2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Efrosina Yelni Herviory ◽  
M Sofwan Anwari ◽  
Ahmad Yani

Gastropod is a single-shelled animal that walks using stomach for their legs. Mangrove forest located Mendalok village, Sungai Kunyit sub-district, Mempawah district have pristine mangroves whose function is still maintained and is natural. The purpose of this study was to examine the diversity of Gastropoda species in Mendalok the area. Data retrieval the diversity of Gastropod species, the researchers empolyed a purposive sampling method that making each zone used 3 lines observation of each one line transect. While the three observation tracks consist of the Avicenia zone, Rhizopor zone, Bruguiera zone. The number of Gastropod individual found was 367 with 5 families and 8 species (Cerithideopsilla alata, littorina obstutata, Littorinopsis anguliferis, Littoraria melanstoma, Graciliclva costata, Casidulla aurisfelis, Ellobium aurisjudae, and Lirttoraria undulata). The research found diversity indexes in Avicennia zone = 2,98, Rhizopora zone = 3,05 and Bruguiera zone = 1,16. Especially, the highest density is in the type of Gastropod Littoraria undulata. Additionally, the dominant index is found in the Avicenia zona = 0,8562, the Rhizopora zone = 0, 5410 and Bruguiera zone = 0,4585. While the low similarity index exist in both Bruguiera zone = 28,77 % and Avicenia zone = 28,50%, and the index of type similarity is at the value of 0,1117.Keyword: Ecotourism of mangrove, Gastropods, mangrove forests.

Elkawnie ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Juhardi Sembiring ◽  
Taufiq Siddiq Azvi

Abstract : Orangutan is classified as an endangered species. Forest clearance for a variety of purposes and functions over the region led to the limited habitat for orangutans. Orangutans habitat is fragmented into several regions led to the survival of a population of a species depends on habitat conditions. Performing a nest survey is important to give a deeper understanding of the ecology and help determine the best protective management measures. We provide basic data of orangutan density and orangutan nesting characteristics in protected forest area Sibongkaras village. This study was conducted in April 2019 until June 2019 in protected forest area Sibongkaras village, Pakpak Bharat. Tracking begins with observed the presence of a nest based on a purposive sampling method. And data retrieval was done by line transect method. Data analyzed at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara. Our result showed that the orangutan population density was 0.0072 individuals/km2 or 0.72 individuals/ha. The dominant position of the nest is in a position which is a position I nest close to the main stem of the tree with the nest number 13 (43.3%). Generally, the nest is found at an altitude of  >15 meters with a sum of 27 nests (90%).Abstrak : Orangutan diklasifikasikan sebagai spesies yang terancam punah. Penebangan hutan untuk berbagai tujuan dan fungsi di kawasan tersebut menyebabkan terbatasnya habitat orangutan. Habitat orangutan yang terfragmentasi menjadi beberapa wilayah menyebabkan kelangsungan hidup suatu populasi suatu spesies tergantung pada kondisi habitat. Melakukan survei sarang penting untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang ekologi dan membantu menentukan langkah-langkah manajemen perlindungan terbaik. Kami menyediakan data dasar kepadatan orangutan dan karakteristik sarang orangutan di kawasan hutan lindung Desa Sibongkaras. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April 2019 hingga Juni 2019 di kawasan hutan lindung Desa Sibongkaras, Pakpak Bharat. Pengamatan dimulai dengan mengamati keberadaan sarang berdasarkan metode purposive sampling. Dan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode transek garis. Data yang diperoleh di analisis di Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara. Hasil Penelitian kami menunjukkan kepadatan populasi orangutan di 0,0072 individuals/km2 atau 0,72 individu / ha. Posisi sarang yang dominan adalah pada posisi sarang yang berada di posisi paling dekat dengan batang utama, dengan jumlah sarang 13 (43,3%). Umumnya sarang ditemukan di ketinggian > 15 meter dengan jumlah 27 sarang (90%).

