The Journalist's Tort Responsibility and The Ways To Avoid It In Light of The Saudi Press And Publication System: An Analytical Study

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 485-504
Aisha Mohamed Ismail Elamin

This study aims to determine the tort responsibility of the journalist in case of violating the rights of individuals and the extent of the possibility to avoid the tort responsibility of the journalist. This can happen through the decisions of the competent committees to consider violations of the provisions of the Saudi Press and Publication Law, based on the reasoning of its decisions on Article (9) of the Saudi Press and Publication Law. In the research, the analytical approach is used to the relevant texts from the Saudi Press and Publication System and the applied approach, which is based on strengthening legal and legal positions with judicial positions. In this study, the author addresses the pillars of the tort responsibility of the journalist by highlighting the pillars of Tort and damage, with the possibility of pushing the journalist to tort responsibility through satisfaction with the publication and the right to objective criticism. The study recommended: reorganizing the journalist’s tort responsibility through the inclusion of legal texts in the publications and publishing system due to the absence of legalization of financial transactions, which shows the general rules of responsibility, and publishing the decisions of the competent committees to consider violations of the provisions of the Saudi Press and Publication Law as a result of the absence of legalization of civil transactions.Keywords: Journalist Tort; Human Dignity; Privacy; Moral Damage; Objective Criticism Tanggung Jawab Kerugian Wartawan dan Cara Menghindarinya Berdasarkan Sistem Publikasi dan Pers Saudi: Sebuah Studi Analitis Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggung jawab gugatan wartawan dalam kasus pelanggaran hak-hak individu dan sejauh mana kemungkinan untuk menghindari tanggung jawab gugatan wartawan. Hal ini dapat terjadi melalui keputusan komite yang berwenang untuk mempertimbangkan pelanggaran ketentuan Undang-Undang Pers dan Publikasi Saudi, berdasarkan pertimbangan keputusannya pada Pasal (9) Undang-Undang Pers dan Publikasi Saudi. Dalam penelitian ini, pendekatan analitis digunakan pada teks-teks yang relevan dari Saudi Press and Publication System dan pendekatan terapan, yang didasarkan pada penguatan posisi hukum dan hukum dengan posisi yudisial. Dalam studi ini, penulis membahas pilar-pilar tanggung jawab kerugian jurnalis dengan menyoroti pilar-pilar kerugian dan kerugian, dengan kemungkinan mendorong jurnalis untuk melakukan tanggung jawab kerugian melalui kepuasan terhadap publikasi dan hak atas kritik yang objektif. Kajian ini merekomendasikan: menata kembali tanggung jawab wanprestasi jurnalis melalui pencantuman teks hukum dalam sistem penerbitan dan penerbitan karena tidak adanya legalisasi transaksi keuangan, yang menunjukkan aturan umum pertanggungjawaban, dan mempublikasikan keputusan komite yang berwenang untuk mempertimbangkan pelanggaran. ketentuan Hukum Pers dan Publikasi Saudi sebagai akibat tidak adanya legalisasi transaksi perdata.Kata Kunci: Gugatan Wartawan; Harga diri manusia; Pribadi; Kerusakan Moral; Kritik Objektif Деликатная ответственность журналиста и способы ее избежать в свете саудовской прессы и системы публикаций: аналитическое исследованиеАбстрактный:Это исследование направлено на определение деликтной ответственности журналиста в случае нарушения прав человека и степени возможности избежать деликтной ответственности журналиста. Это может произойти в результате решений компетентных комитетов о рассмотрении нарушений положений Закона Саудовской Аравии о печати и публикациях на основании обоснования своих решений по статье (9) Закона Саудовской Аравии о печати и публикациях. В исследовании используется аналитический подход к релевантным текстам из Саудовской системы печати и публикаций и прикладной подход, который основан на усилении юридических и юридических позиций с помощью судебных позиций. В этом исследовании автор обращается к столпам деликтной ответственности журналиста, выделяя столпы деликта и ущерба, с возможностью подтолкнуть журналиста к деликтной ответственности через удовлетворение публикацией и право на объективную критику. В исследовании рекомендовалось: реорганизовать деликтную ответственность журналиста путем включения юридических текстов в системы публикаций и публикации в связи с отсутствием легализации финансовых операций, которая показывает общие правила ответственности, и опубликовать решения компетентных комитетов по рассмотрению нарушений. положений Закона о печати и публикациях Саудовской Аравии в результате отсутствия легализации гражданских сделок.Ключевые слова: журналист Tort; Человеческое достоинство; Конфиденциальность; Моральный урон; Объективная критика

