scholarly journals Analisis Kesalahan-Kesalahan Gramatikal Dalam Tulisan Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar FIP UNM

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 249
Sidrah Afriani Rachman ◽  
Rival Rival ◽  
Haerul Haerul

This study aims to reveal the errors of students in the practice of writing English, especially errors in any aspect of the language and how often its frequency. The researcher analyzes the errors of the English writings of PGSD students taking English courses. This analysis uses Surface Strategy Taxonomy in classifying student errors in grammatical structures. This research uses descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The subject of this research was the writing of sixth semester students who were respondents and attended the English for Specific Purpose 2017/2018 school year totaling 75 people. The results of this study indicate that students' mistakes in producing English writing are divided into several categories of errors, namely errors in formation (misformation), errors in omission (addition), errors in addition (addition), and errors in preparation (misordering). The most frequently made mistake is error formation in sentences that is 181 or around 44.80% of the total number of student writing errors. Omission (omission) occurred as many as 136 or 33.66%, followed by misordering 48 times or 11.88% and the least was an addition error of 39 times or 9.65%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Hana Shohwatul Islam ◽  
Budiyono Budiyono ◽  
Siswanto Siswanto

<p class="BodyAbstract"><span lang="EN-US">One of the manifestations of high-level thinking is creative thinking, characterized by creating something new from ideas, concepts, experiences, and knowledge that is in one's mind. This study aims to describe the creative thinking profile of male and female students in solving open-ended problems. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subject of the study used was 2 grade VII students of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta. This research instrument uses open-ended problem tests with indicators of creative thinking and interviews. In describing the student's creative thinking profile, the researcher will pay attention to 4 stages: preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification stages. The results of this study show that male students can explain problems and solutions orally or in writing. While female students can explain the problem and the solution is both verbally but less able to explain with writing</span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1273
Edy Waluyo ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini

This study aims to analyze the learning difficulties of planes materials of grade VII SMPN 1 Suralaga East Lombok.  This type of research is descriptive research with qualitative approach to describe and describe phenomena by paying attention to characteristics, quality and interrelationship between activities. Data analysis is conducted through the stages (1) identifying and grouping student errors in answering questions about flat wakeups, (2) Analyzing student error errors. The subject of this study was a grade VII student of SMPN 1 Suralaga who numbered 25 people. The research instrument used is a description test of planes material. The researchers showed that the percentage of students who answered correctly was still low. The 5 questions that must be completed, the percentage of students who answered the correct questions in a row was 48%, 32%, 44%, 35% and 40%. The results of the analysis showed that students had difficulty in solving flat wake problems, including (1) difficulties in the use of concepts, (2) difficulties in the use of principles, (3) difficulty solving problems Kata kunci: analisis, bangun datar, kesulitan

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Hera Bintani ◽  
Lulu Alawiyah ◽  
Septia Yuhandira ◽  
Asep Supena

Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan cara guru dalam melakukan pembinaan minat dan bakat siswa berkebutuhan khusus yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu mengidentifikasi, mengasesmen, mengelompokkan, melatih, dan mengikuti perlombaan, juga bertujuan untuk menguraikan faktor penghambat yang dialami serta faktor pendukung yang dilakukan sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan metode penelitian naratif inkuiri. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Susukan 01 Pagi sebagai salah satu SD inklusi yang ada di Jakarta Timur. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Guru Pembimbing Khusus (GPK). Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara dengan GPK sebagai instrument utama dalam penelitian. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan dengan mengumpulkan berbagai informasi dari informan yang kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk rangkaian susunan cerita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pembinaan minat dan bakat di SDN Susukan 01 Pagi dilakukan melalui tahapan identifikasi, asesmen, klasifikasi, pelatihan dan perlombaan. Dalam prakteknya dukungan sosial dan GPK memiliki peranan yang penting dalam membina minat dan bakat anak berkebutuhan khusus. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan memiliki kendala yang berasal dari siswa itu sendiri seperti mood siswa yang mudah berubah. : The purpose of this research is to explain the way teachers in fostering the interests and talents of students with special needs consisting of several stages, namely identifying, assessing, grouping, training, and participating in competitions, also aims to describe the inhibiting factors experienced and supporting factors that are carried out by schools. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach using the inquiry narrative research method. This research was conducted at SDN Susukan 01 Pagi as one of the inclusive elementary schools in East Jakarta. The subject in this study was the Special Teacher/Guru Pendamping Khusus (GPK). Data collection techniques used were interviews with GPK as the main instrument in research. Data analysis was performed by presenting data and drawing conclusions by gathering various information from informants who were then presented in the form of a series of story arrangements. The results showed that the interest and talent training program at SDN Susukan 01 Pagi was carried out through the stages of identification, assessment, classification, training and competitions. In practice social support and GPK have an important role in fostering the interests and talents of children with special needs. In carrying out activities there are obstacles that come from the students themselves such as student’s moods that are easy to change.

