Yogiyana Aditama ◽  
Devi Afriyantari Puspa Putri

Natural science is one of the subject the related to daily life, that learned by student such grouping of animals, the life cycle of animals and plants. However in the learning process students are less motivated because the study method are less attractive. According to these problems natural science media using android platform was made for 4th grade student because students still have a high interest in Android smartphones and animation. The purpose of the study is to produce interactive and interesting media for learning, so the students can learn natural science easily and pleasantly. Waterfall method used in designing process. The testing phase in this study uses black box testing method and user acceptance test with students and teachers as respondence. The overall result for testing and questionnaire has the average 93,4%. It can be concluded that the application can run as expected and can be used as a media of learning for students.

Ade Yuliana ◽  
Meilani Anggraeni ◽  
Mamay Syani

Correspondence administration service activities in the Cihampelas Village Office, West Bandung Regency are still manual with submission forms, approval processes and data recapitulation that have not been stored properly. Time and location constraints and services that often cannot be resolved in one day are problems for people who need fast services. These problems need to be handled quickly to improve excellent service for the local community, so based on the results of interviews with the manager, an application is needed to simplify the letter-making process. The system development method used to make this software uses the Prototype method with stages arranged starting from the requirements collection which contains the stages in the needs analysis, followed by design to testing with the black box testing method. The application is made based on a website using the Laravel framework, MySQL as the database. Based on the results of testing the satisfaction level of application usability through the User Acceptance Test (UAT), the percentage results were 87% of the total 25 user respondents and 3 admin respondents, which concluded that the application built had fulfilled system functionality and was running according to the requirements of the user

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 164
Tati Ernawati ◽  
Endah Rachmawati

Media pembelajaran yang tidak dinamis berdampak kepada efektifitas proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran. Kondisi tersebut mempengaruhi tingkat ketercapaian pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang diberikan. Alat bantu berbasis multimedia pada proses pembelajaran sudah banyak digunakan di sektor pendidikan untuk membatu proses pembelajaran menjadi lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membuat media pembelajaran alternatif berbasis animasi pada studi kasus di MA. Cahaya Harapan Cisarua Bandung Barat sebagai solusi meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran Geografi bahasan siklus hidrologi. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). Aplikasi dibuat melalui tahapan desain yaitu pembuatan storyboard, implementasi dan pengujian. Hasil pengujian black box testing mengindikasikan aplikasi dapat berjalan sesuai dengan fungsionalitasnya, sementara hasil uji penerimaan pengguna (user acceptance test) terhadap aplikasi secara keselurahan (87%), tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap materi hidrologi meningkat (36.87%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-59
Muhammad Fikri Rivaldi ◽  
Yogiek Indra Kurniawan

Mathematics, especially arithmetic theory, is a difficult subject for most students. Apart from the theory that is difficult to understand, students also have shortcomings in the interest in learning materials and limitations in learning media to teach arithmetic theory in mathematics. The purpose of this research is to produce an educational game as an alternative to studying arithmetic material in mathematics. The target users of this educational game are grade 1 elementary school students. This game has several features, such as displaying material in the form of images and videos in the form of learning to count from numbers 1 to 10, and counting games with drag and drop. The method used to develop this application starts from design and planning, then continues with the material collection, implementation, testing and evaluation, and application maintenance. Based on black box testing, the results show that the educational game has been made as expected, while based on the User Acceptance Test, the results of user perceptions of the game are 94.25% with an indicator of the "Very Good" category which indicates that this educational game can be used as alternative in learning arithmetic theory in mathematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 54
Eko Suprapto

