2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 500-508
Petya Zheleva ◽  

Extracurricular activities create opportunities for upgrading the knowledge, skills and competencies, for the practical application of what has been learned, as well as for building and improving the young person’s personality and psychological profile. They „promote learning and cognitive activity, improve the characteristics associated with the dimension of emotional intelligence, develop thinking and stimulate self-regulation of personality. An opportunity to achieve integrated knowledge is created, with an emphasis on problem solving (s). The learning process is optimized, the development of the professional, personal competence and emotional intelligence of the student is catalyzed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Oleksiy Chebykin

An attempt has been made in this paper to single out the cognitive and mental signs of emotional intelligence and their functions in this process. It has been shown that a significant part of specialists, despite the declarative correspondence of this phenomenon to the sphere of emotions and intelligence, analyzes the social intelligence as the subject of its study and its communicative signs, emotional maturity and its components, self-regulation, empathy, expressiveness of emotions, etc. It can be assumed that in this case, the signs of emotional intelligence are replaced by those that relate to the subject of the study of other psychological phenomena. It should be also agreed that all mental phenomena are closely related, especially since emotions are actually integrated into every process. But when the emotional intelligence is chosen as a subject of study, then this should refer to those signs which should be more reflected certain specific features of emotions in the intelligence. It has been proposed to consider emotional intelligence as a psychological property of individual, characterized by the manifestation of complex as though integrated, emotionalcognitive and mental features, due to which it achieves its goal in certain tasks/problems solving in different activities. It can be argued that emotions are more integrated with cognitive activity in emotional intelligence, and intelligence – with mental activity. That is, the features of the functioning of basic (simple) emotions in higher cognitive, integrated with mental activity are probably what can characterize the psychological essence of the content of emotional intelligence. Such higher emotional and cognitive features that accompany this process include surprise, curiosity, inquisitiveness, interest, enthusiasm, inspiration, guess, disappointment, doubt, insight experience, eureka, and others. The manifestation of these signs may be accompanied by certain functions at the level of comfort emotional coloring of the problem-solving process, emotional guidance on how to solve the problem, emotional activation in the form of strengthening or weakening the manifestation of this process, emotional regulation as dynamics of change of movement of the signs in the problemsolving process. A complex of three methods has been created: investigation of signs of emotional intelligence; study of the manifestation of simple emotions in the content of higher emotions attributed to the signs of emotional intelligence; study of the selected functions of signs of emotional intelligence. It has been shown that there is a certain tendency in the manifestation of signs of emotional intelligence, and its integral components of simple emotions in the problem-solving process. It has been revealed that the emotionally positive orientation of the content of such signs of emotional intelligence as curiosity, insight experience, eureka, their connection with joy and comfort functions of emotional guidance, emotional activation and regulation, form the first complex of emotional intelligence. The second complex is formed on the basis of such signs of emotional intelligence as inquisitiveness, guess and doubt. The third one includes curiosity, enthusiasm and disappointment. These complexes can be those specific determinants of the manifestation of emotional intelligence, as well as the psychological characteristics of its typical manifestations in humans.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 414-422
Asmawati Asmawati

The occurrence of anemia in adolescents due to lack of nutrients transport and oxygen throughout body to be inhibited, in the brain this causes a decrease in the level of concentration. This decrease in concentration level is more severe if anemic sufferers have low emotional intelligence because it is increasingly difficult for adolescents to carry out a concentration of mind. The purpose of this study is to influence the incidence of anemia and emotional quotient on the level of student learning concentration of Pule 1 Senior High School Trenggalek Regency. The design of this research is correlational analytic with cross sectional approach. Data collected by questionnaire an dobservastion sheet, data analysis by ordinal regression test at α = 0.05. The results showed that there was an influence of anemia against concentration level in SMAN 1 Pule in Trenggalek Regency (p-value = 0,000), there was an emotional quotient effect against concentration level in SMAN 1 Pule in Trenggalek Regency (p-value = 0.011) and together there is an influence of the incidence of anemia and emotional quotient against concentration level in Pule 1 Senior High School, Trenggalek Regency (p-value = 0,000). Adolescents who experienced anemia will experience a decrease in the body's metabolism because one component of metabolism that is oxygen cannot be supplied smoothly so that the body's energy decreases, especially in the brain will have an impact on decreased concentration in the learning process. Relation to emotional intelligence, through good emotional intelligence, a student can manage his time well so that he is able to place the utilization of the time he has for his main task of learning. Through emotion management, EQ plays a role in supporting self-control and time management so that students who have high EQ will not be easily affected by environmental disturbances so that they can carry out the learning process with good concentration

