Pengaruh Suhu Penyimpanan terhadap Organoleptik, Derajat Keasaman dan Pertumbuhan Bakteri Coliform pada Susu Pasteurisasi

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23 ◽  
Agustina Arianita Cahyaningtyas ◽  
Wiwik Pudjiastuti ◽  
Ilham Ramdhan

One attempt to reduce the number of pathogenic microbes in milk is through the pasteurization process. This research aims to determine the effect of storage temperature on the organoleptic, acidity (pH) and growth of coliform bacteria in pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk is stored at the varies of temperature  4°C (observed for 14 days), 10°C-15°C (observed for 14 days) and 25°C-27°C (observed for 22 hours), as well as also conducted an initial analysis pasteurized milk. The parameters were observed among other organoleptic (smell, taste, color, texture), pH and total coliform bacteria. Testing acidity using pH paper, while the growth of coliform bacteria testing done using Total Plate Count method based on ISO 2897 in 2008. The results of this study indicate that storage at 4°C for 14 days, organoleptic pasteurized milk is still good until the day ke- 8, pH progressively decreases, and the growth of coliform bacteria obtained the highest score of 3100x101 CFU / ml. Storage at 10°C-15°C for 14 days, organoleptic pasteurized milk is still good until the 6th day, the pH progressively decreases, and the growth of coliform bacteria obtained the highest score of 5729x101 CFU / ml. Storage at 25°C-27°C for 22 days, organoleptic pasteurized milk is still good until the 9th, pH progressively decreases, and the growth of coliform bacteria obtained the highest score of 4.3 x106 CFU / ml.ABSTRAKSalah satu usaha untuk mengurangi jumlah mikroba patogen pada susu adalah melalui proses pasteurisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu penyimpanan terhadap organoleptik, derajat keasaman (pH) dan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform pada susu pasteurisasi. Susu pasteurisasi disimpan pada suhu yang bervariasi yaitu suhu 4°C (diamati selama 14 hari), suhu 10°C-15°C (diamati selama 14 hari) dan suhu 25°C-27°C (diamati selama 22 jam), serta dilakukan pula analisa awal susu pasteurisasi. Parameter yang diamati antara lain organoleptik (bau, rasa, warna, tekstur), pH dan jumlah bakteri Coliform. Pengujian derajat keasaman menggunakan kertas pH, sedangkan pengujian pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Total Plate Count berdasarkan SNI 2897 Tahun 2008. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyimpanan pada suhu 4°C selama 14 hari, organoleptik susu pasteurisasi masih baik sampai dengan hari ke-8, pH semakin lama semakin menurun, dan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform didapatkan nilai tertinggi sebesar 3100x101 Cfu/ml. Penyimpanan pada suhu 10°C-15°C selama 14 hari, organoleptik susu pasteurisasi masih baik sampai hari ke-6, pH semakin lama semakin menurun, dan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform didapatkan nilai tertinggi sebesar 5729x101 Cfu/ml. Penyimpanan pada suhu 25°C-27°C selama 22 hari, organoleptik susu pasteurisasi masih baik sampai jam ke-9, pH semakin lama semakin menurun, dan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform didapatkan nilai tertinggi sebesar 4,3 x106 Cfu/ml.Kata kunci : bakteri coliform, derajat keasaman, suhu penyimpanan, organoleptik, susu pasteurisasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 298-308
Carlos I. Gonzalez ◽  
John Erickson ◽  
Karina A. Chavarría ◽  
Kara L. Nelson ◽  
Amador Goodridge

Abstract Safe water storage is critical to preserve water quality, especially when intermittent piped drinking water supply creates a need for household storage. This study characterized household storage practices and stored water quality in 94 households (N = 94) among four peri-urban neighborhoods in Arraiján, Panama with varying degrees of supply intermittency. We found that 18 (19.1%) households stored drinking water in unsafe containers. Forty-four (47%) samples of household stored drinking water had residual chlorine levels <0.2 mg/L. While 33 (35.1%) samples were positive for total coliform bacteria, only 23 (24.4%) had >10 most probable number (MPN)/100 mL total coliform bacteria. Eight (44%) samples were positive for Escherichia coli, whereas only one (1.3%) sample from the safe containers was positive. Twenty-nine (30.9%) samples had >500 MPN/mL heterotrophic plate count bacteria. These findings suggest that longer supply interruptions were associated with longer storage times and lower chlorine residual, which were associated with higher concentrations of indicator bacteria. This is one of the first studies in the Central-American region to show an association between the lack of turnover (replacement with fresh water) and greater contamination during household water storage. Thus, when drinking water supply is not completely continuous and household storage is required, decreasing the time between supply periods can facilitate safer water storage. Public awareness and education are also recommended to increase hygiene practices during water collection and storage.