Miszairi Sitiris ◽  
Mustafa bin Mat Jubri @ Shamsuddin ◽  
Mohd Afandi Bin Awang Hamat

Nikahal-khitbah or popularly known as nikah gantung became a choice of a handful of teenagers especially among university students in Malaysia due to financial constraints and educational reason. Such type of wedding practice raises a number of questions related to juristic issues. This is because the practice of Nikahal-khitbah involves establishing some limitation of rights that violate the purpose or intent of marriage. Among others, the spouses agree to defer some of their rights such as declining the right of nafaqah and the right of sexual intercourse which are against the original purpose (muqtada aqd) of marriage contract. This paper aims to study the opinions of jurists (FuqahÉ’) regarding such limitation or agreement in marriage contract and their validity according to the Islamic Family Law in Malaysia. This paper relies on analytical study in discussing the opinions of the Fuqaha’ and understanding the legal texts of the law related to the matter. This study found that marriage practice through nikah al-khitbah is valid according to the majority views of FuqahÉ’. Islamic family laws in Malaysia do not deny the validity of such marriage practices although there are some legal effects on the limitation of marriage rights.           Keywords: Agreement in marriage contract, nikah al-khitbah, permission by the wali, Islamic Family Law in Malaysia. Abstrak Nikah al-khitbah atau lebih dikenali dengan nikah gantung menjadi pilihan segelintir remaja terutamanya di kalangan pelajar universiti di Malaysia atas faktor kekangan kewangan serta pelajaran. Amalan pernikahan ini menimbulkan beberapa pertanyaan berkaitan hukum fiqh. Ini adalah kerana di dalam amalan pernikahan secara nikah al-khitbah melibatkan penetapan beberapa syarat tertentu yang menyalahi maksud serta tujuan pernikahan. Antaranya, pasangan suami isteri bersetuju untuk melepaskan hak mereka terhadap pasangan mereka, iaitu hak mendapat nafaqah dan hak melakukan hubungan kelamin, yang mana ianya bercanggah dengan matlamat asal atau muqtada akad nikah. Objektif kertas kerja ini adalah untuk mengkaji pandangan para Fuqaha’ terhadap pensyaratan atau perjanjian sebegitu di dalam akad nikah dan keterikatannya menurut Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam di Malaysia. Kertas kerja ini menggunakan kaedah analis di dalam membincangkan pandangan Fuqaha’ dan di dalam memahami peruntukan undang-undang berkaitan dengan perkara tersebut. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa amalan perkahwinan secara nikah al-khitbah adalah sah menurut pandangan majoriti FuqahÉ’. Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam di Malaysia tidak menafikan kesahan amalan pernikahan tersebut walaupun terdapat beberapa kesan undang-undang terhadap syarat yang ditetapkan.            Kata Kunci: Pensyaratan di dalam akad nikah, nikah al-khitbah, izin wali, Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam di Malaysia.  

Hoor Abdullah Al-Shikhi

This study aimed to clarify the legal aspects of issuing financing sukuk in the Saudi financial market. Because of its important stages, the procedures of which have not been studied in detail and criticized; In the absence of clear legal regulation for it. To address the problem posed therein, this study followed the analytical approach, by analyzing the legal texts related to financing instruments in the Saudi financial market system and its implementing regulations. To demonstrate the appropriateness of these general procedures, usually related to all securities, to be applied to financing sukuk. This study reached conclusions, the most important of which is that the Saudi regulator did not stipulate any condition that must be met in the financing sukuk project or that the project be within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whether the issuing authority is a Saudi or foreign company. Contracts subject to the provisions of Islamic law. In light of the results of this study, it recommended that the regulatory authorities organize the financing sukuk project and organize the documents and evidence necessary for it related to assets and assets located outside the Kingdom. It also stipulated the necessity of stipulating that the contracts issued in the financing instruments are contracts that are subject to the provisions of Islamic law, especially since the Kingdom adopts the provisions of Islamic law in its dealings.