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Jayens Alotia ◽  
Saroyo Saroyo ◽  
Sendy Rondonuwu

Biodiversitas Burung pada Perkebunan Kelapa di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara(Bird Biodiversity in Coconut Plantation in North Minahasa Distric, North Sulawesi Province) Jayens Alotia1)*, Saroyo1), Sendy Rondonuwu1)1)Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado 95115*Email korespondensi: [email protected] Diterima  1 Februari 2019, diterima untuk dipublikasi 28 Februari  2019 Abstrak Burung memerlukan tempat atau ruang yang digunakan untuk mencari makan, minum, berlindung, bermain, dan tempat berkembang biak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biodiversitas burung pada habitat perkebunan kelapa di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2017 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2018 di perkebunan kelapa di Desa Maumbi, Desa Tatelu dan Desa Pinili  Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.  Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei. Teknik penentuan petak contoh menggunakan metode purposive sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Petak contoh ditentukan sebanyak 3 transek berbentuk garis transek (line transect) dengan panjang masing-masing transek 2000 m dan lebar 20 m dengan pengambilan data sebanyak 5 kali. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil sebanyak 23 jenis burung dengan indeks biodiversitas sebesar 2.76, dari 23 jenis burung tersebut diketahui jumlah jenis burung yang dianggap kurang mengkhawatirkan (LC) terdapat 21 jenis burung, sedangkan status rentan (VU) terdapat 1 jenis yaitu Penelopides exarhatus dan status hampir punah (NT) terdapat satu jenis yaitu Accipiter nanus.Kata kunci: biodiversitas, burung, perkebunan kelapa, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Abstract Birds buy places or spaces that are used to find food, drink, shelter, play, and breed. This study aims to analyze biodiversity in coconut plantation habitat in North Minahasa Regency. Data collection was carried out from December 2017 to March 2018 in coconut plantations, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province in Maumbi Village, Tatelu Village, Pinili Village. Data retrieval is done using the survey method. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling method which is a sample selection technique with certain considerations. Sample plots are determined by 3 transects, forming line transects (line transects) with the length of each transect of 2000 m and width of 20 m by taking data 5 times. Based on research conducted in plantation habitats, North Minahasa Regency obtained research on species of birds on plantations in North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province, which consisted of 23 species of birds with a biodiversity index of 2.76, of 23 species of birds there are according to the type of bird that is considered less alarming (LC) there are 21 species of birds, while the vulnerable status (VU) there is 1 type, Penelopides exarhatus and the status is almost extinct (NT) there is 1 type, Accipiter nanus. Keywords: biodiversity, birds, coconut plantations, North Minahasa Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Moch. Chasan Basri ◽  
Hari Santoso ◽  
Saimul Laili

  Mangrove forests are the one of the coastal ecosystems; especially the northern coast and many are founded in the surrounding fish ecosystems. That organism is the one of the fauna which mangrove ecosystem constituent. The aim of this study was to determine the density and abundance of the population of Gelodok fish at mangrove areas in Penunggul Village, Nguling District. This study used a purposive sampling method from three stations and each station has three plots and three replications in each plot. The results showed that the density of frog fish in the mangrove forest area of ​​Nguling village at station 1 was 3 as well as at station 2 and 3 respectively 2 and 1. At station 1 there were three species, namely Baleopthalmus boddarti, Periopthalmus dipus, Periophthalmus Gracilis, station 2, there were two species; Baleopthalmus boddarti, Periophthalmus Gracilis, and station 3 there were three species namely Baleopthalmus boddarti, Periopthalmodon schlosseri, Periopthalmus dipus. The differences in the results of the study, environmental conditions and abiotic factors influence the density of fish in the mangrove area and at the station 1 the density is highe. Keywords: Gelodok fish, mangrove forest, population ABSTRAK Hutan mangrove merupakan salah satu ekosistem daerah pantai terutama pantai utara dan banyak di temui ikan Gelodok di sekitar ekositem ini. Organisme tersebut merupakan salah satu fauna penyusun ekositem mangrove. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kepadatan dan kemelimpahan populasi ikan Gelodok kawasan mangrove desa Penunggul Kecamatan Nguling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dari tiga stasiun dan setiap stasiun terdapat tiga plot dengan ulangan tiga kali dalam setiap plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan ikan gelodok di kawasan hutan mangrove desa Nguling rata-rata pada stasiun 1 adalah 3, di satsiun 2; 2 dan 3; 1. Pada stasiun 1 terdapat tiga spesies yaitu Baleopthalmus boddarti, Periopthalmus dipus, Periophthalmus Gracilis , stasiun 2 terdapat dua spesies yaitu Baleopthalmus boddarti, Periophthalmus Gracilis dan stasiun 3 terdapat tiga spesies yaitu Baleopthalmus boddarti, Periopthalmodon schlosseri, Periopthalmus dipus. Perbedaan hasil penelitian, kondisi lingkungan dan faktor abiotik mempengaruhi kepadatan ikan Gelodok di kawasan mangrove, sehingga pada stasiun 1 diperoleh kepadatan  lebih tinggi. Kata kunci: ikan Gelodok, hutan mangrove, kepadatan populasi    

