scholarly journals Effectiveness of slow deep breathing exercise on decreasing stress levels for patients with diabetes mellitus

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 10
Warsono Warsono

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus patients increases in Semarang province every year. Whereas, it reached 120 numbers of patients in Kedungmundu public health center by 2020. One of the psychological problems encountered by patients with diabetes is a high risk of stress levels.  The condition of stress, anxiety, and fear influence the production of adrenaline hormones which aggravate the capability of patients to perform daily living activities. Slow deep breathing exercise is a nonpharmacologic method to reduce stress levels on diabetes mellitus patients.  This study aimed to investigate the effect of slow deep breathing exercises on decreasing stress levels for patients with diabetes mellitus. This study used a quasi-experiment pretest-posttest with a control group design was conducted at Kedungmundu public health center, Semarang. All of 32 samples were recruited in this study. Wilcoxon test analysis calculated a value of p=0.000 < ɑ 0,005. The statistical analysis found significantly different results between the pretest and posttest in the experimental group. Slow deep breathing exercise is effective to decrease the stress levels for patients with diabetes mellitus. Slow deep breathing exercise is strongly suggested for patients with diabetes mellitus as self-intervention to reduce stress levels.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Fithri Yani

Abstract   Background : Based on health surveys, 30% of Indonesians are hypertension. Hypertension is a risk factor for third-leading cause of death after stroke and tuberculosis i.e. 67% of the population death at all ages. Total patients with essential hypertension at the public health center Putri Ayu Jambi city year 2016 as many as 2490 patients. This study aimed to determine is there any effect of provision of nursing interventions in the form of deep breathing relaxation to changes in blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension at the public health center Putri Ayu Jambi city. Method :This study used one group pre-post test design method; it used purposive sampling technique, with total samples as many as 30 respondents from total population as many as 378 patients. Instruments are Blood pressure measurement results, data analyzed as univariate and bivariate by using paired t-test analysis. Results :The findings indicated that p-value Systole blood pressure p-value = 0.000 and diastole p-value = 0.006, so it concluded that there is significant effect to Changes in blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension Before and after being given deep breathing exercises at the public health center Putri Ayu Jambi city. Conclusion :It is expected that health officer to increase the Giving nursing care and can provide knowledge about deep breathing exercises so that people with essential hypertension can control blood pressure independently at home.     

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Nurul Maulidya ◽  
Dian Oktianti

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a long-term or chronic disease which continues to increase every year. Indonesia itself is ranked 7th for the most DM sufferers in the world. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of the use of antidiabetic drugs in DM patients at the Grabag Public Health Center. The method used in this research is descriptive method, with retrospective data collection. The population of DM sufferers at the Grabag Public Health Center was 50 patients, with the sampling technique using the total sampling method. The inclusion criteria were medical record data for outpatient type 2 diabetes mellitus, and the exclusion criteria incomplete medical record data. The results of this study were the use of oral antidiabetic drugs (OAD) with single therapy, metformin 32% and acarbose 2%, and with combination therapy are metformin + glimepirid 58%, acarbose + glimepiride 2%, and metformin + glimepiride+acarbose 6%. Based on the duration of suffering from diabetes, for 1 year the most people used metformin by 26%, for 2 and 3 years the most used metformin + glimepiride by 38% and 8%, while for 4 years using a combination of metformin + glimepiride + acarbose by 2%. Most of the patients are accompanied by hypertension complications. The most widely used single therapy oral OAD is metformin and the combination therapy is metformin + glimepiride. Patients suffering from diabetes for 1 year of treatment used metformin single therapy, for 2 and 3 years the most treatment used 2 combination therapy, glimepiride + metformin, while for 4 years of treatment using 3 combination therapy metformin + glimepiride + acarbose. Abstrak Diabetes Mellitus (DM) merupakan penyakit jangka panjang atau kronis yang pada setiap tahunnya terus mengalami peningkatan. Indonesia sendiri menduduki peringkat ke-7 untuk penderita DM terbanyak didiunia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil penggunaan obat antidiabetes pada pasien DM di Puskesmas Grabag. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Populasi penderita DM di puskesmas Grabag sebanyak 50 pasien dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode total sampling. Kriteria inklusi berupa data rekam medik pasien DM tipe 2 rawat jalan, dan kriteria eksklusi berupa data rekam medik yang tidak lengkap. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan obat antidiabetes (OAD) oral dengan terapi tunggal yaitu metformin 32% dan acarbose 2%, dan dengan terapi kombinasi adalah metformin + glimepirid 58%, acarbose + glimepiride 2%, dan metformin+glimepiride + acarbose 6%. Berdasarkan lamanya menderita DM, selama 1 tahun terbanyak menggunakan metformin sebesar 26%, selama 2 dan 3 tahun terbanyak menggunakan metformin + glimepiride sebesar 38% dan 8%, sedangkan selama 4 tahun menggunakan kombinasi metformin + glimepiride + acarbose sebesar 2%. Sebagian besar pasien disertai dengan komplikasi hipertensi. Penggunaan OAD oral terapi tunggal terbanyak adalah metformin dan terapi kombinasi adalah metformin+glimepiride. Pasien yang menderita DM selama 1 tahun pengobatan terbanyak menggunakan terapi tunggal metformin, selama 2 dan 3 tahun pengobatan terbanyak menggunakan terapi 2 kombinasi yaitu glimepiride + metformin, sedangkan selama 4 tahun pengobatannya menggunakan terapi 3 kombinasi yaitu metformin + glimepiride + acarbose.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 592-598
Barto Mansyah ◽  
Ns. Syam’ani

