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Published By Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Lampung


Eka Novita Lestari ◽  
Yulianto Yulianto ◽  
Ita Prihantika ◽  

Permasalahan pemukiman yang kurang terarah, terencana, dan kurang memperhatikan air bersih, sanitasi, pengelolaan sampah, cenderung akan menimbulkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan atau kemudian disebut dengan kawasan kumuh. National Slum Upgrading Program (NSUP) adalah perwujudan agar sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat serta untuk memperkuat peran pemerintah untuk mempercepat penanganan permukiman kumuh di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dalam terciptanya kawasan bebas kumuh di Kota Bandar Lampung, terwujudnya permukiman dan perumahan yang layak huni di Kota Bandar Lampung. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tipe deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Evaluasi pelaksanaan program NSUP dalam mengatasi kawasan kumuh di Kelurahan Campang Jaya telah dilaksanakan dengan cukup baik. Penanganan kawasan pemukiman kumuh realisasinya dapat memberikan dampak serta manfaat baik bagi masyarakat kelurahan Campang Jaya

Maharani Karin ◽  
Eko Budi Sulistio ◽  
Ita Prihantika ◽  

The Livable of Housing Development Assistance Program (BAPERLAHU) is a government facility to independently support the implementation of proper housing construction in a healthy and safe environment. The implementation of the housing development assistance program requires community involvement to achieve its main goal, namely to provide habitable housing for low-income people (MBR), the elderly or with disabilities. The purpose of this research is to evaluate how the results of the implementation of the Assistance for the Construction of Livable Houses (BAPERLAHU) program in Mesuji Regency in 2019 and to find out what factors affect the implementation of the program. The research method uses qualitative research, the types of data used are primary and secondary data where data collection uses documentation, observation and interview techniques. The results of the study show that the evaluation of the Livable Housing Development program (BAPERLAHU) in Mesuji Regency in 2019 has been going quite well. In 2019 the Livable Housing Development Assistance (BAPERLAHU) program succeeded in completing 322 unfit for habitation houses (RTLH) in Mesuji Regency. However, there are several factors that affect the implementation of the program, such as the political atmosphere, limited funds allocated, the lack of Community Assistants (TPM), and lack of supervision by the Housing and Settlement Area Office of Mesuji Regency.

Indah Mustika Dewi ◽  
Dian Kagungan ◽  
Devi Yulianti ◽  

Tourism is one of the potential areas in regional development because it can drive people's economic activities. Agrotourism is a form of tourism that utilizes agricultural land and natural resources to attract tourists. Agrotourism if processed correctly can improve the welfare of its population. Therefore, with more and more agrotourism development will also have an impact on improving the welfare of farmers involved in these activities. Sungai Langka is a village located in the district gedongtataan Pesawaran district that has tourism potential based on agrotourism. Land use in Sungai Langka Village is mostly used in agriculture and plantations. Agrotourism development in Sungai Langka Village is carried out in order to optimize the utilization of plantation land and realize participatory development. This research aims to analyze the partnership model between stakeholders in the development of agrotourism potential in The Village of Sungai Langka Pesawaran This type of research is qualitative. Data collection is done by interview, documentation, and observation. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the development of agrotourism in Sungai Langka including Community-Based Tourism by using the model of Mutualism partnership that is the alliance of two or more parties who are equally aware of the importance of partnership, namely mutually beneficial, so that it will achieve the objectives optimally. As a consideration, the Department of Agriculture and Tourism in Pesawaran Regency provide training to process agricultural products to women farmers groups and communities, sub-districts and complete facilities and infrastructure as well as promotional aspects.