Kualitas suatu sistem aplikasi yang dibuat dapat diketahui dengan melakukan pengujian terhadap sistem tersebut dengan suatu nilai yang terukur. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur penerimaan dan penggunaan teknologi adalah metode uji penerimaan pengguna atau user acceptance test (UAT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat keberterimaan upgrade PABX menjadi IP PBX di BNI Kanwil Padang. Upgrade sistem dengan menambahkan server VoIP dan perangkat IP Phone dan memanfaatkan jaringan LAN yang sudah tersedia, tanpa merobah topologi jaringan LAN existing. Perobahan ini bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan fungsi layanan komunikasi suara tanpa mengganggu komunikasi data yang sudah ada, sehingga fitur data dan suara bisa dimanfaatkan secara bersamaan dan memaksimalkan jaringan yang sudah tersedia. Jenis UAT yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Black Box Testing. Uji fungsional ini digunakan untuk menguji perangkat lunak tanpa mengetahui struktur internal kode atau program. Penggunaan jaringan IP memungkinkan penekanan biaya dikarenakan tidak perlu membangun sebuah infrastruktur baru untuk komunikasi suara dan penggunaan lebar data (bandwidth) yang lebih kecil dibandingkan telepon biasa.

Shabrina Salwa Husna ◽  
Mardhiah Fadli ◽  
Dewi Hajar

PO Handoyo Dumai merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang transportasi. Sistem pemesanan tiket bus PO Handoyo masih berupa manual yaitu calon penumpang datang langsung ke loket pembelian tiket, calon penumpang harus menunggu untuk mengantri selain itu petugas sulit dalam melayani setiap calon penumpang dalam memesan tiket yang masih menggunakan pencatatan manual. Maka dibutuhkan sistem yang dapat menangani masalah ini, yang berfungsi sebagai jembatan untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat proses pemesanan tiket pada PO Handoyo Dumai tanpa mengharuskan calon penumpang meluangkan waktu khusus untuk datang ke loket pembelian tiket yaitu berupa perangkat mobile  dengan sistem operasi Android. Sistem yang sudah dirancang menerapkan analisa metode PIECES dengan 6 variabel yaitu Analisis kinerja(Performance) 86% menyelesaikan kinerja dengan cepat, analisis informasi(information) 84% memberikan informasi yang berguna, analisis ekonomi(economy) 93% memberikan kehematan, analisis control(Pengendalian) 88% data aman tidak terjadi kesalahan, analisis efisiensi(efficiency) 85% dapat digunakan dengan baik, dan analisis pelayanan(service) 86% kualitas sistem sangat baik dalam pelayanan, uji User Acceptance Test  100% berjalan dengan baik sesuai kinerja, informasi, ekonomis, pengendalian, efficiency, juga pelayanan, dan Black Box Testing telah disetujui berdasarkan 17 butir uji oleh client dan dapat berjalan seusai dengan hasil yang diharapkan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Sirojul Munir ◽  
Anifatul Aufah ◽  
Kuati Septiani ◽  
Syifa Tazkiy Fauziah

Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) mempunyai peranan penting dalam perekonomian di Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa Barat. Namun terdapat masalah yang menyebabkan UMKM di Jawa Barat sulit maju yaitu ketersediaan bahan baku, manajemen, dan pemasaran. Sehingga Pemerintah Jawa Barat membuat program UMKM Juara untuk membantu tumbuh dan berkembangnya SMEs. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan sistem informasi berbasis web menggunakan ReactJS dan NodeJs yang mendukung program UMKM Juara dengan berfokus pada modul marketplace, preorder, serta pembinaan, dan regulasi. Metode Scrum digunakan untuk pengembangan aplikasi yang dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan diagram UML untuk dokumentasi desain. Hasil pengujian fungisonal aplikasi menggunakan black box testing didapat hasil 92%, 75% dan 80% untuk masing-masing modul marketplace, preorder dan pembinaan regulasi, sedangkan pengujian oleh user dengan metode User Acceptance Test didapat hasil dengan tingkat penerimaan user 77.33%, 76%, dan 86.2%, dapat disimpulkan prototype aplikasi web marketplace layak untuk digunakan, namun perlu perbaikan dan pengembangan untuk penyempurnaan aplikasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Vadlan Febrian ◽  
Muhamad Rizki Ramadhan ◽  
Muhammad Faisal ◽  
Aries Saifudin

