scholarly journals Analysis Of Predisposing, Enabling And Reinforcing Factors With The Implementation Of The Role Of Cadad In Prevention Stunting In The Lombok Central Region Region West Nusa Tenggara

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 414-422
Asmawati Asmawati

The occurrence of anemia in adolescents due to lack of nutrients transport and oxygen throughout body to be inhibited, in the brain this causes a decrease in the level of concentration. This decrease in concentration level is more severe if anemic sufferers have low emotional intelligence because it is increasingly difficult for adolescents to carry out a concentration of mind. The purpose of this study is to influence the incidence of anemia and emotional quotient on the level of student learning concentration of Pule 1 Senior High School Trenggalek Regency. The design of this research is correlational analytic with cross sectional approach. Data collected by questionnaire an dobservastion sheet, data analysis by ordinal regression test at α = 0.05. The results showed that there was an influence of anemia against concentration level in SMAN 1 Pule in Trenggalek Regency (p-value = 0,000), there was an emotional quotient effect against concentration level in SMAN 1 Pule in Trenggalek Regency (p-value = 0.011) and together there is an influence of the incidence of anemia and emotional quotient against concentration level in Pule 1 Senior High School, Trenggalek Regency (p-value = 0,000). Adolescents who experienced anemia will experience a decrease in the body's metabolism because one component of metabolism that is oxygen cannot be supplied smoothly so that the body's energy decreases, especially in the brain will have an impact on decreased concentration in the learning process. Relation to emotional intelligence, through good emotional intelligence, a student can manage his time well so that he is able to place the utilization of the time he has for his main task of learning. Through emotion management, EQ plays a role in supporting self-control and time management so that students who have high EQ will not be easily affected by environmental disturbances so that they can carry out the learning process with good concentration

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Ahmad Zubairi ◽  
Nova Seftiana

Introduction: Early marriage that occurs cannot be separated from parental support, they have the perception that marrying off their children at an early age to keep their children safe, and put pressure on children not to continue their education due to low economics. Methods: To find out how the relationship between parenting families with the perception of early marriage in adolescents, Knowing the description of parenting patterns for early marriage in adolescents. Research Methods: This study is a quantitative study, with a descriptive correlation type of design. Samples were taken through random sampling with a cross sectional approach. Results: From the results of bivariate analysis using the chi square test, the p-value of 0.038 (<0. 05) can be concluded so that it can be concluded that there is a relationship between family parenting patterns and perceptions of early marriage in adolescents in Senior High School 1 Plus Computer Nerwork Engineering in 2021. Conclusion: The results of the respondents were 50 female students and 30 male students. The results of the respondents' parenting in the family were 42.5% good, 57.5% good enough, and 0 bad parenting

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
I Gusti Bagus Magitojaya ◽  
Jehosua S. V. Sinolungan ◽  
Lydia David

Abstract: Nowadays, phenomeneon of juvenile delinquency has been spreading widely. Particularly to students, they usually perform juvenile delinquency that would harm themselves and finally trouble their minds due to consquences they are going to face. This study aimed to investigate the comparison of anxiety levels among students who performed juvenile delinquency. This was an analytical observational study with a cross sectional design. Subjects were 86 students of Swadharma Mopugad High School and Swadharma Werdhi Agung Senior High School obtained by using simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by using T independent test with α=0.005. The T independent test showed a t value of 0.457 and a p value of 0.649 (> 0.005) which indicated that there was no significant difference of anxiety levels among students who performed juvenile delinquency in both high schools. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between anxiety levels of students who performed juvenile delinquency in Swadharma Mopugad Senior High School and Swadharma Werdhi Agung Senior High School.Keywords: juvenile delinquency, anxietyAbstrak: Fenomena kenakalan remaja makin meluas dewasa ini. Hal ini tentunya dapat menimbulkan kecemasan pada siswa yang melakukannya mengingat sanksi yang bisa diperoleh akibat perbuatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kecemasan siswa yang melakukan perilaku kenakalan remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu simple random sampling. Subyek penelitian ialah siswa kelas XI SMA Swadharma Mopugad dan siswa kelas XI SMA Swadharma Werdhi Agung dengan jumlah total 86 siswa. Data dianalisis dengan uji T Independent (α = 0,005). Hasil uji T Independent mendapatkan nilai t sebesar 0,457, p = 0,649, yang menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat kecemasan pada siswa yang melakukan kenakalan remaja di SMA Swadharma Mopugad dan SMA Swadharma Werdhi Agung. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat kecemasan yang bermakna pada siswa yang melakukan kenakalan remaja di SMA Swadharma Mopugad dan SMA Swadharma Werdhi Agung.Kata kunci: kenakalan remaja, kecemasan