Ristanti Simanjuntak ◽  
Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung ◽  
Vina Karmilasari ◽  

Archives in administrative activities have a very important role, one of its functions is as the center of the nation's memory and evidence of legal accountability. However, the implementation of archiving in Indonesia, especially local governments, is currently still less than optimal. In 2017, the organization of archiving in Indonesia received the predicate of 93% in bad condition, for this reason, adequate organizational capacity is needed. Organizational capacity is the ability that an organization has that is useful for solving problems and can achieve the goals set. This research was conducted at the Department of Library and Archives of Bandar Lampung City with the aim of identifying and analyzing these offices in organizing archives. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with data analysis techniques derived from observation, documentation and in-depth interviews. The results of this study are described based on the components of organizational capacity consisting of human resources, infrastructure, technology, financial resources, leadership strategies, program and process management, cooperation and relationships with other parties. Organizing the archives of the Bandar Lampung City Library and Archives Service has been carried out since 2008. However, archiving has not been carried out optimally because the capacity of the office is inadequate.

Handrio Pinos ◽  
Bambang Utoyo ◽  
Devi Yulianti ◽  

Currently, bureaucratic reform is a necessity for the government apparatus. Reform is carried out as an ongoing effort which at each process or stage is expected to be able to provide changes or improvements for the better. With the implementation of reform, it is hoped that it will be able to realize good governance and be able to bring changes to the delivery of public services that are able to meet the needs of the community. One form of service provided by the government is the fulfillment of public health needs. Health service is a concept carried out by the government to provide health services to the community as one of the basic rights that must be fulfilled. Therefore, this study focuses on looking at how primary health care reform is being carried out by Puskemas inpatient Sukabumi. The research method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach, data collection is done by observation, documentation and interviews. The results showed that the service reform carried out by the Sukabumi inpatient health center has not shown optimal results due to efforts to improve the quality of public services both in terms of service performance evaluation, improvement of service procedure systems, and increasing personnel resources, some improvements still need to be made.

Vivi Monica Sari ◽  
Bambang Utoyo ◽  
Novita Tresiana ◽  

Inflation is one of the economic problems of a country including Indonesia. One of the efforts of the Indonesian government to control inflation is by coordinating with Bank Indonesia to establish an Inflation Control Team at the central and regional levels, through which the program is implemented to control inflation. The purpose of this research is to evaluate inflation control conducted by the Bandar Lampung City Government through the Bandar Lampung Regional Inflation Control Team in the foodstuffs group which is one of the contributing factors to high inflation in 2018. This research uses descriptive research method with qualitative approach, and uses data collection technique by interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in this research are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing, while for data validity techniques using observation and triangulation extension techniques. This research uses Karl Ludwig Bartelenfy's evaluation model of input, process, output, results, and impact evaluation. The results of this study concluded that in controlling the inflation of foodstuff groups the Regional Inflation Control Team through the food task force carried out various programs of activities, among others, monitoring, coaching, market inspection and monitoring market prices, as well as market operation or cheap markets. From the activities program can be seen how the development of market prices, minimizing the circulation og products that do not meet the standards, and the availability of foodstuff. Program of activities have iven quite good results, this can be seen from the trendline chart taht shows a decrease in the foodstuff. Although it has not been significantly due to constraints on the budget, it also has a good impact in addition to the decrease in the inflation index but also on increasing cooperation with new partners that is expected to help and facilitate efforts to control inflation in the future.

Refani Ilham ◽  
Yulianto Yulianto ◽  
Rahayu Sulistyowati ◽  

BOSDA is a program of lampung provincial government in the form of direct funding to the Secondary Education Unit both public and private in the city of Bandar Lampung where the amount of grants received in schools is calculated based on the number of students unable to each school and the unit cost (Unit Cost) assistance. According to Lampung Governor Regulation Number 29 Year 2017 concerning Technical Guidelines for Operational Assistance of Lampung Provincial Schools in 2017. Schools that received Bosda Assistance in Lampung Province are Bandar Lampung City, West Lampung Regency, North Lampung Regency and Way Kanan Regency. Researchers want to find out the implementation of BOSDA policy in SMA Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung, because in the pre-survey stage there is some disagreement between the residence and the income of parents of BOSDA recipient students. The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of BOSDA policy and to know the factors that hinder BOSDA in SMA Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques derived from observation, documentation and based on the results of in-depth interviews. The results of this study were described using Charles O. jones toeri namely 1). The organization has an organizational structure issued in accordance with the Decree of the Provincial Education Office ranging from supervisors, persons in charge, chief executives, secretaries, treasurers and survey teams, 2) Inteprertasi the school conducts socialization of the implementation of BOSDA with the announcement and dissemination of information to the community directly, so that the implementation and implementation of BOSDA can be heard by the community directly, 3) Application that the implementation of BOSDA in accordance with technical guidelines and verify prospective BOSDA students with home surveys , facilities owned, parental work, ownership of KIP cards, as well as information from neighbors around the house, BOSDA funds expenditure is also issued according to the RKS submitted to the Provincial Education Office. Bosda implementation is in response by students is very good but needs to be added again quota while the inhibition factor is the disbursement of funds at the end of the semester makes the school have to find loan funds to finance students BOSDA

