scholarly journals Street Children Religious Education Using an Interactional Education Approach

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-80
Machfudzil Asror ◽  
Achmad Wahyudi

According to the Islamic viewpoint, if someone wants happiness in the world and hereafter then that person must have knowledge and to gain knowledge someone must undergo an educational process including religious education. Education that seeks to make Islamic teachings a way of life for a person. Street children are social entities with social disabilities, namely people with welfare problems whose daily activities are to earn income or beg at crossroads and traffic lights. Their religious education is often neglected. Therefore, through an interactional education approach, it is hoped that street children can learn Islam through the theory and practice directly in their activities on the streets and public places. This research is a field research which the required data is extracted from the field. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this research are street children in Sidoarjo regency and related agencies such as the Social and Labor Office, the Education Office and the Ministry of Religion of Sidoarjo Regency. Street children who are the targets of this study are children aged 18 years and under, both boys and girls who live on the streets. The object of this research is religious education of street children in Sidoarjo regency. The data that will be explored in this research are those related to religious education in street children in Sidoarjo district which includes: First, the characteristics of street children in Sidoarjo regency. Second, the background to be street children. Third, the form of religious education carried out in the street children’s community. Fourth, institutions involved in the religious education process of street children. Fifth, religious practices carried out by street children. Sixth, obstacles in implementing religious education in street children communities. The data collected in this research were collected through the interview, observation and documentation techniques. After the data has been collected using these various techniques, the data obtained is collected and described in a data matrix. The data in this study were analyzed using interactive model analysis techniques. By religious education based on interactional education theory, street children can learn Islam by way of theory and direct practice in their activities on the streets and public places, for example: reciting the holy Qur’an and rowatib prayer, habituation of manners in speech (permission and thanking expressions) every time you interact with everyone, throw garbage in its place and so on.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-263
Agus Triyono

The times are increasingly rapid, marked by advances in science and technology, whether they realize it or not have a sharp enough impact on society, including adolescents and school-age children. The positive impact arising from the development of science and technology is a great hope for all levels of society. On the other hand, the emergence of negative impacts is something that cannot be denied and has recently occurred in society, including in the world of education. Bullying cases, student fights, skipping school, actions against teachers are becoming more frequent. This makes parents, practitioners, administrators and observers of education quite concerned and stimulated to create and emphasize education that is able to produce students who have strong character, have akhlaqul karimah. Realizing that this condition is also the government's responsibility, the government determines the importance of character education in educational institutions as stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 78 of 2017 concerning Strengthening Character Education. One of the efforts taken by education providers is to provide education with boarding services, namely educational services by requiring students to live in school dormitories, with the aim that the education process can run twenty-four hours, with full attention and monitoring and guidance from the boarding supervisor. With this boarding system, schools will find it easier to condition students to participate in activities organized by schools including religious education as the core of character education in theory and practice directly with the guidance of teachers in dormitories. The boarding system education also isolates students from socializing in a wide environment that has recently been exposed to many negative influences from the internet, social media and so on. In boarding schools students are taught to have a strong character through a maximum educational process. Abstrak Perkembangan zaman yang semakin pesat yang ditandai dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi disadari atau tidak memberikan dampak yang cukup tajam di masyarakat termasuk kalangan remaja dan anak-anak usia sekolah. Dampak positif yang muncul dari perkembangan iptek menjadi harapan besar seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Di sisi lain munculnya dampak negatif merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi dan akhir-akhir ini terjadi di masyarakat termasuk pada dunia pendidikan. Kasus bullying, perkelahian pelajar, membolos sekolah, tindakan melawan guru, semakin sering terjadi.  Hal ini membuat kalangan orang tua, praktisi, penyelenggara dan pemerhati pendidikan cukup prihatin dan terstimulasi untuk menciptakan dan menekankan kepada pendidikan yang mampu menghasilkan peserta didik yang mempunyai karakter kuat, mempunyai akhlaqul karimah. Menyadari kondisi ini juga merupakan tangggung jawab pemerintah, maka pemerintah menetapkan tentang pentingnya pendidikan karakter pada lembaga pendidikan yang tertuang pada Peraturan Presiden no 78 Tahun 2017 Tentang Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter. Salah satu upaya yang ditempuh oleh penyelenggara pendidikan adalah dengan menyelenggarakan pendidikan dengan layanan boarding yaitu layanan pendidikan dengan mewajibkan peserta didik untuk tinggal di asrama sekolah, dengan tujuan proses pendidikan bisa berjalan dua puluh empat jam, dengan perhatian dan pemantauan serta bimbingan penuh dari pembimbing asrama. Dengan sistem boarding ini sekolah akan lebih mudah untuk mengkondisikan peserta didik untuk mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh sekolah termasuk dalam pendidikan keagamaan sebagai inti dari pendidikan karakter secara teori maupun praktik langsung dengan bimbingan guru di asrama. Pendidikan sistem boarding  juga mengisolasi peserta didik dari pergaulan di lingkungan luas yang akhir-akhir ini banyak terpapar pengaruh negatif dari internet, media sosial dan sebagainya. Di sekolah boarding  peserta didik diajari untuk memiliki karakter kuat melalui proses pendidikan yang maksimal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-94
Nur Hana Putri Nabila ◽  

