Nanik Eprianti

AbstrakPembiayaan merupakan salah satu produk yang banyak diminati msayarakat. Dalam meminimalisir kredit bermasalah, tahapan analisis kredit harus menerapkan prinsip 5 C secara maksimal.Metode penelitian yg digunakan ialah deskriptif pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data didapat dari data primer yaitu diambil dari annual report dan data sekunder yaitu buku, jurnal dan data yang mendukung dari bank.Hasil analisis perbankan yang ingin menekan tingkat NPF harus memperhatikan prinsip 5C dan menganalisa kredit harus mengutamakan kualitas bukan kuantitas. Selain itu terdapat pilar yang mendukung analisa seperti tiga pilar kelayakan yang menjadi dasar utama dari analisa kelayakan pemberian kredit meliputi :1)Kredibilitas manajemen 2)Kemampuan membayar kembali pembiayaan .3)Agunan dan 5 (Lima) regulator dalam mengurangi risiko kredit diantaranya:1)Otoritas Pemberian Pinjaman, 2) Jenis Kredit dan Distribusi Berdasarkan Kategori yang sesuai kebutuhan dan kemampuan calon nasabah, 3) Proses Penilaian diterapkan sesuai ketentuan prinsip proses pembiayaan, 4) Harga Kredit, 5) Penentuan Maturitas/Jatuh Tempo dilakukan untuk meringankan calon nasabah mengembalikan pinjaman ke bank.Kata Kunci : Pembiayaan (Kredit), NPFAbstractFinancing is one product that is in great demand on public. In minimizing problem loans, the stages of credit analysis must apply the principle of 5 C to the maximum.The research method used is descriptive qualitative approach. Sources of data obtained from primary data is taken from the annual report and secondary data, namely books, journals and supporting data from the bank.The results of banking analysis that want to reduce the NPF level must pay attention to the 5C principle and analyze credit must prioritize quality not quantity. In addition, there are pillars that support analysis such as the three feasibility pillars which are the main basis of the feasibility analysis of lending including: 1) Management credibility 2) Ability to repay financing.3) Collateral and 5 (Five) regulators in reducing credit risk include: 1) Loan Provisioning Authority, 2) Types of Credit and Distribution Based on the category according to the needs and abilities of prospective customers, 3) The Assessment Process is applied in accordance with the principles of the financing process, 4) Credit Prices, 5) Determination of Maturity / Maturity to alleviate prospective borrowers to the bank.Kata Kunci : Pembiayaan (Kredit), NPF

2018 ◽  
Suwandi S. Sangadji

The purpose of this researchment is to ascertain how wide the farming of species Saccharun Edule Hasskarl (terubuk) in sub district Tosa, district of East Tidore of Tidore Island through the indicator of the value revenue, production and selling prices so that the farmers will achieve The Break Event Point (BEP). The research method was used a quantitative method with the number of samples of 30 people. The determination of the sample method is using the census method or involving all members of the population into a sample of researchment. The secondary data collection was done by using library literature in the form of document review and relevant references to research object while primary data collection was done by using questionnaire. The data is using equation R /C Ratio, BEP Revenue, BEP Price, and BEP Production. Therefore from the results of the researchment it can be explained that the two of the thirty farmers come through the break event point, while the other twenty-eight farmers declared having a business that worth to be develop or experiencing profit, because the R/C ratio is above 1.0 with average profit reach Rp. 989.000, - per production / farmer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Istiqomah Istiqomah ◽  
Ragil Tri Novitasari

The purpose of this study is for learning. This study entitled Social Change Towards Development of Rasau Jaya Village 3 After the Development of the Rajati Flower Garden. With the problem of how social change in the village of Rasau Jaya 3, economic improvement after the construction of a flower garden, development planning or the addition of facilities. This research method is a descriptive qualitative approach. Data sources of this research are primary data and secondary data. The results showed that: after the construction of the flower garden in Rasau Jaya 3 village the development of social change there was increasing, the people there accepted the development of the flower garden, because with the development of the community's economy there could be increased, because the people there could sell at around the flower garden so that it can increase their economy again there, and there will be plans to add facilities in the flower garden so that it can attract visitors to keep coming to the flower garden of the flower garden rajati.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Dwi Purnamasari ◽  
Ashabul Kahfi ◽  
Arief Fatchur Rachman

