a result of the absence of legalization of civil transactions.Keywords: Journalist Tort; Human Dignity; Privacy; Moral Damage; Objective Criticism Tanggung Jawab Kerugian Wartawan dan Cara Menghindarinya Berdasarkan Sistem Publikasi dan Pers Saudi: Sebuah Studi Analitis Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggung jawab gugatan wartawan dalam kasus pelanggaran hak-hak individu dan sejauh mana kemungkinan untuk menghindari tanggung jawab gugatan wartawan. Hal ini dapat terjadi melalui keputusan komite yang berwenang untuk mempertimbangkan pelanggaran ketentuan Undang-Undang Pers dan Publikasi Saudi, berdasarkan pertimbangan keputusannya pada Pasal (9) Undang-Undang Pers dan Publikasi Saudi. Dalam penelitian ini, pendekatan analitis digunakan pada teks-teks yang relevan dari Saudi Press and Publication System dan pendekatan terapan, yang didasarkan pada penguatan posisi hukum dan hukum dengan posisi yudisial. Dalam studi ini, penulis membahas pilar-pilar tanggung jawab kerugian jurnalis dengan menyoroti pilar-pilar kerugian dan kerugian, dengan kemungkinan mendorong jurnalis untuk melakukan tanggung jawab kerugian melalui kepuasan terhadap publikasi dan hak atas kritik yang objektif. Kajian ini merekomendasikan: menata kembali tanggung jawab wanprestasi jurnalis melalui pencantuman teks hukum dalam sistem penerbitan dan penerbitan karena tidak adanya legalisasi transaksi keuangan, yang menunjukkan aturan umum pertanggungjawaban, dan mempublikasikan keputusan komite yang berwenang untuk mempertimbangkan pelanggaran. ketentuan Hukum Pers dan Publikasi Saudi sebagai akibat tidak adanya legalisasi transaksi perdata.Kata Kunci: Gugatan Wartawan; Harga diri manusia; Pribadi; Kerusakan Moral; Kritik Objektif Деликатная ответственность журналиста и способы ее избежать в свете саудовской прессы и системы публикаций: аналитическое исследованиеАбстрактный:Это исследование направлено на определение деликтной ответственности журналиста в случае нарушения прав человека и степени возможности избежать деликтной ответственности журналиста. Это может произойти в результате решений компетентных комитетов о рассмотрении нарушений положений Закона Саудовской Аравии о печати и публикациях на основании обоснования своих решений по статье (9) Закона Саудовской Аравии о печати и публикациях. В исследовании используется аналитический подход к релевантным текстам из Саудовской системы печати и публикаций и прикладной подход, который основан на усилении юридических и юридических позиций с помощью судебных позиций. В этом исследовании автор обращается к столпам деликтной ответственности журналиста, выделяя столпы деликта и ущерба, с возможностью подтолкнуть журналиста к деликтной ответственности через удовлетворение публикацией и право на объективную критику. В исследовании рекомендовалось: реорганизовать деликтную ответственность журналиста путем включения юридических текстов в системы публикаций и публикации в связи с отсутствием легализации финансовых операций, которая показывает общие правила ответственности, и опубликовать решения компетентных комитетов по рассмотрению нарушений. положений Закона о печати и публикациях Саудовской Аравии в результате отсутствия легализации гражданских сделок.Ключевые слова: журналист Tort; Человеческое достоинство; Конфиденциальность; Моральный урон; Объективная критика

Benoît Verdon ◽  
Catherine Chabert ◽  
Catherine Azoulay ◽  
Michèle Emmanuelli ◽  
Françoise Neau ◽  

After many years of clinical practice, research and the teaching of projective tests, Shentoub and her colleagues (Debray, Brelet, Chabert & al.) put forward an original and rigorous method of analysis and interpretation of the TAT protocols in terms of psychoanalysis and clinical psychopathology. They developed the TAT process theory in order to understand how the subject builds a narrative. Our article will emphasize the source of the analytical approach developed by V. Shentoub in the 1950s to current research; the necessity of marking the boundary between the manifest and latent content in the cards; the procedure for analyzing the narrative, supported by an analysis sheet for understanding the stories' structure and identifying the defense mechanisms; and how developing hypotheses about how the mental functions are organized, as well as their potential psychopathological characteristics; and the formulation of a diagnosis in psychodynamic terms. In conjunction with the analysis and interpretation of the Rorschach test, this approach allows us to develop an overview of the subject's mental functioning, taking into account both the psychopathological elements that may threaten the subject and the potential for a therapeutic process. We will illustrate this by comparing neurotic, borderline, and psychotic personalities.

