scholarly journals Efektifitas Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter Pada Kurikulum 2013 Pembelajaran Tematik Di Sekolah Dasar Inpres 6/75 Ta' Tanete Riettang Kabupaten Bone

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 283
Abd Hafid ◽  
Rosmalah Rosmalah ◽  
Sultan Sultan

The effectiveness of the implementation of 2013 curriculum character education still needs to be assessed. The focus of the problem: What is the plan for implementing character education in thematic learning of 2013 curriculum at Primary School Inpres 6/75 Ta 'Tanete Riattang, Bone Regency and how effective is the implementation of character education in 2013 thematic learning curriculum at Primary School Inpres 6/75 Ta' Tanete Riattang, Bone Regency?. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation plan of character education in thematic learning at Primary School Inpres 6/75 Ta 'Tanete Riattang, Bone Regency and describe the effectiveness of the implementation of character education in 2013 curriculum thematic learning at Primary School Inpres 6/75 Ta' Tanete Riattang District Bone. The research approach was qualitative and the type of research was descriptive research. This research was conducted in Primary School Inpres 6/75 Ta’. Data sources in this study were teachers and students in grades I, II, IV, and V. Data collection techniques in this study were documentation and observation sheets. Data analysis techniques used were data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the planned implementation of character education in the thematic learning of 2013 curriculum and the implementation of character education in the thematic learning of 2013 curriculum at Primary School Inpres 6/75 Ta'were categorized very good. The study concluded that the planning and implementation of character education in 2013 curriculum thematic learning at Primary School Inpres 6/75 Ta’ were effective.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Putri Chusnul Khotimah ◽  
Budi Haryanto ◽  
Eni Fariyatul Fahyuni

This paper discusses service-based leadership in Islamic schools. Leadership demands a transformation from the heart and changes in character. True leadership starts from within and then moves outside to serve those they lead. This is where the importance of the character and integrity of a leader to become a true leader and accepted by other people or parties. This research is a qualitative-descriptive research which is expected to be able to uncover various information with a careful and meaningful description-analysis. Data sources in this study include principals, staff, students. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. As for the data analysis techniques through the stages of data reduction, data presentation and data analysis. The results of this research are (a) the principal's leadership has a variety of models that are extraordinary depending on the situation and conditions. (b) Service-based leadership is a new trend for achieving desired quality goals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Zuli Agustin Rahmawati ◽  
Moh Aniq KHB ◽  
Diana Endah H

This research was motivated by the readiness of teachers in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum thematic learning at SD Negeri 04 Kriyan Kalinyamatan Jepara. The problem in the research is "how is the readiness of the teacher towards the implementation of the 2013 curriculum thematic learning in class I to IV SDN 04 Kriyan Kalinyamatan Jepara?". The purpose to be achieved in this study is to describe the readiness of teachers in the 2013 curriculum thematic learning at SD Negeri 04 Kriyan Kalinyamatan Jepara. The method in this study is descriptive research that uses a qualitative approach, the subjects in this study were principals and teachers of Public Elementary School 04 Kriyan Kalinyamatan Jepara. The data in the research are all related instruments about the readiness of teachers in the 2013 curriculum thematic learning at SD Negeri 04 Kriyan Kalinyamatan Jepara. Sources of data obtained through questionnaires, observation, interviews and documentation. Checking data by extending observations, increasing perseverance, triangulating data, peers, holding member checks. while the data analysis techniques go through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and verification / conclusion. The results of this study indicate that according to the observations I made to different teachers and classes 5 respondents were ready to carry out the 2013 curriculum thematic learning which can be seen from the range of scores that I have analyzed, namely 5 respondents get a range of scores A (Very Good) with scores between 90 ≤ A≤ 100 from the process of implementing learning and learning instruments. Become a researcher through observasil results from the assessment of learning devices and learning implementation instruments. This is to measure the readiness of teachers in the 2013 curriculum thematic learning at SD Negeri 04 Kriyan Kalinyamatan Jepara. Based on the results of this study, the suggestions that can be conveyed are that teachers are more able to increase the creativity of thematic learning with more challenging and maximum readiness in the 2013 curriculum thematic learning process so that it can run well. 