Diabetes mellitus is one of the diseases with great impact on health and society, not only for its high prevalence but also for chronic complications and high mortality.. The psychological impact of diabetes began to be felt by the patient since he was diagnosed the doctor. Patients begin to experience psychological disorders such stress on himself related to the care and treatment should be undertaken. Conditions of emotional stress that require proper handling in order not to fall on the more severe conditions. This study aims to identify the influence of combination therapy progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing relaxation against stress levels of patients with diabetes mellitus in Prolanis BPJS Kesehatan Kota Palangka Raya. The design used in this study using the design of the study : “PRE-TEST-POST-TEST DESIGN WITH CONTROL GROUP”. In this study population was patients with diabetes mellitus in Prolanis BPJS Kesehatan Kota Palangka Raya. The sampling technique in this study using total sampling technique, as many as 48 people. This research is expected to contribute positively to the management of emotional stress in patients with diabetes mellitus.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-131
Rina Amelia

Diabetes merupakan peyakit kronis yang disebabkan karena kekurangan atau tidak efektifnya insulin yang dihasilkan. WHO memperkirakan jumlah penduduk dunia yang menderita diabetes pada tahun 2030 akan meningkat paling sedikit menjadi 366 juta. Indonesia menempati urutan keempat terbanyak dengan prevalensi 8,6% dari seluruh penduduk. Diabetes akan menjadi masalah yang serius apabila telah terjadi komplikasi, salah satu komplikasi adalah luka kaki diabetes (diabetic foot). Komplikasi luka kaki diabetes menjadi penyebab lamanya hospitalisasi dan amputasi lebih dari 90% ekstremitas bawah pada penderita diabetes. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan perilakuperawatan kaki dengan terjadinya komplikasi luka kaki diabetes pada pasienDM tipe 2di Puskesmas Tuntungan Medan. Disain penelitian adalah analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh penderita DM tipe 2 yang datang ke Puskesmas Tuntungan Medan dengan sampel sebanyak 83 orang (consecutive sampling). Instrumen penilaian perilaku perawatan kaki yang digunakan adalah Questions determining the knowledge and practice about foot careyang terdiri dari 15 item pertanyaan. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkansebanyak 48 orang pasien diabetes (57,8%) memiliki perilaku yang buruk terhadap perawatan kaki, sebanyak 29 orang (349%) mempunyai riwayat komplikasi luka kaki dibetes (ulkus). Hasil analisis chi square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara perilaku perawatan kaki diabetes dengan kejadian komplikasi luka kaki diabetes pada pasien DM tipe 2 di Puskesmas Tuntungan Medan (p<0.05). Perilaku perawatan kaki sangat berperan terhadap terjadinya luka kaki diabetes. Untuk membentuk perilaku yang baik dibutuhkan edukasi oleh dokter maupun oleh petugas kesehatan kepada pasien diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by lack or ineffectiveness of insulin. WHO estimates that the world population with diabetes in 2030 will increase to at least 366 million people. Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populated country and its prevalence of diabetes is 8.6% of the entire population. Diabetes will be a serious problem once complications occurrs. One of the complications is diabetic foot.  diabetic foot  caused a longer length of hospital stay and more than 90% leads to the amputation of the lower limb . The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between diabetic foot care behaviors and the diabetic foot complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at Tuntungan Public Health Center in Medan. This study employed an analytic study  with cross sectional approach. The population of this study was all patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who came to Tuntungan Public Health Center in Medan  and 83 patients were recruited as samples (consecutive sampling). The research used a questionnaires with 15 questions   to collect data of knowledge and foot care behaviour. Data were analyzed using chi square test. The results showed that 48 diabetic patients (57.8%) demonstrated poor behavior towards foot care, 29 patients (349%) had a history of diabetic foot ulcer complications. The results of the chi square analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between diabetic foot care behavior and diabetic foot complications in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Tuntungan Public Health Center in Medan (p <0.05). It was concluded that foot care behavior had a high correlation with the incidence of diabetic foot. It is recommended that doctors and health staffs educate diabetic patients to perform good foot care behaviors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-27
Dian Afriandi

