Auslagerung des Intellekts

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-144
Christina Vagt

Worum geht es in den aktuellen Vorwürfen, die Postmoderne hätte den aktuellen populistischen Diskurs um alternative Fakten vorbereitet? Ausgehend von Latours Elend der Kritik diskutiert der Artikel die Genealogie von Wahrheits- und Evidenzkritik vor und nach den Anfängen des Computers. Dabei lässt sich zeigen, dass vor aller Wahrheits- und Evidenzkritik zunächst ein Misstrauen in den menschlichen Intellekt steht, welches in den frühen Entwürfen künstlicher Intelligenz und der Auslagerung des Intellekts in lernende Maschinensysteme ein vermeintliches Ende findet. Nicht zufällig ruft Herbert A. Simon 1969 in seinem Standardwerk The Sciences of the Artifical Arthur Schopenhauers Welt als Wille und Vorstellung auf, wenn er schreibt, dass die Welt viel mehr eine künstliche, vorgestellte als eine natürliche sei. Anders als im 19. Jahrhundert verspricht jedoch nun die Computersimulation Einsichten in bisher unzureichend verstandene Komplexitäten menschlichen Verhaltens. Das Resultat dieser maschinellen Kritik ist ein ökonomisch-technologischer Komplex, in dem Rationalität nicht mehr als Funktion des Subjektes, sondern als Funktion der Maschine interpretiert und das Politische auf die Ebene des Affektiven reduziert wird. What is really behind the recent accusations of postmodernism being responsible for preparing the current populistic argument about alternative facts? Based on Bruno Latour’s »Why has Critique Run out of Steak? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern«, this article discusses the genealogy of truth- and evidentness critique before and after the beginnings of the computer. This will lead to the realization that before all critique concerning truth and evidentness there is already a distrust in the human intellect which comes to an alleged end in the early drafts of artificial intelligence as well as in the outsourcing of intellect into adaptive machine-systems. It is not by accident that Herbert A. Simon refers to Arthur Schopenhauer’s Welt als Wille und Vorstellung in his standard reference work The Sciences of the Artificial from 1969 when he states that the world resembles more of an artificial, imagined one than a natural. Different from the 19th century, the computer simulation these days promises insight into the complexities of human behaviour that have until now been understood only incompletely and insufficiently. The result of machine-based critique is an economic-technological complex in which rationality is no longer interpreted as the function of the subject but as the function of the machine, while politics is reduced to the level of affect

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-110
Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska

The religious writings of the Tatars constitute a valuable source for philological research due to the presence of heretofore unexplored grammatical and lexical layers of the north borderland Polish language of the 16th-20th centuries and due to the interference-related and transfer-related processes in the context of Slavic languages and Slavic-Oriental contacts. Therefore the basis for linguistic analyses is constituted by one of the most valuable monuments of this body of writing – the first translation of the Quran into a Slavic language in the world (probably representing the north borderland Polish language), which assumed the form of a tefsir. The source of linguistic analyses is constituted by the Olita tefsir, which dates back to 1723 (supplemented and corrected in the 19th century). On the basis of the material that was excerpted from this work the author presents both borderland features described in the subject literature and tries to point the new or only sparsely confirmed facts in the history of the Polish language, including the formation of the north borderland Polish language on the Belarusian substrate. Research involves all levels of language – the phonetic-phonological, morphological, syntactic and the lexical-semantic levels.

1956 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-42 ◽  
Sheldon S. Wolin

The encounter between the human mind and the outside world is the essence of speculation. The dramatic element in the encounter has been provided by man's assertion that mind is capable of comprehending and ordering the world about him. This same “epistemological presumptuousness,” which we associate instinctively with the spectacular successes of the natural sciences, has also been implicit in the enterprise of political theory. Here, too, the claim is that the human intellect can understand all of the complex interrelationships of a political order. In some ways this claim is even more assertive than that of the natural scientist. The theorist seeks not only to analyze and explain certain phenomena, but to prescribe more satisfactory patterns.Given the complexity of the subject matter of politics and the finite character of the human mind, it is not surprising that the ideas of political theorists lend themselves to diverse interpretations at the hands of later commentators. Disagreement in interpretation, however, can take one of two forms: it may turn on a question concerning a particular idea, meaning, or emphasis; or it may find the interpreters taking diametrically opposed positions concerning the basic tendency of a given set of political ideas.