Lailani Gita Fania ◽  
Yulianto Yulianto ◽  
Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung ◽  

Tax is the most source of financing for development in Indonesia. The tax reformation make policy and administration more comphrehensive by Directorate General of Taxes. The expectation of The tax reformation could be increase compliance of taxpayer. The rise of UMKM almost five years in District Way Kanan make Way Kanan has good potential in taxtation. In 2018 The governance has realeased regulation, it is PP No. 23 Th. 2018. The regulation about tariff reduction for UMKM, the rate reduction of 0,5%. Aim of this regulation is taxpayers get easier for do some taxation include to report tax return every year, to encourage taxpayers get into formal economics, and to give taxpayers a sense of justice. The research aim get to know how much tariff reduction influence toward to increase compliance of taxpayer about report the tax return in every year in District Way Kanan. The research applies quantitative approach and descriptive method. The research applies data collection technique by questionnaire, document, and observation. The data analysis technique by simple analysis tabulation, validy test, reliability test, normalitiy test, correlation test, determinasi coefficient test, simple linear regression test, and hypotheses test. The result of this study is that hypotheses of this study is accepted and be found how much influence tariff reduction influence toward to increase compliance of taxpayer about report the tax return in every year in District Way Kanan is 18,2%.

Budi Kurniawan ◽  
Himawan Indrajat ◽  
Lilih Muflihah ◽  
Hertanto Hertanto ◽  

This research aims to find the impact of village fund (dana desa) programs on social capital and political participation in the Village or rural area in Indonesia. This is a case study research, located in Sumber Jaya Village (Desa Sumber Jaya), Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. We also used a quantitative well-informed person assessment research method, a method that assesses the issue of research by asking the stakeholders who have good information about the research topic. There were 33 research respondents who were subsequently asked through questionnaires. The results show that there is still a high tradition of gotong royong, and guyub culture in Sumber Jaya Village, however, when we asked them whether the influence of village funds on social capital and political participation, generally respondents think that there was an influence as seen by the trend of declining scores when we asked by combining the variable of village funds, together with social capital and political participation. Regarding this result, our policy recommendation for future village fund policy based on the game theory model is that government should spend more on social safety net programs or universal basic income in the form of private goods rather than infrastructure spending in the form of public goods.

Jane Anditia ◽  
Dedy Hermawan ◽  
Intan Fitri Meutia ◽  

About disaster management can result in many fatalities. One aspect in minimizing disaster impacts is disaster mitigation. Disaster mitigation as a way to increase community participation in reducing disaster risk. Therefore, BPBD established a disaster management program, namely the Tangguh Bencana Village program. Karang City is one of the villages that received assistance from the Tangguh Bencana Village program. This research aims to identify forms of community participation and the level of community participation in the Tangguh Bencana Village program. The method used in this research is descriptive research type with qualitative approach. Data collection is conducted using interviews, and documentation. The results of this study showed that the participation of the community of Kota Karang Village in the Tangguh Bencana Village program is quite good, because the community provides participation in the form of energy, and social. Furthermore, the level of community participation is still at the level of tokenism (pseudo participation) of the community has given its participation but in its implementation the decision is still in the hands of the government.

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