رضوان جمال الأطرش ◽  
نجوى نايف شكوكاني

        الملخّص      هدف هذا البحث إبراز إمكانية التأثر العملي بأسلوب التعليل في القرآن الكريم، ومحاولة البحث في تطبيقاته في واقع العملية التعليمية من العالم والمتعلم، بحيث لم يقتصر على الدراسة اللغوية أو الأصولية النظرية؛ وخصوصاً بعد التعريف بهذا الأسلوب وأدواته وأهميته وبيان اللوازم الخاصة للعالم والمتعلم للتأثر به، وقد تم ذلك من خلال استخدام المنهج الاستقرائي بتتبع أعمال العلماء في ذلك وتم رصد أقوال المفسرين فيما يتعلق بالأساليب البيانية وآيات التعليل ووجوه الإعجاز القرآني، ومن ثم استُخدم المنهج التحليلي لإثبات ذلك الأثر وإثبات وجود إشارات وأدلة على مظاهر التأثر؛ واستنتاج حقيقة إمكانية استمرارية البحث في كل أدوات وآيات ومواضيع ذلك الأسلوب بنفس الطريقة التي تمّ طرحُها، مما يثري هذا المجال، ويفتح العقول ويدفعها للنظر والتدبر والبحث في آي القرآن، وفي كل المناحي، منطلقةً من فكر التجديد، والإفادة من مستجدات العصر وعلومه ضمن ضوابط العقيدة الغراء والشرع الحنيف. الكلمات المفتاحية: أسلوب التعليل، أدوات أسلوب التعليل، التدبر، التعليم التقليدي، أثر.  Abstract This study intends to highlight the possible practical impact of the principles of argumentation found in the Qur’an. The study attempts to apply the principles on the actual education process of the scholars and students without limiting it to linguistic studies or theoretical principles. This was done after introducing the principles of reasoning, its tools, its importance, and disclosing the special requirements for the scholars and students in order to be influenced by the latter principles.  The work used inductive method to track the works of the scholars on the subject and observe the opinions of the Qur’an-commentators in relation to principles of explanation, verses of argument, and aspects of Qur’anic Inimitability. Analytical method was used to establish the impacts of the Qur’anic arguments; to prove the presence of signs and evidences for the manifestation of the impacts; and to make the continuity of this research possible in all the tools, verses and topics related to the principles of Qur’anic argument. Among those things that enrich this work is that it opens the minds, and pushes it to ponder and study the verses of the Qur’an. For every direction it becomes the starting point for the innovative thinking, and benefit for the new age and its sciences while maintaining the harmony with the principles of creed and the true SharÊ‘ah. Keywords: Principles of Argumentation, Tools of Argumentation Principles, Thinking, Traditional Education, Effect.

2001 ◽  
Vol 8 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 193-201 ◽  
Alan F. Hathaway ◽  
John R. Burnett Jr.

In the design of armor piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot projectiles, the radial stiffness of the sabot front borerider has a significant impact on the projectile's dispersion and is, therefore, an important design consideration. Whether designing a new projectile or trying to improve an existing design, projectile designers can achieve front borerider stiffness without understanding its affect on dispersion characteristics. There is a knee in the stiffness vs. dispersion curve at which a change in the sabot front borerider stiffness will have a significant impact on dispersion or no impact at all depending on whether the stiffness is increased or decreased. The subject of this paper is an analytical approach to quantitatively determine the knee in the curve. Results from using this approach on the M865 APFSDS projectile are also presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-308
Adela Bihari

"The subject of this study deals with the presence of the “fatality” motif in the musical dramaturgy of Bizet’s opera Carmen. A musical portrait of the main character, it defines from the very beginning her tragic destiny. The present analytical approach identifies all the insertions of this musical motif along the development of the dramatic plot, in an intrinsic relationship with the text. Keywords: Bizet, Carmen, opera, fatality, musical dramaturgy "

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (11) ◽  
Mahammed Adil Mohammed ◽  
Thamer Kadhim Al-Abedi ◽  
Hakeem Hammood Flayyih ◽  
Hussein Ali Mohaisen

This study aims at searching in different editions of internal control frameworks and its relation with governance and risk management by dividing the study into three themes. The first one includes studying each framework in terms of the concept of internal control, elements and goals and what makes it different form the latter. The second concerns the relation of internal control with governance and the importance of what it provides to economic unity. The third one and the last regards the relation of internal control to risk management framework and what economic unity will achieve if it managed its risks properly through presenting a number of academic studies that dealt with the subject of the study. The design of this paper depends on reviewing literature during the period (2012-2019) and analyzing results concluded by these literatures concerning the study of internal control framework and its relation with governance and risk management. The study concluded that economic unity cannot achieve its goals and maintain success without an effective management of risks, control and governance. Board of directors and administration both need each other to apply governance, risk management and control effectively.