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-143
Oki Fitriani ◽  
Sarah Handayani ◽  
Nur Asiah

Determinants of Drug Abuse Among Adolescents in 24 Senior High School Jakarta  Introduction. The number of drug abuse in adolescents has increased dramatically. Survey conducted in2006 and 2009 shows pattern that drug abuse risk in big city is higher rather than in small city. It is alsoidentified that the risk level of drug abuse in adolescents is different from one to another. The differencesare caused by several factors. This study aims to determine some factors believed to have associationwith the risk of drug abuse in adolescents in 24 Senior High School, Jakarta.Methods. This study is a quantitative analytical research using cross sectional design. Location of thestudy was in 24 Senior High School, Jakarta. Research was conducted during March – August 2016.Population of this study was all student grade 10 and 11 in 24 Senior High School, Jakarta which is 350students. Variable dependent in this study is drug abuse risk and independent variables are individual,drug and environment characteristic. Sampling was chosen using proportional stratified randomsampling. The total sample was 91 people. Data analysis was using uni variate and bivariate analysis.Resulst. The results showed from 8 variables, only 6 variables that have relationship with the risk of drugabuse in teenagers / students. Those variables are drug factors; availability (p value = 0.000 PR = 2,595% CI 1566-3909), and the ease of getting drugs (p value = 0,009 PR = 1,7 95% CI 1114-2437),individual factors; gender (p value = 0,000 PR = 2,6 95% CI 0626-4218), and knowledge (p value =0048 PR = 1,5 95% CI 0966-2340), environmental factors; family (p value = 0.003 PR = 1,8 95% CI1174-2739), and friends (association) (p value = 0,000 PR = 2,4 95% CI 1512-3647).Conclusions. Variables that have relationship with the risk of drug abuse are drug factors (availability,the ease of getting drugs) individual factors (gender, knowladge) and environment factors (family, friend)

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-150
Deviana Pratiwi Munthe

Abstrak Keputihan sering kali dianggap suatu hal yang biasa sehingga sering diabaikan pentingnya pencegahan dan penanganan yang benar dan tepat. Jika remaja putri dapat mengenali gejala keputihan dan penanganannya maka remaja putri dapat beraktivitas dengan nyaman, aman, dan sehat, sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas belajar. Sebaliknya jika mengabaikan pencegahan dan penanganan keputihan maka akan aktivitas belajar remaja putri akan terganggu sehingga tidak bisa menerima pembelajran dengan baik bahkan harus absen dari sekolah. Jika keputihan tidak segera diatasi akan dapat menimbulkan risiko bahaya yang fatal bagi kesehatan. Aktivitas yang menjadi acuan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan dan sikap siswa putri di SMAN  2 Tondano dengan pencegahan keputihan. Pada observasi atau pengamatan awal yang dilakukan, didapati bahwa siswa putri SMAN 2 Tondano pernah mengalami keputihan. Keputihan yang dialami siswa putri SMAN 2 Tondano didapati ada yang terjadi tidak hanya sekali dan terjadi dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Kondisi seperti ini dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya risiko penyakit reproduksi. Penelitian in menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampel yang digunakan yaitu total sampling berjumlah 39 responden. Hasil analisa dan pengujian data yang sudah dilakukan di SMAN 2 Tondano, maka  terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan siswa putri SMAN 2 Tondano dengan pencegahan keputihan dengan nilai p = 0.042 dan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap siswa putri SMAN 2 Tondano di dengan pencegahan keputihan dengan nilai p = 0.022. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Penanganan, Keputihan, Remaja Putri   Abstract Vaginal discharge is often considered a common thing so that is often overlooked the importance of prevention correct and appropriate treatment. Teenage girls can recognize the symptoms of vaginal discharge and their treatment, they can move in a comfortable, safe, and healthy way so that they can increase their learning productivity. On the other hand, if they ignore the prevention and treatment of vaginal discharge, the learning activities of a teenage girl will be disrupted so that they cannot receive learning properly and even have to be absent from school. If vaginal discharge is not immediately addressed, it can pose a risk of fatal danger to health. The activity that is used as a reference in this study is the knowledge and attitudes of female students at Senior High School Public 2 Tondano, with the prevention of vaginal discharge. In the initial observations, it was found that the female students of Senior High School Public 2 Tondano had experienced vaginal discharge. The discharge experienced by female students of Senior High School Public 2 Tondano was found to occur not only once and for a long time. Conditions like this can lead to the risk of reproductive disease. This research uses a descriptive-analytic correlation method with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used is a total sampling of 39 respondents. The results of data analysis and testing that have been carried out at Senior High School Public 2 Tondano, there is a significant relationship between the knowledge of female students of Senior High School Public 2 Tondano and prevention of vaginal discharge with p = 0.042 and there is a significant relationship between the attitudes of female students of Senior High School Public 2 Tondano in the prevention of vaginal discharge with p-value = 0.022. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Handling, Vaginal, Young Women

