scholarly journals Analisis Wacana Perbedaan Agama dan Budaya dalam Film “Bidadari Mencari Sayap”

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Candra Alfiyani

This study aims to analyze the discourse in Aria Kusumadewa's film “Bidadari Mencari Sayap” using Teun van Dijk's theory which includes text analysis (macro structure, super structure, micro structure), social cognition, and social context. The type of the research is descriptive qualitative. Techniques in collecting data are observation and note technique. The result shows that the macro structure in this film raises the theme of a religious and cultural difference. This super structure film tells the story of a family formed from different religions and cultures that cause conflict. There are three parts of micro structure in this film: (1) semantics, this film is more directed at divine meanings from different points of view; (2) syntax, in the film there is coherence, using conjunctions and, but, then, because rather than using pronouns I and you; and (3) stilistics, the use of language almost entirely Indonesian but there are also some uses of slang and Betawi. Social cognition in this film raises the story of life from the perspective of marriage.The social context of this film shows the implicit messages that the film wants to convey to the audience regarding the importance of communication in dealing with differences. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis wacana dalam film “Bidadari Mencari Sayap” karya Aria Kusumadewa menggunakan teori Teun van Dijk yang meliputi analisis teks (struktur makro,super struktur, dan struktur mikro), kognisi sosial, dan konteks sosial. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik simak dan catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur makro pada film ini mengangkat tema tentang sebuah perbedaan agama dan budaya. Super struktur film ini berisi cerita tentang sebuah keluarga yang terbentuk dari agama dan budaya yang berbeda yang menyebabkan konflik. Struktur mikro dalam film ini terdapat tiga bagian, yaitu (1) semantik yang lebih mengarah kepada makna-makna ketuhanan berdasarkan sudut pandang yang berbeda; (2) sintaksis yang menunjukkan adanya koherensi dengan memakai kata penghubung dan, tetapi, lalu, karena daripada menggunakan kata ganti aku dan kamu; (3) stilistika menunjukkan bahwa bahasa yang digunakan hampir secara keseluruhan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Akan tetapi, ada juga penggunaan bahasa gaul dan bahasa Betawi. Kognisi sosial pada film ini ialah cerita kehidupan melalui sudut pandang perkawinan. Konteks sosial film ini menunjukkan pesan-pesan tersirat yang ingin disampaikan kepada penonton mengenai pentingnya komunikasi dalam menghadapi sebuah perbedaan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Ahmad Madkur

According to Van Dijk, there are three dimensions of discourse analysis, namely text, social cognition and social context. This study was focused on the first dimension, text. Joko Widodo’s first presidential English speech on economic issues in front of international audience in CEO Summit in Beijing was one of speeches a lot of people talk about. Some like while some others dislike. This study was intended to analyze the transcript of the speech. This text analysis was based on Van Dijk’s design in which the unit elements of the analysis are divided into three parts: macro-structure, suprastructure and microstructure. The result of the analysis revealed that in macrostructure element, several sentences in the presidential speech were less coherent in term of stating theme. Then, in suprastructure, the scheme of the speech consisted of opening, content and closing. Finally, in the microstrucure, the semantic aspect could be found in setting, detail, intention, presupposition, and normalization.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Dewi Yana

This study aims at describing the text analysis, social cognition, social context, and ideology of sindo newspaper of  Wednesday December 11th 2013 edition.. This study uses Critical Discourse Analysis method  with  a Teun A Van Dijk  approach model.  The data were in the form of news entitled “Putusan Luthfi Hasan Diharapkan Jadi Efek Jera”. The data were analyzed with integrating the third dimension of Teun A Van Djik Discoure model in the unity analysis, they were text, social cognition, and social context. The results found that the Sindo Newspaper supported the work of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the presiding judge of Corruption Court (Tipikor). The news in the edition of Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 “the  ideology of Sindo Newspaper practically used  to build the image of KPK and TIPIKOR to be more better in the society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Devi Kurniasari Riyadi

