2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Yaya Kareng ◽  
Hartanto Hartanto ◽  
Choirul Anam

A reservation is a unilateral statement made by a State at the time of signing, accept, ratify, ratify or accede to the treaty, which is the main content is to issue or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions in its enforcement against the State (KW 1969). Initially reservation (requirements) are defined differently based subjects that provide definition. As for the definition independent of the reservation that in general it is a unilateral statement put forward by a country at the time expressed consent to be bound by a treaty, which said "Refuse to accept or recognize or do not want to be tied to, or unwilling to accept the legal consequences of one or more provisions of the agreement, or to modify or customize the content or provide its own meaning on one or more provisions of the agreement in accordance with the needs of the country ", dissent is possible if there is no commonly agreed definition.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Andri Swasono ◽  
Gunarto Gun

Research with a title “Juridical Review The Problems And The Legal Consequences Of The Decision Of Notary Supervisory Board As The Object Of Lawsuit In Administrative Court” examine the issues arising from the decision issued by the notary supervisory board whether it is a state administrative decision.The decision of the notary supervisory board is an administrative decision which can be used as the object of lawsuit in state administrative court as referred to in the terms of the state administrative decision, namely a written stipulation issued by the agency / officials of state administration which contains administrative legal action based on laws and regulations, which is a concrete, individual, and final, and have a legal effect on a person or civil legal entity.To be able to become the object of a lawsuit after first ensured it is not a state administrative decision which is exempted as meant in Article 2 and Article 49, and shall be ensured that all administrative efforts have been taken.Keywords: notary supervisory board, state administrative decision, object of lawsuit.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-103
Komang Sukaniasa

International agreements are agreements between international subjects that give rise to binding obligations in international rights, which can be bilateral or multilateral. Based on these opinions, an understanding can be taken that international treaties are agreements or agreements entered into by two or more countries as subjects of international law that aim to cause certain legal consequences. International agreements, whether ratified or through approval or acceptance or accession, or other methods that are permitted, have the same binding force as ratified international treaties established in the Ratification Law of International Treaties. Once again, it is equally valid and binding on the state. Therefore, the authors consider that the position of international treaties are not made in the form of the Ratification Act of the International Agreement but are binding and apply to Indonesia. Then Damos Dumoli Agusman argues that ratification originates from the conception of international treaty law which is interpreted as an act of confirmation from a country of the legal acts of its envoys or representatives who have signed an agreement as a sign of agreement to be bound by the agreement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Wisnu Kumala ◽  
Yaswirman Yaswirman ◽  
Ulfanora Ulfanora

There is a tug of authority in resolving insurance disputes outside the court between the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency (BPSK) based on Law Nomor 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection with Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions (LAPS) based on Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 1/POJK.07/2014. This encourages the author to conduct legal research in order to determine the authority of BPSK in resolving insurance disputes as well as the legal consequences of the decision after the issuance of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 1/POJK.07/2014 using the statutory approach. This legal research results in the finding that BPSK is still authorized to settle insurance disputes following the issuance of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 1/POJK.07/2014, this is based on the provisions of the Lex superior derogat legi inferiori principle. Then there is no legal effect on the BPSK decision after the issuance of the Financial Services Authority Regulation. This is because BPSK's decision has been based on Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, whose position is higher than the Regulation of the Financial Services Authority. So there is no need for BPSK to follow the provisions of the regulations whose hierarchy of legislation is lower than the Consumer Protection Act. Therefore BPSK's decision is "final and binding" as explained in Article 54 paragraph 3 of the Consumer Protection Act.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-182
Yussy A. Mannas