2005 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
A A M Hatha ◽  
K S Christi ◽  
R Singh ◽  
S Kumar

Forty samples of freshwater clam (Batissa violacea), popularly known as Kai, collected from the Suva market were analysed for total aerobic plate count and total coliforms. The heterotrophic bacteria isolated by plate count were also characterised up to genera. The results indicated higher than acceptable level of plate count and coliform bacteria. While total plate count of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria ranged from 5.5 x 105 colony forming units (cfu) per gram to more than 107 cfu/ gram, total coliform load varied between 1.1 x 104 to 1.1 x 105 per 100 gm of Kai flesh. The characterisation of the heterotrophic bacteria revealed the predominance of the genera Micrococcus (34%) and Bacillus (24%). Other genera encountered included Acinetobacter, Vibrio, Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus and members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. The results revealed the need for depuration of the Kai in clean running water to reduce the bacterial load to acceptable levels. Temperature control soon after harvesting by proper icing and thorough cooking of the Kai before consumption is also recommended.

Hendy Firmanto

Dry cocoa bean quality is also determined by its microbe contamination level. Steaming process for dried cocoa beans as a pretreatment process was selected because of less effect on organic compound inside the dried cocoa bean. This experiment aim was to study microbial contamination level of cocoa beans using steaming process, determining its microbial population and evaluate its chemical changes. Experiment was carried out in Postharvest Laboratory of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute. Cocoa beans for the experiment were lots collected from four farms in Jayapura, Papua with different microbial contamination level for each lot. Results of this experiment showed that optimum steaming process was 15 minutes at 100 O C with 10 minutes preheating time. Microbial analysis result of the four lots after complete steaming process by total plate count method showed the same result (<3.0 x 103 cfu). Most of the decrease in microbial contaminant appeared in the plate was 73.5% of Staphylococcus aureusand 0.058% of Penicilliumsp. Bean acidity (pH) after steaming increased (4.76 to 4.80) and free fatty acid increased (1.81% to 1.96%) while carbohydrate content decreased (17.5% to 15.9%) and as well as protein content (12.6% into 11.7%). Key words: cocoa bean, steaming process, microbe reduction, nutrient changes

Rizky Muliani Dwi Ujianti ◽  
Althesa Androva

 Abstract. Banjir Kanal Barat is a river in the Garang watershed, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia. Its function is as a source of water for the community. The level of pollution in this river is already high. The purpose of this study is to provide advice to governments, communities and related stakeholders to realize integrated river management, and fisheries-based food security is achieved. This research method is: analyzing the water quality of the Banjir Kanal Barat river, and analyzing the amount of faecal and total coliform bacteria content in the Banjir Kanal Barat river, and analyzing how to overcome the decline in the quality of waters of the Banjir Kanal Barat river due to faecal and total coliform bacteria pollution. The results showed that the water quality at the research location was still in the quality standard. The content of coliform dan faecal bacteria at the study site exceeds the quality standard, this is due to the influence of domestic waste from households. The thing that needs to be done is counseling the existence of a clean and healthy life, especially for people who are still throwing domestic waste into the river. The existence of water purification equipment is also very necessary to overcome this problem. Water quality management can be done with policy analysis. Regulations related to water quality management can be analyzed and then given solutions and recommendations related to these rules so that policies can be taken that are sustainable, integrated, and coordinated between various parties in managing river water quality and food security. Keywords: food security, water quality, river, faecal coliform, total coliform

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 252
Upi - Almasari ◽  
Corie Indria Prasasti

Canteen has an important role to provide of nutritious and safe food for students during school hours with relatively affordable prices. The results of Food and Drugs Monitoring (BPOM) inspection in 2013 by taking a sample of School Children Confectionary (PJAS) found that 80.79% of the samples confirmed as free from microbiological contamination. These results decrease in 2014, whereas PJAS samples confirmed as free from microbiological contamination is was 76.18%. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of personal hygiene food handlers in the cafeteria of SDN Model to figures Total Plate Count (TPC) in food. This was a descriptive study using cross sectional design. Samples were taken with total sampling where the sample size in this study was the total population of cafeteria booth at SDN Model, there are 5 booths canteen, 5 food handlers, and 5 food samples were taken from each canteen booth. All food samples were tested for bacteriological quality using Total Plate Count (TPC) parameter. The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as mask, gloves, headgear, and apron is important to minimize contamination of microorganism from food handlers to food produced. In addition, the selection of ingredients, storage duration, and storage temperature are required to be considered. Suggestion for the cafeteria supervisor of SDN Model and food handler: for the cafeteria supervisor SDN Model to impose regulation and education for food handlers to use PPE during food processing. It is suggested to food handlers to get used to in using PPE during processing the food

1992 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-436 ◽  
Sarah A. Langford ◽  
Rohan G. Kroll

The keeping quality of properly refrigerated pasteurized milk and cream is primarily determined by post-pasteurization contamination by Gram-negative psychrotrophic bacteria (Phillips et al. 1981; Schröder et al. 1982). Reliable and rapid methods of assessing the levels of contamination by these organisms are therefore of commercial interest.