This study aims to analyze and determine the role of the Election Supervisory Committee and the Commission (general election commission) Implementation of legislative elections in 2014 in Sidoarjo and analyze the factors that cause a lack of understanding of policy formulation election organizers in the respective organizers of the Role of Election Supervisory Committee and the General Election Commission. This research method is using descriptive qualitative approach. The data needed is a secondary data in the form of books, journals, articles, print media (newspapers) and the mass media as well as primary data obtained from informants through. Based on the results of this study concluded that the role of each institution in the administration of elections has not run optimally in accordance with Law Number 15 of 2011 on the Election. In the implementation on the ground found some constraints on each institution in organizing legislative elections in 2014 related to the duties and responsibilities between the Role of the Election Supervisory Committee and the General Election Commission.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-144
Waluyo Sudarmaji

In the event that the prospective bride and groom will hold a marriage registered at the local Office of Religious Affairs If the age is less than 19 years, it will be rejected because the marriage conditions are not fulfilled. Because the marriage is considered urgent to be carried out, then parents or guardians can apply for a marriage dispensation at the Religious Court. Marriage dispensation is an application for ratification of a marriage that will take place by the prospective bride and groom or one of the prospective brides who are not old enough to marry. This research is the result of research on the consideration of judges in deciding the case of marital dispensation with the analysis of maslahah with the main problem of consideration of judges in deciding the case and the analysis of maslahah. This research is analitive descriptive qualitative research with normative approach, data source used by primary data source in the form of interviews, observations, and secondary data in the form of court determination. The technical analysis of data used is qualitative approach to primary data and secondary data. The purpose of this research is what the judge considered in the Purworejo Religious Court in granting the application for marital dispensation on the determination No. 266/Pdt.P/2020/PA/Pwr, and to find out the determination of judges in the Purworejo Religious Court regarding marital dispensation which is analyzed through maslahah. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the consideration of the judge in granting the request for marital dispensation is on the grounds that the marriage is urgent to be done, between the husband and wife there is no obstacle to marriage and the two families have approved each other. In the analysis maslahah consideration of judges included in the maslahah doruriyah because to maintain religion and descendants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-55
Sengaji Sengaji

This  aims to find out How to Purchase Transactions Effects Online Through Instagram Media and How to Remedy The aggrieved party in buying and selling online through Instagram media. This study uses a normative research method with data collection techniques used to solve the problem formulation, namely the literature data obtained based on legislation and literature or official books. Analysis of the data used is a qualitative approach to primary data and secondary data. The results of the study can be concluded that the rights and obligations of the parties who made a sale and purchase agreement through the Instagram media can bring about a result of the agreement. From this we can know which obstacles arise from the rights and obligations of the sale and purchase agreement. And if a dispute has occurred, then legal protection can be carried out preventively and repressively. And can be continued with efforts to resolve the dispute.

Ahmad Gawdy Prananosa ◽  
Dooni Pestalozi ◽  
Adisel Adisel

This study aims to examine the concept of educational communication in alqur`an letter Lukman. This research is designed using qualitative approach by applying literature research method. The data used in this study comes from primary data and secondary data, while the primary data are the Qur'anic Manuscript of Lukman and supported by the hadiths of the Prophet relevant to the research problem, while the secondary data comes from books, magazines and written documents. The conclusion of this study reveals that the concept of educational communication in Surat Lukman is indicated by the dialogical atmosphere between father and son in an effort to achieve the salvation of life in the world and in the hereafter. The term dialogis here indicates that there is an element of communication between two people, in this case father and son. Father is a communicator or initiator of ideas in planning the atmosphere of the dialogue. But also he is at the same time the listener (in feedback dialogue) so that he at once became a communicant Keyword: Education Communication, al-Qur`an Surat Lukman  

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-150
Kharisman Haslan ◽  
Muslimin Muslimin ◽  
Muhammad Faisal