2015 ◽  
Tina Wilchen Christensen

Radicalisation, extremism and terrorism take places as responses to a broader societal context of macro social and political moves, both nationally and internationally. Engaging in an extremist group makes an individual changes, because he or she creates an identity relevant to the world of the particular group he or she is involved in. This causes some to need support after they disengage in order to deradicalise and develop new social skills and identities. The complex process that follows their disengagement into the development of an alternative identity is the subject of this thesis. Several studies focus on the conditions under which individuals involved in terrorism disengage, providing insight into exit programmes and the need for them, as well as discuss the different approaches used in a rehabilitation effort of (former) terrorists or extremists. This study moves a step further as the thesis adds insight into individuals’ disengagement and deradicalisation processes, by investigating the ways in which participation and social interaction embedded in the Swedish exit programme cause individuals to alter their identity. It thus provides a detailed analysis of the demanding psychological process, which former extremists go through, supported by the exit programme after they have left an extremist group. The study is anthropological and based on fieldwork carried out at EXIT, a Swedish organisation providing support to individuals seeking to leave the extremist right. EXIT uses former right-wing extremists as mentors, who, based on therapeutic dialogue and activities, support their mentees - right-wing extremists wanting to leave the extremist right - in developing alternative world views, ways of self-understanding and identities.

Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8 (106)) ◽  
pp. 0
Olga Leontyeva

The article focuses on the approach to the study of human psyche and behavior, suggested by literary critic and ideologist of Narodnikism N. K. Mikhailovsky in the second half of the 19th century. Mikhaylovsky is proved to have developed an original model of scientific cognition, which was based on the synthesis of knowledge from different fields of science and built around an “anthropological or humane point of view”. Scientific search within the framework of this model is carried out with the help of the subjective method, based on the effort to understand another person, and the subject of cognition is a “profane” — a person complete with all of his social experience. The problems put forward by Mikhailovsky seem relevant in the light of the modern “cognitive turn” in the humanities, the desire for interdisciplinary approach and the creation of an integrative scientific picture of the world, fundamental rethinking of the classical objectivistic model of scientific knowledge.

Evelyn A. M. Sanchez ◽  
Thomas R. Fairchild

Fósseis do Neoproterozoico tardio têm recebido grande atenção na última década por representarem profundas mudanças na biota. Tais mudanças incluem a passagem de uma biosfera dominada por formas procariontes unicelulares para formas eucariontes multicelulares. No Brasil, tem-se testemunhado muitos avanços no conhecimento sobre os fósseis desta idade, o que coloca o país na vanguarda das pesquisas paleontológicas do Neoproterozoico. Dentre as unidades brasileiras que figuram entre as que possuem este importante registro está o Grupo Bambuí, aflorante na porção central do Brasil. Fósseis têm sido identificados neste grupo desde o século XIX através de notas sobre o que hoje é conhecido como microbialitos, porém, foi na metade do século passado que o conhecimento sobre o registro fossilífero aumentou consideravelmente e passou a incluir possíveis icnofósseis, microfósseis e algas macroscópicas. No entanto, o significado destes fósseis tornou-se obsoleto, sobretudo mediante aos avanços da Paleontologia do Pré-Cambriano, ocorrida nas últimas duas décadas. Baseado na importância do registro fóssil do Grupo Bambuí e frente à eminente necessidade de sua contextualização no atual cenário de fósseis do Neoproterozoico, realizou-se uma reavaliação de fósseis descritos entre as décadas de 70 e 80 do século passado. Dos quatro táxons revistos, Kinneyia lucianoi Sommer 1970, Bambuilithos hectoris Sommer 1981 e Bambuilithos teixeranus Sommer 1982 passam a serem considerados pseudofósseis, enquanto que Bambuites erichsenii Sommer 1971 permanece classificado como morfofóssil, porém é posto em sinonímia com Leiosphaeridia jacutica (Timofeev, 1966), emend. Mikhailova & Jankauskas, 1989. A reanálise desse material traz uma nova visão sobre a paleobiologia registrada no Grupo Bambuí e atualiza seu registro no panorama mundial de fósseis do Neoproterozoico tardio.Palavras-chave: Grupo Bambuí, microfóssil, pseudofósseis, paleobiologia. Abstract: RE-EVALUATION OF FOSSILS FROM BAMBUÍ GROUP: PALEOBIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS FOR THE LATE NEOPROTEROZOIC OF BRAZIL. Fossils of Late Neoproterozoic have received great attention in the last decade once they represent profound changes in biota. Such changes include the passage of a prokaryote-dominated biosphere to a multicellular, eukaryote-dominated biosphere. In Brazil, one has witnessed advances in knowledge concerning fossils of this age, placing the country at the forefront of paleontological research of the Neoproterozoic. Among the Brazilian units that comprise this important record is the Bambuí Group, outcropping in the central part of Brazil. Fossils have been identified in this unit since the eighteenth century via short notes about microbialites. However, it was in the middle of the 19th century that the knowledge of the fossil record has considerably increased, and then, included possible trace fossils, microfossils and macroscopic algae. Nonetheless, such record has become obsolete, mainly by the advances of Precambrian Paleontology, occurred in the last two decades. Based on the importance of the fossil record of the Bambuí Group and through the imminent need for its context in the current Neoproterozoic fossils scenario, a re-evaluation of fossils described from the 70s and 80s of last century was performed. Of the four groups reviewed, Kinneyia lucianoi Sommer 1970, Bambuilithos hectoris Sommer 1981 and Bambuilithos teixeranus Sommer 1982 are considered pseudofossils, and Bambuites erichsenii Sommer 1971 remained as a morphofossil, and was placed in synonymy with Leiosphaeridia jacutica (Timofeev, 1966), emend. Mikhailova & Jankauskas, 1989. The re-analysis of this material provides new insight into the paleobiology recorded in the Bambuí Group and updates its record in the world panorama of the Late Neoproterozoic fossils. Keywords: Bambuí Group, microfossil, pseudofossils, paleobiology  