Iva Faridha Azahro ◽  
Nanih Machendrawaty ◽  
Hajir Tajiri

Tujuan dari peneliti ini yaitu untuk mengetahui (1) karakteristik kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (2) pola bimbingan orang tua asuh dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (3) hasil pola bimbingan orang tua asuh dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif, pemilihan subjek dan informan dengan cara acak dan teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara terhadap enam orang anak asuh dan tiga orang tua asuh. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa anak sebelum memperoleh pengasuhan dari orang tua asuh di RPSAA memiliki karakteristik kecerdasan emosional rendah. Pola pengasuhan yang diterapkan di RPSAA kepada anak asuh adalah pola asuh demokratis. Sedangkan hasil pengasuhan dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung menyimpulkan bahwa anak asuh usia remaja telah memiliki kecerdasan emosional yang cukup baik, yaitu terlihat dari bagaimana cara mereka mampu mengendalikan segala perasaan yang pada dirinya, meskipun ada remaja yang belum sepenuhnya memenuhi aspek kecerdasan emosional.   The goal of these researchers is to figure out (1) characteristics of the emotional intelligence of teenagers in RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (2) foster parents guidance pattern in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung in adolescents; (3) results foster parents guidance pattern in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung in teens. This research used the qualitative approach with descriptive research method, the selection of subjects and informants by means of random and data gathering techniques through observation, interview and documentation against six people and three foster care parents foster care. The research results obtained by researchers concluded that child before obtaining care of foster parents in RPSAA has the characteristic of low emotional intelligence. Parenting patterns are applied in the RPSAA to foster care parenting is democratic. While parenting results in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung teenager in concluding that foster care teens have had a pretty good emotional intelligence, that is visible from how they are able to control all the feelings on him, even though there are teenagers who do not yet fully meet aspects of emotional intelligence.

Halida Novera ◽  
Yulianto Yulianto ◽  
Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung ◽  

Leadership style is important in an organization, if a leader can adapt his leadership style to the existing situations and conditions, it can affect the performance of his subordinates. In Tanggamus Regency currently led by a woman leader, namely Dewi Handajani, different from previous periods in this period the first time Tanggamus Regency was led by a woman. Therefore, this study aims to determine the leadership style of Tanggamus Regency regional leaders and whether this leadership style affects the performance of employees in Tanggamus Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach, data collection is done using interview and documentation techniques. The results showed that the leadership style used by the local leaders of Tanggamus Regency, namely the feminine leadership style tends to be transformational and the style applied is able to influence the improvement of employee performance in Tanggamus Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-41
Diana Elvianita Martanti ◽  
Nanang Rudi Hartono ◽  
Sunarsasi Sunarsasi

The purpose of this study was to understand and find out the motives and meanings of "Sayur Hanging" carried out by the people of Blitar. Then in the future, the results of this research are expected to provide an understanding of the motives and meanings of "Sayur Hanging" carried out by the people of Blitar. The research method uses a qualitative approach that produces descriptive data in the form of speech or writing and observable behavior from the subject itself. This type of research is qualitative phenomenological. The results of this study are the hanging vegetable phenomenon occurs in a number of areas in Blitar, namely Sananwetan Village and Bendogerit Village, as for the meaning of the hanging vegetable phenomenon from the analysis that the authors get from the interview and analysis process is the activity of hanging vegetables on a pole that almost resembles a clothesline. by a number of residents in an area with the aim of helping people in need.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Andi Yusuf Katili ◽  
Nolfi S. Tueno

Bentor is a modification between a rickshaw and a motorcycle which has become a characteristic of public transportation vehicles or modes of transportation for the people of Gorontalo. Bentor can operate from one place to another, it can even take passengers to household stairs, this cannot be done by other public transportation. This advantage makes most Gorontalo people choose it as the main transportation because it operates 24 hours. The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of the implementation of policies on the operation of bentor vehicles as a mode of transportation based on Gorontalo Provincial Regulation No. 6 of 2006. The research method used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that (1) Compliance of Bentor riders with traffic regulations is still low, so it is necessary to take action by the relevant authorities; (2) Coordination between officers of the Transportation Service and the Police in carrying out their duties has not been well established, so that violations continue to occur; (3) The supervision of related offices of apparatus in the field in implementing regional regulations is still low, due to the lack of officers who will be assigned as field supervisors.Bentor merupakan modifikasi antara becak dan sepeda motor yang telah menjadi ciri khas kendaraan angkutan umum atau moda transportasi masyarakat Gorontalo. Bentor dapat beroperasi dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain, bahkan dapat mengantar penumpangnya hingga ke tangga rumah, hal ini tidak dapat dilakukan oleh kendaraan umum lainnya. Kelebihan ini yang membuat sebagian besar masyarakat Gorontalo memilihnya menjadi transportasi utama karena beroperasi selama 24 jam. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis mengenai Implementasi Kebijakan Pengaturan Pengoperasian Kendaraan Bentor Sebagai Moda Transportasi Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Gorontalo Nomor 6 Tahun 2006. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Kepatuhan pengendara Bentor terhadap peraturan berlalu lintas masih rendah sehingga perlu dilakukan penindakan oleh aparat terkait; (2) Koordinasi antara petugas Dinas Perhubungan dengan Kepolisian dalam melaksakan tugas belum terjalin dengan baik, sehingga pelanggaran pun terus terjadi; (3) Pengawasan dinas terkait terhadap aparat di lapangan dalam menjalankan peraturan daerah masih rendah, karena minimnya petugas yang akan ditugaskan sebagai pengawas lapangan.

