Personal competence of law enforcement specialists: psychotechnologies of formation in educational institutions of higher education

2021 ◽  
Ol'ga Ul'yanina

The monograph highlights the current trends in the modernization of higher education. Based on the analysis of categorical units of the competence approach, the concept of "personal competence" is formulated and its structural components are described. The features of psychological support of personal competence of law enforcement officers are determined. The methodology is substantiated and the structural and functional characteristics of the Concept of psychological support for the professional training of future specialists in educational institutions of higher education are described. The results of the law enforcement sphere of an experimental study, the purpose of which is to test the developed Concept, are analyzed. The publication is intended for specialists of psychological services in the education system, teaching staff and for everyone studying in educational institutions of higher education.

The article considers individual problems in the field of vocational education and personnel training of specialists in education, possibilities of using innovative technologies in educational institutions of higher education, aimed at achieving the goals of education at a relevant level, as well as contributing to professional integration and psychological support of both students of vocational educational institutions of the pedagogical profile, and teaching staff

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-67
Mkrtichian O.A.

In the context of globalization trends of innovative development of the preschool education system, the problems of the content of professional training of specialists of preschool educational institutions, in particular in foreign countries of the world, become especially relevant. Training a competitive in the labor market, highly qualified, professionally competent, creative specialist who is fluent in the acquired skills and abilities, strives for professional growth, social and professional mobility, is the important aspect of education system.The article reflects the current trends in education in the world, cultural centuries-old relations between these countries, the specifics of their cultural and national traditions and manifests itself in the value-based principles on which this training is based, in its structure, content and organization; the general and special in training of experts of preschool education abroad in modern conditions is revealed. Thus, preschools in Denmark are known for the high quality of pedagogical work, whose activities are aimed at developing educational potential and the formation of psychological, pedagogical and social skills of children, stimulating their imagination, creativity and speech skills, involvement in cultural values and nature; the training of future educators in France takes place both in the institutions of higher education and in the system of secondary special education and involves a change in the structure and content of education.In Germany, specialist training takes place in secondary special institutions, in particular, social and pedagogical colleges. In the modern training of educators there is a strengthening of the methodological and didactic side, but in many respects it focuses on the didactics and methods of teaching primary school. The responsibility for the professional education of educators of the Belarusian preschool institutions is assigned to pedagogical colleges and institutions of higher education. The level of teacher training determines his social status and includes: training of general educators; specialists in new specialties in colleges; educators for preschool educational institutions of new types; social, correctional teachers, teachers-rehabilitation specialists, psychologists and heads of a separate profile; teachers-managers. The conditions of training of educators of preschool institutions China and Turkey are also characterized.Key words: future educators, professional training, institution of higher education, foreign experience, pedagogical process, applicants for education. У контексті глобалізаційних тенденцій інноваційного розвитку системи дошкільної освіти особливої актуальності набувають проблеми змісту професійної підготовки фахівців дошкільних навчальних закладів, зокрема в зарубіжних країнах світу. Підготовка конкурентоздатного на ринку праці, висококваліфікованого, професійно компетентного, креативного спеціаліста, який вільно володіє набутими вміннями і навичками, прагне до професійного зростання, соціальної і фахової мобільності, – важливий аспект системи освіти.У статті відображаються сучасні тенденції розвитку освіти у світі, культурні багатовікові відносини між цими країнами, специфіка їх культурних національних традицій проявляється в ціннісно-цільових засадах, на яких будується ця підготовка, в її структурі, змісті та організації; виявлено загальне й осо-бливе в підготовці фахівців дошкільної освіти за кордоном в сучасних умовах. Так, дошкільні установи в Данії відомі високою якістю педагогічної роботи, діяльність яких спрямована на розвиток навчаль-ного потенціалу та формування психологічних, педагогічних і соціальних навичок дітей, стимуляцію їх фантазії, творчості та мовленнєвих навичок, на залучення до культурних цінностей і природи; під-готовка майбутніх вихователів Франції відбувається як у ЗВО, так і в системі середньої спеціальної освіти й передбачає зміну структури та змісту освіти.У Німеччині підготовка фахівця відбувається в середньо-спеціальних установах, зокрема соціаль-но-педагогічних технікумах. У сучасній підготовці вихователів є посилення методико-дидактичної сторони, але ж багато в чому вона орієнтується на дидактику та методику навчання початкової шко-ли. Відповідальність за професійну освіту вихователів ЗДО Білорусі покладено на педагогічні коледжі й ЗВО. Рівень підготовки фахівців визначає його соціальний статус і передбачає: підготовку виховате-лів загального профілю; фахівців за новими спеціальностями в коледжах; вихователів для дошкільних освітніх установ нових типів; соціальних, корекційних педагогів, педагогів-реабілітологів, психологів і керівників окремого профілю; педагогів-управлінців. Також схарактеризовано умови підготовки вихо-вателів ЗДО Китаю та Туреччини.Ключові слова: майбутні вихователі, професійна підготовка, заклад вищої освіти, зарубіжний досвід, педагогічний процес, здобувачі освіти.