Jurnal Anifa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-74
Isnaini Isnaini

The pronunciation of inappropriate words to exemplify, thus rendering the child devoid of good manners and word-tours, and often against parenthood, is because her parents are unspoiled when she speaks disrespectful and also against parental sayings becomes a phenomenon often encountered in society particularly in coastal communities. Family is very important in child education. The problem formula in this study is (1) How is the behaviour of children in the family? (2) What kind of factors affects the child's crisis of morality in the family? The purpose of the study is (1) to find out how child behaviour in the family is. (2) to find out what factors affect the child's crisis of morality in the family. To answer the question the researcher used a type of qualitative descriptive research in his research. In data collection techniques, researchers use interview and observation methods. Then, data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion withdrawal

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Risma Niswaty ◽  
Sri Wulandari ◽  
Sirajuddin Saleh ◽  
Muh. Rizal S

This study aims to determine the public relations strategy of Makassar State University in increasing the positive image of Makassar State University in the community. To find out these objectives, the researchers used a type of qualitative descriptive research. The informants in this study were as many as five people using data collection techniques carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Data obtained from research results are processed using data analysis techniques consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that Public Relations devised a strategy so that the function could run in accordance with the objectives of Makassar State University, among others, trying to create a conducive climate between institutions and the public in order to do persuasive and educative approaches to the public, trying to create two-way communication by disseminating information from institutions to public parties. educate and provide information, in order to create mutual understanding, respect, understanding and also strive to foster harmonious relations between organizations and various groups, both in and out relations to enhance cooperation. Public Relations seeks to socialize the Makassar State University mission to be accepted or received support from the public / public.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Muhammad Ridho ◽  
Yanyan Muhammad Yani ◽  
Arfin Sudirman

This study aim to explain phenomenon of Arab spring that occurred in Syria and describing the triggering factors of conflict Syria and the analysis of Alawie group in Syria. The type of this study uses a qualitative approach with the literature study method, because the data collection techniques used make books and documents related to the Arab spring in Syria as a reference frame, as well as some data from a valid website. Data analysis techniques through three components, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions in which data verification is also accompanied by triangulation of data sources. The results showed that the phenomenon of Arab spring that occurred in Syria converged on inter-ethnic conflict that occurred between the Sunni-Alawie, then triggered by the phenomenon of Arab spring that spread in the Middle East.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-166
Lustianti Anggita Yuni Pratiwi

Abstrak Pelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi program Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM) dalam mengatasi bullying di SMP N 2 Sleman. Aspek yang diteliti meliputi impementasi program GSM secara umum, kegiatan program GSM dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat impementasi program tersebut dalam mengatasi bullying. Penelitian ini mengacu konsep impementasi kebijakan Van Metter dan Van HornPenelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskripstif. Subjek penelitian ini meliputi kepala sekolah, guru bimbingan konseling, guru tim GSM dan siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data , reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi tersebut sesuai dengan teori van metter dan van horn yang terdiri dari standar dan sasaran, sumber daya, karakteristik organisasi, disposisi, hubungan antar organisasi dan kondisi lingkungan berjalan dengan baik dan semestinya. Kegiatan program GSM dalam mengatasi bullying adalah kegiatan sosialisasi, circle time, pagi berbagi, hearing, dan beberapa penerapan zona kelas. Faktor yang mendukung keberhasilan GSM di SMP N 2 Sleman adalah dukungan dari semua elemen sekolah dan faktor penghambat program GSM adalah masih ada beberapa guru dan siswa yang belum beradaptasi dengan adanya program tersebut. Kata kunci : program, Gerakan sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM), bullying Abstract This research aims to describe the implementation of the Fun School Movement (GSM) program in dealing with bullying in SMP N 2 Sleman. Aspects studied in the implementation of fun school movement program activities and supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of this program. this research to the concept of Van Metter and Van Horn policy implementation.This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study include the principal, counseling guidance teacher, GSM team teacher and students. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the implementation was in accordance with the van metter and van horn theory which consisted of standards and targets, resources, organizational characteristics, dispositions, relations between organizations and environmental conditions running well and properly. GSM program activities in dealing with bullying are socialization activities, circle time, morning sharing, hearing, and some class zone applications. The factors that support the success of GSM in SMP N 2 Sleman are the support of all elements of the school and the inhibiting factors of the GSM program are there are still some teachers and students who have not adapted to the existence of the program. Keywords: programs, Fun school movements (GSM), bullying

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-145
Faizal Chan ◽  
Agung Rimba Kurniawan ◽  
Lia Gusti Melinda ◽  
Rattu Priantini ◽  
Zubaiedah Zubaedah ◽  