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 136
Husnul Khotimah ◽  
Kirnantoro Kirnantoro ◽  
Fitnaningsih Endang Cahyawati

<p>Incidence of dysmenorrhea in the world is high. It was estimated about 50% women in the world suffer from dysmenorrhea in the menstrual cyclus. Incidence of primary dysmenorrhea in Indonesia was 54.89% and the rest of that were sufferers by secondary type. The Study which conducted in Jakarta find 83.5% college student had dysmenorrhea and 58.2% in Palembang. From the reported that dysmenorrhea caused 14% adolescent often did not go to school. The purpose of study was to know the relationship between knowledge of 11th grade adolescent girls about menstruation and attitudes toward dysmenorrhea at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta. This study used descriptive analytic methode with cross sectional approach. Study was conducted at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta on 10 September 2011. Samples was obtained by total sampling technique which consisted of 71 adolescent. The knowledge of 43 (60.6%) adolescent girls about menstruation at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta was good, and about 39 (54.9%) adolescent girls attitudes toward dysmenorrhea at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta on positive category. In conclusion, there was a significant relationship between knowledge of 11th grade adolescent girls about menstruation and attitudes toward dysmenorrhea at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta, evidenced by χ2 count&gt;χ2 table (8.005&gt;5.991) and p-value &lt;0.05 (p=0.018&lt; 0.05).</p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Laili Yosi AS ◽  
Fatmalina Febry ◽  
Fenny Etrawati

Food preferences are the level of the likes and dislikes of food, and these preferences will affect food consumption that represents the selection of a person’s diet frequency, nutrient intake and dietary adequacy. Based on previous research, food preferences in adolescents as a whole are not in line with a healthy diet, and food preferences of adolescents are a critical point that determines food preferences of adults. The purpose of this study is to analyze food preferences of adolescence and the various factors which influence it. This research was an analytical study with cross-sectional design. The samples were High School students at Senior High School 1 Inderalaya and Senior High School 1 South Inderalaya with the total number 167 ,and people. Samples were taken by simple random sampling. The food preferences data were obtained by using food checklist and hedonic scale of 1-5. Procedure of data analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis with chi-square. Bivariate analysis showed that 61.1% of the respondent have good food preferences. Analysis of the relationship between variables showed a significant relationship between food familiarity with food preferences (p-value = 0.000) with PR= 3.459 (95% CI: 2.284-5.239) while other variables Such as the influence of peers, food neophobia, body image perception, gender, allowance, nutritional knowledge, and food taboo did not have any relationship with food preferences. The higher someone’s food familiarity level is, the higher the preference is. We suggest the school to increase food preferences for students to learn about a variety of nutritious foods balanced through a variety of activities, such as scientific discussions, a competition to create a menu of balanced nutrition, healthy food promotion

Leny Leny

ABSTRACT   Adolescence is a period of transition from the early days of children up to early adulthood, which entered at the age of about 10 to 12 years and ended at the age of 18 years to 22 years. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and media pornography to sexual behavior of students / Senior high school  Bakti Ibu 8 Palembang in 2011. The design of this study using the analytic survey using cross sectional approach using random sampling method. In a proportional stratified random sampling technique in which the variables studied were the independent variables (knowledge and pornographic media) and independent variables (sexual behavior). Samples in this study were part of students / class XI student in Senior high school Bakti Ibu 8  Palembang 2011 that totaled 150 students. These results indicate that respondents who had sex as many as 29 people (19.4%) and that did not have sex as many as 121 people (80.6%), good knowledge of the respondents as many as 132 people (88%) and lack of knowledge as many as 18 people (12%), respondents pornographic media as much as 9 persons (6.38%) and respondents are not pornographic media 141 people (93.62%). From the results of Chi-Square test statistic found a significant association between knowledge and sexual behavior in adolescents where (p value = 0.006). The study is expected to be the guardians of education by parents of students further enhance the fabric of communication between them in the teenage years watching his protege.   ABSTRAK   Masa Remaja adalah suatu periode transisi dari masa awal anak-anak hingga masa awal dewasa, yang dimasuki pada usia kira-kira 10 hingga 12 tahun dan berakhir pada usia 18 tahun hingga 22 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dan media pornografi dengan perilaku seksual siswa/siswi SMA Bakti Ibu 8 Palembang tahun 2011. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan survey analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional dengan menggunakan metode random sampling. Dalam teknik stratified proporsional random sampling dimana variabel yang diteliti adalah variabel independen (pengetahuan dan media pornografi) dan variabel independen (perilaku seks). Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah sebagian siswa/siswi kelas XI di SMA Bakti Ibu 8 Palembang Tahun 2011 yang berjumlah 150 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa responden yang melakukan seks sebanyak 29 orang (19,4%) dan yang tidak melakukan seks sebanyak 121 orang (80,6%), responden pengetahuan baik sebanyak 132 orang (88%) dan pengetahuan kurang sebanyak 18 orang (12%), responden media pornografi sebanyak 9 orang (6,38%) dan responden tidak media pornografi 141 orang (93,62%). Dari hasil uji statistik Chi-Square didapatkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dan perilaku seks pada remaja dimana (p value =0,006). Penelitian ini diharapkan agar pihak pendidikan dengan orang tua wali murid lebih meningkatkan lagi jalinan komunikasi antar mereka dalam mengawasi masa-masa remaja anak didiknya.    