The purpose of this study was to identify blood sugar levels in obese patients in the Matsum City Public Health Center Medan and to analyze the relationship between waist circumference and the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients at the Matsum City Public Health Center in Medan. This research was conducted by analytic survey with a Cross Sectional design where all data concerning research variables were collected by approaching, observing or collecting data at a time. The sample used was 69 people. The results in this study found that there was a relationship between waist circumference and the incidence of diabetes mellitus in patients in the Work Area of Kota Matsum Health Center, Medan, North Sumatra.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Putra Apriadi Siregar ◽  
Yulia Khairina Ashar ◽  
Reni Ria Armayani Hasibuan ◽  
Fauziah Nasution ◽  
Fitri Hayati ◽  

Background: Leaflet and poster calendars are one medium to provide health education to patients with pulmonary tuberculosis on the treatment of pulmonary Tuberculosis. The purpose of this research for media want to effectivity leaflet and poster calendars on health promotion to improve the knowledge and attitudes of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment at the Martubung Public Health Center. Methods: Research is a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test group. The population in this study were all patients with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment in Martubung Public Health Center and analyzed with the wilcoxon test. Results: The results of the study using the wilcoxon test showed that the leaflet could increase the pretest value of 10 knowledge to 11.03 (p <0.001) and the attitude of having a pretest value of 41.77 to 45.7 (p <0.001). The wilcoxon test results show that the poster calendar can increase the pretest knowledge value from 8.7 to 11.97 (p <0.001) and the pretest attitude value from 43.7 to 50.27 (p <0.001). Conclusions: The media are most effective in improving knowledge and attitudes about the treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis disease in Martubung Public Health Center is media poster calendar from the average value based on the pre-test and post-test conducted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Maharani Puti Pratiwi

Background : Diarrhea is the frequency of defecating more than 3 times a day within 24 hours with a liquid consistency. Diarrhea disease is still one of the important public health problems because it is the main contributor to the three morbidity and mortality rates for children after pneumonia in various countries, especially in developing countries, one of the developing countries is Indonesia. Goals : The purpose of this study was to know the effect of education on the level of mother’s knowledge in preventing of diarrhea in children at Wonoasih Public Health Center, Probolinggo City. Research methods : The design of this study uses Quasy-Experimental with a pretest-posttest with Control Group approach. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a total sample of 30 intervention groups and 30 control groups using a total sampling technique. Results : The results of the analysis that have been carried out using the wilcoxon test showed differences in the level of knowledge before and after in the intervention and control groups showed a significant value 0,001 (p<0,05) Ha accepted means that there is an effect of education about diarrhea using leaflet media on the level of mother’s knowledge in preventing of diarrhea in children at Wonoasih Public Health Center, Probolinggo City. Conclusion : There is the influence of the before and after is done to knowledge education mother. Keywords : Diarrhea, Education, Knowledge

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