Lex Russica ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 129-142
E. E. Bogdanova ◽  
M. N. Maleina ◽  
D. S. Ksenofontova

In the context of the rapid development of new medical technologies, the problem of protecting the rights of citizens and ensuring respect for human dignity is becoming increasingly urgent. The authors come to the conclusion that the protection of the patient’s rights when using genomic technologies can be carried out in the order of claim proceedings. Typical methods of protection are recovery of damages in the event of injury to health, compensation for moral damage in connection with the violation of such non-material benefits as life, health, physical integrity, privacy. Particular attention is given to the problem of children’s rights protection when using genomic technologies, including the right to natural biological origin, the right to know their biological parents and family (genetic) history, since the use of advances in genetics and biomedicine by one generation of people can be a serious challenge to the existence of fundamental freedoms and equality of future generations.At the moment, states should define the limits of possible intervention in the sphere of private (parental) arbitrariness in order to prevent future harm to children born with the help of modern technologies. Consideration of individual problems of the rights of citizens protection when using genomic technologies indicates objective difficulties in finding solutions due to bioethical principles, the need to ensure a fair balance between the interests of the parties to the relevant relationship and third parties, and the need to minimize potential risks. The breakthrough achievements of medical and biological science pose an important task for the state to develop an effective system of legal guarantees aimed at ensuring respect for human dignity, protecting the rights and interests of an individual, preventing the biotechnological construction of a person for the purposes of eugenic practice, etc.

Ahmad Hamood Alhosean Ahmad Hamood Alhosean

  The study aimed at showing practical impact which results from the process of extracting the cause in the matters of financial transactions. The researcher used for that the comparative analytical approach , where he turned to follow proofs of the very specific intentional financial transaction ; then, these proofs through abstract procedural and methodological tracks, to inspect the latent causes behind permission or prohibition of these transactions , in order these inferred doctrinal provisions to be adopted at the same course in relation to other transactions that take part with the same ones that their causes have been extracted. Undoubtedly, the type of transactions from which the researcher has taken the subject of his research that its cause is undiscussed, or what texts permit a decision without minimum sign to their cause; where the researcher studied the transaction of a man who purchases what he doesn't have, relying on proofs in this connection; then , he had inferred the cause of this transaction and extracted it , to arrive at the doctrinal impact arising from this extraction , i.e. giving the decision of this transaction itself to other transactions participating with it the cause as: sale of unawareness , sale before receiving , sale of non- existent , or there is not ability to deliver; and between unacceptability to include other transaction within the same arrangement , since the cause is different ; and an instance of that matter is giving back female sheep with a measure equals to the duration the purchaser makes benefit from the existence of this animal at his barn; and after extracting this cause of the matter , the researcher could establish a law of doctrinal impairments.

This research article focuses on the theme of violence and its representation by the characters of the novel “This Savage Song” by Victoria Schwab. How violence is transmitted through genes to next generations and to what extent socio- psycho factors are involved in it, has also been discussed. Similarly, in what manner violent events and deeds by the parents affect the psychology of children and how it inculcates aggressive behaviour in their minds has been studied. What role is played by the parents in grooming the personality of children and ultimately their decisions to choose the right or wrong way has been argued. In the light of the theory of Judith Harris, this research paper highlights all the phenomena involved: How the social hierarchy controls the behaviour. In addition, the aggressive approach of the people in their lives has been analyzed in the light of the study of second theorist Thomas W Blume. As the novel is a unique representation of supernatural characters, the monsters, which are the products of some cruel deeds, this research paper brings out different dimensions of human sufferings with respect to these supernatural beings. Moreover, the researcher also discusses that, in what manner the curse of violence creates an inevitable vicious cycle of cruel monsters that makes the life of the characters turbulent and miserable.

Najla Ibrahim Abdulrahman, Fatimah Ibrahim Alkhamis

This study aimed to find out the role of financial analysis using financial models to predict the financial stumble on the Saudi public utilities sector. The study was based on the financial analysis of the financial lists published by the sample of the study of the Gas and Manufacturing Company (Gasco) and the Saudi Electricity Company listed in the Saudi Capital Market Authority. During the period (2009-2018) I followed the descriptive analytical approach. The study found the effectiveness of the Abdul Rahman model to predict the financial stumble on the public utilities sector, and the low effectiveness of the Altman model and the Kida model to predict financial stumbles on the utility sector. The study also recommended encouraging audit offices to add financial analysis services to the possibility of predicting and addressing financial stumbles, directing companies using financial models that help predict financial stumbles, encouraging investors to use financial models that help predict financial stumbles to make the right decision, and directing researchers in the study of financial default forecasting on the insurance sector using the Abdul Rahman model.