Pascal Lemaitre ◽  
Amandine Nuboer ◽  
Arnaud Querel ◽  
Guillaume Depuydt ◽  
Emmanuel Porcheron

The accidents of Chernobyl and Fukushima have shown the necessity to better understand all the mechanisms implied in the scavenging of aerosol particles released to the atmosphere during a nuclear accident. Among all the phenomena involved in the deposition of aerosol particles, we focus here on the aerosol particles scavenging by the raindrops below the clouds, also called washout (as opposed to the rainout, which concerns scavenging inside the clouds). The strategy of IRSN to enhance the knowledge and the modelling of any mechanism involved in the washout of aerosol particles by rain spans from environmental studies, to analytical ones. The semi-analytical approach chosen here is halfway between these two modes of reasoning. A companion paper is also submitted to the conference to present the microphysical approach chosen at IRSN. In order to perform this study, aerosol particles were dispersed in the TOSQAN chamber, which is a large cylindrical enclosure (4.8 m height with 1.5 m internal diameter). The aerosol particles once dispersed, synthetic rains of different kinds (from stratiform to convective rains) can be activated. Finally, the instantaneous spectral scavenging coefficients are determined from the spectral decrease of aerosol particles concentration in the chamber as a function of time. In order to be able to produce synthetic rains representative of any tropospheric events, a special generator has been designed; it is based on a vibro-rotative disk. This generator is able to produce monodispersed rains at the top of the TOSQAN chamber with rainfall rates from 7 to 15 mm/h and drops diameters from 0.5 to 2.5 mm injected at velocities close to their terminal one. During these tests, the spectral aerosol concentration is measured in line with the help of a Welas granulometer. This instrument is based on white light scattering. The results of these experiments highlight the influence of “meteorological” conditions inside the chamber on the washout of the chamber atmosphere, especially when the relative humidity is reaching saturation.

O. Kuzmenko ◽  
T. Dotsenko ◽  
V. Koibichuk

Abstract. The article presents the results of developing the structure of databases of internal financial monitoring of economic agents in the form of a data scheme taking into account the entities, their attributes, key fields, and relationships, as well as the structure of units of regulatory information required for basic monitoring procedures based on internal and external sources. The block diagram of the financial monitoring databases, formed in the modern BPMN 2.0 notation using the Bizagi Studio software product on the basis of internal normative and reference documents, consists of tables containing information on: the client's financial monitoring questionnaire; list of risky clients according to the system of economic agent; the list of clients for which there are court rulings and financial transactions which may contain signs of risk; list of PEP clients of the economic agent; list of clients for which there is a share of state ownership (PSP); list of prohibited industries; reference books (type of financial transactions; features of financial transactions of mandatory financial monitoring; features of financial transactions of internal financial monitoring; identity document; type of subject of primary financial monitoring; type of notification; legal status of transaction participant; type of person who related to the financial transaction; the presence of permission to provide information; signs of financial transaction; regions of Ukraine); directory of risk criteria; clients with FATCA status. The scheme of the structure of databases of internal financial monitoring of economic agents using normative and reference information on the basis of external sources is presented by tables containing information on: legal entities, natural persons-entrepreneurs, public formations, public associations, notaries, lawyers of Ukraine; the list of persons related to terrorism and international sanctions, formed by the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine; list of public figures and members of their families; sanctions lists (National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine; Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine; OFAC SDN List — US sanctions list; worldwide sanctions lists; EU sanctions lists); lists of high-risk countries (aggressor state, countries with strategic shortcomings, countries with hostilities, list of the European Commission for countries with weak APC / FT regime, countries with high levels of corruption, self-proclaimed countries, countries with high risk of FT, offshore countries); The First All-Ukrainian Bureau of Credit Histories, which describes the credit history, credit risks of individuals and legal entities in Ukraine (PVBKI); International Bureau of Credit Histories, which describes the credit history of individuals and legal entities of clients of Ukrainian economic agents (MBKI); list of dual-use goods; list of persons with OSH; AntiFraud HUB — information about fraudsters; register of bankruptcies; register of debtors; register of court decisions; database of invalid documents; list of persons hiding from the authorities; register of EP payers; registers of encumbrances on movable and immovable property; data on securities; lustration register; register of arbitration trustees; corruption register; bases of Ukrainian organizations; information on foreign companies. Integrated use of the developed databases based on the proposed schemes will improve the procedures for financial monitoring by economic agents and solve several current problems. Keywords: economic agents, financial monitoring, structural scheme of the database, normative and reference information of internal securement, normative and reference information of external securement. JEL Classification E44, D53, G21, G28, G32 Formulas: 0; fig.: 2; tabl.: 0; bibl.: 12.

2020 ◽  
pp. 165-172
Ilya Lifshits ◽  

The adoption of a legal instrument relating to the harmonization of the ten Member States‟ laws on the financial transaction tax could be the first attempt in the EU history to establish an enhanced cooperation in the area of taxation. This project should be considered in the wider context of the financial sphere reform, which was caused by the global financial crisis. The draft Directive implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the financial transaction tax has been discussed in the Council for 7 years but an accord has not been reached yet. The ambition of the European Commission to enlarge the scope of the financial transaction tax payers as much as possible is perceived by the non-participating Member States as an encroachment of their tax jurisdiction which contradicts the international customary law as well as The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. An examination of the reasons of unsuccessful negotiations may lead to a conclusion on drawbacks of the enhanced cooperation in taxation policy. It is not likely that this mechanism would be used in the future to tax a very mobile financial market where the tax base may be easily transferred to the non-tax states. Meanwhile the participation of the leading EU States in the project, a wide public support of the „Robin Hood Tax‟ and Brexit suggest that in the coming months financial transactions in ten Member States will be charged by the harmonized tax. However, the scope of the tax would be reduced in comparison with that in the initial draft of the European Commission.

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