In this employee payroll application, if there is an error program there will be a loss for employees and the company. Losses for employees, if this application program error occurs then the salary reduction will experience delays due to the difficulty in the process of calculating employee salaries and employees will be late in receiving salaries. Losses for the company, if there is an error program in this application, the company will suffer losses if the employee wants a salary reduction quickly but the company cannot calculate quickly and accurately. In solving this problem, the authors use the black box testing method. Black box testing method is a test that sees the results of execution through test data and ensures the function of the software. Black box testing method has several testing techniques, namely Sample Testing, Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Partitions and others. From the testing techniques that have been mentioned, we use the Equivalence Partitions testing technique. Equivalence Partitions are tests that refer to data entry on the employee payroll application form, input will be tested and then put together based on the test function, both valid and invalid values. The expected results of this test are a payroll system for employees who are computerized, have standard rules in the process of developing the program so that it is easy to develop and maintain, and can minimize errors in processing salary calculations for employees.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Amelinda Chendra ◽  
Kristina G. Simanjuntak ◽  
Andree E. Widjaja ◽  
Suryasari Suryasari

Nowadays, the application of information systems can be applied in many fields, one of which is to support the process of adopting dog as a pet. The purpose of this research therefore is to develop an integrated information system that can be used to facilitate the process of adopting dogs. The developed information system which is web-based has several main functions, such as searching for dogs, managing adoption requests, monitoring dogs that have been adopted, and periodically managing user reports. The proposed system was developed using Rapid Application Development method, PHP programming language, Code Igniter frameworks, and MySQL database. Meanwhile, the system was tested using the black box testing method.

Muhammad Fikry ◽  
Yusra Yusra ◽  
Taufik Hidayat

Dalam membangun sistem informasi berbasis web, terdapat di dalamnya sebuah tahapan membangun formulir data isian sebagai representasi basis data didalam sistem informasi. Formulir menjadi jalan utama untuk memasukkan data kedalam basis data melalui sistem informasi. Dalam membangun formulir sistem informasi berbasis web, seorang user interface programmer akan merancang formulir dengan elemen-elemen HTML yang sesuai dengan struktur basis data. Penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana membangun aturan-aturan pembangkitan formulir dan mengimplementasikan aturan-aturan tersebut kedalam aplikasi pembangkit formulir. penelitian dilakukan terhadap standar bahasa SQL dan standar penulisan tag HTML, kemudian dilakukan pemetaan elemen SQL menjadi elemen formulir HTML sebagai acuan dalam membangun aturan-aturan membangkitkan formulir. Setelah itu dilakukan analisa terhadap model hubungan data pada RDBMS serta menganalisa dampaknya terhadap formulir. Hasil analisa aturan-aturan pembangkitan formulir akan diimplementasikan kedalam aplikasi pembangkit formulir berbasis web berdasarkan metadata SQL. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan menggunakan Black Box dan User Acceptance Test, aplikasi pembangkit dapat dibangun dan berjalan dengan baik dalam membangkitkan formulir HTML.Kata kunci - Basis Data, HTML, Pembangkit Formulir Web, SQL, iraise, keluhan, klasifikasi, rapidminer, support vector machine 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Fenando Fenando

The development of the internet and the implementation of technology that makes it easier for users to increasingly influence the business sector. Business people are starting to take advantage of the internet and technology to run their business or so-called E-Commerce. Denia Donuts Shop is an online shop that sells donuts in South Sumatera. The problems that occur, even though this store has marketed its products online, shop owners still use social media only in the process of transactions with consumers. This becomes very difficult when consumers want to make a purchase, consumers must send messages according to the format determined by the shop's owner, this method is made very difficult for consumers every time they make a purchase. On the other hand, the shop owner also finds it difficult to find product information, stock information, find out which consumers have bought during a certain period, and sales reports that are still recorded in a book. This article aims to build E-Commerce at Denia Donuts Shop that can help in marketing products widely and facilitate the process of transactions carried out by consumers. The system development method used is the prototype method. This research has resulted in an E-Commerce system that has been tested using the black box testing method and has been implemented in accordance with user requirements specifications.

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