2021 ◽  
pp. 129-135
R. S. Tyagur ◽  
R. P. Lisovskiy ◽  
M. A. Shufnarovych

The organizational culture of an educational institution should be considered because of the management of a higher education institution, the real relations and positions existing in it. It is characterized by levels of differentiation (division of responsibilities) and ensuring the cohesion of staff (integration), and thus cooperation focused on achieving the goal, which is an indicator of the successful functioning of the educational institution. Organizational culture is defined as a set of norms, values, rules, models of communication that are shared by all employees. The level of development of organizational culture is crucial in ensuring the quality of the educational institution, its efficiency. Solving the problem of developing the organizational culture of the educational institution is an important task of its head. The system-forming factor of university culture can be the core idea or principle, which is mandatory for all research and teaching staff and is manifested in all aspects of the life of the educational institution. At the present stage of development of educational organizations there are distortions - in the hierarchy of goals the leading place is given not to a specific goal, but to receive income from educational activities. This trend is manifested not only in the activities of private educational institutions, but also public ones. Personnel policy of medical institutions of higher education is to focus the way of such educational institutions on ethical goals, liberalism and tolerance, great humanity, the pursuit of justice, independence and individuality, the correct principle of their action and counteraction, self-affirmation, building hierarchy, power, obtaining information and communication, the desire to form social contacts, free expression of opinion, the social benefits of labor and democracy, the desire for security. Ethics is based on norms and principles that determine the behavior of ordinary employees and leaders of educational organizations in relation to society, other organizations, and groups, in relations with each other. Ethical norms outline common values and ethical rules that must be followed by employees of higher education institutions. Ethics rules are created to define the goals of educational organizations, their description, create a favorable ethical atmosphere and outline ethical recommendations in decision-making. Self-respecting educational organizations, that is, for which public opinion about decency and honesty is more important than the desire to increase their profits, define and oblige their employees to adhere to ethical norms. Many educational organizations that value their name now have codes of ethics and guidelines. It helps employees and managers to act and make decisions based on the analysis of ethical standards. Today, the manager in his daily work systematically deals not only with compliance with laws governing educational activities, but also with compliance with ethical requirements that increase the level of responsibility to the environment and society, which is especially important for medical institutions of higher education.

Igor Olegovich Gurianov ◽  
Natalia Vyacheslavovna Konopleva ◽  
Nelya Anatolyevna Gluzman ◽  
Nataliia Vladimirovna Gorbunova

The relevance of modernization process of professional training of future academic staff of higher educational institutions consists of a comprehensive update of the system of professional training of teachers and academic staff. These processes are focused on a scientifically and practically oriented improvement of the educational process. As well as professional and pedagogical interaction of its participants in the educational and professional environment. Theoretical and methodological foundations of increasing the professional training of teachers of higher schools in the conditions of master programmes are grounded; the author’s concept of improving the professional training of teachers of higher schools in the conditions of these programmes is formulated and tested; substantiated the content of the modernization of professional training of teachers of higher education; affordable author's model of modernized professional training of higher education teaching staff in the conditions of a master programmes. Experimentally verified effectiveness of the proposed scientific and methodological support for the professional training of teachers of higher educational institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 ◽  
pp. 03020
Yulia Sergeenko ◽  
Olga Scherbakova ◽  
Elena Kombarova ◽  
Marina Rybkina ◽  
Tatyana Kolomeytseva

The authors of the paper have developed and proposed the structure of the educational program service (hereinafter referred to as the “EPS”) during the transition of the educational process in 2019-2020 to a new level (training is currently taking place both offline and online). The use of this system implies an increase in labor protection for EPS employees, the quality of the educational process in educational institutions of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the “Educational organizations”), simplification of work for the teaching staff, which should be consolidated at the state level. The necessity of using this structure in educational institutions of higher education has been substantiated; the concepts and principles of EPS work have been proposed. The authors of the study propose to provide for this structure both at the federal and at the local levels, thereby carrying out labor and legal protection of EPS employees.

This article is devoted to the features and benefits of teaching Latin on veterinary faculties of agricultural institutions of higher education. The position of the discipline in training programs for would-be specialists in «Veterinary», « Veterinary expertise», «Small domestic and exotic animals’ diseases» is determined. Both general didactical principles of new language presentation and specific features of medical and veterinary students training are considered as applied to agricultural institutions of higher education. The main peculiarity of professional training on veterinary faculties of agricultural higher institutions is prevailing of lexical aspects over grammar ones unlike teaching of Latin for lawyers, philologists and botanists. The order of grammar aspects such as verb, noun, and adjective is shown to be connected with the applied professional phenomena like recipes making, diagnosis discussing and anatomy studying. Particular attention is paid to the necessity of comparing of introduced lexical units with both Russian language and studied foreign language. The conclusion is made that this comparison enables the students to use Latin terms, names of organs, diseases and medicines accurately. Of great value is also the investigation of the principles of transliteration medicine names investigation. The author stresses the point that students of medical educational institutions as well as students of veterinary faculties of agricultural educational institutions should write the names of medicines in recipes automatically.