This research is aimed to find the language style used to represent how the figure of parking attendants in the Petition of “Malang Darurat Parkir” and show why those language styles are used by the writer of petition. Petition “Malang Darurat Parkir” is available in and becomes top three petitions on that webpage. This research is qualitative research by using model of critical discourse analysis by Van Dijk (2008) that has three aspects: text analysis, social cognition, and social context. The results reveal that the types of language style based on theory of Keraf (2006) used are diction, sentence structure, and direct and indirect meaning and all of those dominated by bad representation or negative connotation called marginalization. This language style used because Helmy can be inferred if he lives or ever stayed in Malang city and the confition of social or people around him also use that kind of words or connotation.  ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan gaya bahasa yang digunakan untuk merepresentasikan bagaimana tukang parkir dalam petisi “Malang Darurat Parkir” dan menunjukkan mengapa gaya bahasa tersebut digunakan oleh penulis petisi. Petisi “Malang Darurat Parkir” tersedia di laman dan masuk dalam deretan tiga teratas di laman tersebut. Penilitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan model analisis wacana kritis oleh Van Dijk (2008) yang memiliki tiga aspek yaitu analisa teks, kognisi sosial, dan konteks sosial. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tipe gaya bahasa berdasarkan teori Keraf (2006) yang digunakan adalah diksi, struktur kalimat, dan langsung tidaknya makna dan didominasi dengan representasi buruk atau konotasi negatif, yang disebut juga marginalisasi. Gaya bahasa tersebut digunakan karena dapat diduga Helmy tinggal atau pernah tinggal di Malang, dan kondisi sosial atau orang-orang disekitarnya juga menggunakan jenis kata atau konotasi tersebut.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-104
Encik Savira Isnah

This study aims to determine the identity that emerges through language in Indonesian language major in tertiary engineering concentration. The research was conducted in the Department of Marine Engineering, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology Surabaya. The method used is descriptive qualitative with Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis. Van Dijk's three models are macrostructure, social cognition, and microstructure. The results of the study show that identity does not only emerge from a person's psychological background but is also seen from the language used. most students try to use mimicry in using language, that is, students outside Surabaya try to use Suroboyoan as the language of instruction in discussions in the Indonesian class as an effort to bring out their identity as suroboyo architects, no longer their origin areas to be socially acceptable. Other findings, Indonesian language classes bring up the identity associated with the understanding adopted by students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-189
Ratna Katharina Lema

This article examines news text on fire extinguishing of Kupang city in Timor Express to analyze its macro structure, super structure, micro structure and to describe the cognition and social context realized in it. I collected the data by taking the news texts of Timor Express purposively. Additionally I interviewed the editorial chief of the electronic mass media of the Timor Express to verify the data accuracy and to reach a deep understanding in enabling to provide details of the cognition and social contexts implicitly realised in the news text construction on fire extinguishing in the printed mass media of Timor Express. Results showed that the text structure of the Kupang City fire extinguishing service in Timor Express daily news consists of macro-structure, super-structure, and micro-structure. For the level of superstructure, in general Timor Express formulates headlines followed by leads consisting of script elements, which can be identified as: what, when, and who elements. Meanwhile, element why and how elements are in the news content (story). Macro structure is a thematic form of the Kupang city fire extinguishing service news text. The micro structure consists of semantics, syntactic, stylistic, rhetoric. In the microstructure of the news of the Kupang City fire service, the use of words that pointed to or reinforced news messages about the fire disaster that received fire services for the City of Kupang was found. In terms of social cognition, the aspect is realized in the form of journalists' mental awareness of a fire disaster that received services from the Kupang City fire service department. Timor Express journalists consider that fire is an unpredictable humanitarian disaster whose effects bring material losses in life. The social context relates to how a meaning is shared together. In accordance with the news text of the fire extinguishing service contains news of a fire accident and getting fire services from Kupang City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-167
Fiona Alde Risa ◽  
Miftahulkhairah Anwar

Ramayana Department Store advertisement is the advertisement which always visualized before and during Ramadan. Ramayana Department Store ads always shows the unique and impressive ads. One of the Ramayana Department Store advertisement which is mostly watched is “Bahagianya Adalah Bahagiaku”. Around 6.6 million viewers have watched the ads in Youtube channel. The reason is the ads can pull the audiences’s sympathy. The purpose of this research is to show the hidden meaning of the ads by showing its macro structure, super structure and micro structure. This is a descriptive qualitative research with Teun A. van Dijk model approach. The data will be discourses in the form of a dialogue carried out in the ads. The result of this study show that the ads has some elements of macro structure, super structure and micro structure.AbstrakIklan Ramayana Departement Store merupakan iklan yang selalu hadir menjelang dan selama Ramadan. Iklan tersebut selalu menghadirkan iklan yang unik, bahkan menyentuh hati. Salah satu iklan yang paling banyak ditonton berjudul “Bahagianya Adalah Bahagiaku”. Iklan tersebut sudah ditonton oleh sekitar 6,6 juta orang dalam kanal Youtube. Alasannya iklan tersebut menarik rasa simpati penonton. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengungkapkan makna tersembunyi di balik iklan Ramayana Department Store dengan mengungkapkan struktur makro, super struktur, dan struktur mikro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan model Teun A. van Dijk. Data yang digunakan berupa dialog dalam iklan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa iklan tersebut memiliki unsur struktur makro, super struktur, dan struktur mikro.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dewi Yana