This  research  aims  to  determine,  understand,  and  analyze  the influence  of  capital  lending  and economic profitability on the cooperative for The Indonesian Republic officials ‘Karya Bhakti’ of The Departement  of  Industry  Cooperation  and  Trading  at  Central  Sulawesi  Province.  It  is  a  descriptive research  using  quantitative  and  qualitative  approach that  consists  of  primary  data  and  secondary data.  Data  collection method to  obtain  the  primary  data  is  observation  on  Karya  Bhakti Employee Cooperative as the subject of research and secondary data obtained from the financial annual report Karya  Bhakti  Cooperative.  The analysis  of  loan  capital  and  economic  profitability  of  Karya  Bhakti Cooperative  is  measured  by  using  trend  analysis.  Based  on  the data  analysis  from  2008  to  2013,  it indicates  that  the  development of  Loan  capital  has  increased  every  year.  This  is  due  to  the development  of  the  business  managed  by  the  cooperatives operations,  while  the  development  of  the economic profitability has been fluctuated, as well as the result of trend analysis of  capital lending and economic profitability showed an increase every year. Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui,  memahami  dan menganalisa   modal  pinjaman  dan rentabilitas  ekonomi  pada  KPRI Karya  Bhakti  Provinsi  Sulawesi  Tengah.  Penelitian  ini  merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitafif dan kualitatif yang terdiri dari data primer  dan  data  sekunder.  Dimana peneliti  mendeskripsikan  hasil  penelitian  dengan  menggunakan angka.  Proses  pengumpulan  data  penelitian  ini  menggunakan metode  observasi  yaitu  pengumpulan data primer pada KPRI Karya Bhakti yang menjadi objek penelitiandan data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan yang diperoleh dari laporan tahunan KPRI Karya Bhakti. Untuk mengukur Analisis modal pinjaman dan Rentabilitas Ekonomi KPRI Karya Bhakti menggunakan Analisis Trend. Berdasarkan  hasil  analisis  data  pada  tahun  2008 – 2013  menunjukan  bahwa   perkembangan  modal pinjaman mengalami kenaikan ditiap tahunnya hal ini disebabkan karna adanya perkembangan usaha yang  dikelola  koperasi  dimana  modal pinjaman  dibutuhkan  untuk  mendukung atau  membiayayi kegiatan oprasional  usaha  koperasi.  sedangkan  perkembangan  rentabilitas ekonomi  mengalami kenaikan  dan  penurunan.   Serta  hasil  analisis trend  modal  pinjaman  dan  rentabilitas  ekonomi menunjukan adanya peningkatan ditiap tahunnya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Rifa Ulfayati Huri ◽  
Sukarelawati Sukarelawati ◽  
Maria Fitriah

This study aims to find out Muslim social behavior towards LGBT in the film Cinta Fiisabiilillah on Youtube. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis research method by carrying out data collection techniques using primary data and secondary data. Primary data is in the form of observations and interviews. While secondary data is in the form of documentation. The object of research is the Cinta Fiisabiilillah Film. The results showed that Muslim social behavior towards LGBT in the film Cinta Fiisabiilillah was to accept and embrace it to hijrah Fiisabiilillah together and not move away because of its poor past. Keywords: Behavior, LGBT,  Film

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Raisatul Janah ◽  
Mrs. Sukarelawati ◽  
Mrs. Agustini

This study aims to find out Muslim social behavior towards LGBT in the film Cinta Fiisabiilillah on Youtube. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis research method by carrying out data collection techniques using primary data and secondary data. Primary data is in the form of observations and interviews. While secondary data is in the form of documentation. The object of research is the Cinta Fiisabiilillah Film. The results showed that Muslim social behavior towards LGBT in the film Cinta Fiisabiilillah was to accept and embrace it to hijrah Fiisabiilillah together and not move away because of its poor past.Keywords: Behavior, LGBT, Film

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anita Afriana ◽  
Abdoel Harun Lamo

A civil dispute issue was raised by litigants to the court in order to obtain a ruling. As for the verdict has power the law remains, the content was fi nal judgement that can be executed. The fi nal decisions that have permanent legal force should be able to be implemented voluntarily or if not, then it can be done by force (execution). In practice, there is a case where the execution decision by the chair of the court is absent and is not based on a court rulling stating that a valid and valuable consifcation guarantee. This article discusses process Letter of Determination of Confi scation of Execution without being based on a judge's decision that granted confi scation of collateral in case No. 332/Pdt.G/2016/ PN.Jkt.Sel and the legal consequences of the party executed by the Execution Seizure determined by the head of court in case No. 332/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel, when the decision has been legally binding it is still associated with the principle of legal certainty in the HIR. The research method used in this thesis is normative juridical which puts forward secondary data by completing primary data in the form of interviews with informants. With analytical analytics, secondary data and primary data are analyzed qualitatively. The results of this research indicate that the determination of the confi scation of execution issued by the chairman of the Court in case No. 332/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel is valid, if it is related to Article 227 HIR that a decision has permanent legal force, the winning party may submit a seizure of execution confi scation that was never previously stipulated in the decision and the legal consequences against Determination of execution, namely the Defendant's assets must be confi scated in accordance with the determination of the execution for the benefi t of the Plaintiff for the sake of legal certainty as the party won.

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