Lani Febriana Safitri ◽  
Niniek Widyorini ◽  
Oktavianto Eko Jati

Perairan Muara Sungai Sayung terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Demak sebelah barat. Perairan ini telah dipengaruhi oleh berbagai aktivitas manusia yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas perairan. Bakteri Coliform merupakan bakteri gram negatif yang berbentuk batang dan tidak membentuk spora. Bakteri ini merupakan bakteri indikator terjadinya pencemaran perairan maupun indikator keberadaan bakteri patogen lainnya. Perhitungan total bakteri Coliform perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya pencemaran limbah organik yang terjadi di Perairan Muara Sungai Sayung, Morosari, Demak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan total bakteri Coliform, dan status perairan di Perairan Muara Sungai Sayung, Morosari, Demak. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dari jumlah total bakteri Coliform dengan bahan organik terlarut dan oksigen terlarut (DO). Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode random sampling yang dilakukan pada lima stasiun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan rata-rata total bakteri Coliform yang diperoleh berkisar antara 4 x 103 – 550 x 10 3/100ml. Kelimpahan rata-rata total bakteri Coliform yang diperoleh pada setiap stasiun menunjukkan bahwa kandungan total bakteri Coliform telah melebihi baku mutu air menurut Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 51 Tahun 2004. Keberadaan total bakteri Coliform memiliki hubungan yang lemah dengan kandungan bahan organik terlarut, sedangkan keberadaan total bakteri Coliform memiliki hubungan yang cukup dengan oksigen terlarut (DO) di perairan Muara Sungai Sayung Morosari, Demak. Sayung River Estuary is located in the western part of Demak Regency. This estuary has been affected by various human activities which have led to a decline in water quality. Coliform bacteria are a gram-negative bacteria that are rod-shaped and do not form spores. This bacterium is an indicator bacteria of water pollution and an indicator of the presence of other pathogenic bacteria. Total Coliform bacteria calculation needs to be carrid out to find out if there any contamination of organic waste in Sayung River Estuary, Morosari, Demak.. The purpose of this research was to determine total abundance of Coliform bacteria, water quality in Sayung River Estuary, Morosari, Demak and relationship between the total abundance of Coliform bacteria with dissolved organic matter and dissolved oxygen (DO). This research was carried out in May 2018. The method that used in this research were survey method and the sampling technique was random sampling method in five stations. The results showed that the average abundance of total Coliform bacteria obtained ranged between 4 x 103 - 550 x 103 / 100ml. Average abundance of total Coliform bacteria obtained at each station shows that the total content of Coliform bacteria has exceeded the water quality standard according to Minister of Environment Decree number 51 of 2004. The total presence of Coliform bacteria has a weak relationship with the content of dissolved organic matter, while the total number of Coliform bacteria have sufficient relationship with dissolved oxygen (DO) in the Sayung River Estuary,Morosari, Demak.

2010 ◽  
Vol 61 (5) ◽  
pp. 1105-1111 ◽  
M. Balzer ◽  
N. Witt ◽  
H.-C. Flemming ◽  
J. Wingender

Biofilms in surface waters primarily consist of allochthonous microorganisms. Under conditions of pollution faecally derived bacteria may interact with these biofilms. Total coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci are used to monitor source water quality, indicating faecal pollution and the possible presence of enteric pathogens. In the present study the occurrence of faecal indicators was investigated in biofilms (epilithic biofilms, sediments) of German rivers. All of the biofilms contained significant concentrations of these bacteria, which were several orders of magnitude lower compared with the total cell number and the number of culturable heterotrophic plate count bacteria indicating that faecal indicator bacteria represented a minor fraction of the whole biofilm communities. The biofilms displayed approximately two orders of magnitude higher concentrations of total coliforms, E. coli and enterococci compared with the overlying water. Identification of coliform and enterococcal isolates from the biofilms revealed the presence of species which are known to be opportunistic pathogens. Overall, the results of the present study show that faecal indicator bacteria can survive in the presence of high cell densities of the authochthonous microflora in epilithic biofilms and sediments, suggesting that these biofilms may act as a reservoir for bacterial pathogens in polluted rivers.

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