Da'wah has a very large function and role in all aspects of human life. Da'wah in the development of Islamic society as a form of da'wah bilhal with processes and activities that lead to the welfare of the community. Da'wah seeks to raise awareness of bad behaviour and instill charity ma'ruf nahi munkar in society. One of the applications of da'wah in the development of Islamic society through an Underground Tasawuf community. In fact, there are not many preachers or religious experts who are capable of being present among punk and street children. In addition, preaching is not enough to only teach religious education, but also economic and social empowerment so that punk and street children can emigrate totally. Therefore, the type of research used is field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data sourced from primary data and secondary data. The result of this research is that there is a significant change in punk and street children after being educated through the Underground Tasawuf community.

2014 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 349-357
Stefan Altmeyer

Abstract In recent years, constructivist positions have gained considerable influence on pedagogical thinking in general and religious education theory and practice in particular. The basic argument comes down to the question how learning happens. From a constructivist perspective, learning has to be understood as an active social process of creating individually viable meaning through the experience of difference. Current practice of RE seems to be widely shaped by a kind of pragmatic constructivism. The paper first describes and critically evaluates three of its basic options, which redefine the role of the learner, the instructor and the subject matter in religious learning processes. Secondly, a search for blind spots of constructivist practice is carried out considering works of the French philosopher and sociologist Bruno Latour. The key point is not to underestimate the ‘share of things’ in every learning process however self-constructive learning may be.

Tetiana Kochubey

Review of the collective monograph «Psychological support and socio-pedagogical work in education: theory and practice», which is the result of cooperation of higher education institutions, institutions of general secondary education, health and recreation institutions in the theoretical generalization and coverage of practical experience of psychological support and social – pedagogical patronage of participants in the educational process, as well as the relevant specialists training. The monograph is classified by the topics: «Professional training of future specialists in socionomic professions in a higher education institution», «Social and psychological support for people with disabilities», «Innovative socio-pedagogical technologies in terms of health and recreation». The scientific publication will be useful for teachers and students of higher education institutions, teachers, social educators, psychologists, social workers, teachers-organizers, as well as help to find effective ways to improve social policy and social work.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
Sukijan Sukijan

This study aims to know and explain; 1) implementation of Islamic religious education for mental retardation children in Extraordinary school C YPAC Semarang; and 2) explain the implications of the implementation of Islamic religious education for mental retardation children in Extraordinary school C YPAC Semarang. This research is a qualitative research type of field research by taking the background of Special School C Foundation for Disabled Children Development Semarang. Mental retardation children are entitled to a religious education worthy in accordance with their respective religions. In this case, Muslim children are given Islamic religious education services to instill Islamic aqidah correctly. Implementation of Islamic education can provide a positive implication for the mental retardation childrens, they can better understand the theory and practice of Islamic religion well. With the knowledge he possesses, he will realize that Allah is Almighty to his creation, so that the mental retardation children are not protracted bemoaning their deficient circumstances. They can be well aware of the situation and can provide stability to the mental.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-59
Sulfiyah Sulfiyah

Abstract: One of national education aim is to developing student’s potentials in order to become a faithful man. It is based on Republic of Indonesia’s Law Number 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Chapter II Article 3. Islamic Religious Education is one of education that done to create a faithful man. Prayer is one of Islamic Religious Education’s matter should be learned by all Moslem’s students, include students with special needs. Research of prayer practice guidance is an important thing to be done. The important thing should be researched is about prayer practice that taught in the inclusion school. Inclusion school have regular (common) students and special needs students. How the teacher can teach prayer practice for students with special needs in the inclusion school. Once of inclusion school is Junior High Boarding School Putra Harapan. The goal of this research is to explore and to describe about how teacher guides prayer practice for students with special needs in Junior High Boarding School Putra Harapan Purwokerto Banyumas. This research belongs to field research on qualitative descriptive form. The methods of collecting data used by the author are interview, observation and documentation. Meanwhile to analyze of data, it’s done by collecting data, reducing, presenting and verifying data to be valid and reliable report. The findings of this research show that guidance of prayer practice for students with special needs in Junior High Boarding School Putra Harapan done through some ways namely dividing students into two class that regular and inclusion class, establishing guidance of prayer practice program, using musyafahah and demonstration methods. Key words: guidance, prayer practice, students with special needs.

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