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 66 ◽  
Cahyaning Windarni ◽  
Agus Setiawan ◽  
Rusita Rusita

Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere and decreasing amount of forest as absorb CO2are factors which was the underlying repercussion of climate change. One of solutions for decreasing CO2 concentration through the forest vegetation’s development and emendation. Mangrove forest estimated that effectively absorb carbon through photosynthesis. The purpose of the studyis to estimate the stand and litter carbon stock of mangrove forest. The research used line transectmethod. The first line and plot determined randomly then the next lineand plots was sistematically. The observation plots had measurement with amount of 20m x 20m with spacing between plot in line 20 m with total 20 plots. Each plot was measured diameter just  ≥ 5 cm. Each plot made observations litter sub plots with amount of 0,5 m x 0,5 m. Carbon estimation of stand biomass using allometric equations B = 0,1848D2.3624 and litter biomass using total dry weight. Carbon concentration of organic material typically contains around 46% thus multiplying the biomass by 46%. The average biomass of mangrove forests amounted to 431,78 tons/ha. Carbon estimated of mangrove stand was 197,36 ton/ha and litter carbon was 1,25 ton/ha, based on the research total of carbon mangrove forest was198,61 ton/ha. Keywords:carbon above ground,line transect, mangrove forest

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Edy Kurniawan ◽  
M Sofwan Anwari ◽  
M Dirhamsyah

The fiddler crab is also known as the kepiting biola is an animal that has broad legs that belong to the Crustacean class. Fiddler crab is a type of crab that has a habitat in intertidal areas, especially around mangrove forests and sandy beaches. This study aims to examine the identification of fiddler crab species found in the Mangrove Sebubus. The method used in this research is purposive sampling method with the use of a square plot size of 1 x 1 meter as many as 30 pieces in 3 research lines. The results showed as many as 7 species of fiddler crabs found there, that is Uca annulipes, Uca rosea, Uca forcipata, Uca bellator, Uca tetragonon, Uca paradussumieri, and Uca acuta.Keywords: Identification, Fiddler Crab, Mangrove Sebubus

Rendra Rini Rismatul Chusna ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti

 Substrat mangrove terdiri atas fraksi pasir (sand), lumpur (silt), dan liat (clay). Gastropoda adalah kelompok hewan dari filum moluska yang hidup di jenis substrat dari kasar ke halus. Kelimpahan gastropoda dipengaruhi oleh substrat dasar yang merupakan habitat dari gastropoda, serta kandungan nutrien yang berbeda pada tiap fraksi akan mempengaruhi kelimpahan Gastropoda yang berada di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai hubungan substrat dengan kelimpahan Gastropoda, karena Gastropoda salah satu faktor penting untuk menjaga keseimbangan ekologi pesisir khususnya ekositem mangrove. Penelitian  dilakukan di Hutan Mangrove Kulonprogo Yogyakarta bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe substrat, kelimpahan Gastropoda dan hubungan kedua variabel tersebut. Penelitian  dilakukan pada bulan April sampai dengan  Mei 2017. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif yaitu metode penelitian yang memberikan gambaran secara sistematis, faktual, akurat mengenai faktor-faktor dan sifat-sifat dari suatu daerah atau populasi. Metode pengambilan sampel substrat dan Gastropoda menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling Method pada 3 stasiun berbeda yaitu stasiun I pada bagian dekat pemukiman penduduk, stasiun II pada bagian dekat tambak, dan stasiun III pada bagian muara sungai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis substrat pada tiap stasiun adalah lempung dan lempung berdebu yang didominasi oleh fraksi lumpur (silt) dan pasir (sand). Jenis Gastropoda yang didapatkan berasal dari genus Littoraria, Natica, Faunus, Cerithium, Neritina, Polinices, Conus, Telescopium, dan Nerita. Meningkatnya prosentase fraksi pasir (sand) dan liat (clay) akan diikuti oleh meningkatnya kelimpahan Gastropoda, sedangkan untuk fraksi lumpur (silt) akan sebaliknya yaitu meningkatnya fraksi lumpur akan diikuti oleh menurunnya kelimpahan Gastropoda. Kata kunci: Tipe Substrat, Gastropoda, Mangrove, Kulonprogo  Mangrove substrates formed by sands, silts, and clays. Gastropods is a group of animals of the phylum of mollusks lives on the type of substrate from rough to smooth. Gastropod abundance is affected by substrate which habitat of gastropods and nutrients influencing the distribution of gastropods. Therefore, it needs a deeper research about the correlation of substrate and the amount of gastropods , because gastropods are the importants factor of mangrove ecosystem. The research helds in Kulonprogo Mangrove Forest, Yogyakarta, and the goals are to know the type of substrate, the amount of gastropods, and the correlation among them. This research held on April – Mei 2017. This research use descriptivemethod wich research method that provide a systematic, factual, accurate description of the factors and quality an area or population. The method on sampling sediments and gastropods is purposive sampling in 3 station. Station 1 near the settlement, station 2 near ponds, station 3 on the estuary. The results of this research shows that the sediments on every station are clay and dusty clay, which is dominated by silt,and sand fraction. The gastropods that obtained are Littoraria, Natica, Faunus, Cerithium, Neritina, Polinices, Conus, Telescopium, and Nerita. The percentage increasing on sands and clays fraction would be more gastropods. Otherwise on silts fraction.   