MATHEdunesa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Tri Wilfi Iqlima ◽  
Susanah Susanah

Analogy reasoning is the process of thinking logically and analytically in drawing conclusions based on the similarities between the two things being compared. The purpose of this study is to describe the analogy reasoning of students in solving mathematical problems in terms of high, medium, and low mathematical abilities. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out in class IX-H of SMP Negeri 5 Surabaya in the 2019/2020 school year by 33 students and each subject was selected for each category of mathematical ability. The results of the analysis of Problem Solving Tests and interviews show that students with high, medium, and low mathematical abilities mention information that is known and what is asked for logical reasons on the source and target problem, and explain the relations between the information. This indicates that each subject has an encoding process. Each subject also mentions and explains the concepts used to solve source problems, which means each subject has an inferring process. The difference is, subjects with high mathematical ability mention the same concepts between the source problem and the target problem and explain the concepts used to solve the target problem, then students can complete the target problem. This means that the subject is doing two other processes, namely mapping and applying. Subjects with medium mathematical abilities are mentioning the same concept between the source problem and the target problem but cannot explain the concept used in the target problem. However, the subject only did one of the two indicators in the mapping process, so the analogy reasoning process carried out by the subject was encoding and inferring. While students with low mathematical abilities are stopped in the encoding and inferring processes. Keywords: Analogy Reasoning, Mathematical Abilitiy

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Dinda Puspita Dewi ◽  
Rifqi Zaeni Achmad Syam ◽  
Rosiana Nurwa Indah

This study is to determine the implementation of preservation activities in the Ajip Rosidi Library in terms of how to save the value of information, how to save the physical form of Sundanese literature collections that are owned, and the obstacles faced in implementing the preservation of Sundanese literature collections. The method used in this research is descriptive research method. with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews and documentation study. There are two informants in this study. The results show that in order to save the value of the collection information, the library has converted the 200-year-old Sundanese Literature collection into microfilm or microfish which later, due to technological developments, was converted into CDs and hard drives. In saving the physical form of the collection, librarians carry out activities of mending, binding, giving silica gell, cleaning manually, and making policies in the form of library regulations. As for the obstacles experienced during the implementation of preservation of Sundanese Literature collection, namely related to human resource factors, funding factors, and environmental factors.Keywords: preservation; sundanese literature collection; ajip rosidi libraryABSTRAKPenelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kegiatan pelestarian di Perpustakaan Ajip Rosidi dilihat dari cara menyelamatkan nilai informasi, cara menyelamatkan bentuk fisik koleksi sastra sunda yang dimiliki, dan hambatan yang dihadapi dalam melaksanakan pelestarian koleksi sastra sunda.. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara serta studi dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah dua orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam menyelamatkan nilai informasi koleksi, maka perpustakaan mengalih bentukkan koleksi Sastra Sunda yang memiliki umur 200 tahun kedalam bentuk microfilm atau microfish yang kemudian karena perkembangan teknologi diubah dalam bentuk CD dan hardisk. Dalam menyelamatkan bentu fisik koleksi, maka pustakawan melakukan kegiatan mending, penjilidan, pemberian silica gell, membersihkan secara manual, dan membuat kebijakkan berupa peraturan perpustakaan. Adapun hambatan yang dialami pada saat pelaksanaan pelestarian koleksi Sastra Sunda, yaitu berkaitan dengan faktor sumber daya manusia, faktor pendanaan, dan faktor lingkungan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77
Indra Slamet Gumelar

The title of this research is "The Role of the Health Office in Tackling Child Malnutrition in Ngamprah District, West Bandung Regency". The problem in this research is not yet optimal implementation of the Health Office in Overcoming Malnutrition in Children in Ngamprah District, West Bandung Regency. The research method that researchers use is descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. The technique of determining the informants used was purposive sampling technique. The results showed that in carrying out its duties and functions, the health office, the Health Office had implemented a sufficiently optimal role seen from the six indicators of success in overcoming malnutrition, namely: All Posyandu carry out weighing operations at least once a month All toddlers are weighed, All cases of malnutrition are referred to the Puskemas Nursing or Home Sick, all cases of malnutrition are treated at the health center. Nursing or hospitalization is handled according to the management of malnutrition. All post-treatment malnourished toddlers receive assistance.

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