 This study aims at describing the text analysis, social cognition, social context, and ideology of sindo newspaper of  Wednesday December 11th 2013 edition.. This study uses Critical Discourse Analysis method  with  a Teun A Van Dijk  approach model.  The data were in the form of news entitled “Putusan Luthfi Hasan Diharapkan Jadi Efek Jera”. The data were analyzed with integrating the third dimension of Teun A Van Djik Discoure model in the unity analysis, they were text, social cognition, and social context. The results found that the Sindo Newspaper supported the work of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the presiding judge of Corruption Court (Tipikor). The news in the edition of Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 “the  ideology of Sindo Newspaper practically used  to build the image of KPK and TIPIKOR to be more better in the society

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Nizar Ibnus

Reunion 212 which is the action of a series of previous actions was reported by many media in Indonesia. Each media portrays the action differently. This critical discourse analysis attempts to uncover the practice of power in Indonesian online media regarding the rally. Data were analyzed using van Dijk discourse analysis approach which consisted of text analysis, social cognition, and social context. The findings reveal that CNN is more concerned about the adverse effects of the action and the purpose of the action which is considered politically charged, while Republika Online brings more humanist themes but also does not deny the potential political purpose behind the action. The themes are supported by certain lexical and discourse strategies. Moreover, the power practice is more visible in CNN which attempts to convince readers that the action is bad and orientates itself more toward political purposes. While the news from Republika Online is more informative and only contains the good side of the action.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 131
Adeline Setiawan ◽  
Brigitta Daisy adela

This study analyzes and investigates several online news launched by 3 mass media (CNN Indonesia, Detik, and Tirto) related to PB Djarum vs KPAI Polemic in September 2019, using Van Dijk’s discourse analysis. It aims was to explore how different each article used its standpoints in reporting the issue, by looking at Text, Social Cognition, and Context dimensions. In text dimensions, it examines how the articles constructed through micro structure, super structure, and macro structure. Moreover, it is also trying to look beyond the written text, while analyzing in social cognition and context dimensions. This study concludes that the media, in this case the online news media, can be a powerful channel to influence readers through its construction of the polemic issue. As the tobacco industry still known as the main sponsor of badminton-coaching industry in Indonesia, most of the media were portraying positive image of PB Djarum.  Keywords: Discourse analysis, Mass Media, Text, Social Cognition, Context Dimension, Van Dijk’s, 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-100
Aa Qonaatun

Music is one of the communication media to convey implied messages. Music is also a cultural means that is present in society as a construction of social reality as outlined in the form of song lyrics. The most prominent social music functions are found in the lyrics. An ideal song lyrics do not only contain ideas to entertain but also have moral or idealistic messages and have the power of constructive social criticism. One of the musicians who dared to create songs about social problems was the band Shaggydog who released a song titled Putra Nusantara. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of social criticism on the song Putra Nusantara using the Teun A. Van Djik approach covering the dimensions of the text, dimensions of social cognition and dimensions of social context. The text dimension will analyze the macro structure, superstructure and micro structure, then discuss it into the dimensions of social cognition and social context dimensions to find the meaning of criticism of the song. After analyzing the micro structure, which is based on syntactic, semantic, stylistic and rhetorical structures, it turns out that there are many clauses that are incoherent with one another or based on the superstructure, in the temple scheme many meanings are even lost. However, based on the overall meaning, the song implies to state officials who do not pay attention to proper education for children. However, based on social cognition, the song cannot be proven true if the school is expensive. Macro structure can be seen from the relationship of the text with what is in the minds of listeners. Then, in the social context, there are a lot of satirical expressions that can be known meaning based on the social context.  

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