Abstract:The emergence rights and obligations as a result of legal relationship between doctors and patients could potentially trigger a dispute between doctors and patients or medical disputes. In an effort to avoid or reduce medical disputes, it is necessary to understand the construction of the legal relationship between doctor and patient. From this legal relationship which will result legal actions and gave rise to legal consequences. In a legal effect, it can’t be separated is about who is responsible, as far as what responsibility can be given. It describes that relationship and the patient's physician if constructed, it can be divided based on two factors; transaction of therapeutic and act. In relation patient - physician based therapeutic, known as therapeutic relationship or transaction therapeutic, there is a binding between patients and physicians in the treatment of the disease or treatment. Engagements happens is inspanningsverbintennis and not resultaatsverbintennis, and must comply with the provisions of Article 1320 of the Civil Code. The relationship between doctor and patient is based on the Act - legislation occurred under Article 1354 of the Civil Code, which formulates zaakwaarneming. Legal relationship that occurs by two things above give rise to legal liability for doctors, the responsibility in the field of disciplinary law, criminal law, civil law and administrative law.Keywords: Doctor, Patient and Legal Relationship.Abstrak:Munculnya hak dan kewajiban sebagai akibat hubungan hukum antara dokter dan pasien berpotensi memicu terjadinya sengketa antara dokter dengan pasien atau sengketa medik. Dalam upaya menghindari atau mengurangi sengketa medik yang terjadi, maka perlu dipahami mengenai konstruksi hubungan hukum antara dokter dengan pasien. Dari hubungan hukum inilah yang akan melahirkan perbuatan hukum dan menimbulkan adanya akibat hukum. Dalam suatu akibat hukum, hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan adalah mengenai siapa yang bertanggung jawab, sejauh apa tanggung jawab dapat diberikan. Dalam tulisan ini diuraikan bahwa hubungan dokter dan pasien ini jika dikonstruksikan maka dapat dibagi berdasarkan dua hal, yaitu transaksi terapeutik dan undang-undang. Pada hubungan pasien- dokter berdasarkan terapeutik, dikenal hubungan terapeutik atau transaksi terapeutik, yaitu terjadi suatu ikatan antara pasien dan dokter dalam hal pengobatan atau perawatan penyakitnya. Perikatan yang terjadi ialah inspanningsverbintennis dan bukan resultaatsverbintennis, dan harus memenuhi ketentuan Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata. Hubungan dokter dan pasien berdasarkan undang–undang terjadi berdasarkan Pasal 1354 KUHPerdata yang merumuskan tentang zaakwaarneming. Hubungan hukum yang terjadi oleh dua hal diatas menimbulkan tanggung jawab hukum bagi dokter, yaitu tanggung jawab dalam bidang hukum, hukum pidana, hukum perdata dan hukum administrasi.Kata Kunci: Dokter, Pasien dan Hubungan Hukum. 

Xihmai ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (26) ◽  
Eduardo Trejo Lino [1]

ResumenEl artí­culo examina la actividad financiera del Estado en relación con el civismo fiscal que tienen los contribuyentes en nuestro paí­s, teniendo como premisa los datos de la recaudación que se llevan a cabo sin que se ejerzan facultades de fiscalización, proporcionados por el Servicio de Administración Tributaria, analizando si en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones fiscales existe una cultura tributaria y si esta se puede fomentar sin que medie el temor a consecuencias legales ante su incumplimiento y su función como paradigma de reconstrucción del tejido social y de la identidad nacional.Palabras clave: Actividad Financiera, Contribuciones, Gasto Público, Obligación Fiscal, Ingresos Fiscales, Civismo Fiscal, Cultura Tributaria,Identidad Nacional. AbstractThis article examines the financial activity of the State in relation with the civic responsibility that all contributors have in our Country, having in consideration that the data of the tax collection is carried out without the powers of taxation being exercised by the Tax Administration Service (Servicio de Administración Tributaria), analyzing if in the fulfillment of the fiscal obligations, a tributary tax culture exists among the citizens, and if it can be promoted without the fear of legal consequences to a breach or failure, and its function as a paradigm of reconstruction of the ”social tissue” and the National Identity.Palabras clave: Actividad Financiera, Contribuciones, Gasto Público, Obligación Fiscal, Ingresos Fiscales, Civismo Fiscal, Cultura Tributaria,Identidad Nacional.    [1] Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Maestro en Derecho Fiscal por la Universidad del Valle de México. Candidato a Doctor en Polí­tica Criminal por la Universidad Popular Autónoma de Veracruz. Ha cursado diversos seminarios, cursos y diplomados en materia jurí­dica; se ha desempeñado como Abogado Postulante desde 1990. Asesor Jurí­dico del Municipio de Villa de Tezontepec, Hidalgo, del Municipio de San Agustí­n Tlaxiaca, Hidalgo,y del Municipio de Molango de Escamilla, Hidalgo. Director Jurí­dico de Complejo Agropecuario Industrial de Tizayuca, S.A. de C.V., Grupo Real de Ganaderos S.A. de C.V., y Unión de Crédito Agroindustrial y Comercial de Tizayuca. Profesor de la Maestrí­a en Derecho Civil, de la Licenciatura en Derecho y de la Maestrí­a en Derecho Fiscal del Instituto Tecnológico Latinoamericano del Estado de Hidalgo.

1942 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-69 ◽  
Glanville L. Williams

The term ‘illegal contract’ is sanctioned by usage and is adopted in the title of this article for the sake of brevity; but it is not a very satisfactory expression. If a contract is a legal obligation, ‘illegal contract’ is a contradiction in terms. To say that a contract is illegal seems, on the face of it, to be no more than a clumsy way of saying that an agreement is void of legal consequences. There is, however, another possible interpretation of the term ‘illegal contract,’ namely, that it is an agreement the entry into which or the performance of which (on one or both sides) involves a breach of legal duty, or runs counter to morality or public policy. The illegality is not in the obligation, but in the making of the agreement or in the performance of it. It is in this sense that the term is used in the present article, and, so understood, there is no paradox in asking whether an illegal contract can have a legal effect.