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 81 ◽  
Anna Ida Sunaryo Purwiyatno ◽  
Fitri Agustriani

Taman Nasional Sembilang merupakan salah satu taman nasional yang terletak di Sumatera Selatan dan menjadi kawasan mangrove terbesar di barat Indonesia. Sebagian besar wilayah mangrovenya telah mengalami alih fungsi menjadi tambak pasang surut. Hal ini menyebabkan timbulnya kekhawatiran kerusakan mangrove di taman nasional. Salah satu upaya untuk mempertahankan wilayah mangrove adalah dengan melakukan sistem silvofishery, yaitu penanaman mangrove dan budidaya bandeng dilakukan secara bersamaan di tambak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas air dan kondisi nutrien di tambak di daerah restorasi silvofishery di Taman Nasional Sembilang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling di tambak silvofishery, tambak non-silvofishery, dan badan air sungai di seluruh wilayah taman nasional. Pengukuran dilakukan terhadap parameter kualitas air dan kandungan nutrien khususnya nitrat dan fosfat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran tanaman mangrove di daerah tambak mampu memperbaiki kandungan oksigen dan pH air tambak. Mangrove juga menunjukkan kemampuan dalam mengikat nitrat yang secara tidak langsung akan mencegah air tambak dari polusi. Namun, kandungan fosfat tinggi menunjukkan bahwa tanaman mangrove muda di wilayah restorasi belum mampu mengikat nutrien ini secara signifikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hutan mangrove sangat bermanfaat bagi kegiatan budidaya tambak karena kemampuannya dalam menyerap polutan nutrient. Kata kunci: silvofishery; kolam; nitrat; fosfat; Taman Nasional Sembilang Sembilang National Park is one of the national parks which is located in South Sumatera and became the largest mangrove area in western Indonesia. Most of the mangroves area in this national park has been experiencing conversion to be tidal ponds. This has resulted in concerns on mangrove forest destruction in the park. One of the efforts to maintain mangroves area is by applying silvofishery system, which is mangrove planting and cultivation of milkfish in ponds performed simultaneously. This study aims to investigate the water quality and nutrient condition in the ponds in the area of silvofishery restoration at Sembilang National Park. The study was conducted by purposive sampling method in the silvofishery ponds, non-silvofishery ponds, and river water bodies throughout the park. Measurements conducted on water quality parameters and nutrient content, especially nitrate and phosphate. The results showed that the presence of mangrove in the ponds area is able to improve the oxygen content and pH of pond water. Mangroves also demonstrated the ability to bind nitrates which indirectly will prevent the pond water from pollution. However, the high phosphorus content showed that young mangrove plants in the restoration area have not been able to significantly bind the of this nutrient. The results of this study showed that mangrove forests are very beneficial for aquaculture activities because of its ability to absorb nutrient pollutants. Keywords: silvofishery; ponds; nitrate; phosphate; Sembilang National Park