This study aims to determine and describe the implementation of discipline character education for students in elementary schools. Discipline character is one of the character values that are in the core competencies of social attitudes that must be developed in both students. This study uses a qualitative research approach. This type of research is descriptive research. This research was carried out in Teratai Muara Bulian Elementary School 187/1. This research was conducted in a period of two months (August - September). Data and data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data sources taken in this study are 1) observation data, 2) school principal data, 3) teacher data, 4) student data. The technique of sample collection in this study was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques, namely 1) observation, observation used is non-participant observation. 2) interview, the interview used is a structured interview. Interviews were conducted with the school principal and class teacher. Data analysis using military and Huberman analysis techniques. Activities in data analysis, namely data reduction, data display (data presentation), and data conslusion (drawing conclusions). This research instrument is based on two sources, according to the Ministry of National Education (2010: 26) indicators of the value of discipline are: "1) getting used to being present on time; 2) getting used to obey the rules; and 3) using clothes in accordance with the provisions "and according to Syafrudin (Muhammad Khafid and Suroso, 2007: 91) are:" 1) observance of study time; 2) observance of lesson assignments; 3) obedience using the time of coming and going home ". The results showed that the implementation of discipline character education in SD N 187/1 Lotus lotus estuary was carried out adequately. The results obtained are related to the discipline value indicator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Pandiga Aji Norseta

This study aims to see the phenomena of the tradition of pilgrimage to the grave of K.H.R Bagus Khasantuka in Dusun Senuko Sidoagung Godean Sleman. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods. This study has two types of data and data sources, namely primary data and secondary data. Data interview techniques in this study were carried out by direct field observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used were data, data reduction, data presentation, and data collection. The data validity checking technique used was the source triangulation technique and the technique triangulation. The results of this study indicate the phenomenon of the pilgrimage tradition at K.H.Rr's grave intending to pray for and interpret the values of life, pilgrims who visit the grave of waliyullah K.H.R Bagus Khasantuka can trace the struggle of previous scholars in Islam. The existence of Sendang Bagusan as an example of K.H.R Bagus Khasantuka is still used by the Javanese mystical adherents for the kungkum ritual to achieve certain goals. The development of the Tomb of K.H.R Bagus Khasantuka also had a positive impact on the construction of hamlet roads, gates, and youth organization activities in Senuko Village.

Tien Rafida ◽  
Jamilah Jamilah

The objectives of this study are: (1) thematic learning planning in Raudhatul Athfal Rahmat Islamiyah Medan, (2) implementation of thematic learning in improving children's cognitive and language development in Raudhatul Athfal Rahmat Islamiyah Medan, (3) evaluation of thematic learning in Raudhatul Athfal Rahmat Islamiyah Medan , and (4) supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of thematic learning in Raudhatul Atfhal Rahmat Islamiyah Medan. This research method is qualitative conducted at Raudhatul Atfhal Rahmat Islamiyah Medan. Instrument data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used Miles and Huberman models, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The research findings show: (1) Thematic learning planning conducted by Raudhatul Atfhal Rahmat Islamiyah Medan teacher by preparing the learning implementation plan at the beginning of the semester by referring to the applicable Raudhatul Atfhal curriculum, (2) implementing thematic learning at Raudhatul Atfhal Rahmat Islamiyah The terrain is done with varied learning methods by using various kinds of games such as remembering names, achievement games, motion games, construction games and also playing roles, (3) evaluation of learning on thematic learning at Raudhatul Atfhal Rahmat Islamiyah Medan by giving a portfolio, in this case evaluated changes in behavior, children can also experience cognitive and language improvement after participating in the thematic learning process, and (4) there are supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of thematic learning but the obstacles can still be well addressed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Kholidah Kholidah ◽  
Nyong ETIS ◽  
Siti Ruchana

This paper discusses the impact of facilities and infrastructure management on student’s satisfaction. The success of learning in schools one of which is supported by the facilities and infrastructure of learning. Management of the utilization of educational facilities and infrastructure in schools effectively and efficiently will greatly support the success of the learning process in schools and improve the quality of student’s satisfaction. This research is a descriptive qualitative research which is expected to be able to uncover various information carefully and meaningful analysis-descriptions. Data sources in this study are principal, vice principal also staff of facilities and infrastructure, students too. Data collection bas obtained from interview, observation, and arrangement. As for the data analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and data analysis. The results of the study are expected to be (a) The management of facilities and infrastructure capable improve the implementation of the education process effectively (b) The implementation of management infrastructure and facilities can increase student satisfaction significantly.

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