2019 ◽  
pp. 209-222
Zachary Hoskins

This chapter examines the implications of the existence of collateral legal consequences (CLCs) for decisions about what types of conduct the state should, or may, criminalize. It might seem that criminalization decisions should not be concerned with CLCs: it is one question what sort of conduct the state should declare to be criminal behavior, and a separate question what consequences should follow for those who violate criminal laws. But this chapter contends that the existence of CLCs is relevant according to specific accounts of criminalization, namely versions of the harm principle and legal moralism. It is also relevant to the legitimacy of the state more generally. Thus the existence of CLCs is relevant both to officials who make criminalization decisions and to scholars assessing competing theories of criminalization.

Simma Bruno ◽  
Hernández Gleider I

The Vienna Convention's regime on reservations is particularly unfit to cope with the specific characteristics of human rights treaties due to the very limited and particular role played by reciprocity and the ‘inward-targeted’ nature of the obligations stipulated in such instruments. Regional human rights courts and UN human rights treaty bodies have developed certain methods of monitoring the reservations practice of states parties to the respective instruments, but a central question has hitherto remained very controversial, namely that of the legal consequences of a reservation to a human rights treaty which is considered incompatible with that treaty's object and purpose and therefore impermissible. After many years of dealing with the topic of reservations, the UN International Law Commission has finally addressed this issue: Special Rapporteur Alain Pellet has proposed a solution which finds itself essentially in accord with the ‘severability’ doctrine advocated by the human rights community, reconciling this approach and the principle of treaty consent through the introduction of a presumption of severability of an invalid reservation from the body of a human rights treaty, to which the State making such a reservation will then remain bound in full. This chapter supports the Special Rapporteur's proposal, traces its development, and discusses both the advantages and the specific challenges posed by a presumption of severability.

Andrew M. Riggsby

“Crime” lacks a fully agreed definition across modern societies, but competing versions tend to stress notions like punishment, protection of public or collective interests, and a pervasive role for the state in proceedings. Over time the Romans used a series of different procedures (successively, trial before the assemblies, by specialized juries, or by imperial inquisitors) to try most of their offences that would be more or less recognizably criminal today. Substantively, the core of this group were offences against the state in an institutional sense (e.g., sedition, electoral malpractice, abuse of public office, forgery). Over time it also came to include an increasing number of (personal) crimes of violence. Some core modern criminal offences such as forms of theft and forgery of private documents came to be grouped in with these only at a very late date and incompletely. “Moral” offences that are treated as criminal more sporadically today (e.g., use of intoxicants, gambling, prostitution) were not criminalized. Penalties in earlier periods included fines, civic disgrace, and exile; later periods introduced finer differentiation of penalties, as well as execution. Imprisonment was not a formal penalty. Roman criminal law had a deeper and more complicated relationship to politics than did the private, civil law. This is true both in the sense that the jurists were relatively uninterested in the criminal law, especially before the late 2nd century ce, and that known trials in the criminal courts seem to have been little governed by niceties of the law. Common-sense notions of guilt and innocence were relevant, but not legal technicalities.

I Gusti Ngurah Wairocana ◽  
I Ketut Sudiarta ◽  
I Wayan Bela Siki Layang ◽  
Kadek Agus Sudiarawan ◽  
I Gede Pasek Pramana

The establishment of Government Administration Law brings significant change to the competence of the previously restricted Administrative Court to become expanded. This study aims to find the philosophical considerations from the extension of Administrative Decision meaning on Government Administration Law, to classify the legal implication arising from the regulation of the expansion of administrative decision meaning towards dispute submission process in Administrative Court and to formulate ideal attitude of the State Administrative Judge in resolving State Administrative Disputes. This is a combination of normative and empirical legal research. The study indicated that the legislator main consideration in regulating the expansion of administrative decision meaning on Government Administration Law is to expand the absolute competence of Indonesian Administrative Court which previously felt very narrow. The implication arises after new regulation consists of: the expansion of Administrative Court adjudicate authority for factual actions, subject expansion that have the authority to issue Administrative Decision, the expansion of the Administrative Court adjudicate authority over Administrative Decision which has a legal consequences although still need the approval from above instance, the regulation that Administrative Decision can be sued through the Administrative Court of any potential loss that may arise by the issuance of its Administrative Decision and the expansion towards the parties who have a chance to field a State Administrative accusation. The ideal attitude of State Administrative Judge is the judge should remain based on the strong theoretical concepts of the law so can create understanding and attitude in handling a case in Indonesian Administrative Court.

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