Patrick O’Callaghan ◽  
Bethany Shiner

Abstract This paper examines the right to freedom of thought in the European Convention on Human Rights against the background of technological developments in neuroscience and algorithmic processes. Article 9 echr provides an absolute right to freedom of thought when the integrity of our inner life or forum internum is at stake. In all other cases, where thoughts have been manifested in some way in the forum externum, the right to freedom of thought is treated as a qualified right. While Article 9 echr is a core focus of this paper, we argue that freedom of thought is further supported by Articles 8, 10 and 11 echr. This complex of rights carves out breathing space for the individual’s personal development and therefore supports the enjoyment of freedom of thought in its fullest sense. Charged with ‘maintaining and promoting the ideals and values of a democratic society’ as well as ensuring that individual human rights are given ‘practical and effective protection’, this paper predicts that the ECtHR will make greater use of the right to freedom of thought in the face of the emerging challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Saad Ahmad Al-Dafrawi

Islam recommends its followers to protect the body, to enjoy full health and also prohibits them from endangering their own soul (an-Nafs) which is within their body. This study attempts to present the perspective of Islamic Shari‘ah regarding performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) used in sports. This is achieved by showing that using prohibited substances and methods constitutes fraud. Moreover, it also has a detrimental effect on the right to life and the right of bodily integrity. The Problem: The problem states that some sports practitioners accept the idea of taking banned items and consider it to be inevitable in line with the sweeping trend of globalization. However, it is a fact that such behaviour contradicts Islamic ethics and rules which forbid cheating. Methodology: This study employed descriptive, analytical, and inferential methods as these methods suit the objectives and hypotheses of the study. Authenticity and Value: The originality and value of this study appears in its ethical presentation and treatment of the phenomenon which has been stripped of any moral determinant. Findings: The most important finding of this study is that cheating in sports, particularly doping in sports, is a serious problem that needs a radical solution. Furthermore, any respected athlete (male or female) who is taking PEDs should abstain from taking such drugs because it is considered as cheating that harms the body and endangers life. Accordingly, a person who takes prohibited and banned drugs contravenes both the Islamic Shari‘ah and the secular law. Moreover, that person deserves punishment suggested by both of these codes of law.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 268-330
د.عثمان محمد دفع الله علي القُرجي

The relationship between Islam and the West finds that this relationship has witnessed not only short periods of conflict and congestion, but often the military confrontation. Western societies have recently witnessed a wave of racist practices, forms of hostility and discrimination against Islam and Muslims, Under the name (Islamophobia)), , This fear is played by the Western media machine a large role has become the orientation of all strategies and plans to distort the image of Islam and Muslims, which is familiar with the term (al'iielamufubia), we find this research monitors many of what the Western media in the right of Islam and Muslims and the Prophet of Islam, And Muslims in the Western media (al'iielamufubia), and this research is of great importance in order to respond to the falsehoods and accusations that are attached to Islam, and to clarify the distorted image drawn in the West, by the Western media, the researcher followed in this study descriptive analytical approach to analyze issues And the implications of this phenomenon and the results of the work, and the questions of this study: How the influence of the media in shaping the Western consciousness? Who is behind the phenomenon of the media and this negative picture? , And the study has reached the results and the most important: The typical descriptions that are presented to Muslims in general in the Western media are like the adoption of extremism and violence and bloodshed and polygamy and rejection of integration and enemies of Western civilization, and ah Recommendations recommended by the study:, The comprehensive discourse that reaches all people, which stems from the universality of Islam, combines all the meanings of religion and covers all its aspects, does not set aside at the expense of one side, and does not care about without concern, but calls for religion as a whole contemporary discourse linking the original era.

Law and World ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 124-144

The protection of personal human rights is especially important after the death of the victim. First of all, it is necessary to determine what is meant by the personal rights of a person, what personal rights can be protected after the death of the victim, in order to determine what is meant by the protection of the personal rights of the deceased. Then it is necessary to find out what the characteristics of a person are, by whom, how and in what form these rights are protected, and what harm can be caused by the violation of personal rights. It is true that the violation of personal rights is not allowed by law, but, nevertheless, there are many facts around us when the personal rights of the deceased and the living are violated. It is also desirable to protect personal rights acquired at birth from being violated by others both during the life and after the death of the victim. It is true that a person with personal rights protects his life and can claim compensation for property and / or non-property damage, but after the death of the victim, the law prohibits relatives or friends of the deceased from claiming compensation. for moral damage in violation of these rights. However, if a person was rehabilitated after his / her death, but the unlawful condemnation of the victim or other illegal legal actions damaged both the name and reputation of the heir, it is recommended to give the victim’s heir the right to claim compensation for the damage directly caused to him.

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