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dewanti Y Talumingan ◽  
Ferdinand F. Tilaar ◽  
Jety K. Rangan ◽  
Maartinus M Baroleh ◽  
Victor N. R. Watung ◽  

This research aims to determine the types or species of gastropod and its distribution in mangrove forests in Tongkeina village and to know the species of mangrove in Tongkeina village. The Research was conducted on one sampling point with one 100 meters long line transect which was is laid perpendicular to the outer direction of the mangrove.  To collect gastropod samples, three quadrates with a size of 10x10meters with a distance between the quadrate 5 meters were made. In the quadrate, 15 subquadrates sized 1x1meters were also made. Based on the results, there were 6 species of gastropods and two distribution patterns of i.e., Cluster the species of the Littoraria scabra, Angustassiminea castanea, Terebralia sulcate. The uniform distribution pattern is Ischinocerithium rostratum, Caliostoma jujubinum, and Nerita senegalensis. There are ten mangrove species found and  the most common species is Soneratia alba with a total of 27 individuals.Keywords: Gastropods, forest, Mangrove, Tongkeina village ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Jenis-jenis gastropoda serta persebaran pada hutan mangrove di Kelurahan Tongkeina dan untuk mengetahui Jenis-jenis mangrove di Kelurahan Tongkeina. Penelitian hanya di lakukan satu titik pengambilan sampel dimana dibuat 1 line transek dengan Panjang 100meter yang di tarik tegak lurus dari arah terluar mangrove kemudian dibuat 3 kuadrat dengan ukuran 10x10meter dengan jarak antara kuadrat 5 meter, dan di dalam kuadrat dibuat 15 subkuadrat berukuran 1x1 meter. Berdasarkan penelitian hasil ditemukan ada 6 spesies gastopoda dan dua pola persebaran Gastropoda yaitu mengelompok dan seragam, spesies mengelompok yaitu Littoraria scabra, Angustassiminea castanea, Terebralia sulcate. Pola persebaran seragam yaitu Ischinocerithium rostratum, Caliostoma jujubinum, Nerita senegalensis. Mangrove ditemukan 10 Spesies yang terbanyak adalah Soneratia alba dengan jumlah 27 individu.Kata kunci: Gastropoda, Hutan, Mangrove, Kelurahan Tongkeina.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Emanuel Luis Rosario ◽  
M Sofwan Anwari ◽  
Slamet Rifanjani ◽  
Herlina Darwati

Gastropod is one of the mollusk phylum that can adapt and decompose in mangrove forests. The mangrove forest in Sungai Kakap is an area that is slowly being opened due to the local community people’s activities. They opened land to build buildings, farms, and villages. This research is aimed at studying the diversity of Gastropod and the influence of the mangrove tree density on the gastropod diversity in the mangrove forest of Sungai Kakap, Sungai Kakap Village of Kubu Raya Regency. The data were taken in May 2018. The analysis was conducted using the observation method by making six observation lines. The lines were differentiated based on the density of the vegetations: dense, medium, and sparse. The number of Gastropods found in the Kakap River mangrove forest is 4 types of gastropods with a total of 252 individuals. Respectively from dense, medium, and sparse vegetation, the gastropod dominance index is 0.68, 0.37, and 0.51; the diversity index is 0.25, 0.49, and 0.33; the species average index is 0.27, 0.97, and 0.4; and the gastropod species richness index is 4.03, 1.18, and 0.7. Lastly, the species similarity index is respectively 86%, 66%, and 86%. Keywords: Gastropod, Mangrove Forests, Vegetation density.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Habil Algifari, Junardi, Tri Rima Setyawati

Gastropods are an invertebrata which has an important role as an indicator quality mangrove forest. The presence of Gastropods in Sepok Keladi mangrove forest was decreasing due the habitat degradation and it impact on the Gastropods community. The purpose of this research is to determine the diversity of Gastropod species in mangrove forest Sepok Keladi Island Kakap River District Kubu Raya Regency. This study uses purposive random sampling method at six different stations with two 5x5m2 size plots in each station and four replication. The study found four families of Gastropods, i.e. Ellobidae, Littorinidae, Neritidae and Potamidiidae. Epifauna Gastropods found nine species and are five of them are treefauna. The most species foundy Cerethidae obtusa from Potamididae family.

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