Esperanza Mejías ◽  
Carles Monereo

The authors present an innovative practice of authentic evaluation of competences carried out in the “teaching and learning strategies” course of the psychology degree. The evaluation proposal central to this course is based on a real, relevant and socializing practice context in which students have to act as counsellors to respond to a high-school teacher's request: to improve a teaching sequence or unit. In order for this authentic project to work and generate a gradual construction of learning, course teachers used a series of evaluation strategies directed at the assessment of both the result and the learning process and aimed at facilitating students' learning self-regulation and teachers' provision of educational help. Results show that students value the processes of formative assessment because they allow them to act in an authentic context. In turn, teachers are highly satisfied with the involvement and quality of the projects.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-238
Cut Eva Nasryah ◽  
Arief Aulia Rahman

EQ is ability to recognize feelings of self and others, cooperate, motivate, and manage emotions and use these feelings to guide thoughts and actions to achieve a goal. Education in schools trains IQ rather than EQ on students. So that not a few students who are weak in self efficacy, self-regulation, not adaptive and innovative. Lack of Motivation, pessimism, and not being able to work with teams. For this reason, this study see the effectiveness of the Realistic Approach (RA) in developing student EQs. RA is one of the learning that is suitable in training students' EQs with a RA’s characteristic that trains students in teamwork to conduct guided discoveries, self-develop models, and can activate cognitive and affective abilities students through real-world activities and imaginable for students. This research was conducted in seventh grade junior high school in Aceh Barat with a purposive sampling using predetermined characteristics. Furthermore, EQ grouping is done based on the Likert scale Questioner 1-4 to determine the number of groupings of students who have high, medium and low EQ. Then the students were given treatment that is the learning process using a RA for 3 months of fractional material, it was found that there was an increase in students' abilities in the high category from 8% to 12%, the category was experiencing an increase of 20% to 28% and 32% and in the low category decreased from 72% to 60% and 56%. This shows that the RA has an impact on students' EQ growth.   Abstrak Emotional quotient (EQ) merupakan kemampuan mengenali perasaan diri dan orang lain, bekerjasama, memotivasi, dan mengelola emosi diri serta menggunakan perasaan tersebut dalam memandu pikiran dan tindakan demi mencapai suatu tujuan. Namun pendidikan di sekolah melatih intelligence Quotient (IQ) dari pada EQ terhadap siswa. Sehingga tidak sedikit siswa yang lemah dalam hal kepercayaan, Pengaturan diri, tidak adaptif dan inovatif. Kurangnya Motivasi, pesimis, dan tidak mampu bekerjasama dengan tim. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keefektifan realistic approach dalam menumbuhkembangkan EQ siswa di sekolah. Realistic approach merupakan salah satu pendekatan belajar yang cocok dalam melatih EQ siswa dengan karkateristik realistic approach yang melatih siswa dalam bekerjasama tim melakukan penemuan terbimbing, self-develop models, dan mampu mengaktifkan kemampuan kognitif dan afektif dalam diri siswa melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang real-world dan imaginable bagi siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP kelas VII di Aceh Barat dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling menggunakan karakteristik yang telah ditentukan. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengelompokan EQ berdasarkan Questioner berskala likert 1-4 untuk menentukan jumlah pengelompokan siswa yang memiliki EQ tinggi, sedang dan rendah. Lalu siswa diberikan treatment yaitu proses pembelajaran mengggunakan realistic approach selama 3 bulan materi pecahan, didapat hasil bahwa terjadi peningkatan kemampuan siswa pada kategori tinggi yaitu dari 8% menjadi 12% pada uji coba I dan II, kategori sedang mengalami peningkatan 20% menjadi 28% dan 32% pada uji I dan II serta kategori rendah mengalami penurunan dari 72% menjadi 60% dan 56% pada uji coba I dan II. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa realistic approach berdampak pada tumbuhkembang EQ siswa. Kata kunci: Pendekatan realistik, Emotional Quotient.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 241 ◽  
Toto Suharto

It is the fact that religious extracurricular learning is done differently and variously by each educational unit level. The interesting phenomenon happens in which is a learning process of religious education extracurricular at a high school of MTA Surakarta. The high school is registered as the list of the fifty leading Islamic high school in Indonesia. This study of educational ideology analyzes is found that at the MTA high school is implemented the integral curriculum structure, that is national curriculum combined with diniyah curriculum . Although it is still in a small portion of the diniyah curriculum made as its core curriculum. The Islamic extracurricular activities are implemented invarious forms , such as the recitation on Sunday morning , a special recitation , Arba’in Hadith studies and Riyadlus Shalihin, khitobah , BTA , Tahsin , Tahfidz , Muhadasah, and Tasyji’ul Lughoh and Nafar Ramadan. Secara faktual pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler agama dilakukan secara berbeda dan beragam oleh setiap tingkat satuan pendidikan. Fenomena yang menarik terjadi, yaitu proses pembelajaran ekstrakulikuler pendidikan agama di SMA MTA Surakarta. SMA ini masuk ke dalam daftar lima puluh SMA Islam unggulan se-Indonesia. Kajian tentang analisis ideologi pendidikan ini ditemukan bahwa di SMA MTA Surakarta diterapkan struktur kurikulum secara integral, yaitu dipadukannya kurikulum nasional dengan kurikulum diniyah. Meski baru sedikit kurikulum