2020 ◽  
pp. 56-59
O.M. Ovchinnikov ◽  

Researched are some certain issues, related to optimization of departmental education of cadets of the Federal penitentiary service, taking into account ongoing humanization of criminal enforcement policy and law enforcement practice. Noted is, that today gradual withdrawal from criminal penalties, associated with real deprivation of liberty, were naturally led to concentration in correctional institutions persons, who committed serious and heinous crimes with recidivism, to resist unlawful intentions that the young employees of the penitentiary system is quite difficult, as prisoners, using various psychological tricks are constantly attempting progressive involvement of agencies and staff of UIS in their criminal activities. The author reveals the most typical methods, used by a special agent to incite employees of the UIS to enter into off-duty relationships, describes the destructive nature of these actions. Taking into account this problem, the article demonstrates the content of certain pedagogical technologies that are aimed at forming and strengthening psychological stability in cadets of higher education institutions of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia, resistance to manipulative influences from special agents, and the development of skills of constructive communication with convicts. Conclusion is made, that it is necessary to saturate educational and thematic plans for disciplines, implemented within specific specialization with separate topics, aimed at forming psychological stability of students and readiness for everyday constructive interaction with a special agent.

Татьяна Ивановна Бонкало ◽  
Светлана Васильевна Феоктистова ◽  
Светлана Васильевна Шмелева ◽  
Никита Вячеславович Логачев

Рассматривается проблема профессиональной подготовки обучающихся с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ) как конкурентоспособных специалистов. Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования, проведенного в течение четырех лет в 12 вузах России и ориентированного на выявление особенностей профессиональной подготовленности выпускников образовательных организаций высшего образования, имеющих ограниченные возможности здоровья, как конкурентоспособных специалистов. На основании результатов теоретического анализа авторы разрабатывают критериально-оценочную систему, с помощью которой проводят сравнительный анализ уровня и типа профессиональной подготовленности студентов-выпускников как с ОВЗ, так и без ОВЗ. В результате проведенного исследования авторы приходят к выводу о том, что большинство студентов-выпускников современных вузов с ОВЗ характеризуются трудоспособным типом профессиональной подготовленности, при котором отмечается недостаточно высокая степень их теоретической и практической подготовленности и низкая степень выраженности профессионально важных качеств их личности. Авторы предлагают способы совершенствования системы профессиональной подготовки студентов с ОВЗ как конкурентоспособных специалистов. The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of students with disabilities (HH) as competitive specialists. The article presents the results of an empirical study conducted over four years in 12 universities in Russia and focused on identifying the features of the professional preparedness of graduates of educational institutions of higher education with disabilities as competitive specialists. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis, the authors develop a criterion-evaluative system, with the help of which they carry out a comparative analysis of the level and type of professional preparedness of graduate students with and without disabilities. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that the majority of graduates of modern universities with disabilities are characterized by an able-bodied type of professional preparedness, in which there is an insufficiently high degree of their theoretical and practical preparedness and a low degree of expression of professionally important qualities of their personality. In conclusion, the authors propose ways to improve the system of professional training of students with disabilities as competitive specialists.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-110 ◽  
N. E. Miloradova

It has been noted that professional development of investigators of pre-trial investigation agencies of the National Police is a multi-faceted process, which includes both statutory regulated mandatory measures and appropriate professional and psychological support, as well as self-education and self-improvement of specialists. That is why consideration of the problems arising in the process of professional development and self-affirmation of employees of investigative units is a prerequisite for improving the efficiency of their activities. Legislative acts regulating the peculiarities of the professional development of investigators of the National Police of Ukraine have been considered. Among the disadvantages of psychological support for passing consistent professional-genetic steps by investigators within the stage of professional development, the author has studied issues at the stages of professional adaptation (adaptant), mastering professional activity (intern), creative self-expression (master), mentoring (mentor), dismissal and social re-adaptation. The author has analyzed the problems of advanced training of investigative units’ employees and the problems of professional training among the disadvantages of organizational and methodological support for the professional development of investigative units’ employees after the graduation from the professional training. It has been also noted that the heads of structural units do not always let their subordinates to study at the correspondence course in institutions of higher education; investigators have lack of time for self-education, self-improvement and self-training for studies that reduces their motivation to self-improvement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 89-94
A.L. Arefiev ◽  

In recent years, higher educational institutions of the Baltic countries have become more and more popular among Russian youth wishing to get higher education (or take a certain course of professional training) abroad. The article, covering the period before the onset of the coronavirus epidemic, highlights the education of Russian students in universities in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. It is noted that a significant part of the students from the Russian Federation come from the Russian regions bordering on the Baltic states. The appendix presents the opinions of Russian students about the learning process and the quality of education received in Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian universities.

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