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-105
Rika Karmila ◽  
Winda Septiani

Dysmenorrhoea is pain when menstruation is felt in the lower part of the abdomen that comes from cramps in uterus. Dysmenorrhoea is divided into primary dysmenorrhoea and secondary dysmenorrhoea Based on early survey, that always there are students going to UKS every month and permission not to attend the learning process because they have dysmenorrhea, and most of the students prefer to go home because of unbearable pain. Based on interviews, from 15 female students, 26.67% of them have never experienced dysmenorrhoea. 73.77% said they had different menstrual pain complaints.This researchh purpose is to knowing correlation of nutrition status , physic activity, and knowledge toward incidents of dysmenorrhea on female students of YLPI Pekanbaru senior high school in 2018. This research type is qualitative analytic with cross sectional design. The sample in this reseach were XI and XII grade, totaling 143 peoples. Data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires for variables of dysmenorrhea, physical activity and knowledge. Measuring height and weighing female students was conducted for nutritional status variables. The research result show that, there are meaningful correlation among nutritional status (Pvalue= 0,016) andPR (95% CI)= 5,600 (1,449-21,641), physical activity (P value = 0,003) andPR (95% CI)= 6,587 (2,000-21,695), knowledge (P value = 0,004)andPR (95% CI)= 6,000 (1,887-18,083) with incidents of dysmenorrhea on female students of YLPI Pekanbaru Senior High School in 2018.Suggestions for the school to form Youth Counseling Information Center in environment of YLPI Senior High School that is useful as a forum for giving or educating information such as adolescent health, especially regarding dysmenorrhoea

Zuriati Muhammad ◽  
Sri Sumarmi

Female undergo menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, which bring about the need to consume blood cell tablet in order to provide extra iron and further replace lost blood, as a preparation through adolescence. Furthermore, females tend to suffer from anemia, exhibit retarded learning, working competence, quality of human resources and overall wellbeing of their offspring hence the promotion of nutritional status and health is essential (Warsiti, 2013). This study therefore aims to investigate the effect of knowledge and attitudes of female adolescents on the consumption of Fe tablet at Public Senior High School 1 of Gorontalo, applying a quantitative approach with cross-sectional method. With a sample of 72 students, the study involved the use of a questionnaire to obtain data, which were analyzed using the Fisher Ex cact (X2) test at the significance level of 95% (α=0.05). The analysis results revealed no influence of knowledge, toward the behavior of consuming Fe tablet with p-value = 0.355. Furthermore, there was a correlation between attitudes and consumption behavior, with p-value = 0.003 among young women in Public Senior High School.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Sujono Riyadi ◽  
Nur Fatih Udin

Background: Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can interfere with physical, emotional and cognitive growth. One of the causes of insomnia is due to bad habit factors such as a lifestyle that always worships technological sophistication, so that many people often linger in using the internet. The very intense use of social networks can be in the form of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. This study aims to determine the effect of the duration of social media use on the incidence of insomnia in adolescents at senior high school 1 Sentolo Kulon Progo.Methods: Non-experimental research with correlative quantitative descriptive approach, carried out in a cross-sectional manner. The instrument used a questionnaire. The sample of this study was 58 remaining students of class XI, XII in SMA Negeri 1 Sentolo Kulon Progo using random sampling techniques and analyzed using the Somers'd test.Results: The results of this study obtained a p value of 0.003 (p <0.05), and r = 0.291, there is an influence in the duration of social media use with the incidence of insomnia in adolescents in Senior High School 1 Sentolo Kulon Progo.Conclusions: There is a significant effect between the duration of social media use and insomnia among adolescents in SMA Negeri 1 Sentolo Kulon Progo. Keywords: Duration, Social Media, Insomnia, Adolescents.

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