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 219-26
Andy Sulaiman Siregar ◽  
Soedarsono Soedarsono

Background: Tuberculosis still remain as a health problem in the world. No specific biomarkers can be used to monitor the rapid response to TB therapy. This study aims to assess the change of IL-17 levels in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with AFB smear-positive before and after 2 months of anti tuberculosis drugs (ATD) treatment. Method: Design of study is analytic observational with prospective cohort. The subject include 17 new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis patients with AFB smear-positive in Soetomo Hospital Surabaya from July - October 2016. Plasma levels of IL-17 were measured using ELISA technique before treatment and 2 months after the ATD therapy. Results: The mean levels of IL-17 before treatment is 3.510 pg / ml (2.087- 5.051 pg/ml). There were significantly decreament (p = 0.001

1970 ◽  
pp. 39
Brita Brenna

A true and vividpicture of the world; world exhibitions and museum history Norwegian participarion in Internarional Exhibirions, World Fairs and Expositions Universelles in the last century and its potential relationship to museum history is the subject of this paper. It starts with a juxtaposition of EXP0'98 in Lisbon and the international exhibitions that were arranged in the last century. The juxtaposition highlights how the cultural effects of ideas are transmitted by international exhibitions and how the rationale for such events has changed since the 19th century. This comparison serves as a background for a discussion of the exhibitions of the last century in museological terms. It is argued that there are good reasons for a comparison and for viewing the international exhibitions in the light of the development of museums and museum practice. 

2005 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Jernej Weiss

Bohemia and Moravia were sending their musically talented sons into the world for nearly three hundred years thereby earning the title of Europe's conservatorium. A wave of Czech musicians also reached Slovenia in the second half of the 19th century, where they decisively contributed to the growth of the young Slovene musical culture as composers, music performers and music pedagogues and thereby, to the passage from the musically-inspired dilettantism into a gradual high quality and quantity increase in the musical work in Slovenia. One of the latter is certainly Emerik Beran, who maintained close and friendly contacts with his former professor at the Brno Organ School, Leoš Janáček, through letters of correspondence of a private nature, even after moving from his birth town Brno in Moravia to Maribor in Slovenia in 1898. The correspondence between Janáček and Beran gives us valuable insight into their musical ambitions, relations to other colleagues, the functioning of musical institutions and the cultural and political climate of those times. Janáček and Beran maintained very good relations throughout their letter-exchange period (from 1890 to 1928) and their correspondence provides evidence of several instances of mutual generosity as they helped each other in their careers.

2004 ◽  
Vol 71 ◽  
pp. 23-36
Clara Rekers

"The world becomes more comprehensible to us when we are able to tell a coherent story about it" (Kintsch 1998, 18). The process of learning, from the language in books to the language in an exam, demands school-language proficiency. This research project tries to define what children at higher levels of secondary education (ţweede fase ('second phase)) should know about the Dutch language, and what skills they need to be successful at school. Furthermore, the question is which aspects of the so-called 'school-language proficiency' can be problematic in the learning process of the originally non-Dutch. A description of the literature on school-language proficiency is followed by interviews with three groups of experienced teachers (alpha, beta and gamma), who were asked which areas can cause problems for non-native students. Not (or not completely) knowing the meaning of (the application areas of) words can cause problems. Also the linguistically offered, sometimes strongly culturally bound, context information can distract students' attention from the scientific content they should focus on. Also other areas such as strategy, lack of contextual information, and monitor-behavior can cause problems. Furthermore, the impression arose that school-language proficiency is strongly linked to the specific knowledge of the subject in question, and that that knowledge is stored separately per subject in the students' brain. Insight into bigger relations comes at a later age, and only with that insight does the capacity to express these interrelations linguistically develop.

1991 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 33-54

Christopher Howard Andrewes passed peacefully away on 31 December 1987 at the home of his son. He was a man of great significance in the development of the subject of virology in Britain, and indeed in the world. Furthermore, his life spanned a period of great changes in the organization of science and in the way that research in the medical sciences was conducted. In a way his personal career and his research output reflect the transition from a period when biology was largely a descriptive subject to one when analysis and technology were applied and began to give us an insight into the fundamental processes involved, down to the molecular level. Though he entered with great enthusiasm into this process and the progression of knowledge, he retained to the end his schoolboy love of natural history, and the world of nature as we experience it. He left behind a considerable inheritance of important scientific observations and concepts and also a cohort of individuals whom he had taught or had influenced in other ways to understand or practise science.

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