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 398
Binar Kurnia Prahani ◽  
Wahyu Hari Kristiyanto ◽  
Joko Siswanto ◽  
Budiyono Saputro ◽  
Husni Mubarok

This literature study aims to obtain the thinking process profile of senior high school students in physics problem-solving based on differences in emotional intelligence levels and gender. In this study used literature study method with phenomenological analysis, functionalism analysis, and critical analysis. The sources used to compile this article include some literature on emotional intelligence, gender effect, thinking process, problem-solving, and several empirical study on students in physics problem-solving, especially in senior high school. The authors summed up the conclusions based on the results of the literature study as follows: (1) The profile of the thinking process is influenced by emotional intelligence level and gender; (2) Emotional intelligence is directly proportional to the thinking process of students in the process of solving physics problems; (3) Students who have high emotional intelligence are more likely to have high physics problem-solving skills; (4) Gender differences (male and female) in solving physics problems, generally, are still debatable, in which sense is it better? Then it further research needs that is valid and reliable to answer this question. (5) There is a strong tendency that the male gender is more resilient in dealing with and solving complex physics problems; (6) The gender of female students is superior in solving physics problems that require very high detail. The main implication of this article is to obtain the thinking process profile of senior high school students in physics problem-solving based on terms of differences in emotional intelligence levels and gender. 

Sri Maryani ◽  
Ikrar Pramudya ◽  
Isnandar Slamet

This research aims to obtain information about the influence of emotional intelligence on the ability of students' mathematical problem-solving. This research was conducted at Junior High School State for class eight students. This research is a quantitative survey research with descriptive analysis method. The data obtained is data from the retrieval of the questionnaire then analyzed the results. The results showed that there was an influence of emotional intelligence on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities because the value t count 15.76 > t table 2.021 with a significant level of α = 5%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Kevin Justinus Elwadi Simanjuntak

This study is about the String Ensemble Learning in Extracurricular at SMK MethodistCharles Wesley Medan. The purpose of learning is to know the learning process of stringensemble extracurricular, knowing in teaching methods and materials string ensemble, knowingthe learning ability of ensembles extracurricular participant, and to identify constraints stringensemble extracurricular teaching at SMK Methodist Charles Wesley Medan.The study is based on theoretical foundation to explain the theory of learning, thelearning component, understanding ability, sense of ensemble, string ensemble understanding, andextracurricular activities.This study will take a place in Jalan Padang Golf (In), Central Business District BlockCC-DD Polonia, Medan Polonia. This study uses descriptive qualitative research, observation,interviews, documentation and literature review. The samples are part of the population that isabout to be investigated, which in this study were teachers and all students who take the stringensemble extracurricular activities are 15 students and 1 teacher.Once the entire data has been collected, then analyzed to answer all the questions ofthe study. The learning process is carried out for 60 minutes, the time used to explain the theory isa 15-minute and 45-minute practice. The implementation stage string ensemble learning studentswho take these activities are all students in both the junior high school students Methodist CharlesWesley, the high school students of Charles Wesley Methodist School, and SMK Methodist CharlesWesley were merged into a single string ensemble group.In the ensemble learning process swipe at SMK Methodist Charles Wesley Medanmaterial used is a script of classical music such as Baroque and Rokoko, Romantic, Classical andContemporary Classical. The obstacles in the form of incomplete facilities, differences in levels ofstudent proficiency, and student attendance in a regular schedule that already exists. Students canbe said to be capable of if the students can play an instrument properly, in accordance with goodtechnique, mastering the material well, and can play with a harmonious ensemble.

A S Bayuningsih ◽  
B Usodo ◽  
S Subanti

<p class="Abstract">Problem-solving ability in mathematics is a primary means to understand a problem and develop the students ' ability in solving a problem. Step in solving problems are categorized to understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan and reflection. This research used a descriptive method aimed to identify the problem-solving ability among junior high school students and review from students self-regulated learning (SRL).The subjects of the research were taken by one student in each SRL category (high, medium, and low) which then given the problem-solving test and the result was triangulated by interview. Based on the research, it can be stated that the students with high self-regulation can solve a mathematical problem by applying first indicator, the second indicator, third indicator, but they cannot apply the fourth indicator. The students with medium self-regulation can apply the first indicator and second indicator while they are still having the problem in third indicator and fourth indicator. The students with low category self-regulation cannot apply all of those in solving the mathematical problem.</p>

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